8294 Educators providing Courses

Bee Worldwide

bee worldwide


In the 1950’s there were over 50 native species of bee in the UK, yet just a few years ago there was just 27. In the past few years honey bees have experienced more substantial declines. The UK used to be home to 27 species of bee, yet sadly 3 of these are now extinct with many more under threat. Bee Worldwide has been established in direct response to the growing number of declining bees. The goal is to identify the reasons for the decline and work towards rebuilding the ecosystem that is vital for the bees to regenerate their colonies. PreviousNext 123 This programme has several aims: to raise awareness of our current situation to educate the importance of bees replant foraging areas that are fundamental to the survival and reforming of bee colonies complete and promote research which targets understanding the impacts bees and other pollinators have and the effects of their current and future environment has on them. take action to reverse any negative impact which has already occurred. Bee Worldwide primary focus is to promote individuals and other groups to help bees in their own communities by planting some bee-friendly plants in their gardens. We will extend this to finding donated land and use volunteers to plant flowers in these areas. We also hope to set up a franchise model to become a bee keeper under our own brand, and this will include training, equipment and advice etc. Our research will be world leading and we will also collaborate with universities who are also working in this field of study. This will include monitoring bee movements with trackers (little backpacks) bee counting and many more scientific experiments. With the results, we can see if we can reverse any of the issues and help promote these messages so others can assist with the issues. Over time, Bee Worldwide will create a learning environment that will be an invaluable resource for bee keepers and an aspiration to the public and the community at large. About Meet the Team Contact Beekeeping Courses and Experiences Bee Worldwide is a non-profit organisation raising awareness of the plight of the bee and the ecological turmoil which threatens our planet. We are looking for individuals and communities to help us resolve this crisis and spread our message.

Eof Hackspace

eof hackspace


EOF Hackspace is an open community of makers and repairers who come together to share knowledge, tools and space. Our location at Makespace Oxford offers us a much needed workshop space to work on all kinds of projects, including collaborations with Brookes University, Oxfordshire County Library, the Ashmolean Museum and more. The tools we purchase and the direction in which we expand will be primarily decided by our members. If you would like us to acquire a particular tool, please join the co-op and make your case! We also take suggestions from non-member users, however it may take longer to action them. How we operatePermalink As a user of the space you can use any tools provided. You can also use the consumables available, provided you replace them regularly or make a small donation. Your subscription money goes into a pot that pays the bills and anything extra gets apportioned to improving the space. Activities in the space are organised by keen volunteers so if you want to learn anything new please find an experienced member and ask them to host a workshop. A good place to do this is in chat. Making changes to the space and the direction we take is done through regular meetings with the members of the co-op (How to Join). These meetings are also open to non-members on the understanding that they are present as advisors. We are keen for our members to make the workshop better suited to their needs, while respecting the needs of others, so small improvements only need a couple of people to agree they are suitable and do not need to be brought to the meetings. Sometimes the tools will break. We are not a professional service and as such unless a tool makes financial sense to replace we expect our members to fix them. That may mean that your favourite tool might be out of service for a while. Please highlight it when it happens but be understanding since everyone in the group is a volunteer. FacilitiesPermalink We currently offer the following tools: Malyan m200 3D printer Soldering station Oscilloscopes, power supplies, and other electronics bench equipment Workstation computer Mould casting consumables Workloads we’re aiming to support in the near future: Metal casting from 3D printed shapes TIG Welding

Trading 402

trading 402


My name is M. R. Naveed and I’m a Property Investor, Serviced Accommodation Business Owner, Fulltime Day Trader and the founder of Trading 402. The reason behind establishing Trading 402 was to fill the gap left by the main stream traders who spend 1000s on Marketing funnels to reach to 1000s to sell their course which haven’t really benefited the students and i feel the main reason behind that is the reason why those courses were sold to those students and the sole reason was not to make students money but to fill the so called coaches pockets. On the other hand my approach is simple my objective is to get people out of their 9-5 jobs the modern slavery they are in. And what’s different about my training course is the passion, energy and personal touch. I take every students success personally because the intention behind these training course isn’t to make me money but to train my students to be independent day traders so that they are able to make this a career and have this as their main stream of income. The end goal for Trading 402 community is to earn freedom of these 3 kinds. 1. Freedom of Location Everyone should be able to make money no matter where they are. Making money doesn’t mean you should be stuck behind your desk fixed a location in a corporate office. Aim is to make money from anywhere in the world as long as you have laptop with fast internet connection. 2. Freedom of Time I believe there should be fixed hours of work where you feel prisoned for those hours. Day Trading even though very risky but if learnt it can make a huge difference in your day to day life and how much time you can buy back for you to enjoy that time with your loved ones and on yourself and maybe on something you really love doing whether is helping the less fortunate, helping a charity, spending more time for your LORD, Whatever that maybe. 3. Freedom of Money No one should struggle to make ends meat. Even though day trading is extremely risky, once learnt and enough efforts made to get your head around it. it could be extremely rewarding financially which could eventually change everything for you and your loved ones.

Buzzy Bees Music

buzzy bees music


Erin Whyte (founder and teacher) – I started my love of music at a young age and began classical training from the age of 14. After leaving school I went on to study popular singing at Jewel and Esk College on their HND Music course. During these 2 years I sang in bands and in choirs and my passion for performing was born. From here I went on to focus on my classical voice at Edinburgh Napier University where I studied on their BMus (hons) course for 4 years. I gained a lot of experience singing solo and in small groups which really helped build my self-confidence. I have worked with children for over 16 years, starting out shadowing a music teacher in primary schools. This is where I found my love for teaching music to young children. Knowing I wanted to work with children I left retail and started working at Newtongrange After School Club. From here I began working as a Learning Assistant at Stockbridge Primary School and worked at their After School Club. Following the birth of my son in 2014 I gave up work to be a full time Mum. With lots more free time I could take him to classes for little ones where I met some of my best friends, and Charlie did too. I found out how invaluable these classes were for both child and carer and realised that this was the environment I wanted to work in. In 2015 I became a teacher for Monkey Music. Here I learnt how to really work with babies and toddlers and grow relationships with them and their carers. My dream for a long time has been to combine my passions for singing, music and working with young children. With the arrival of our daughter Katie at the start of 2017 I am finally back to work and realising that dream. I think it’s highly important to have affordable and educational classes for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers in and around local areas, not only for the little ones to make friends, but for the adults to meet people from the community too. Music is a great tool to bring people together and also encourages self-confidence which is an important factor in a young person’s life.n

Ashoka London

ashoka london


Our Key Priorities Whilst Ashoka has been supporting its Fellows over the last four decades, we have also seen a profound transformation in the dynamics of the world around them. Change began to accelerate. What used to take centuries now takes decades, and what used to take decades now takes years. Trying to fix broken systems involves new challenges to embrace these complex and ever-changing dynamics. For all the great work of social entrepreneurs, we cannot rely on them alone to create the scale of solutions now needed. Indeed, to achieve the necessary scale, we need everyone to step up. This is how Ashoka defines its strategy as we enter this new world – Everyone a Changemaker™. Ashoka UK and Ireland has worked for over 15 years to support outstanding social innovators with transformative solutions to social issues and now focuses on the following areas: Searching, selecting, and supporting UK and Ireland’s leading social entrepreneurs For those elected as Fellows, Ashoka provides tailored lifetime support to scale their solutions’ impact. This ranges from initial monetary support, in the form of a stipend for up to three years, to strategic advice from a global network of peers, experts, and key decision-makers. Learn more about The Ashoka Fellowship programme and how you can get involved. Enabling our society to embrace social innovation and changemaking In the last 40 years, we have not only built the world’s largest community of leading social entrepreneurs but also continued to build and empower the field of social entrepreneurship. At the heart of this effort has always been the commitment to make systems change the central goal of social entrepreneurship. Learn more about our work in promoting systems change across sectors and how you can get involved. Activating all young people to be changemakers Our mission is to trigger a shift in mindsets across the learning ecosystem in the UK and Ireland so that the experience of education empowers every young person to be a changemaker. Our approach to achieving this is to find, connect and organise social innovators, government, foundations, thought leaders and young people themselves that are already pioneering the field of changemaking. And then, to organise these communities to lead initiatives which eventually tip ecosystems toward a future in which every young person is becoming a changemaker. Here are some examples of young changemakers.




E-Learning enables busy professionals to complete essential training at a time and place that suits them. The production of quality interactive training is far from straightforward, and many trainees have become disillusioned with dull and boring e-learning courses. Which is where EasiLearning come in – with entertaining and engaging courses for professional users. Current online courses offered include: Anaphylactic Shock Standard refresher training in anaphylaxis Anaphylactic Shock Lite refresher training in anaphylaxis Clinical Nutrition Screening & Support (for ‘MUST’) Online training in Patient Group Directions (PGD) for the NHS Vaccination Training for Pharmacists Venepuncture Theory We offer versions tailored for both Community and Hospitals settings where required. We also have versions appropriate to where in the UK you are working, as there are some differences between the juristrictions of England, Wales, Scotland, N Ireland, Jersey etc. Free Guide offered: Hand Washing in a Clinical Setting EasiLearning will tailor this Guide for Clinical Organisations free of charge to help increase infection control and to promote our courses. Contact Us for further details Expanding List: The list of EasiLearning courses is expanding all the time. If you would like a subject we do not currently offer, go to Contact Us and let us know. However, the subject must be suitable for online learning and must be of interest to a wide audience. We also offer courses from a small number of other quality suppliers – see Training Resources Personalisation, Assessment & Tracking All EasiLearning online courses are tailored to the organisation with personalised introduction and a certificate with the organisation’s logo. Each trainee can print off their certificate on completion of the inbuilt assessment. The cloud based version of the courses use EasiLearning’s Train and TrackTM system, which gives management a unique weblink so they can track which trainees have passed the assessment and on what date together with a score where this is appropriate. No specialist IT infrastructure is required to make this version of the course work – commission to delivery is usually less than 2 weeks! Some customers already have an LMS and may choose either SCORM 1.2 or 1.3 version to have tracking and reporting done by the LMS. In either Web or SCORM versions, trainee completion data is available to be exported into e-personnel systems. We offer special versions for NHS England nLMS/OLM.

National Recreational Gymnastics

national recreational gymnastics


We are the experts in recreational gymnastics teaching and welcome any Club, School or individual to share in our learning resources and training programmes. NRG Training Courses and supporting resources have been developed to address the growing demand for coaching professionals in the sport. This demand is not for high performance coaching, but for a new style of coaching specifically aimed at meeting the needs of recreational gymnasts, which has been growing exponentially in recent years. The demand for gymnastics has increased in Britain by 42% since the 2012 Olympics. This is great news for the sport, but at the same time has highlighted a very real challenge, namely where and how to accommodate all these eager participants. Gymnastics Clubs are overflowing with huge waiting lists, and there are a finite number of purpose-built centres. The NRG Coaching programme has been carefully developed over a number of years to equip sports providers with the knowledge and tools to effectively coach and lead recreational, mixed ability, mixed age gymnastics classes in any number of environments, not just those specifically built for gymnastics. This pathway fully and safely explores the techniques and skills of gymnastics, still allowing able gymnasts to develop to their full potential, but approaches it from a recreational standpoint where fun, and personal challenge are the key objectives. There is no need for specific gymnastic apparatus, simply an open space, and some very basic, generic apparatus, found in most leisure facilities and educational centres. Our courses provide a professional pathway for individuals, and sports providers who are interested in training to deliver recreational gymnastics, and schools, wanting to enhance their delivery of gymnastics in PE. Our programme allows successful candidates to start delivering gymnastics independently on completing Award 1. Click on our Courses page for full details including cost and content. Our coaching awards are particularly suited to those: Working with mixed ability and mixed age groups. Working in non purpose-built environments where equipment is limited. Have an interest in the sport, but may not necessarily come from a gymnastics background. Where there is a desire to build a strong and lasting pool of recreational gymnasts. All NRG qualified professionals have the opportunity to join the NRG Community ®, as well as receiving the ‘NRG Centre of Excellence for Recreational Gymnastics’ with our accreditation programme, and the many benefits which this brings.



The Foundation University Islamabad (FUI), a project of Fauji Foundation, was established under a Federal Charter in October 2002. The University has been rated as category 'W4' (the highest rating category) by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The academic programmes offered by FUI are duly accredited by Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC), Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC), National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC), National Technology Council (NTC) and Pakistan Nursing Council (PNC). As a higher education institute (HEI), FUI, on priority, establishes linkages with other HEIs at national as well as international levels, local community and corporate sector, especially Fauji Foundation industries. FUI has signed number of MoUs with various local and foreign organizations including universities, industries, both public and private. We are regularly pursuing these deeds in order to establish a vibrant knowledge economy for the benefit of students, faculty and alumni. An MOU with University of Bedfordshire (UOB), UK, under which a 3+1 Transnational Education program has been materialized for the students of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS), Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSSE), Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) in Psychology, who shall complete their first three years of education at FUI and the last year at UOB. The graduates will be eligible for a grant of UOB (UK) recognized degree, duly approved by the accrediting bodies of both UK and Pakistan. The strength of FUI lies in its highly qualified and experienced faculty and well designed academic programs, supported by state-of-the-art academic facilities such as fully equipped labs, libraries, lecture halls, video conferencing facilities, digital library, medical laboratories, auditorium and seminar halls, etc. FUI has also established a Media House, an FM Channel 101.8 and a Psychology Clinic. Furthermore, counselling and career guidance is available for students along with substantial opportunities for participation in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, to turn them into well rounded personalities. Additionally, the University strongly emphasizes on character building and instilling ethical values in students. Financial Assistance in the form of scholarships is available to deserving, underprivileged but outstanding students. University has also established Alumni Association which provides a platform to the graduating students to interact, inspire and benefit from the Alumni of the University.

Louise Crockart

louise crockart


For over 2 decades I’ve been supporting my clients in their health and wellbeing through various forms of massage and healing. I offer effective treatments in my clinic and stimulating education in the classroom. Leaving my past life as a graphic designer, I went back to college and studied Aromatherapy. Fast forward many years and experiences, I have gone on to train in Abdominal Therapy, Reflexology, Reiki, Indian Head Massage, Thai Yoga Massage and On-Site Acupressure Chair Massage (Amma Massage). Constantly striving to improve my skills has lead me to various exotic places, from the Thai jungle, rainforests of Central America, throughout North America, and then the rolling hills in Surrey, UK. I first learned about Abdominal Therapy in 2004, after a chance meeting with Dr. Rosita Arvigo, whilst on holiday in Belize, Central America. This inspired me to seek Abdominal Therapy when I returned home to the UK. Driven by personal health issues, I received regular treatments which supported and reframed my attitude to my own pelvic health. Abdominal Therapy not only transformed my health, but also my outlook on life. Years later, and after working with hundreds of clients, I now teach Abdominal Therapy, running workshops at personal and professional level, both in person and online specialising in the art of gaining and maintaining abdominal health. I run Abdominal workshops for those who seek a deeper understanding and healing from digestive or pelvic issues, and train professional therapists in the art of Abdominal Therapy within The Abdominal Therapy Collective. I was a graphic designer for 15 years, immersed in the discipline of explaining concepts, products and events in a way that was easy to understand and visually striking, I bring these qualities to my teaching, always seeking simple and effective ways to explain healing concepts and methods to my students. I have created a beautiful haven for healing and learning in my home in leafy Twickenham, South West London, UK. Offering treatments at the top of my home in my cocoon-like therapy room, and a fun and engaging workshop space at the bottom, in my kitchen and garden studio. My passion for pelvic health education draws me near and far, for those seeking personal healing or professional growth alike. I’d love to chat with you if you'd like to host a workshop for your community or attend one that’s already listed. Click below and I’ll get back to you soon.




Who we are Based in a city renowned for its academic excellence, Oxford International College offers A-Level courses, focusing on the ethos of career development along with a strong academic provision taught by highly qualified tutors. In 2019, the college earned the top slot in the UK Independent Schools league tables after its students achieved record A-level results. Established in 2002, Oxford International College was initially set up by academics with a strong interest in education and with the view to provide exceptional one to one tuition, extending the model of Oxford and Cambridge University style of supervisions/ tutorials to school-aged students. The College has built upon this ethos and now delivers both a college and boarding environment and sees outstanding student academic achievement year on year as a result. In 2019, the College earned the top slot in the UK Independent Schools league tables after its students achieved record A-level results. Overall, 92% of grades received by OIC students in 2019 were A*-A, and 53.2% were A*, making us the UK’s No.1 A-Level college and the only school that achieved above 90% A* to A grades. At Oxford International College, we provide our students with an open and stimulating study environment in a city that has been renowned for academic excellence for almost 1,000 years. Our students have the chance to meet and learn from some of the brightest people in the world in an environment that nurtures their personal and academic growth, while also enjoying the cultural life of this beautiful city. Located just a short walk from Oxford city centre, the College attracts students from all over the world and has become a vibrant community of international students and staff. Students are taught by some of the Oxford’s finest tutors, who are all experts in their fields; mostly Oxford University alumni or hold doctorate degrees from Oxford. A strong feature of the College is its focus on a career curriculum, which gives our students a competitive edge when applying to university and in their future careers. We take pride in our unique integration of three key skills to success: Academic Excellence, Career Development and Personal Development. Our young students represent the future of this world, and we very much look forward to welcoming them to Oxford and to supporting them at the start of this journey of a lifetime.