8294 Educators providing Courses

Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation

institute of revenues rating and valuation


In January 1882, the rate collectors of Holborn invited their Metropolitan colleagues to a meeting to discuss the effect a projected reorganisation of London local government might have on their jobs and prospects. Some eighty officers attended and at a further meeting on the 25th February it was decided to form, with effect from the 1st April 1882, the Metropolitan Rate Collectors Association. As membership grew, the title was subsequently changed to the Association of Rate Collectors and Assistant Overseers in 1911. Changes in legislation resulted in a further change in title and in 1927, the Incorporated Association of Rating and Valuation Officers was established. The association was more commonly known as the Rating & Valuation Association (RVA) and no further change to the title was made until January 1990 when, with the impending introduction of Community Charge and National Non-Domestic Rate, we became known as the Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation (IRRV). A key aim of the Institute is to support its members’ professional and personal development and the sharing of best practice. We keep our members informed of current issues through our magazines, publications and a comprehensive website. Our conferences and meetings offer opportunities for networking with other professionals from the UK and overseas whilst the Forum Service continues to attract new organisations each year; the current membership now exceeding 200. We seek to influence the course of legislative and professional matters through dialogue with government bodies and other professional organisations and through commissioning and conducting original research. This is led by the Institute’s three Faculty Boards; Local Taxation and Revenues, Benefits and Valuation. The Institute has a membership of over 2,400 and offers a range of qualifications covering its professional fields. It is a nationally approved awarding body for its vocational and examination-based qualifications. Each year, in excess of 300 students sit our examinations and vocational assessments. Successful students join the thousands of IRRV qualified professionals currently working in both the public and private sector within the fields of revenues, benefits and valuation. IRRV qualifications and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) scheme are designed to meet the needs of members at every stage of their careers. A thriving network of Associations is one of the IRRV’s main strengths. Our Associations organise programmes of professional and social activities that take place regionally and provide the opportunity for all members to become more involved in the work of the Institute.

Tissue Viability Society (TVS)

tissue viability society (tvs)

Formerly known as the Tissue Viability Society or TVS. We've now changed our name to the Society of Tissue Viability to reflect our future strategy We're a member-led charity that uses the power of collaborative thinking and action to solve wound and skin challenges Our work is focused around three key areas: building community; sharing expertise; and creating change-makers. All our activities are designed to encourage the collaborative thinking and action needed to solve wound and skin challenges We create spaces where professional connections are made, ideas are shared and collaborative action happens. We’re stronger when we work together. That’s why creating on and offline spaces for people working within skin health and wound care to connect is a big part of what we do. Our flagship annual conference is a key event in the tissue viability calendar. It brings together people from across the UK and internationally to share the latest thinking on skin and wound challenges, and connect with peers. It’s a must-attend for anyone interested or working in skin health and wound care. We also helped establish and support the Wounds Research Network (WReN). WReN links research-active individuals and communities with each other and research-active NHS centres in order to increase collaboration within wounds research. Our lively social media channels are also a great way of connecting with peers and sharing ideas. We share expertise We platform the best new thinking and practices in skin health and wound healing and make sure it reaches the people it needs to. Our official publication the Journal of Tissue Viability is the leading publication in the sector. It covers all aspects of skin health and wound healing, and includes systematic reviews, reports of randomised controlled trials, laboratory studies, case series and individual patient histories. Members receive the Journal free as part of their annual subscription. We also host numerous virtual / online educational sessions – including Fundamentals in… Advanced days and Service specific / specialist – where speakers share their extensive experience and knowledge. These educational sessions are free to attend and offer an invaluable opportunity to share your own expertise and learn from others. Our webinars also offer a lively and ultra-accessible way of learning about a diverse range of topics within skin health and wound healing.




Real-world maths is more crucial than ever to our everyday lives. It holds the keys to unlocking the solutions to a multitude of problems: simple to complex, local to global, large and small. By contrast, maths education is diverging more and more from today's and tomorrow's requirements of countries, industry, further education... and students. Unless we take harder, machine-computed maths back into the school curriculum, maths in education will continue on its ineffective downward spiral, destined for future failure—a future populated by bored and switched-off students, dissatisfied employers, bewildered governments, frustrated teachers and concerned parents. Aware of the increasing divergence between school and real-life maths for more than a decade, Conrad Wolfram believed the growing political impetus, emerging computing ubiquity and practicality of interface and implementation made 2010 the right time to start computerbasedmath.org. Conrad and his colleagues at Wolfram Research have been in a unique position at the epicenter of maths and its applications: using high-powered maths to develop the latest algorithms for Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha software, employing mathematicians and other STEM specialists, supplying technology to the world's community of maths users and interacting with leading experts from all technical fields. That's not to mention involvement with thousands of universities, schools and independent courses worldwide. Wolfram Research really is the "maths company"—the organisation with the world's broadest perspective on maths and computation. It is with that perspective that CBM will change maths education for good. Computerbasedmath.org is a UK-registered company and aims to be self-supporting in delivering this fundamental change to maths education worldwide. Early projects have been established with the Estonian government, as well as in Sweden and Africa, and there is marked interest from many more governments and associated organisations like assessment authorities around the world. Thousands of schools are keen to get materials. Companies are interested not only in employee training but in associating their brand with better maths in schools. Computer-Based Maths is a long-term project. Conrad Wolfram believes it will take a minimum of 25 years to transform school maths worldwide, but that in the end, this change is inevitable. It will happen differently in each country; the first countries to make the change will likely gain the most advantage.

Autism Anglia

autism anglia


Autism Anglia is an independent charity that provides care and support to autistic children, adults, and their families in East Anglia. Services in Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk, managed from office in Colchester, offer personalised approaches that provide each individual with the necessary skills and strategies to enable them to realise their own strengths and abilities. The charity also seeks to promote greater knowledge and understanding of autism through training, education, and supplying information to the public and professionals. We offer numerous services for autistic people and their families, including: The origins of the charity started back in the early 1970s with families living in Essex and Norfolk independently realising that there was no specialist provision for their children who were on the Autism Spectrum. This lack of provision resulted in two entirely separate organisations being operated and managed up until 2008 when negotiations brought about the successful merger and the formation of Autism Anglia. From similar beginnings to where you find us now; here are the key points. 1970 The Norwich and Norfolk Society for Autistic Children was formed by five families affected by autism. 1973 Two sets of parents with newly diagnosed children setup up the Essex Society for Autistic Children. 1977 Doucecroft School opened in Kelvedon for children up to 16 years old. 1983 Provision extended to include services for young adults with an Adult Life Care Centre and the name was changed to The Essex Autistic Society. Norfolk Autistic Community Housing Association (NACHA) formed to provide residential homes to people with autism. The Norwich and Norfolk Society for Autistic Children changed its name to the Norfolk Autistic Society. 1994 The Norfolk Autistic Society Trust Fund established to benefit people with autism and their families. 1999 Further Education facilities for 16-19-year-olds given a dedicated campus in Kelvedon. 2004 Family Support service launched to help individuals and families affected by autism. Through collaboration, the Norfolk Autistic Society provided short breaks for children with autism and learning disabilities. 2005 Doucecroft School moved from Kelvedon to purpose-built facilities in Eight Ash Green, Colchester. 2008 NACHA merged with The Essex Autistic Society and the new charity changed its name on 1 May to Autism Anglia which better reflected its area of operation. The Norfolk Autistic Society merged with Autism Anglia. 2019 Relocation of our Century House Colchester Office a short walk away to North Hill.

Rossett School

rossett school


As a comprehensive academy our main aim is to ensure that our students achieve their potential – from Year 7 through to Sixth Form and beyond. We are very proud of our excellent reputation in the local community, as well as the wider areas of Leeds and the surrounding villages, and pride ourselves on the quality and breadth of education that we provide. We make principled decisions regarding examination entry, choosing to support the learning needs of the individual. Rossett School consistently achieves good examination results at both GCSE and in our Sixth Form. We are justly proud of our 'destinations data' that places Rossett School well above the North Yorkshire and national averages. In practice this means that all our Key Stage 4 students sustain their education, employment and training when they move to the next stage of their education. We expect all students to strive for continual improvement within a supportive culture that exhorts them to be Responsible, Resilient and Reflective learners. As an inclusive school, we expect our students to have the highest standards of behaviour, to respect diversity and to understand global citizenship and equality of opportunity. Our students are well-prepared to achieve future success once they move on from school, with the vast majority of our students going on to university study locally, nationally and to Oxbridge after Sixth Form. We are also delighted to be able to assist other schools in the region through the sharing of good practice and we are pleased to be one of the original partners within the Red Kite Teaching School Alliance, a cross-boundary affiliation of high achieving schools in North and West Yorkshire. The most important partnerships to us however, are the relationships built between school and home, where together we can most effectively prepare and support our students to achieve all that they can. Rossett School has high aspirations for every child and we endeavour to inspire ambition for all. We work hard to develop and innovate our learning and teaching experiences and put inspirational and inclusive learning at the heart of all we do. We continually advance our curriculum to be responsive to student need and skills for life. We work in a global twenty first century context, and invest in the professional development of our staff to keep ourselves at the cutting edge of education. In short, we want everyone at Rossett to be ambitious and to always aim high.

Woodhouse College

woodhouse college

The mission of Woodhouse College is to be an inspirational and nurturing community that is committed to excellence and equips high-achieving, ambitious students with the skills to thrive on their preferred university course and in the wider world of work.' Woodhouse College is a popular and oversubscribed sixth form college in Barnet teaching A level courses to around 1500 students aged 16 –18 years, who join us from over 180 different schools across North London. From 1st January 2021, following academisation, Woodhouse College became part of Frontier Learning Trust. Our students are high-achieving and hard-working. They have done well at GCSE and aim to do likewise at A level. Almost all go on to university. The college acts as a bridge from school to university, giving students a chance to grow in confidence and to develop independent learning skills. All of our students study A levels. We offer a wide range of subjects, and students can study them in almost any combination. Each A level has five hours of lessons per week and along with the A levels taken students are expected to attend a tutorial programme to support them in acquiring the skills to thrive at university and beyond. In addition, we offer a number of super and extra curricular opportunities along with experiences of the work place. Woodhouse is one of the leading places to study A levels in London. Our consistently high performance in exam results backs this up. The government recognises us as one of a small number of colleges with both Beacon Status and Ofsted Outstanding status. Our A*–B pass rates consistently place us in the top five sixth form colleges nationally. The college boasts some of the best facilities in the area and promotes an extensive recreational and academic enrichment programme. At our heart is an impressive pastoral care system, and our tutorial, guidance and support systems help students steer a safe course through A levels and beyond. Our combination of expert teaching staff and an ambitious, supportive approach has proved very successful. We provide a happy, trusting and caring environment where students can challenge themselves and explore a whole range of opportunities. Woodhouse is as much about personal growth as it is about exam success. Our students are ambitious: they embrace the challenge to be the best they can be, both inside and outside the classroom.

The Worshipful Company Of Information Technologists Charity

the worshipful company of information technologists charity


The earliest known charter still in existence is from 1155 and belongs to the Weavers’ Company. However, it is very likely that there were companies around several centuries before this. Livery refers to the distinctive clothing that each company wore to distinguish themselves from other companies. In 1515 the Lord Mayor established the order of precedence for the existing 48 companies. After then new companies took the next available number. Companies formed after 1925 are known as ‘Modern’ Livery companies with those established before then being known as ‘Ancient’ companies. Concerned with a particular industry, the companies provided a means of guaranteeing the workmanship and trustworthiness of both members and the quality of goods produced. In fact, in order to trade within the City of London, it was necessary to be a Freeman. There are now 110 Livery companies of whom about 70% are still directly connected to their trade through accreditation schemes, apprenticeship programmes and wider support for their trade. Livery companies continue to provide sponsorships, awards, trade support and also have associated charitable operations even if their trade is no longer current. Some companies have modernised with their trade, others have diversified into associated areas. The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists (WCIT) is 100 in the order of precedence. The Company combines centuries-old tradition with a modern focus, energy, and innovation. Like all Livery companies, we look to give something back to the industry and community, and focus on four areas of activity that we call pillars: Industry – we help to promote and shape the IT industry through our neutral forums and links with industry bodies, such as the BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT and techUK Education – WCIT supports several schools, most notably Lilian Bayliss Technology School and the Hammersmith Academy which WCIT helped to build and endow in a joint venture with the Mercers’ Company Fellowship – there is a full programme of social activity, both formal and informal. Unusually for a modern Livery company, we have our own Hall and we also use other Livery Halls for various events throughout the year. Charity – the WCIT Charity raises funds through events and donations. It makes grants to charities to promote the use of IT and improve the quality of life for those who are disadvantaged.

Premium Driving School

premium driving school


When new drivers are improperly instructed on the fundamentals of driving, and the “rules of the road” it negatively affects everyone’s safety on Missouri roadways. Unfortunately, schools have been eliminating driver education from their curriculum nationwide; including schools in Springfield. In September, 2019, Mercy Hospital phased out their driving education program costing Southwest Missourian’s their most trusted driver training program. A lack of community resources means parents are forced to shoulder the responsibility of driver training. Parents understand introducing their teenager to driving can be a unique challenge. Scheduling time for Parent/Teen driving instruction is difficult and lessons often create stress, conflict and tensions in the family unit. We’re convinced there is a better way to develop better drivers. In September, 2019, Todd Vermillion, a retired Sergeant and Dan Bracker, a retired Lieutenant both from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Partnered and opened Premier Driving Academy. With over 50 years of combined law enforcement experience, they recognize the inherent risks involved in operating motor vehicles, particularly for young, inexperienced drivers. They collaborated with industry leaders and administrators and developed a proven curriculum that makes their student drivers the perfect candidates for success. Premier’s teen driving program includes six, one hour, in-car driving lessons. Every lesson is tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of each individual student driver. The curriculum is based on a four step lesson plan; instructor explains, as student performs the task, instructor checks for understanding, student explains, then evaluated. The student will succeed in driving with repetition and practice. The goal at Premier is to develop skilled drivers for a lifetime. Dan Bracker, Lieutenant, retired from the Missouri State Highway Patrol in 2018, with more than 26 years of service. During his 10 year tenure as Public Information Officer, Dan presented driver education classes at numerous southwest Missouri high schools. He has presented highway safety and personal safety education programs to many civic, and private industry groups. Most importantly, he passionately instructed both daughters to drive. Todd Vermillion, Sergeant, retired from the Missouri State Highway Patrol in 2021, with more than 25 years of service. Todd was a Missouri Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) specialist instructor in the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (E.V.O.C.) for over 11 years; training law enforcement officers in the safe operation of police vehicles during high stress, high speed maneuvers while providing in-car instruction. He also taught his three children to drive safely for life.

Way2BetterBusiness Coaching

way2betterbusiness coaching

I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw ~ Proverbs 24:32 My extensive professional experience in the various aspects of business has set me on a mission to help business leaders turn their vision into reality – one step at a time. Throughout the years, I have had successes, learnt from costly mistakes, made wise decisions, learnt from not so wise ones, all of which have contributed to who I am today and prepared me for my mission. So basically, I'm not perfect. However, I'm grateful for every experience because there was always a lesson to learn. I remember years ago my dad once said to me, "Whether your experience is a good or bad one, there is always a lesson. Your job is to learn from it and move on". I've never forgotten that since. As a result, I am a much stronger person today and in a much better position to serve my clients and of course, you. Although my role as a coach is to help you to help yourself by giving you the ownership of change, I can guarantee you that I will not sit there and watch you make the same mistakes I've made in the past. Some of my experience are in the following fields: Business Coaching Entrepreneurship Chair of Committee of a passionate Community Group Board member of Charitable Organisations Steering Committee of a Funding Organisation School Governance Business Management Business Finance Project Management Public Speaking Operations Customer Service Over 10 years Banking and Finance Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights ~ Proverbs 18:15 I take self-development seriously and I’m on an on-going quest to be the best business coach to my clients that I can possibly be. Therefore I try to keep up-to-date with training in areas which I know will help me to better serve you. Here are some of my qualifications: Certified in Business Coaching and Mentoring Certified in Life Coaching Governing Business Activities Business and Leadership Business Analysis Business Organisation and Environment Business Finance 1st class degree in International Business and Level 3 in Teaching Adults in Life Long Learning Sector My coaching training has been with the UK Personal Development Academy (UKPDA), The Coaching Academy as well as Renaissance Training Academy.

Gloucestershire College

gloucestershire college


Gloucestershire College is an innovative and career-focused provider of further and higher education. We offer a range of education and training programmes, including... Post-16 courses Professional and technical training Apprenticeships Higher education Professionally-accredited courses for business Basic skills courses Part-time day and evening courses English for international students Every year we welcome students from across the globe and new members of staff too! GC is great because... We’re better than good. Ofsted rated us "good" in 2016, with our focus on developing employability and vocational skills; engaging teaching, learning and assessment; strong curriculum management; and accommodation and resources that accurately reflect real industries highlighted in the report. Choice. You can choose from a wide range of options which will help to ensure you’re on the right track to reach your goals. Select from BTECs, HNDs or a wide range of award-winning apprenticeships. Not sure? Speak to our Advice Team. Employer links. Our unique relationships with hundreds of local businesses and schools was recognised by Ofsted in 2016, and working with the local community is at the heart of what we do. Strong partnerships mean fantastic opportunities for students. And that’s why we’re here. Outstanding support. Our Learning Support team is here to ensure that you receive the support you need to make the most out of your time here, maximise your life chances and achieve a bright future. Success. GC students are successful. We pride ourselves on ensuring students leave prepared with the knowledge and skills to successfully launch their careers, or progress on to higher education. Experience. Our industry-expert lecturers are passionate, knowledgeable and dedicated to ensuring you achieve your goals. Industry-standard facilities. Our campuses are kitted out with top-of-the-range technology; affordable, commercial restaurants and nurseries; sports facilities; and libraries brimming with books and online resources. Tailored tutorial support. Every GC student is assigned a dedicated Learning Mentor who will support you through your studies and help you to reach your goals. A fresh start. Going to college is a fresh start, so it’s the ideal time to make new friends and try new things outside of the classroom. You'll have the opportunity to personalise your study programme with work experience, volunteering, sports, professional development and more.