8294 Educators providing Courses




Lottie has been practicing yoga for over 15 years and teaching for 10 years. She is a 500 hour registered teacher, holds the Yoga Campus Teacher Training Diploma and is accredited with the British Wheel of Yoga. Lottie has trained with some world-renowned teachers and and her classes draw upon the various styles she has been taught including Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga, Iyengar and Sivananda. She teaches Yin Yoga and Flow Yoga for mixed abilities and beginners classes with sequences that can be modified to make them more/less challenging depending on the student’s level. She includes asanas (poses) for strength and flexibility with a focus on alignment, pranayama (breathing) exercises to calm the mind, meditation to cultivate inner awareness and relaxation to allow the body and mind to rest and rejuvenate. Lottie enjoys bringing her yoga practice to the local community and she believes that yoga is for everyone. Her classes will leave you feeling energised yet calmer. A regular yoga practice ensures a healthy mind and body. What brought me to Yoga and why I do it? I was looking to improve my flexibility and to aid relaxation. Like many people I wondered what to expect at my first class, but I was hooked from the beginning and came away feeling calmer and more energised, ready to take on life. It brought me an hour of calm in my day. I was eager to learn the asanas (poses) and their Sanskrit names (classic language of ancient India), the breathing exercises and always savoured resting in Corpse pose (Savasana) at the end of class. I then decided to explore yoga in more depth, learn about the philosophy and anatomy and to teach yoga to others, so I enrolled on the Diploma course with Yogacampus where I was taught by some truly inspiring yoga teachers including Lisa Sanfilippo, Jo Manuel, Katrina Repka, Liz Lark, Aadil Palkhivala, Doug Keller and Dr. Ruth Gilmore. For me yoga gives me energy and focus, makes me smile, and keeps me grounded in everyday life. Even when it is challenging I love it and it makes me seek out more. Every day I arrive on my mat I have a new experience and that is great!

Retune Charity

retune charity

Bishop's Stortford

Retune was founded by Tom Ryder. Tom is a musician and journalist, and has a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. He was hospitalised for poor mental health multiple times during his late teens and early twenties, which eventually forced him to withdraw from university and begin again from scratch. While in hospital, Tom noticed that patients were finding creative outlets to cope with their predicament. These outlets included drawing, painting, writing poetry, dancing, singing and cooking. Tom wrote songs and, despite those dark times, he realised creativity’s tremendous potential to improve mental health; it is crucial to have an outlet for feelings and emotions. A few years later, Tom started hosting live gigs. He also ran workshops in schools, connecting with young people who were experiencing mental struggles. In 2018, Retune started to take shape: in addition to live shows and schools, Tom now visited prisons and hospitals, and produced online content. Tom’s cousin Kathryn Bailey – a photographer, videographer and all-round creative – joined the project in 2019. As well as sharing Tom’s view that creative outlets are powerful tools for mental wellbeing, Kathryn had a personal attachment to Retune's mission... When Tom was first admitted to hospital, 11-year-old Kathryn was shielded from the truth, as she was considered ‘too young’ to know what was going on. Being involved with Retune allows her to be part of a cause that is close to her heart, especially as Retune’s workshops discuss mental wellbeing with all ages, from primary school pupils to adults. Open conversations around wellbeing are more commonplace nowadays, but there is still a long road ahead. Through its workshops and live shows, Retune is creating a community based around mental wellbeing, underpinned by creativity. When we retune something, such as a musical instrument or a radio, we make small adjustments in order to achieve harmony, clarity and balance. Retune believes that the same theory can be applied to mental health. Harnessing creative outlets that engage the imagination, and following the principles of the SCALES model, can help all of us to make small adjustments. As a result, our mental wellbeing will be more in tune.

Edu Psychology Services

edu psychology services


COVID-19 Update: The MU Psychological Services Clinic (PSC) and Center for Evidence-Based Youth Mental Health (CEBYMH) ARE OPEN and providing services to adults, youths, and families. We are offering both in-person and telehealth (secure videoconference) assessment and therapy services. Our office staff will talk with clients about which option may work best for them. Commitment to Anti-Racism: The MU Psychological Services Clinic (PSC) and Center for Evidence-Based Youth Mental Health (CEBYMH) are outraged and saddened by the multiple occurrences of police brutality and injustice against Black and Brown communities (Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Michael Brown, and too many others). These are the result of long-standing structurally racist systems that devalue Black and Brown lives. The disproportionate impact of these inequities is felt not only in the justice system, but also in education, medicine, and mental health care. As psychology providers, we believe that the ultimate manner by which to heal racial trauma is for individuals and the systems within which they work to recognize and eliminate explicit and implicit bias, prejudice, racism, and discrimination. However, at this time, many Black and Brown individuals have already experienced and will continue to experience racial trauma. Our clinic is committed to fostering a safe and welcoming environment for these individuals. We are also aiming to increase provider representation and knowledge in our clinic by working with clinicians and consultants of diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, we are committed to bettering our community and ensuring the safety and well-being of Black and Brown lives. Commitment to Multiculturalism: At the MU PSC, we view providing access to affordable, quality mental health services for all as a central part of our mission. We strive to be a safe and affirming space for individuals from all backgrounds and identities. We recognize that all of us—providers and clients—possess multiple cultural identities that shape how we view and interact in the world. We view diversity broadly, encompassing one’s racial/ethnic identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, immigration status, income, age, rural/urban residency, and more. Our providers receive ongoing training in the delivery of culturally re

PAM Insight

pam insight


PAM Insight is an independent company dedicated exclusively to serving a broad and diverse community of professional wealth management organisations around the world (currently in over 50 jurisdictions), with innovative, market-leading and independent information products and services, delivered online, in print and face-to-face. Building Relationships based on Trust Since launching the world's first publication specifically devoted to wealth management back in 1997 (long before other publishers jumped on the bandwagon, to try to emulate our business), we have remained focused on the fundamental principle: that our business relationships should be built upon mutual trust and the consistent delivery of sustainable value. Our mission is the consistent delivery of accurate, sharply-focused and timely “must-have” information that is relevant and useful to our subscribers in their professional work. Our subscribers have come to rely upon the services we deliver and we are proud to serve them. The majority of our business over the years has resulted from third party recommendation and referral. We do not spend money on advertising, preferring to focus on engaging in direct dialogue with our existing clients, many of whom have been with us on our journey since the beginning. It is possible that you may have arrived at this website, because one of our existing clients has told you about one of our portfolio of specialist products. Please feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help. We look forward to working with you. Pursuing Excellence through Innovation Innovation and the pursuit of excellence stand at the heart of our business culture. We constantly strive to offer our clients the best possible service, as well as the latest ways to help them achieve their business objectives. We continue to search for new and better ways to deliver information that is timely, accurate and relevant to our clients’ needs, wherever they are. Ever since the launch of our first specialist publication devoted to meeting the needs of senior private banking and wealth management professionals back in 1997 (before 'wealth management' was widely accepted as a term to describe the sector’s activities), we have continued to break new ground.

Curative Care Alliance

curative care alliance


About Us With our organisational members in over 100 countries, we provide a global voice on hospice and palliative care The Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance (WHPCA) is an international non-governmental organisation focusing exclusively on hospice and palliative care development worldwide. We are a network of national and regional hospice and palliative care organisations and affiliate organisations. Our mission is: To bring together the global palliative care community to improve well-being and reduce unnecessary suffering for those in need of palliative care in collaboration with the regional and national hospice and palliative care organisations and other partners. We believe that no-one with a life-limiting condition, such as cancer or HIV, should live and die with unnecessary pain and distress. Our vision is a world with universal access to hospice and palliative care. Our mission is to foster, promote and influence the delivery of affordable, quality palliative care. The WHPCA is registered in the UK where our secretariat staff are currently based. WHPCA Key Messages Hospice and palliative care aim to relieve suffering and to improve the quality of life of people and their families and carers facing life threatening and life limiting illness. At least 40 million need palliative care annually, including 20 million at the end of life. 18 million of these die in avoidable pain and distress. Pain management is essential to hospice and palliative care and the WHPCA works to improve access to these essential medications. Over 75% of the world’s population lacks adequate access to the medications needed to treat their pain. The WHPCA believes that the person accessing care should be at the centre of their care. Palliative care looks after the physical, psychological, social, practical, legal and spiritual needs of the person and their family. The WHPCA advocates for hospice and palliative care worldwide and supports national and organisations to integrate hospice and palliative care into their country’s health systems. The WHPCA works with partner organisations to care for people, their family members and carers to alleviate pain and distress and promote quality of life.

The Aspire Academy & Tuition Ltd.

the aspire academy & tuition ltd.


The Aspire Academy is committed to providing a safe, containing, caring, good humoured and well-disciplined school.Dear Parents and Carers, How did that happen? Here we are again in December with all the pressure that comes with it. The temperature has changed, the light has changed, the music on the radio has changed and the lights and decorations up everywhere are telling us of the joy to come, but we have to grind our way there. Grind our way through it and remember that not everyone is going to have a plentiful Christmas. We move towards it with restrained excitement and know that our foodbank collections and distribution will probably mean as much as at any time in recent years. 8W got stuck into The Samaritans Shoe Box appeal and managed to fill and send 9 shoe boxes for girls and boys for all age ranges from the wonderful donations received. The class are tracking them and we look forward with them to see where they end up. We know it’s a huge thing to receive one of these boxes in the target countries. Year 11’s are currently in the thick of their paper 1 mock exams and doing well, giving it a real go. We had the Functional Skills Reading paper results for a group of them yesterday and were thrilled to discover 9 out of 13 passed and one pupil missed out on a pass by only one mark. The results of the Writing Paper taken last week will be a little slower in arriving but we hope for a similar level of success. The paper 2 mocks will be in January and will help to prepare the pupils for the GCSE exams proper in May and June in 2023. There are planned trips to the Christmas markets and around the County to see some cultural sites in the next two weeks, but we are still full gas as we approach the end of term. The Daily Yellow news sheet continues to provide interesting reading for our community. The tutor teams have done a great job in producing it these last 6 weeks especially.

Social Psychology Research Lab, at Middlesex University Dubai

social psychology research lab, at middlesex university dubai


Middlesex University Dubai is a truly global university committed to meeting the needs and ambitions of a culturally and internationally diverse range of students by providing challenging academic programmes underpinned by innovative research, scholarship and professional practice. We prepare our students to be professional, skilled individuals prepared for the modern world, committed to lifelong learning and able to contribute to the communities in which they live and work. Our academic and administrative staff are fundamental to our success, coming to us from all over the globe to influence the lives of our students. We employ more than 200 staff, including many recognised leaders in their academic field, as well as active practitioners and committed researchers. Driven by honesty, integrity, ambition and mutual support, our Middlesex University staff community forms the foundation of our world-class institution. They work on a global scale to harness the creative, innovative and enterprising spirit that has guided our university since its inception. We are searching for exceptional people to join us. We offer staff an excellent, collegial, and supportive working environment and competitive pay and benefits packages. Recruitment Fraud Awareness Please note that Middlesex University Dubai has an internal recruitment process and we do not use recruitment agencies to hire staff, neither do we charge any fees to join Middlesex University Dubai as an employee, and to do so would be contrary to our business conduct guidelines and ethical practices. If you are approached by individuals or organisations whom you suspect may not be appropriately representing Middlesex University Dubai for example, by telephone or from an unofficial mdx.ac.ae email address offering employment opportunities, please notify the relevant UAE authorities and info@mdx.ac.ae. Please do not respond to unsolicited business propositions and/or offers of employment from people with whom you are unfamiliar or provide any personal or financial information, and do not send any money to anyone you suspect of recruitment fraud. If you wish to apply for a job at Middlesex University Dubai, please submit your application for an open position advertised on our website to hr@mdx.ac.ae stating the position you are applying for in the subject line. Apologies only shortlisted candidates will be contacted due to the number of applications received.




hrough years of experience and her own meditation and mindfulness practice, she has developed a unique and richly relaxing blend of wellbeing and stress management which brings together a number of practices from Laughter Yoga, Meditation and mindfulness. As well as Mindfulness, Sue is a trainer in Emotional Intelligence and is EQi 2.0 qualified, she is also a qualified DiSC practitioner. Supporting people to understand their emotional intelligence and behavioural traits means she encourages her clients to learn and adopt mindfulness techniques. Sue is keen to bring mindfulness into every element of her life and work – and through that to bring it to everyone she is in contact with. She loves showing people how they can support themselves by seperating out their beliefs and thoughts, and gain more understanding on how both beliefs and thoughts are driving actions – which may often not be productive or work out so well. “Like everyone, I have a busy life, I’ve run my own business since 1997, balanced it with bringing up a family, and worked on a number of community campaigns including sustainability and protecting green spaces (one of which resulted in me standing in the General Elections) and throughout that time, I have endured plenty of moments of stress. Mindfulness and Laughter have been key elements in my life that have kept me on an even keel” Sue’s work in Mindfulness means she is often in demand by individuals, local businesses and organisations. She often delivers bespoke training for stressed out executives and employees, and runs mindfulness retreats in Devon for people to get a taster of mindfulness, or go deeper into their own practice. “It is a real pleasure to work with clients to support them not only in their communications challenges, but also in their personal success plans. I use a range of techniques, including Mindfulness, visualisation, humour, coaching and even EFT to support my clients.” Sue is also a trainer for Big Results Training and Creative Laughter and she delivers courses throughout the UK to support individual wellbeing and emotional resilience. For her psychotherapy practice, please see: https://www.suehaswell.co.uk Contact: sue@mindfulness-uk.co.uk, 01626 864458

Shalamar Children

shalamar children

East Tilbury

Shalamar Children’s Homes – Isola, Cairn, and shortly Glebeland – are based in family-sized houses around rural Essex. We are residential children’s homes with a therapeutic approach. Our aim is to resolve issues in young people and not to merely contain them. We achieve this by using attachment-based care and to look for the communication behind any behaviour. We believe behaviour is a form of communication. We would look for the meaning behind all negative behaviour in the young people within our care. From this, we work with our young people helping them to not only to control their negative behaviours, but also attempting to work through the issues which are the cause of these behaviours. Shalamar carers use Dan Hughes’ PACE method to gain a positive attachment with the young people within our care. PACE stands for Playfulness – Acceptance – Curiosity – Empathy. Given time, we aim to create a stable, secure base and safe haven for all young people staying at Shalamar, allowing the space and the confidence to heal and develop. At Shalamar, there are daily community meetings where young people have the opportunity to voice any issues they have with their care, or state how it can be improved. This space allows for the young people to feel listened to, raising their confidence, self-esteem and making them feel valued and cared for. Shalamar’s work looks to change the negative way that young people view themselves and the adults around them. Through attachment-based nurture we restore their self-belief and provide positive experiences with adults who care. We understand that many children who display challenging behaviour have had trauma at some point in their life. This usually manifests itself in emotional developmental delay. Therefore we treat the child at their developmental/emotional age, rather than strict biological age. This creates a realistic and settled environment for the young person who can succeed and receive praise for their work and efforts. We also provide a psychodynamic behavioural approach, which is worked alongside the attachment framework, where we bring the subconscious to the conscious. This allows the young people to understand why they are feeling and acting the way they are and is the first step to taking control of their actions.

Beeches Learning And Development Trust

beeches learning and development trust


Burnham Grammar School’s aim is for every individual student to ‘Embrace Challenge’ on their journey to academic and personal success. This success is delivered through our school aims, which are reflected in our homepage images. All students will be: Responsible Learners; Prepared for the Future; Happy Healthy and Safe; Caring Individuals and Active Citizens. We have a reputation for the pursuit of excellence, and students and staff are proud of our success at GCSE and A level. “outcomes for pupils have improved significantly over time and the school is popular and oversubscribed” Ofsted February 2017 We are a caring school where good relationships are fostered and every student is valued. We get to know our students as individuals to personalise the support they need to fulfil their potential. “In class, the learning atmosphere is very positive and pupils are confident, self-motivated, keen to learn and not afraid to make mistakes. They exemplify the school’s motto of ‘embracing challenge’.” Ofsted February 2017 Our friendly but purposeful environment produces well-rounded individuals and exam success. We expect our students to embrace the unique opportunities to volunteer, mentor younger students and participate in the wide range of sporting, arts and charity events. “The personal and social aspect of the curriculum is particularly strong and helps pupils to stay safe, prepare for examinations and to become responsible citizens…. Pupils appreciate the range of extra-curricular opportunities to help them to develop their wider skills.” Ofsted February 2017 We have active industrial corporate partners to extend and enrich our curriculum, provide training and employment opportunities and to help our students to make the right decisions about their futures. We want our students to be excited by and enjoy each day and to leave us with the enthusiasm, knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable them to confidently and responsibly take their places in the world. Burnham Grammar School is an idyllic learning community where the relationships and teamwork provide the support and reassurance for our students to strive to be their very best. We are holders of Investors In People Gold award and a south of England IIP Champion and finalist for Gold Employer of the Year.