113 Educators providing Courses

Study Academy

study academy


Study Academy is everything you’ll need for practical staff training and development. We are an experienced digital training provider covering finance & compliance, personal growth, health & safety, business skills, and health & social care. Our team delivers lessons specially tailored to your business on a personalised platform. We’ll work closely alongside you to advise suitable topics and design online training to help staff on the job. WHY WORK WITH STUDY ACADEMY? There are countless benefits to moving your training in-house. Working with an independent training body means an expensive cost since you’ll need to book refresher sessions and trainers for new staff.  Designing and developing a digital learning platform removes that pressure. All learning required from your employees is provided in one place, where you have complete control. Study Academy dedicates time and effort to understanding your business mission and ensuring that your staff learning reflects your values. You’ll no longer have to suffer stale courses with outdated scenarios. Any first aid support or business management lessons will directly consider the needs of your business. STAFF TRAINING WITH STUDY ACADEMY Our staff training solutions are second to none. We can support transitions into management, fire safety training, food handling legalities and much more. Running a business is no easy feat, and having one platform to equip all staff members provides some unity. You’ll be able to monitor who has completed which lessons, as well as when annual training needs updating. First aid, for example, is not a one time course. Staff training must be completed constantly and consistently, so an easily accessible digital platform is convenient. REGULATORY COMPLIANCE TRAINING WITH STUDY ACADEMY Regulatory compliance training is arguably the most critical for your organisation. Sessions from Study Academy ensure that employees understand the laws, regulations and policies that govern your business. Compliance lessons can cover data handling, financial law and fraud awareness. We are a digital training provider that aims to introduce the law to your staff, help them understand why the rules are in place and why they’re vital to follow. The consequences of improper training are devastating. ONBOARDING AND INDUCTION TRAINING WITH STUDY ACADEMY New members of staff have no concept of what your business values. Perhaps they have experience or qualifications in your sector, but that isn’t enough to effectively represent your business. A personalised digital training platform with Study Academy can help you and train staff in your brand voice and guidelines. With a consistent welcome session, every new employee will understand your organisation from the same level, so your team will present themselves consistently.

Solution Revolution

solution revolution


The solution focused (SF) approach is compassionate, powerful, hopeful and effective. It works with people to achieve their hoped-for change. It places people as experts in their own their life's, whilst allowing them to build on their existing strengths and capabilities. It helps them to achieve their desired outcomes. The SF approach works with people to enable them to have a clear vision of how they want their life to be, how they would like things to be different. It's about noticing the presence of what's wanted, rather than the absence of what's not wanted. The SF approach also encourages people to notice what’s working already, about confirming that and building on it, and not about focusing on or analysing the problem. Developed in the 1980’s in Milwaukee, USA, the SF approach was developed as a model of therapy. However, it is now widely applied across, health, social care, and educational settings. The SF approach can be applied in any setting, whether it be an organisation, a community, a group, a family, parents, or individuals. One of SF’s keys strengths is its focus on simplicity, which makes it so accessible as well as applicable in so many settings. About Me As the founder of Solution Revolution, I am passionate in my belief that the solution focused approach can help anyone. I am a qualified Solution Focused (SF) Practitioner and social worker, and I've seen first hand how the SF technique can be used effectively with children, young people, and their families, to support positive change, no matter how difficult the situation. For children and young people, it can be applied at all levels of education, and it can enhance the education experience of every child and their teachers. As Solution Revolution, I am immensely proud to have worked with most of the primary and secondary schools across Bath, Bristol and Wiltshire. This work has ranged from hugely successful one-to-one work, group work, and staff training. Solution Revolution has a strong, working relationship with the Bath and North East Somerset Local Authority, and with the Schools Sport Partnership Board, who I collaborate with on a group work initiative called Active Solutions. This initiative brings SF and sport together and this is being delivered in primary schools across Bath. This project is continuing to grow, and the positive impact on the children involved has been celebrated by their schools. I am passionate about local community, and have recently expanded my group work with children and young people. Workshops now include drama and production, in collaboration with some notable local actors and DJs. I'm a huge advocate of youth involvement. Alongside organisations such as Boys in Mind, Girls Mind Too, and the UK Association for Solution Focused Practitioners, we are working together to ensure young people's voices are heard in schools and in the community. I am passionate about my work and the results the SF approach can bring about in people's lives. If you'd like to chat to me about this work, do get in touch!
