12972 Educators providing Courses




Bullying is a complex issue which requires a multi-faceted response. There are many factors that influence behaviour – in our schools, our communities and online. We benefit from a wealth of research both in the UK and internationally relating to bullying, and we are influenced by a broad range of theoretical approaches. Direct interventions with children and families We provide interventions with children at an individual and peer group level and family-based interventions. Work with schools and the community We support staff to understand how their actions influence the behaviour of children and consider practical ways we can build safe communities. Wider societal influence We consider the ways that our society and culture influence the behaviour of children and are champions for kindness, empathy, inclusion and respect. The impact of our work There are five main ways that we reduce the impact of bullying and harm: Building communities of support Reducing isolation and loneliness Promoting positive relationships Supporting resilience and wellbeing Helping children recognise and respond to bullying behaviour. See Impact for details of what we deliver and how it changes young lives. Our values We believe that every child has the right to live life free from bullying and harm We believe that all adults have a responsibility for creating safe and nurturing environments for children We value the role of parents and carers and work with them to keep children safe We believe that by working together we can protect more young lives and actively encourage partnership work

Medical & Dental Training

medical & dental training

Mandate The Medical and Dental Council is the statutory agency under the Ministry of Health established under Part II of the Health Professions Regulatory Bodies Act, 2013 (Act 857) responsible for the regulation of the training and practice of medicine and dentistry in Ghana. Vision The vision of the Council is to be an internationally acclaimed competent, innovative and accountable regulatory authority for medical and dental practice in Ghana, for the public good. Core values Integrity – Provision of honest leadership, share what we see with our stakeholders Transparency and accountability – Commit to take responsibility, be open and accountable for our actions Excellence – Commit to achieving highest standards with open-mindedness and a willingness to continuous learning Fairness – Equal respect to all persons and treat them without prejudice Collaboration and strategic partnerships – we recognize healthcare as teamwork, so we will work with others to support safe, high quality care for the public good. Shared Value “Guiding the professions, protecting the public” Object The object of Council as provided for under section 27 of Act 857 is to secure in the public interest the highest standards in the training and practice of medicine and dentistry in Ghana. Mission Accordingly, the mission of Council is to: Assure and maintain public health, safety and wellbeing Promote and maintain public trust in the professions and members of the professions Ensure and sustain public confidence in the healthcare system Enforce professional standards and conduct