8294 Educators providing Courses

The Brandon Centre

the brandon centre


Our VISION is to be Here For Young People. We believe that all young people should be able to access the highest quality mental health and wellbeing support in a safe and welcoming environment. Our MISSION is to maintain and develop accessible, flexible and specialist services. We aim to respond to the psychological and social needs and challenges of young people under 25 years old. Values Compassion: We provide a welcoming and non-judgemental environment for young people to access support that helps them live healthy and fulfilled lives. Inclusion: We strive to remove barriers to access, and to use our expertise to provide services that our young people can trust to be safe and to meet their individual needs. Respect: We serve our diverse community, and work with our partners, with a willingness to collaborate, adapt, and recognise the importance of choice. ——————————————————————— Based in the heart of our local community, Brandon Centre offers a comfortable, welcoming, and non-institutional setting for young people to access a range of mental health and wellbeing services. Our self-referral system means that all young people can access the confidential care and support provided by our friendly and highly skilled team. Our innovative approach applies psychotherapeutic principles to devise and implement mental health services, and we partner with schools, youth offending services and advice agencies to engage and reach out to high priority groups of young people. As well as individual therapeutic help for young people, we also offer effective intervention for families of young people in serious trouble with the law, and for parents struggling to bring up a teenager whose behaviour is out-of-control. Our approach combines leading-edge service delivery with audit, research, and the rigorous evaluation of outcomes. This has further enhanced our reputation as an accessible and collaborative provider of mental health and wellbeing support to young people under 25, helping them to overcome difficulties and become healthy and fulfilled young adults.

Friends Of Fairlands Farm

friends of fairlands farm


In 2017, The Comet,, a local newspaper, issued an appeal to find a way to restore and revive Fairlands Farm - to save it from 'wrack and ruin.' It reported that the farmhouse had been registered as an Asset of Community Value. The registration had occurred when a few residents of the local neighbourhood had noticed dereliction of the site. After making enquires to Stevenage Borough Council, they sought the help of a local charity based in their area, to prevent the council from executing their undesirable plan. Leading the residents, the charity could only ensure the site's registration and, refusing to take advice, ultimately could not develop a viable proposal for the use of the farm. Although aware the farmhouse was a Grade II listed building, the group's ambitions blinded them to its implications. Efforts to sell the site had first been made around 2008 when the local council sought to raise funds for town-centre redevelopment. That is really when our story should begin, but until ghosts from the past came to guide us ten summers later that wasn't known. The town-centre scheme had barely begun when prospective investors got cold feet due to a global financial crash, but it gave time to ensure the farmhouse gained its listed status which was a local historian, Margaret Ashby had first proposed in 2004. In 2011 further attempts were made to market the farm, but with the listing now in place the was no party willing to take on the risk. By 2016, lack of investment left the house unsafe for occupation. After 25 years at the farm, the trustees of Digswell Arts Trust decided it was time to call it a day and the artists cleaned their brushes for the last time. With the property unoccupied for the first time since 1990, the council returned to its plans to sell the property to a pub or restaurant chain for the third time. Renewed determination to rid itself of the albatross around its neck, the council commissioned a condition survey to establish the extent and cost of repairs needed, but the plans failed to pass under the radar of the ever-watchful residents, and so it came to our notice. Reading about the plight of the house, Friends of Fairlands Farm recognised that an organisation dedicated to ensuring respect for the long heritage of the farm, that its place in the hearts of the people of Stevenage, would be necessary to commit to and sustain its longevity, and so the CIC was formed. We hope that the former dairy farm and arts centre will once again proudly stand central to the whole community of Stevenage and invite you to support and join Friends of Fairlands Farm on this journey. Read the full story here.

Tariki Trust

tariki trust

Tariki Trust is a community of people who believe that our actions matter and our impact on others has consequences at many levels. Our spiritual and moral values are something which we live out, and that need to permeate all we do. They are not simply ideas or practices to be addressed in limited time slots during a busy day. Tariki Trust offers courses, training and retreats which centre on our shared interest in our living systems. These include training and events linked to ecotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, environmentalism, spiritual care and other forms of engaged Buddhism. A UK registered Buddhist charity, Tariki Trust was founded in 2011 and has become an umbrella for a wide range of activities in these inter-related fields. Our non-sectarian outlook welcomes people from many backgrounds, some of whom are Buddhist, but many of whom are not, to share in building a vision of a more wholesome world, based on values of compassion, mutual support and care for our position as part of a greater system. Tariki Trust is a community of people who are interested in learning, ideas, creativity and social responsibility. We believe in practising through concern for others and engagement with life in all its forms. The name Tariki means 'other-power' in Japanese. Other-power is a fundamental concept in Pureland Buddhism and expresses our commitment to a collective, collaborative approach. It is also the basis for Other-Centred Approach, the model of psychotherapy which underpins many Tariki courses and events. The Other-Centred model is flexible, suggesting an attitude of engagement and encounter rather than of introspection and rigidity, and leading us to embrace many fields of involvement and cultural activities as well as the narrowly therapeutic. Many of Tariki Trust’s activities were run by an earlier organisation, established in 1996, and its course programmes have a history going back over several decades. Tariki Trust itself was established in 2011 in order to offer a dedicated space for these programmes and at this time the Ten Directions training programme in ecotherapy was also established. Tariki Trust is a UK Registered Charity Number 1149658. It has a board of trustees who oversee its work and ensure good practice. Tariki Trust does not have any salaried staff, but, rather, has teaching staff and others working on a sessional or occasional basis. This means that much of Tariki’s work in supporting courses and activities is done on a voluntary, dana basis. As a charity, Tariki Trust is subject to the jurisdiction of the UK Charity Commission and has a number of policies and guidelines in place for good practice. These can be viewed on our old website.

Newquay Tretherras

newquay tretherras



You will always be guaranteed a warm welcome at Newquay Tretherras, an inspiring and vibrant school at the heart of our Newquay community. Tretherras students are a pleasure to teach and learn with. They understand that their education is important for their life chances, and they take full advantage of the incredible range of clubs, experiences and facilities offered to them at our school, both within and beyond the classroom. We are ambitious for every single young person and your child will be offered an array of opportunities to grow and develop into a responsible, well-rounded individual. We aim to equip all our young people with the necessary resilience, confidence and aspiration to challenge themselves, and us, to achieve the highest standards possible. We want our students to be healthy and happy young people and so we offer an inclusive and extensive curriculum which offers aspirational opportunities for all to succeed. The aim of the Tretherras curriculum is to enable our students to Achieve Highly, Communicate Convincingly, Decide Wisely and Engage Fully. Our holistic curriculum is rich, ambitious and well-sequenced and is designed to take students on a creative, exploratory and inspiring learning journey. As well as studying a body of academic knowledge, our specialist subject areas also focus on developing transferable skills such as communication, leadership and empathy. We focus on developing students’ reading and vocabulary, to give them the confidence to express their ideas meaningfully in order to progress and succeed. We understand how challenging it can be to be a teenager and we have strong and caring people and structures in place to support students pastorally and academically. We are committed to developing students’ social, moral, spiritual, cultural and economic confidence in order to prepare our young people for further education or training, employment and successful citizenship. Our strong belief is that Tretherras is a place where dreams can come true, and we put our students at the heart of everything we do. We are an inclusive learning community, working hard together to support our students to succeed in every possible way, whatever their talents or ambitions. Our relationships at Tretherras are inclusive and special: we are a family in which everyone matters. This is, without doubt, a very happy place to be. As a school that achieves great examination results for our young people, we know it is the quality of our relationships with parents and students, our high standards and our inclusive ethos, which is the key to this success. We look forward to meeting you personally and to us working in partnership to ensure that your children are inspired, achieve remarkable things and become the best they can possibly be at Newquay Tretherras.

Kathy Kinnersly

kathy kinnersly

I am Kathy, a dedicated mum of two, living with intention, purpose and passion. A lifelong interest in Natural Wellness and Wellbeing - was ignited further when my son Kit’s health needed additional powerful support. He was suffering from serious Eczema and Asthma - and he continues to be naturally supported today. I went on a journey of discovery, and found a whole new fascinating world of plant power! I was introduced to doTERRA Essential oils in 2015 as I was searching for support for Kit, and have never looked back! The power of these pure and tested Essential oils has not only changed my family’s lives and health, but it steered my career into one driven by care, support, empowerment and education for others. I fell in love with these little bottles of joy, and I couldn’t wait to start sharing them with others too! I use the oils daily - and weave them into mini daily habits and teach others to do the same! Simplicity is key! I use lavender to keep calm and support sleep, peppermint for alertness, frankincense for glowing skin, lemon in my water to support daily detoxing, On Guard to support our immune systems and of course Air - to support Kit’s respiratory health. I use them in my cleaning, my skin care, my hair care! But most importantly, they form the basis of me and my family’s emotional wellbeing, we can lean on them any time. Easy, daily routines - they become a habit or a ritual, whatever suits you! I am here to guide and support you! My journey with doTERRA has been one filled with learning and excitement. The quality of the oils coupled with the ethics and integrity of the company has given me such a passion to support and empower others as they embark on this journey with me. Offering everything from education, support and community - I am driven to help other Mummas who are looking for support in the way I was. Whether they need help with hormone balance, better sleep, digestive support, detoxing, emotional support or respiratory support, I am able to help - by providing easy to use and cost effective solutions When I became a Diamond leader with doTERRA here in the UK, it felt like an honour to be recognised for what I do - both in my local community, and globally online. Having grown a fun and dynamic team of like minded women over the past 7 years, I now provide business coaching and mentoring and full support - helping them to achieve their goals, sharing with passion and growing their own business. I am passionate about what I do, and can not wait to support you on your journey too. xx

Kingsthorpe College

kingsthorpe college


Kingsthorpe College is the kind of school which is dedicated to ensuring that we make a difference, in any way that we can, to both our community and our young people. We are passionate about providing opportunities for all our students to achieve artistic, athletic and academic excellence. We very much believe that our role is to help develop successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens. In addition to ensuring that all our young people achieve their potential in these areas, there is also a genuine commitment to respect for individuals which is demonstrated in the daily life of the College. One of the first things you notice when you walk into the College is how friendly everybody is to each other – how frequently people smile, take an interest in other people, and find something positive and encouraging to say. We always take the time to celebrate success. For us, high quality relationships are at the heart of everything that we do. We want our young people to be happy, confident, curious, and resilient learners. We know that this can only happen if relationships, built on trust and mutual respect, are central to all aspects of our work. We believe that when young people feel safe and secure, everything is possible, and we promise to do our utmost to make sure that we unlock the potential in everyone. All we can ask from our students is that they do their best, and we value hard work, determination, and thoughtfulness highly. We want all our young people to ask themselves just one question at the end of every day – was I better today than I was yesterday? So whilst passing exams, and gaining the necessary qualifications to take that next step, is hugely important, we are equally committed to providing our young people with the space and resources to develop their character. We are proud of the extracurricular provision that we are able to offer, and we work hard to give our students plenty of opportunities to develop their confidence and creativity – both in and out of lessons. We also believe in clarity of communication, and the power of feedback. We always welcome open and honest dialogue between all those involved in and with the College. We are committed to a restless excellence which can only be achieved through regular feedback, and you will always find us receptive to this. We are excited and optimistic about what the future holds for the young people and community which we serve. Of course the best way to experience KC is by visiting us, and you will always find our doors open. If you would like to come and see us, please do get in touch - I look forward to sharing the College with you.

Horizons (London) Education Trust

horizons (london) education trust


This begins with the success of the amazing team at Spring Common Academy and encouragement from others within our community to increase our system leadership role and spread the reach of high quality special education provision and training. In 2014 Spring Common School developed as a Teaching School status with a National Leader in Education and in 2015 designated a national support school status. In January 2016 Spring Common School became Spring Common Academy and successfully became a Multi Academy Trust called Spring Common Academy Trust with intent to grow as a successful organisation. In June 2016 Spring Common Academy trust was selected from a national field to develop the special school project at the new Community in Cambridgeshire at Alconbury Weald. This project called Alconbury Weald education campus moved to milestone 3 which is detailed design in partnership with Cambridgeshire Local Authority, Atkins global and Morgan Sindall Construction in April 2021. It is the intention of our trustees that this new special school be named as Prestley Wood Academy. This new special school will be mixed age 3 to 19 for 150 pupils. In November 2018 Spring Common Academy was judged outstanding overall Ofsted report date 18 December 2018, building on the hard work of the staff team and trustees. During 2020 – 2021 a significant Capital build project was undertaken to improve hygiene and disability access to the building in partnership with Cambridgeshire Local Authority, Oxbury chartered surveyors and Jeakins Weir. Following a period of transition from September 2020 in January 2021 Dr Kim Taylor OBE became the full time Executive Head/ CEO for the development of the Trust and Julia McIntosh appointed as Head of School at Spring Common Academy by trustees. In April 2021 the members and trustees agree to change the name of the Trust to Horizons Education Trust with the prospect of more special schools joining the trust. In May 2021 the former TBAP Unity Academy transferred into the trust as Riverside Meadows Academy with two sites at St Neots and Wisbech as an SEMH special school. This school was judged good and report date was 3 July 2019. Between May to June 2021 emergency works identified prior to academy transfer completed on the Algores Way site at Wisbech to support the safety of staff and pupils. Significant ICT infrastructure installed on both sites to enable staff and pupils to access wireless using Eastnet supported by ICT Services with new email domains. In May 2021 The Fenland Education Campus which includes a new SEMH special school for Wisbech moved to Milestone 3 of detailed design with Cambridgeshire Local Authority Atkins Global and Kier. The site identified in Wisbech will be for 60 placement SEMH special school.

The John Of Gaunt School

the john of gaunt school


The John of Gaunt School is a unique, vibrant and highly successful school. The School has a strong reputation for both academic and pastoral excellence, and it is a great honour to be the Headteacher. Whilst we are first and foremost a place of learning, we strive to ensure that students are academically nurtured and cared for in a safe environment in which they can be happy, grow, gain in confidence and be challenged to achieve in all aspects of school life. Our school provides a learning environment that is rich in encouragement, and enthusiasm along with a belief in every individual. We offer a curriculum and a pastoral system designed to enrich the learning experience of all our students, whatever their ability. Helping our young people develop into confident, sensitive and reflective adults is fundamental. During their time at The John of Gaunt School we will ensure young people meet or exceed their potential, this is achieved though outstanding teaching and careful support for each young person throughout their time with us. We pride ourselves in being a community school. We thrive on strong supportive relationships with parents and carers and believe that students are best educated when parents, students and staff all work in unison. Our strong and growing links with local businesses and community organisations add tremendous value to the development of our young people. We are passionate in our belief that every young person should be encouraged to raise their aspirations and have the opportunity to become accomplished independent learners so that they are able to achieve and be successful in the rapidly changing and competitive adult world. At The John of Gaunt School we believe in regularly celebrating the success of learners, no matter how small the accomplishment. The school offers a wide range of extra-curricular clubs, before school, during lunch times and after school, as well as cultural trips and visits, foreign exchanges and residential trips, we believe these opportunities enrich the lives of our young people and enhance our already thriving curriculum offer. I hope that you find the enclosed information helpful as a means of getting to know us and what it means to be part of The John of Gaunt School. Additionally, I would like to encourage you to come in and visit us at any time as we have a fantastic reputation and are proud of our last excellent Ofsted inspection. We would be delighted to show our school on a normal school day in order for you to sample our open, caring and nurturing ethos. Choosing a school is a very important decision, but I believe our student centred approach, high standards, outstanding teaching and personalised care, will ensure your child has a very successful and enjoyable future.

Team Ews

team ews


Your school might have a history of low attendance, or you may want to ensure that you are doing all you can to make sure that your attendance levels are maintained. Either way, Team EWS is here to make sure that your school is equipped with the experience and plans in place to deal with the barriers to learning that are keeping your pupils from attending school on a regular basis. We offer tailor-made packages to help your pupils get the most out of their education. We have significantly reduced high-levels of persistent absences in schools across the South-East and the UK. testimonial-1 testimonial-2 testimonial-10 testimonial-6 testimonial-3 testimonial-5 testimonial-7 testimonial-8 testimonial-11 testimonial-9 testimonial-4 Our Strength is Our Team Our strengths lie in the experiences of our team, and you need someone who is caring and professional to establish relationships with even the most vulnerable and troubled families in your school. We perform our work both onsite and remote, so you’ll always have that support you need. We have team members from several different backgrounds, including the Police Force, Social Services, and Education. You’ll benefit from a range of different experiences that have been carefully vetted to give your school the most valuable resource on the market. Association of Education Welfare Management We are members of the Association of Education Welfare Management and have an active team that frequently update their own skills and knowledge through CPD. This allows us to: • Promote and safeguard the rights of children, fostering co-operation between organisations in the interest of children. • Advance our own professional interests to give you and your school the expertise you need. • Actively promote and improve social inclusion within your school community. • Develop the skills and training of your staff. • To maintain and update our current practices in line with legislative frameworks and regulatory bodies. Ofsted Reports and Support We assist your school in Action Planning for Ofsted inspections. This is because Ofsted focuses on your school’s attendance and punctuality levels. Your school must do everything it can to remove barriers to education. Our team are on hand to provide you with the necessary support to showcase all of the hard work that’s gone into raising your school’s attendance. ✓ Our service is 100% bespoke, tailored precisely to your school’s needs. ✓ Our EWOs are based in your school and become a crucial part of your school community. ✓ You are assigned the same EWO for the duration of the contract where possible. Giving you consistent service and our staff develop a detailed knowledge of your school and pupils. ✓ We have sophisticated IT systems which means that your sensitive client records are 100% safe and secure. ✓ Our service is the most cost-effective in the market.