963 Educators providing Courses

Emma Loveheart

emma loveheart

In 2011, I discovered I had a spiritual gift that enabled me to connect with universal energy. This discovery came to me very quickly and without warning. My spiritual life previous to this had been non-existent. I was not attached to any religion, or had any visions, or felt anything. I was very content with my life. The universe clearly had other ideas for me and sent me a premonition of an accident that would happen to one of my daughters. The vision got to the point that I could clearly see life after the accident, and it was not a pleasant life at all. I made the decision to listen to the vision/warning and change course so the accident wouldn’t happen. This then raised questions for me as to where did that vision come from. Through some wonderful people around me I began my spiritual journey, learning about a whole new universe out there. I found I connected very easily and could tap into this wealth of support and wisdom. Although in many respects beautiful, this new world also opened up huge challenges for me. Family very dear to me challenged what I was experiencing and wanted to stop me practicing. I got very ill at the same time and had to battle every step of the way. I did not stop learning though, and it has been the spirituality, as well as sheer determination, that has healed me and got me to where I am today. I pursued my gift as a spiritual healer; holding circles with friends, becoming reiki attuned, healing with crystals, working with the angelic realms and giving readings. Then I went on a course about home healing through dowsing and Into The Light Property Healing was born. I now use my spiritual connection to alter energy in homes here on earth. It’s fantastic. If I couldn’t do it and get the results I have achieved, I wouldn’t believe it myself. This line of work is now my business and my life. I take my work very seriously, although I understand that many of my clients will never truly understand what I do. That’s ok, because it is the result that matters.

Tim Anderson

tim anderson


Welcome to SOULutions. With more than 20 years of working in this field, I am delighted to offer holistic and solution-focused therapies and natural and effective healing methods through SOULUTIONS. My coaching style, systemic background and homeopathic approach all aim to help you move towards inner peace and well-being. Consequently, leaving you free to be the best you that you are meant to be. I am here to help you find your SOULutions with: Homeopathy Family Constellations Trainings 1:1 Personal Issues and Relationship Coaching Family Constellations Workshops (also known as Systemic Constellations Workshops) Personal Issues and Relationship Coaching My personal issues and relationship coaching is based on a solution focused approach. I offer coaching for personal and relationship issues for individuals in a safe and confidential environment. For over 20 years, I have supported people from all walks of life and worked with people with a wide range of life challenges including: stress of all kinds anxiety-related issues family and relationship issues difficulties in conceiving and or miscarriages low self-esteem or low confidence cross junction in life and looking for the next step in life is grief and bereavement Systemic Family Constellations Systemic constellations and family constellations, offer a systemic and solution-focused approach. They are particularly effective for personal, family and relationship issues. At SOULutions, I offer both workshops and one to one sessions in systemic constellations and family constellations in Surrey. Surrey Homeopathy Having worked as a Surrey homeopath for over 20 years, I offer this gentle and natural form of medicine in my practice in Surrey. First of all, during the homeopathic consultation, I aim is to collect a full symptom picture of you and to explore the symptoms as you experience them. Whatever the presenting symptom, homeopathy looks at physical, emotional and mental state as belonging together and presenting an expression of what is out of balance in the individual. Finally, I prescribe a carefully selected homeopathic remedy that matches your particular symptom picture most closely. This form of medicine can help balance the person’s innate healing powers to initiate healing from within. Homeopathy thus offers an holistic approach to health and well-being.