2030 Educators providing Courses

Diocese of Bath & Wells Education department

diocese of bath & wells education department



In response to God’s immense love for us we seek to be God’s people living and telling the story of Jesus. Our vision and strategy speaks of the story of Jesus; his life, teaching and work, his death and resurrection; the story which is the context of our faith and the content of our message. We seek to live this story as disciples of Jesus Christ in the world and to tell it, both in sharing the good news and by the way in which our lives speak about Him. Priorities Three priorities for action are at the centre of diocesan life in order to enable every one of us to ‘live and tell the story of Jesus’. These priorities reflect the way in which we seek to put the vision into practice and to address the challenges we face across the diocese, challenges that have grown more stark as a result of the Covid pandemic. To enable all of these to really flourish, we seek to place prayer and worship at the heart of our life together and to build a spirit of unity and generosity in living out our vision. To place mission and evangelism at the heart of everything that we do This priority reminds us that everything we do needs to be set within the context of sharing God’s love with the world (living the story) and proclaiming the gospel (telling the story).We will shape our life together to serve and embrace our communities better; we will undertake more activities and initiatives with an explicitly missional purpose and engage more proactively with our communities at a personal, parish, deanery and diocesan level. To align our resources towards mission We will shift the balance of the resources we deploy in time, people and buildings towards mission and provide more resources for explicitly missional roles; that we will invest in our communities and in initiatives in order to follow God’s missionary purposes; and that we will seek numerical and spiritual growth as we trust in the leading and guiding of God’s Holy Spirit. To identify, develop and release the gifts of all people We will seek new ministry models that help us all to make best use of the gifts and talents that God has given to his people; that we will seek to build congregations that flourish through serving each other, serving their communities and witness to the love of God in Jesus Christ.

LearnDrive UK

learndrive uk



WELCOME TO LEARNDRIVE! YOUR TRUSTED ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM! We Learndrive, are on a mission to provide easily accessible quality education and training for everyone around the world. As an online training provider, we strive to provide courses to help our learners achieve their academic and career goals. Learndrive offers a wide range of courses that are tailored to make them useful to individuals who are willing to learn. We are constantly working on delivering new and on-demand courses for our learners.   OUR MISSION & VISION The 4th industrial revolution is currently happening. Our mission at Learndrive is to empower organisations and individual employees so that they can adapt to this new way of living. We do so by providing flexible, effective skills training.  Here at Learndrive, we believe in expertise. Rather than providing shallow materials,  we provide a sophisticated platform on which the real subject experts can share knowledge with you- the learners. We provide premium learning materials so you can land your dream job. Learndrive has a clear mission; that is to get you ready for the new tech-based industrial era. The need for career advancement in this era goes far beyond mere training. Gaining in-depth subject knowledge is essential to unlocking your career goals. For this reason, we have a team that constantly works on producing premium learning materials.  Achieving our vision requires us to go to the experts in their relevant fields. With expert-written learning materials at Learndrive, you can enhance your credibility and boost your earning potential.  We want to help you reach the top of your career. The thousands of courses we offer are tailored by professionals in different fields so that you can easily grasp the concepts and apply them in real-world scenarios.  Our courses are based on industry-relevant curriculum with audio and video modules. We also offer assignments that test your learning and hone your skills. We also aid our learners to adapt to the updated industry compliance and practices. We offer our courses to students from the UK and all over the world. The focus of our organisation is to make you ready for the new industrial era. We offer our best to you without regard to race, language, or nationality.

Chadwick Consulting & Training

chadwick consulting & training



Chadwick Consulting, Inc. is a strategic business development, marketing and sales training organization committed to improving business outcomes for the graphic communications industry. Client-based research services assist in identifying prospects, determining revenue development opportunities, compiling background information for customer development, creating appointments and self-promotion materials, and developing responses for RFQ’s and RFP’s. Chadwick Consulting, Inc. represents over thirty years of professional experience in account development and strategic marketing management in business-to-business environments. Sid Chadwick has worked as a marketing field consultant in graphic communications markets for over twelve years, and has been a contributing columnist to various graphic communications publications, including Printing Impressions, IPA Bulletin, American Printer, Graphic Arts Monthly, Georgia Printer, and Printing Industries of America Print Management Series. Sid Chadwick Our mission is to improve company and individual performance in the graphic communications industry through business development resulting from research, strategy development, education and training, and publishing. The staff of Chadwick Consulting is experienced in customer and prospect research, sales team training, identification and development of company differentiation, team building, continuous productivity improvement, and supervisory development in the graphic communications industry. This can be particularly useful when corporate performance, culture, and interdepartmental communications are in need of improved direction, and/or renewal. Chadwick Consulting contributes professional articles for publication on a monthly basis, facilitates peer groups, and conducts equipment justification studies from a strategic perspective. We also conduct employee surveys for employee and supervisor performance development. In effect, we work to increase clients’ options, and focus – for improving bottom line performance. As a general observation, many clients elect to work with us in varying roles after initial assignments. Chadwick Consulting is also part of GATF’s Solutions On-Site Consulting Team, and regularly works with industry associations as a speaker, for education and training programs. Sid’s Educational Background: 1966 – 1969 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (emphasis in Marketing & Psychology) (4 year degree in 3 years) 1971 – 1973 MSBA at University of NC at Greensboro (Two-year curriculum – night program – Wrote best comprehensive exam in graduating class) 1991 – 1994 Post-Graduate Ph.D Studies in Human and Organizational Development at The Fielding Institute 2019 – 2020 Adjunct Professor at the University of Houston; Wrote Case Study curriculum that has become a required course – 8-10 classes per year, with an excellent Full-time local Professor.

Complex Systems Digital Campus

complex systems digital campus

Milton Keynes

The CS-DC international network of institutions comprises more than 100 higher education and research institutions and was recognized as an UNESCO UniTwin in July 2014 with the signature of a Cooperation Programme with the Director-General of UNESCO. The main objectives of the Cooperation Programme are to: promote an integrated system of research, education and training, information and documentation in the domain of the science and engineering of complex systems, contribute to the aims of global development by taking into account its social, economic and cultural dimensions and to this end, make the science and engineering of complex systems accessible to all, in order to get the relations between science, engineering, politics and ethics to evolve towards a sustainable development, contribute to a research and education of the highest quality in the domain of the science of complex systems, promote the development of integrated knowledge and integrated models of complex systens in order to bridge the gap between science and engineering, promote a lifelong personalised education for all in the science of complex systems as well as in integrative and predictive sciences — including the integrative and predictive science of personalised education for all — at all levels, contribute to an education and training in citizen cyber-science, open to all, independently of previously achieved academic levels, respectful of the diversity of social and cultural environments, genders, religions or ways of life. In order to achieve these objectives, the object of the current agreement is to: launch a Complex Systems Digital Campus as a social intelligent ICT system in order to federate all resources and efforts on education, research and the applications of the science of complex systems, launch the CS-DC roadmap at all scales in order to identify the scientific, educational and societal challenges of CS-DC with its cloud-based computational ecosystem and educational ecosystem, launch the scientific cloud-based computational ecosystem of the CS-DC in order to construct complex systems of societal impact, by sharing partial multi-level models as well as software platforms and e-infrastructures of all kinds, launch the educational ecosystem of the CS-DC in order to construct a map of integrated knowledge, with the aim of creating and adapting educational contents as well as to develop a lifelong personalised education on complex systems.