8294 Educators providing Courses

Training Legs First Aid

training legs first aid

Jenny is a Learning and Development professional who has been delivering First Aid training sessions since 2008. She is the owner of Training Legs First Aid [https://www.linkedin.com/company/training-legs-first-aid/], lead trainer for First Aid for Mental Health, co-founder of the First Aid Facilitators Forum and head ambassador for her campaign “Bra Off Defib on” #GetYourTitsOutForThePads [https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/?keywords=getyourtitsoutforthepads&highlightedUpdateUrns=urn%3Ali%3Aactivity%3A7027166302368583680] This new campaign was launched in 2022 after Jenny found out that women are 30% less likely to have a Defibrillator used on them correctly because they are wearing a bra, which should be removed. Training Legs First Aid specialises in First Aid at Work, Paediatric First Aid, and Parent and Child workshops. The sessions are interactive, fun, and encourage participation. With her friendly approach, she aims to build confidence and competence in responding to medical emergencies. Her experienced and highly qualified team has trained over a thousand people in lifesaving skills, and are passionate about what they teach. In 2023 Jenny received a f:Entrepreneur #ialso100 campaign nomination. The #ialso100 campaign celebrates a growing trend of women creating new ways of working, and new measures of success for entrepreneurship. They state; “We are moving from the single job career to a world where it is possible and encouraged to do many things, often interconnecting, at the same time across the work and personal spectrum – and be passionate about them all.” Jenny is also mum to 2 boys. She volunteers in delivering First Aid to her local community groups, scouts and youth club. She is a school trustee and committed member of the Southwater Litter Pickers.

No Boundaries Cricket Club

no boundaries cricket club


No Boundaries Cricket Club is a registered (14004918) Community Interest Company (a type of company introduced by the United Kingdom government in 2005 under the Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004, designed for social enterprises that want to use their profits and assets for the public good. CICs are intended to be easy to establish, with all the flexibility and certainty of the company form, but with some special features to ensure they are working for the benefit of the community. They are overseen by the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. It was established by Dr Simon Chowdhury and Chris Marshall in March 2022 and the CIC36 application can be viewed here and the Articles of Association here. Subsequently this Board Note was produced confirming that Dr Chowdhury will be Chair and that both founding members have a right of veto over new members, and at the same time Sandra Marshall was appointed Company Secretary & Treasurer. Introduction As the name implies we are a Cricket based Community Interest Company (NOT a Charity Team) whose primary aim is to educate people on the benefits and opportunities cricket proves. We will put together teams to introduce people to the game and from time to time we will play games to awareness and raise funds, but we are very much a Business aiming to make profits which in turn we will use to achieve these objectives We have two distinct sides to the Club: On the field we aim to provide opportunities to play cricket in the right spirit. All are welcome, but the focus is on introducing woman and children to the game of cricket. Off the field we aim to raise funds and awareness and run educational programs focussed on diversity, inclusiveness, and racism and improving animal welfare. This is important to recognise as it means we have two distinct sides to the Club which each require their own distinct structure(s) to run. Off The Field The CIC is fundamentally a limited company guaranteed by liability (£1 per member – which is the CIC term for Director). There are currently three Directors, the founders Dr Simon Chowdhury (Chair), Sandra Marshall (Company Secretary & Treasurer) and Chris Marshall. We are open to having up to 5 Directors in due course but are in no rush. New Directors must be appointed with a specific objective in mind and with the relevant skill set. Anyone thinking they can contribute can put themselves forward. It is important that the CIC does not spread itself too thin or over extend itself so will be selective as to how many charities/causes we actively support on an ongoing basis. We will have one per Director with that Director being responsible for the relationship and activities relating to that charity. Dr Chowdhury has selected the NHS, Chris being an allrounder has elected Animal Welfare for his focus. The blog will provide awareness and educational content for the charities and causes that we support. We will invite guest contributors to help them develop their writing skills and presence. We want to secure funding and grants to deliver educational programs both online and in person with schools, clubs, organisations and communities to help disadvantaged children to improve their lives through involvement with and through cricket. The same applies to our animal welfare objective. We want to promote job opportunities in and around cricket, not just playing: scoring, umpiring, ground staff. We can set up/facilitate training programs and look at working with local clubs to give people work experience and exposure to these skills. On The Field We are NOT aiming to be a celebrity charity cricket club playing at high profile venues. We will play at local clubs against the local club with our team made up of club members, guests, and local cricketers. Our cricket games will have two very specific objectives: 1) to support the nominated cause, as well as our partners and sponsor, and 2) to introduce as many boys, girls and woman as possible to the game of cricket. We will hold coaching and playing sessions at the club on the morning for both club members and newcomers to the game and in the afternoon, we will play a game (or games) which allow all to play. We will introduce a recognised structure to run the cricket side of the club: Director of Cricket, Club Captain, Vice Captains, Safeguarding & Welfare Officer. We will keep an open mind to absorbing other clubs into our ‘tribe’: charity specific ones and higher profile celebrity ones which help expand our reach and ability to help more people and animals BUT we need to walk before we run. We can maintain relationships with these clubs, and possibly play them, but our initial priority and focus is NBCC. We will not be paying for grounds, or for people to play. Players will cover their own costs associated with games.

Belmont Playcare

belmont playcare



In the spring of 1965 a few members of Belmont church were concerned that their children, born in 1961, would not have a place in Belmont primary school in September 1965 as there were too many children for the place available, and it was felt that there was a need for a playgroup. Belmont Church was approached to see if a hall could be used for the group. All financial and other arrangements were organised by the church committee and in May 1965 Belmont Pres-School Playgroup opened its doors in Belmont Church. Belmont was the first Nippa run playgroup in Northern Ireland. UTV broadcast a programme from Belmont around 1980-81 which was hosted by Frank Carson and starred the children and staff. Funds were raised through hosting coffee mornings and it was also an opportunity to meet parent and children on a social basis. We remained at Belmont Presbyterian Church until June 2002 when we were to move to pastures new at Belmont Tower. However we were accommodated by St Mark’s Church due to awaiting completion of renovations to Belmont Tower. We spent from September 2002 to April 2004 at St Marks and moved to Belmont Tower in May 2004. In June 2006 the preschool room was awarded an accreditation by NIPPA (The Early Years Association) which was a great achievement. We spend a happy two years in Belmont Tower but when our lease finished we were grateful to St Marks for accommodating us on a temporary basis. We spent over a year in St Mark’s Heyn Hall offering a variety of indoor and outdoor play in a happy and relaxed atmosphere. In November 2008 we were filmed for the Peoples Millions with the support of the community, past pupils, staff , friends, family and our current parents, we won the £50,0000, that with our past fundraising events and the support of the Education Authority we obtained enough funds for a new build which commenced building in February 2009 and was completed 3rd April 2009. We opened our doors on the 20th April 2009 and with the opportunity of new ventures for the playcare.