72 Educators providing Courses

The Feminine Principle

the feminine principle


We all come from woman, from a mother, and yet woman and mother in today’s sense of the word have become so mired in a sense of who we ‘should’ be rather than who we truly are. Who is at the heart of ‘woman’ and ‘mother’, has been the centre of my attention for as long as I can remember. Having been born to a single 19-yr-old young woman in the 70’s, who suffered greatly bringing me into the world, and had to face the uncompromising prejudice of her status in the eyes of society and the health professionals who were supposed to offer care and support for us both. Two years later, she would choose to give me up for adoption, a decision which created a rupture in her relationship with her own mother, my maternal grandmother, who fought for legal custody of me to save me from a life in care. What behaviour and belief system drove this decision for both women, as individuals as part of the collective? What made one woman choose a different life separate from her child, while another dedicated her whole life to me? Who am I between these two generations of the motherline, and how do I reveal, heal and integrate the internal conflicts that arose for me as a woman and a mother within them? These have been questions that have fuelled my curiosity, desire and a deep longing to understand the hidden threads of the feminine that connect us all and define and shape the relationship we have with ourselves, others and our beloved planet from past, present and future, across lands, cultures and generations. A journey which has taken me through a BA/BSc in Psychology and Women’s Studies, Esoteric Goddess Wisdom and Matriarchal Cultures, through to the transcendental and metaphysical realms with an intensive 5-yr Shamanic Training, and an experiential path of Homoeopathy and Astrology that opened the deep cavernous space within me to explore the soul’s journey and the invisible threads that create our human nature.

Breathing Tree

breathing tree


Rebecca Dennis, international breath and body coach and workshop leader is the founder of www.breathingtree.co.uk. Based out of London and also travelling and teaching internationally, Rebecca is an expert in breathwork and body-based therapies. She facilitates workshops, events and retreats alongside her public speaking and in-person work A gifted speaker and coach, her expertise and passion centres around breathwork, trauma release, somatic modalities, polyvagal theory and nervous system regulation. Rebecca fervently believes that embodied breathwork is the ultimate key to our well-being, health and inner peace. Rebecca has been practicing holistic and alternative therapies for over 20 years and holds a Diploma in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology and an ITEC Diploma in Swedish and Sports Massage. She has trained to co-trainer level with Founder of Transformational Breath, Judith Kravitz as well as Donna Fahri, Max Strom and other masters and influential teachers of breathwork, bodywork, and other healing modalities. On her journey with holistic practices, she also has qualified in coaching, deep tissue massage, trauma therapy, acupressure, somatic bodywork, mindfulness, reiki, shiatsu and shamanic healing traditions from indigenous tribes and elders. She is continually learning and inspired by the simple power of our breath and how it can change lives including her own. Rebecca is on a mission to teach as many people as possible how to empower their lives and improve their physical and mental wellbeing with conscious breathing techniques and somatic bodywork.

Wild Moon Wellbeing

wild moon wellbeing


I’m Jane, a mother to three wonderful children, from Mid Wales, a fully insured and certified Reiki Master and Energy healer, Shamanic practitioner and lover of the moon, nature, music and dancing! Wild Moon Wellbeing was something that was born several years ago as I was going through my Reiki Master training, with my guides helping to show me a way to bring my work out into the world, to support and empower women. But first I had to begin with myself. I have spent the last decade and more, on a deep exploration of finding different ways to support my family’s and my own wellbeing, taking us from just surviving to thriving. Developing a deeper understanding and connecting to the cycles of nature; the moon, seasons, menstrual cycle and life cycles has been hugely transformative particularly in my relationships, creativity, energy levels and general wellbeing. I love sharing this work and seeing hugely positive impact it has on people’s lives. A mother for over twenty years, and mother of three, I have a broad understanding of the issues that mothers can face today; particularly for parents of children with additional and complex needs. I know the importance of giving mothers space to be heard + seen, to have space to themselves, to recover and adjust and a little time to re-discover who they are again. And also that parenting is ever evolving… just when you think you know what you’re doing, there’s something new to learn just around the corner!

Yasmin's Yoga

yasmin's yoga

Sending you a very warm welcome from Brighton. If we've met you'll know me as Yas or Yasmin and if not I hope our paths connect one day soon! In my late teens I developed a keen interest in natural health & wellness, as a result of losing my wonderful mother to cancer. This would eventually lead me to Thailand and India where I would learn about Ayurveda, Shamanic Medicines, Detoxing & Cleansing and the value of natural living. I would come to learn the importance of health from the inside out and the integral balance of mind, body & spirit. A few years later I started to delve into the world of yoga and soon began to rely on my practice, as it brought me a sense of peace that I had not yet experienced. This led me to complete my Teacher Training along with many other courses and workshops, helping me to deepen my knowledge and understanding of this beautiful practice. My travels also afforded me the privilege of learning meditation with Buddhist monks. I have always been inspired by those who live yoga as a way of life and I am unbelievably passionate about sharing this practice with others. As you scroll through the site you will find my classes and workshop offerings, as well as my blog where I occasionally brain dump! If you are interested in one to one yoga sessions, personalised group classes, meditation & breathwork or a natural health consultation, please use the contact form to get in touch as I would love to hear from you. For upcoming workshops and events you can book directly online and if you'd like to gain access to early bird tickets & discounts you can subscribe to my mailing list below. Thank you so much for stopping by and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions at all!

Seah Wraye

seah wraye

Seah is a Diviner, Shamanic Healing Practitioner, Coach and Mentor. She has been referred to as a "Choreographer of Energies" Since childhood she has known herself to walk between "the worlds" so Seah considers herself a "straddler of realms". She's down-to-earth, free-spirited, soul-directed, warm, welcoming, assertive and direct. Seah creates and holds powerful sacred healing spaces in which each can not only feel but also know, that they're safe to drop deeply into themselves because they're being securely and lovingly held. Seah access sacred energies by connecting with the divine creative, natural and universal forces, ascended ancestors and the compassionate spiritual allies who have chosen and who continue to choose to work with and through her. As a channel for divination and soul healing, Seah is governed by her ancestral allies whose embodied tutelage requires her to ceaselessly attend experientially to her personal healing; through which she's able to assist and support you with healing yourself. "We are born with the capacity to heal ourselves therefore I am not the healer. You are." As a Practitioner I divine and facilitate healing and support in various forms for individuals who arrive seeking help with personal issues/challenges/maladies regarding their physical, emotional, relationship, home and environmental health. I also support the dying - those about to transition - and those who have transitioned from the physical yet require healing and support in order to move on from our Earthly realms. The true healing journey is an individual one which requires strong desire, commitment and personal responsibility for one's life and choices. No one can do this for you. However, we can support you while you heal. I"m down to earth, compassionate, warm, open, direct, expressive and welcoming by nature and this is also how I am with clients.

Liz Lilley

liz lilley


Liz is passionate about supporting and empowering people to move through areas of restriction in their lives. When we are recognised, witnessed, and understood as individuals, in a safe, non-judgemental space, we can integrate all the strengths and vulnerabilities we encompass. Experiencing a compassionate relationship is a foundation to be able to identify, feel and heal the challenges you face, be the best version of yourself, whatever that may look like, and thrive.   Liz Lilley is a Humanistic Psychotherapist, Massage Therapist and Breathwork Facilitator. She also  provides Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy on Clinical Trials using psilocybin in the UK, integrating her professional experience from all her passions into her therapeutic practice. After many years of working with the body and witnessing the somatic release of trauma Liz went on to study psychotherapy in order to bring her knowledge of the mind-body in line with her experiences.  She has supported thousands of people through bodywork and counselling yet felt there was a missing piece of the puzzle to her offerings. Then she discovered simple and powerful breathwork techniques, had some deeply profound personal experiences and went on to become a trained Breathwork Facilitator, completing the puzzle.  Liz now holds group and one-to-one sessions online and in-person combining these practices to enhance the healing potential of unifying Body, Mind and Breath. Liz has an ongoing interest in expanded states including breathwork, meditation, psychedelics and shamanic journeying as tools and openings that enhance self-awareness, creativity, connection and therapeutic release. Her experiences in these practices have informed her focus on the integration of her client’s exploration into the Body, Mind and Breath.  She believes that with focus, intention and integration we can prolong the benefits of the work we do on ourselves. Liz has held sharing circles, worked in young people’s mental health and with refugees and has supported people who have experienced domestic abuse and homelessness. Liz developed a special interest in working as a Psychedelic-Integration Psychotherapist and is on the Advisory Board and is the Project Lead for Growthful Networks, the community area for the Institute of Psychedelic Therapy as well as a registered practitioner on their database. She has also faciltated breathwork sessions for the therapists training for the DMT for Depression clinical trial and provides Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy on clinical trial research for psilocybin for mental health conditions.

Spirit of the Inca

spirit of the inca


Lying flat on my back for 16 days back in 1980 something, I was in so much physical pain that I could not move. It was then that I began to realise that I needed to change my life! I had been literally 'floored'! Stopped in my tracks. I had nowhere to run, or hide. "It wasn't by chance that during that time I came across a reflexologist who helped me to see that this was a turning point in my life. As a result of that meeting, and the healing that followed, I trained to become a reflexologist. My healers journey had begun and everything changed. "Over the course of the next few years, I noticed that some clients healed and others did not. My curiosity and desire to be of service led me to explore all kinds of therapeutic processes... counselling, gestalt, person centred therapy, psychosythesis. It was a great help in understanding how the mind affected the body. And I noticed that now I was able to help more people to heal.. and yet I noticed that still some clients did not. "My wondering about this led me fully into the healing arts and I began to understand that we each have a soul's journey. I had to ask myself: 'Why am I here?' 'What am I meant to be doing with my life?' "At the level of the soul I needed to know that my life has meaning and purpose beyond the everyday, and I learned that creative expression is vital to my wellbeing, as is finding a meaning and purpose that fits who I am. During this time I had many teachers. I trained to be a yoga teacher, I discovered 5 Rythms dance, and explored ways to use my voice... each time reaching out beyond my comfort zone, beyond who I thought I was.. to discover aspects of me that had been hidden or surpressed in the simple act of living this everyday reality. "My wondering led me to run a women's group for ten years. I wanted to explore what it means to be a woman in today's world. Together, we explored the sacred feminine, the goddess, the myths that we live by, we explored sacred landscapes, ceremony and ritual and found ways to connect with Mother Earth, a connection lost in working world today. During those years I took groups on Outward Bound courses in the landscape of Dartmoor. It was as much my journey as it was for those who shared it with me. We all learned a lot about ourselves, about what we were truly capable of. Incredible transformations took place in us all. Above all I learned the resilience of the human spirit, how stepping beyond fear creates inner trust and confidence... and that when we truly face our fears and embrace them we liberate ourselves then our presence liberates others. "Finally my journey led me to Shamanic Training. I have worked with a number of shaman in my life, and now, Incorporating the processes and techniques that I have learned both from the Inca tradition and many other great teachers along the way, I have developed a training which is powerful, beautiful and for me is the final piece in the puzzle. "Working at the level of energy affects all of the bodies: the soul's journey, the mental body, the emotional body and the physical body. I have also learned on this journey that it is a sacred journey, a journey towards wholeness... and the more I heal of myself, the more I affect those around me in a positive, life enriching way. "This is the work that I do in the world, it's the gift that I bring. "My medicine stones form a powerful healing tool called a Mesa. "My Mesa contains the wisdom that comes from my personal healing, the transformation of old worn-out stories of powerlessness, turned into power; of pain and suffering turned into compassion; and ancient wisdom handed down through the ages, through a lineage of medicine men and women whose grace, dignity and childlike innocence reminds me of what we have lost in the Western world. "And now I teach others how to build theirs."

Naomha OM - Teacher: Maimouna

naomha om - teacher: maimouna


I am a Healer from a generation of healers in my family, a Holistic Therapist, a Shaman and an Essenian Therapist. I am also an Artist and a Writer. I am a woman committed to love, life, and the natural world, the same world we will leave to our children. I thrive on writing, singing, dancing, listening to music. I restore my energy balance in Nature, in quiet and peaceful environments. Forests fascinate me with their mysteries, sounds, movements, secrets, and all Nature’s beings living there and communicating together. It is a resourcing and healing place for me. Jesus and Mother Mary guide me since my childhood even though I’ve become aware of that much later in my life. It is, therefore quite natural that they are both very present in the therapies I offer. Even though I am very close to the Christic and Mother Mary energies, my work has nothing religious. I am not part of any religion, nor am I attached to any spiritual movement or current, which allows me to be free in my choices to serve the Divine Source, only the Divine Source. This Divine Source in who I believe, the Divine Source Mother&Father God and I recognize the Divine Source in everything, in every being, spirit, shape, life. I see the Divine Source in You, in Nature, in the Universe, in Me, in All. I like to say: “All is One, One is All, All is in One, One is in All”. During therapies sessions I offer, I listen to you with all my love, heart, and availability in respect of your free will. The Divine Source guides me to achieve the energetic harmonization you need. This can be Essenian therapy, shamanic therapy, reiki therapy. I can use crystals, healing musical instruments and channelled songs to accompany the session. Heavenly spirits, guides of light, and spirits of Nature might Join the session, especially those of the totem animals that accompany me daily. I don’t know in advance. However, they always manifest themselves with the greatest love, and they are always a gift to you and me. The session of energetic harmonization will allow you to set out the self-healing process within yourself, the process we all have within us. Sometimes, if I am allowed, I use the gift of magnetism with hands given to me by the Source to ease or even remove pain. I am the channel through which the Divine Source passes to bring you what you need, in the present moment, you are your own healer.

Honour Being Reiki

honour being reiki


HONOUR BEING: CREATING BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL AND BALANCED LIVES... I am a shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way, a Classical Homeopath and Creatrix. I am a Wisdom Keeper, Key Holder and Walker of the Old Ways. Since 2004, I have been assisting others to make transformational change in their lives, leading to positive, lasting and sometimes extraordinary results. I am passionate about helping my clients evolve and grow into the bright, beautiful beings they were always intended to be. Having passed through many personal dark nights of the soul, I combine empathy, deep compassion and understanding with many years of professional expertise in my field. I believe in the regenerative power of hope, listening and healing touch. “Sessions are well-paced, Elizabeth listens intently and genuinely cares. I would defy even the most hardened of sceptics not to be touched by Elizabeth’s magic.  I came to her a wreck of a man, physically and mentally. Elizabeth put me gently but firmly back on the path to self-healing with enormous compassion and deftness of her art.“ (Alex C, Gloucester, Jan 2022) TREATMENTS (Available in person and via Remote Healing): ~ Golden Way Reiki Treatments ~ Crystal Reiki Treatments ~ Golden Energy Treatments (Angel Fire and Golden Ray) ~ Shamanic Reiki Treatments ~ Soul Retrieval  "Distant Healing with Elizabeth is amazing... a wonderful and positive experience..." (Teresa H, Oxon, May 2020)  COURSES AND TRAINING: (For all details please contact me direct) ~ Reiki Exploration Sundays: An Introduction to Golden Way Reiki (Includes Sitting Reiki Treatment) ~ Honour Foundation First Attunement & Training Course: Return To Joy (Healing for the Wounded Feminine and learn how to give Golden Way Reiki to yourself) ~ Honour Sacred Healing Journey Second Degree: Empowerment, Protection, Practice (Healing for the Wounded Masculine and leads to Professional Practice Qualification) ~ Sacred Art Workshops & Retreats (Dreaming Your Inner Child Work) OTHER OFFERINGS: Healing Journey Guided Meditations to download Honour Being Mandala Gifts to order.