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Toddies Dog Training

toddies dog training



Having a dog is one of the most incredible experience's life can offer. Or so I was told. I found a great breeder who I met at a show. Her dogs were beautiful, and my heart melted as I watched them trot around the show ring. I couldn't wait for my boy to arrive. Prior to him joining the family, I spent hours watching and reading books to prepare for his arrival. So, he arrives, and I was over the moon, to put it lightly. Four weeks into having this tiny, lively puppy, who was 12 weeks old, I got the shock of my life! My little Ted, my beautiful boy, gave me the biggest, angriest bite you could imagine. His teeth crushed my fingers, leaving them bruised and bloody. This was not a dog but a Tasmanian devil. Although my hand hurt, my heart was crushed. It's very easy to fall out of love with a dog you can't trust. As you can imagine, I was devastated and realised that I needed to learn more so this incident didn't happen again. I spent an enormous amount of time researching and putting into practice what I had learnt. I found that the style of "Old School Punishment" just wasn't working with Ted. I understand why looking back with the knowledge I am blessed with now. There is so much information out there, books, television programmes, YouTube videos, blogs. It's a minefield and so easy to travel down the wrong path, and I certainly had taken the wrong path for Ted and me. Unfortunately, I learned how to be mean, how to shout and even hurt my puppy, asserting my dominance, to show him who was boss and Nip it in the Bud. Honestly, in a world where we already control our dogs, be it when they're fed, what is given, when we take them for a walk, who they can stop and say hello to, when and if they can have a treat. How much control do we need? Fortunately, very fortunately, I met a fabulous lady called Lynda Edmondson, who ran a doggy dancing class near me. It was here that I was introduced to a totally different world of training, of positive reinforcement where you motivated your dog to learn and work as a team. These times were truly magical, filled with fun, and my eyes were opened to a kind way to train. I learnt to love my dog for who he was, to stop focussing on the negative. We then attended a monthly clicker workshop with Lynda, and this was when Ted and me came into our own, and I loved to show off what we could both achieve together. Ted is an English toy Terrier with a huge personality which I fully appreciate and can now accept. After many years on a journey of learning and training to become a specialist in my field, which was initially to support Ted, I qualified with the IABTC. I completed their dog training and behavioural modification course. I now enjoy a career that I love. I am still committed to learning and keep up to date with new research. In my previous life, I was a time and motion technician in a clothing factory. I would study people, then create a process to train others to complete the work more efficiently. Saving companies time and money. I suppose it's quite similar to what I am offering you as a dog trainer. I will study your dog and your relationship, then create a process of training that can be carried out and repeated to improve behaviour. Reduce the amount of time wasted looking online, reading endless books, leaving you none the wiser. Tap into my knowledge and all of the time and money I've spent learning how not to do things as much as how to do things. My main aim is to set you up to succeed. If you are successful, then I'm successful. I will give you my full support to learn how to make immediate changes, enjoy the mischief and appreciate your dog's true personality. Give me a call if you want to chat about creating a dog that is a joy to be around and find your best friend.

Pawsitive Dog Behaviour Consultancy

pawsitive dog behaviour consultancy



I started my journey with rescue dogs in 2006 at Nottingham Trent University, where I did two degrees with canine-specific modules focused on behaviour. I brought my first rescue dog home in 2007, Scrappy the Jack Russell had an entire fleet of behavioural problems, severe separation anxiety, a lack of impulse control, no bite inhibition, he was extremely reactive and terrified of other dogs, and it took many years to help him, and initially, I did everything wrong, I made massive mistakes! My approach to dog training and behaviour modification has completely changed from the early days. Balanced dog training methods appeared to help, and I was desperate to fix my dog. I got it wrong, my dog suffered as a consequence. I do bad, I feel bad, and things got worse before they got better because of this. What I should have been doing is helping my dog choose a more desirable behaviour in a kind, compassionate force-free way. My dog forgave me and fortunately I become an expert in reactivity and aggression in terriers, hounds, UK and imported rescues, but those mistakes still haunt me. I have spent over 12 years dedicating my life to training and working with severely reactive and aggressive rescue dogs, all while promoting no-pain, no-fear and no-force dog training. I do good, I feel good. Training should not make you or your dog feel bad, it should be uplifting, enjoyable and both of you should be working as a team. I believe in inclusivity, whatever your background my only interest is helping you help your dog. This is my story. In loving memory of Scrappy, to whom I will always owe everything!




ZunTold is an independent publishing company, based in Manchester, focusing on publishing good fiction to support mental health and wellbeing. We publish Middle Grade and YA fiction and love working with established voices as well as debut authors. Our authors have been nominated for literary prizes, including the Carnegie Medal, and won prestigious awards too, like the Lancashire Book of the Year Award, chosen solely by young people aged 13-14 years of age. We work with agented authors but twice a year, (in June for YA and in December for Middle Grade) we open our doors to authors who do not have an agent. We do not publish picture books as we don’t have the expertise to do so. We publish in print, e-book and interactive books. We run a programme we call Fiction as Therapy. Our staff are publishing professionals, writers, editors, counsellors and psychotherapists who have also trained in Therapeutic Writing. Books are 'healers for the soul' and creative writing brings many health benefits. Our Fiction as Therapy service offers a therapeutic programme of bibliotherapy across different age audiences and creative writing for therapeutic purposes, for young people and adults looking to support their mental and physical health and wellbeing. There is a growing evidence base that therapeutic writing and bibliotherapy can support people with long term physical health conditions as well as improving mental health. We are building links with NHS Trusts and Social Care providing an online library and blended services of tailored support to individuals and communities.
