88 Educators providing Courses

Spiritual Vitality

spiritual vitality


Ready to ignite your inner spark and radiate well-being from within? Welcome to our haven of holistic learning, where ancient wisdom meets modern practices to empower you on your journey to spiritual vitality. Immerse yourself in a diverse bouquet of healing arts, exploring techniques that have nourished minds, bodies, and souls for generations. Unleash Your Inner Healer: * Reiki: Learn the gentle art of channelling universal energy for deep relaxation, stress reduction, and enhanced well-being. * Pendulum Dowsing: Discover the secrets of harnessing your intuition and tapping into subtle energies for guidance and insight. * Crystal Magic: Unravel the power of crystalline allies, learning to harness their unique vibrations for personal empowerment and manifestation. * Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT): Learn how to use this self-healing tool to release negativity, manage emotional blocks, and unlock profound inner peace. * Breathwork: Dive deep into the transformative power of conscious breathing, unlocking pathways to greater energy, clarity, and emotional resilience. * Animal Communication: Bridge the gap between species, developing your intuitive gift to understand and connect with your furry (or feathered) companions on a deeper level. * Plant Allies: Explore the ancient wisdom of working with the healing powers of the plant kingdom, fostering personal growth and harmonious connection with nature. * Gratitude: Cultivate the transformative practice of gratitude, unlocking joy, abundance, and a deeper connection to your inner self and the world around you. * Smudging & Cleansing Rituals: Learn sacred practices to clear energies, purify your space, and invite positivity into your life. Unlock the Secrets of Your Energetic Anatomy: * Chakra Mastery: Delve into the fascinating world of the chakras, learning to balance and activate your energy centres for optimal health and spiritual growth. * Aura Exploration: Discover the secrets of your energy field, learning to read its whispers and cultivate its radiance. Empower Your Psychic Abilities: * Intuition Development: Hone your innate intuitive talents, learning to trust your inner voice and navigate life with greater clarity and wisdom. * Guided Meditations: Immerse yourself in powerful journeys inward, uncovering hidden depths of your being and tapping into your higher potential. * Unleash Your Inner Oracle: Dive into the mystical world of tarot, where ancient symbols whisper secrets and unlock hidden dimensions of your intuition.  Unleash Your Inner Artisan: * Macrame Foundations: Master the basic knots and techniques that form the building blocks of stunning macrame creations. From plant hangers to wall hangings, you'll discover the joy of crafting unique pieces that express your unique style. * Dreamcatcher Magic: Embark on a mystical journey, learning to weave intricate webs that capture good dreams and filter out the bad. Personalize your dreamcatcher with crystals, feathers, and beads, imbuing it with your intentions and aspirations. More Than Just Courses, a Community of Transformation: We believe in fostering a supportive, inclusive space where you can learn, grow, and connect with fellow seekers on a similar path. Our passionate instructors, all experienced practitioners in their own right, guide you with compassion and wisdom, creating a tapestry of shared learning and profound personal transformation. Step onto your path of spiritual vitality today. Browse our course offerings, join our workshops, and embark on a journey of self-discovery that will illuminate your life from within. Ready to awaken your spiritual spark? Contact us today and join our vibrant community! P.S. Please take note of when and where In-Person courses are being run. As we are constantly moving; it comes from living in a caravan and touring the UK.

Bath Aqua Glass

bath aqua glass



Bath Aqua Glass is proud to be an independent glass production company specialising in beautiful lead-free handmade fused glass jewellery, unique gifts and glassware decorations, tableware and art glass, and custom stained glass commissions. You can watch us at work in the studio and we have a range of activities (like Bauble Blowing which kids love), Bauble Making and Stained Glass Making courses. We also run Hen Party craft activities and have a lovely Wedding glassware collection. We are based in Southwest England in the historic and beautiful city of Bath. Occupying two central locations, our "Theatre of Glass" Studio & Factory Shop is in the artisan quarter of Walcot Street and the sister shop is situated next to the Ancient Roman Baths and the awe-inspiring Bath Abbey. Our online shop has an abundance of wonderful treasures on offer, including handmade glass vases, glass bowls and ornaments in a wide range of colours and designs. Our signature colour is aqua blue, reminiscent of the healing aqua waters synonymous with Bath. Our shops are some of the most interesting Bath shopping experiences and you can watch us work at the studio. We employ traditional methods to make our beautiful glass products and do not use moulds to create our glassware produce. This means that our glassware is unique and more personal from craft to gift. We also offer glass engraving allowing for bespoke messages on glass baubles, wine glasses and a range of our custom made glassware. Handmade stained glass windows, door panels, sun-catchers, lampshades and many more items can be commissioned through our stained glass studio, where we also undertake many restoration projects. Our stained glass artists are extremely experienced in producing high-quality glass designs, influenced by all eras of glassmaking. For full details please visit our stained glass section. Glass trophies and corporate giftware can be made to order as single pieces or for repeat events. Custom glass pieces may be commissioned with your logo or business colours into the design where possible. Please contact us to discuss your full requirements and to request a no-obligation quote. Memorial keepsakes. Our exclusive collection of Cremation Ashes into glassware creates a touching sentimental memorial to those now passed. We have over 20 years of experience at lovingly putting ashes into Bath Aqua Glass and have a range of unique designs to choose from, with engraving options, helping you to create an even more personal treasured piece. To view our range and examples of past work please visit our dedicated Ashes into Bath Aqua Glass website. It includes details for ordering and you can request a free order pack. We also offer 10% off for Forces with a Military Discount Card. In addition, we also lovingly encapsulate beloved pet ashes into beautiful glass memorial keepsakes. ► Follow, share and engage with us on social media: Click here for our Facebook page ► Pin beautiful gift ideas for later: Click here for our colourful and popular Pinterest site ► See our master glassblowers in action: Click here for our YouTube channel

Cook Stars Cardiff North & West

cook stars cardiff north & west

My name is Annette Barrett and I run Cook Stars Cardiff North & West. Contact Information: E: Annette@cookstars.co.uk T: 07367 070814 I am a qualified Home Economics teacher with over 30 years' experience of teaching food in secondary schools. Having taken early retirement, I am now ready for the new challenge of promoting the importance and love of cooking in the wider community and decided to join Cook Stars in order to further this goal. I just loved the name 'Cook Stars'. Cooking allows every child the opportunity to shine in their own unique way and I'm so excited to be running children's cooking classes. I instantly knew I needed to be involved in this business in order to create an abundance of 'stars' armed with essential life skills. Learning to cook is such an important life skill but unfortunately over the years less and less time has been given to this subject in the school curriculum and many children have not been able to experience what they should have. Cooking has never been more important than it is now with increased obesity rates, diabetes and other food related disorders. I am so excited to be able to contribute to improving a person's health and well-being through cooking. I am married with two children, both in their twenties. They have been away at university but still want to come home for some 'proper food'!! In my spare time I like to follow sport and I am a Cardiff City Season ticket holder. I also swim regularly and recently swam the length of the English Channel for charity. Holidaying somewhere hot is also a must!

Louise Worthy Artist & Printmaker

louise worthy artist & printmaker

I am an artist and printmaker living in Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands. I am fashion and textiles trained (Bath Spa University and Manchester Polytechnic) which is where my love of printmaking started. I worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years as a designer. When I moved to Sutherland in 2005 I had the chance to be more hands-on creative and re-kindle my love of printmaking that had been simmering on the back burner since the early days of college. I take inspiration from my surroundings in the Scottish Highlands with its abundance of wildlife and vast range of contrasting landscapes, from the moors and mountains, waterfalls and lochs to the turquoise waters and white sands of the beautiful beaches. For a number of years I used a converted ACME mangle for producing my prints but then in 2012 I treated myself to a proper traditional etching press which is fabulous and much easier to use! My work includes various methods of printmaking; monoprint, drypoint etching, collagraph and lino cut and I also love mixed media techniques. I love the process of creating prints using different methods especially monoprints, where part of the fun is not knowing what the end result will be until the last minute. It can take hours of manipulating ink on the printing plate before they go through the press. I love experimenting and each finished piece is unique. I exhibit regularly in the Scottish Highlands including local galleries and my work is included in private collections in the UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand. I also teach workshops for individuals and small groups in various printmaking techniques.

The Wow Healing

the wow healing


Perfect TOOLKIT for creating the reality you desire Through the features we are providing, you can break old unhealthy habits, let go of the limiting beliefs and implement new healthy ones, for a meaningful life. Our daily routines are well thought to rewire your brain, to regain your self esteem, to boost your self confidence, to bring you unlimited abundance, to remember you, self love, in other words to reconnect to your WOW Self and UNLOCK YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL. service 2 1 Exclusive reminders for living a Bliss-filled life We do believe that a life worth living is more than a peaceful one, is a blissful one. And yes, you can be more than Calm, you can be amazing, living blissfully in a WOW state. The difference in between these 2 states is who you let telling you the stories. You give this privilege to others, or you write and say your own story? Do you wish to rewrite the story of your life as a Conscious Creator? We are here for you to remind your ESSENCE and reconnect you to the power within. service 3 2 Transformational goal planner Embark in a WOW Self discovery journey subscribing to our ALL ACCESS MEMBERSHIP to unlock ultimate features, outstanding meditations and best tools to support you in achieving your goals and fulfill your dreams. Explore our collection of exclusive meditations, enjoy the music playlist, create your vision boards, record the affirmations that you wish to receive in the afternoon routine and embrace transformation. Check and remind of your mission statement. Enjoy the breathing exercises, get inspired by our motivational articles, check your daily mood and improve it along the way.