8297 Educators providing Courses

The Miller Foundation

the miller foundation


The Miller Foundation is committed to investing our resources to give children living within these high-need neighborhoods the opportunity to flourish, develop, and reach their full potential. Foundation funding will be primarily directed to programs that address issues within our three focused program areas that impact children in these identified vulnerable neighborhoods of greater Long Beach. Long Beach, the 7th largest city in California, is on one hand a city of great resources: culturally rich, boasting beautiful ecological features, and home to esteemed higher educational institutions. On the other hand, it is a city of great needs: facing high levels of poverty and its multiple effects, environmental pollution, and rising housing costs. Over the years, Long Beach has become “a tale of two cities,” where certain neighborhoods are characterized by the benefits and resources of affluence and other neighborhoods are bearing the brunt of low incomes, decreased resources, and the challenges of communities of poverty. *Slides & facts courtesy of the Long Beach Community Action Partnership, LBCAP.org Long Beach’s areas of affluence—concentrated primarily on the east side of Long Beach– are characterized by high annual median family incomes, longer life expectancy, higher employment levels, and overall community safety. Children have access to a vast array of resources that promote their development including high-quality schools and after-school enrichment programs of diverse types, excellent access to health care, and safe spaces to grow up and recreate. Areas of critical need are concentrated primarily within North, West Central, and Southwest Long Beach. These neighborhoods experience high levels of poverty, exposure to environmental pollutants, and low levels of educational attainment. Families and children in these areas face great barriers in accessing health care resources, support in early education and educational attainment, and affordable arts programming. These neighborhoods also contain the largest concentration of children in the city.

Winford Bilingual Primary School

winford bilingual primary school

Our goal is to prepare your child for life beyond the primary classroom. During their time at our school, they follow the Dutch, UK, and IPC curriculum. This approach provides children with a very solid emotional, intellectual, and cultural basis for secondary schooling. True bilingualism allows students to pursue their secondary education in the Dutch or International environments successfully. Winford Bilingual's whole-child approach integrates Montessori ideals of independence, curiosity, love of learning, and a sense of community. What makes us special? Two Teachers Per Classroom Each classroom has a fully qualified English and Dutch speaking teacher. Each teacher speaks their native language to our students, and all subjects are taught in both languages. Click here for more information. Child-Focused With no more than 20 children per classroom, we are able to focus on each individual child. Our teachers meticulously craft each and every lesson to ensure the progress and development of their students. Click here for more information. Comprehensive Bilingual Curriculum All subjects are taught in Dutch and English throughout the school day. Children complete the Dutch, UK, and IPC curriculum and become fluent in both languages. Click here for more information. Multi Age Classrooms Children love to learn from other children and this provides great mentoring opportunities for students. This also allows us to teach to ability, so that we can focus on the best education for each child. Click here for more information. Flexible Holidays As a global school, we know how important world travel and exploring is for all learners. Winford Bilingual offers the advantage of a flexible holiday schedule. Click here for more information. Dutch and International Students Our school community reflects the multicultural population of Amsterdam. It provides a warm and supportive environment throughout primary schooling.

The ReWild by Dani Hiro

the rewild by dani hiro

Dani was born and raised in the metropolitan city of São Paulo, Brazil where she resided for 18 years. In this bustling city, she explored dance, acting, bodyworks, music, and spirituality from a young age with the encouragement of her parents who are also deeply connected to spirituality and the arts. Being from a mixed-race of Asian and European backgrounds Dani always felt she was neither Japanese enough to belong in the Asian communities in her own country and was always regarded as 'the Japanese girl' in the 'non-Asian' groups in school. This outcast dilemma led her to dive deeper into Yoga and individuality where she learned to accept herself and also follow her own calling to explore the world. At 18 she moved to Dublin which became her home base from travels around the globe and the city where she first established herself as a Yoga teacher and Spiritual facilitator. Over the years Dani explored the world to learn the many different ways we can connect to each other and the Spirit. She believes that in order to find freedom and flow in life we must ReWild ourselves to our original state by connecting to the Spirit - our source of Wildness and Inner Knowing. By caring for our bodies, minds, and spirit with the support of a safe, diverse and sacred community we can not only ReWild our inner worlds into a healthier state but also ReWild the world we live into its natural state of flow and interconnection with all its living beings. Dani can be found deep into books, foraging in the wild, skinny dipping, pilgrimaging across the Earth, sharing music, and making people laugh at her silliness. She hopes The ReWild to be a welcoming, diverse and sacred community where together we can help each other to find freedom in our own nature.

Upton Court Grammar School

upton court grammar school


The mission statements of many schools and other organisations are often wordy, verbose paragraphs that say lots but mean very little. At Upton Court Grammar School (UCGS), our mission can be shared in one sentence: Upton Court Grammar School ensured all students fulfilled their academic and personal aspirations and thrived as successful and engaged citizens. Our mission is expressed in one sentence because we want there to be as little ambiguity as possible about why we exist and what we aim to achieve. Our mission is written in the past tense because it expresses what we will have done if we have been successful. It succinctly describes the lasting impression we want to leave on the world through our work as a school. At UCGS, every department, every member of staff and every student has their own ‘mission sentence’. We do this to start with the end in mind: a key feature of successful planning and goal achievement. Having a personal mission connects all staff to the purpose of their work and development and it helps students to envisage and articulate their aspirations. Sharing our mission sentences as a community helps us to value and learn about one another; through creating our personalised sentence we recognise and appreciate our individual and collective strength. Our rapidly changing global society, with its accent upon individual responsibility, requires not only high academic standards but also independence of spirit which Upton Court Grammar School seeks to foster. We aim to work in partnership with parents and the community to widen and develop each student‘s knowledge, experience, imagination and intercultural understanding; at the same time fostering an awareness of moral values and a capacity for enjoyment which will enable students to be an active participant in a global society.

St. Michael Archangel, Uk

st. michael archangel, uk


The Society of Saint Pius X is an international society of priests dedicated to the maintenance and celebration of the Traditional Catholic Mass. Its main purpose is the formation and support of priests who conduct apostolic work in schools and parishes all over the world. The worthy celebration of Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is a central tenet of Catholic spirituality. Our apostolic activity is centred around the Holy Sacrifice and all that pertains to it and our dedication to the formation of priests comes of devotion to the Mass. In 1991, in answer to families seeking a good Catholic education for their children, a small boarding school was opened in Hampshire. Staff and children were, and continue to be, able to experience the unique privilege of a Catholic environment centred around Holy Mass. With the passage of time, families and faithful have moved to the area, desirous of regular access to the sacraments. With the permanent presence of priests and religious, the school community has grown and developed into a thriving Catholic parish centred around the Tridentine Mass - the largest of its kind in the U.K. The small school chapel has long become insufficient to cater for the needs of the ever-growing number of souls in need of pastoral care. It has become urgent to relieve the school from the demands of parish ministry and to provide a dedicated space for parish growth. With over 40 baptisms in the past 3 years, it is time to rise to the challenge. We wish to build a church worthy of the Divine Guest Who seeks to give Himself to souls, a church where everyone can come to visit Him Who resides within. St. Michael’s forms the largest traditional Catholic community in the country and yet it has no church. The project is underway to give God a new house and home.

The Campion School

the campion school


The Campion School aims to be an outstanding Roman Catholic school with a strong and united community in which everyone contributes to the school’s religious and educational objectives. The school was established by the Society of Jesus in 1962 and it bears the name of one of the most famous English Jesuits who was martyred for the Faith in 1581, Edmund Campion, S.J. The school has developed its own distinctive Catholic ethos and traditions, building on those first endowed upon it by the Jesuits. It seeks to draw on the long-established Jesuit educational ideals of a Catholic community in which endeavour and opportunity lead students to the highest levels of achievement. The most recent Diocesan and Ofsted inspections described the school as an ‘outstanding Catholic school’ and a ‘good school with many outstanding features’. We are proud of our successes and have ambitious plans to develop and improve the school further. “Success and personal endeavour are encouraged, rewarded and celebrated. There is a strong ethos of not only wanting to do well but about being proud of doing so.” We have a long-standing tradition of providing a rich and varied curriculum to stimulate and interest students. Each individual is given the appropriate support to achieve their full potential. For example, students who are particularly gifted or talented may be offered courses operated by the London Borough of Havering and during lessons they are often given extension work to stretch and challenge. In 2019, our Year 11 students achieved excellent GCSE results, with 89% achieving grade 4 and above in English and mathematics. Furthermore, 43% of students achieved the EBacc. The numbers achieving two good grades in science and at least one good grade in a modern foreign language are also very high by local and national comparisons.

Turkish Education Group

turkish education group


TEG helps mainly Turkish and Kurdish speaking adults and children overcome barriers to Education, Employment, Health, British Citizenship and any other problems they face. Our aims: To assist individuals and their families in advancing their education, realising their potential and improving their quality of life. To target members of the community who are faced with greater levels of inequality and discrimination - the unemployed, the unqualified and under-qualified, the disabled, refugees and women. To contribute to the multicultural society in the UK by ensuring that Turkish-speaking people are empowered to contribute their skills, talents and experience and play a full role in the community. This is of benefit to our members and society as a whole. TEG provides three main services Education Qualified and experienced teachers running a range of courses and training programmes. Computer for Adults Two levels with examinations and national qualifications (CLAIT OCR) Turkish Literacy for Women Turkish Reading and Writing classes for women. Turkish, Maths and Science for Children Weekend classes and Homework Clubs for children from 7 until 14 years of age. GCSE Maths & Science classes for children and adults of all ages. Turkish Language Courses Weekly classes for English speakers wishing to learn Turkish from complete beginners to intermediate level. TEG Information Advice and Guidence A bilingual user/client centre with impartial advice, information and support. General Support Call or drop for general support. Staff will either help you on the spot, make an appointment, or refer you to another appropriate service. Employment & Educational Advice Make an appointment for specific IAG including Comparability Statement from NARIC. Legal Advice Make an appointment for legal advice including Ankara Agreements, Work Permits, Home Office Issues, Benefits and Housing including buying your home. Health Make an appointment for health related support including Smoking Cessation, Drugs and Alcohol Misuse, Extra Patient Care, Diet and Nutrition.

Trust Training

trust training

Trust Training Limited (TTL) is a leading firm specialising in the provision of Training, Workshops and other Capacity Building Services aimed mainly at supporting Donor Funded Projects with specific reference to their design, objectives and guidelines. Since 2013 that we have been in existence, we have built deeper understanding of the requirements of these interventions and how these shape project delivery expectations and hence training. Our Trainings/Workshops are deeply committed to knowledge and skills transfer. These we achieve by offering both client specific and general programmes aimed at equipping all levels of staff with relevant and practical skills Our Philosophy is to make available especially to the donor funded project community, knowledge and competence that largely exist within that larger environment in one way or the other but have become inaccessible or unavailable to some membership of that community by design or circumstance. The Trainings/Workshops bring together the Project Coordinating Units; the Beneficiary/Implementing Agencies and the Sector Agencies for “Competence& Skills Transfer” or “Capacity Building& Development” (CPD). Over the years, our Training & Workshop Business has focused on specific “Knowledge Areas” and “Markets”, hence our slogan – “Building Capacity in Donor Funded Projects”. Overtime, our engagements have evolved into what we now refer to as “SOLUTIONS BASED WORKSHOPS”. In that, we attempt to provide solutions, to the challenges faced by our clients, through Training & Workshop rather than Consulting. This has made our engagements “Tailored” or “Customised” to the client’s project, circumstances and needs. It tends to take more of a “Workshop” format than “Training” by the end of which, Knowledge and Competences are shared and gained. Participants tend to leave with some sort of “OUTLINE PLAN / FRAMEWORK” at least mentally, for the solution of their recognised needs.

Viking Construction Training

viking construction training

More than a Construction Company - Building the FuturevNever settle for mediocrity. It sounds simple enough, but time and time again, so many organizations fail to measure up. At Viking Construction, this philosophy permeates everything we do. The difference shows: in a growing portfolio of thoughtfully-executed projects, motivated employees and satisfied clients. Founded in 1991 on this seemingly simple – yet surprisingly complex – credo, Viking Construction has built its reputation through superior customer service and execution of the highest standards in the industry. Originally we performed the duties of a true general contractor, specializing in the construction of commercial and industrial projects as well as many government sponsored affordable housing projects. As needed, Viking Construction can comfortably suit the role of a construction manager to coordinate and supervise a wide variety of projects while overseeing specialized contractors and other personnel. We have been able to consistently deliver results that exceed our clients’ expectations. Our ability to self-perform many aspects of the construction process delivers value to our clients and sets us apart from other contractors. At Viking Construction, Inc., we believe John Donne’s words apply to business as well as people: “No business is an island; every business is a piece of the community.” We take this view seriously – and know we are only as strong as the communities where we live and work. We want the places where we do business and the people who live and work here to be strong, productive and happy. That is why we support our local community so eagerly, on so many different levels. Click here to learn more about our commitment and view a list of some of the organizations that we are proud to support.

APS Training Ltd

aps training ltd

The APS SPORTS AND TRAINING Football Club is a competitive soccer club founded in 2015 based upon the founders desire to teach life lessons through soccer. The Clubs commitment is to use its resources to provide world-class training, develop first-rate facilities, and engender a passionate love for the game of soccer. While the players, coaches and staff strive to succeed at the highest possible level, the development of the player as a person is emphasized first and foremost. The APS SPORTS AND TRAINING Football Club is a nonprofit entity that qualifies as a charitable organization of the Internal Revenue Code. The Club strives to make its programs available to all youth players who have a sincere desire to learn to play soccer at a competitive level, and the Club has an active scholarship committee that makes financial aid available to those who need financial assistance to participate in the Clubs programs. The Club is governed by a board of directors that meets on a regular basis, and the day-to-day activities of the Club are implemented by the Director of Coaching. The APS SPORTS AND TRAINING Football Club has been a positive force in the local soccer community for over a decade. More importantly, our Club has been important in shaping the lives of children through the great sport of soccer. We believe our Clubs goals, values and culture make us uniquely qualified to help youth soccer players in our community learn a great sport while experiencing the lessons of life that are learned through sports. The following are some of the factors we would encourage you to consider when you evaluate our Club and select a soccer home for your player: