8294 Educators providing Courses

St Andrew’s and St Bride's High School

st andrew’s and st bride's high school

St Andrew’s and St Bride's High School aims to provide an atmosphere of love, care and understanding where the pupils and staff share a truly Christian concern for one another. We are a school which fosters good discipline and a positive ethos where the school works in partnership with the home and the Church. We are proud of the achievements of all our pupils. We try our best to give every pupil the opportunity to develop his or her talents to the full by offering education of the highest quality. St Andrew’s and St Bride’s is part of a Learning Community with six associated primaries: St Hilary’s St Kenneth’s St Leonard’s St Louise Our Lady of Lourdes St Vincent’s Our purpose built school building was opened in August 2007 and is attractively placed close to East Kilbride Village. We have very good accommodation and all our classrooms provide a rich learning environment for pupils and throughout the school we have extensive provision to display examples of pupil work to celebrate their success and achievements. We have excellent provision for indoor PE facilities with a large Games Hall and two gymnasiums. The Headteacher is well supported by six Depute Headteachers, 12 Heads of Department/Principal Teachers of Curriculum and 8 Principal Teachers of Guidance. As a school we aim to be a Catholic, Christian inclusive school community in which the Gospel values permeate all that we do. St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School meets the needs of all pupils by providing a pathway for young people to achieve their potential through an inspiring environment, the provision of excellent learning and teaching and an ethos of hard work. It is a community in which everyone works in partnership to provide an education of the highest quality. Staff have very strong relationships with parents and are dedicated to ensuring that all pupils thrive in an environment which nurtures and supports while equipping them with the necessary skills for a full and productive life. The leadership of the headteacher and other senior staff ensures that all stakeholders feel valued and are encouraged to make full, worthwhile contributions, to the development of initiatives, policies and procedures. We have a very active and supportive parent council. In addition to being encouraged to achieve the highest standards in academic studies, St Andrew’s and St Bride’s High School pupils have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular interests. At St Andrew’s and St Brides we believe that these leisure and school experiences make a very valuable contribution to a young person’s education.



Forest Row

weaversbazaar came out of a shared passion for tapestry weaving when Matty Smith and Lin Squires met for the first time on the 2008 West Dean College Tapestry Summer School. We had both been experimenting with art, craft and cloth weaving and loved using yarns in creative ways. As we progressed through that hot summer week, weaving and talking and talking and weaving, we not only discovered many shared life experiences but also a common sense of fulfilment in the process and outcomes of tapestry weaving. However, once away from West Dean, we faced a serious challenge - how to find high-quality yarns in just the right colours needed for the tapestries we wanted to weave. After much research, a supplier of high-twist worsted yarn was found and then a dyer who was able to match-dye from just a one-inch colour sample...and at that point, we began to think about whether this would be a product and a service that other textile artists would be interested in: weaversbazaar was launched! The products and services we offer have grown in popularity: our original range of six colours have grown to over 200.The fine 18/2 yarn we started with has been complemented by two medium-weight worsted yarns (7/2 & 9.5/2). In addition, we have extended the range of yarns offered to include both dyed and undyed Nettle, Silk and Linen. We commission the manufacture of equipment that cant be found else where and a year ago took on a studio space in which we run workshops. In doing all these things have establish relationships with diverse textile artists arounfd the world and to communicate regularly with our growing community; sharing information and news that we hope both interests and informs. And our own weaving has continued to develop. Lin and Matty are both active members of the British Tapestry Group, the American Tapestry Alliance and the Canadian Tapestry Network and relish opportunities to get together with other tapestry weavers and textile artists to share ideas. Everyone who contributes to weaversbazaar is a textile maker. Matty retired from weaversbazaar in April 2020. But we continue and Rachel Hanney has joined Lin to continue to develop weaversbazaar. Our mission remains to be the place to find quality yarns and reliable, to provide a personalised service and to facilitate creativity and especially Tapestry Weaving as a contemporary art form.

British Educational Research Association

british educational research association


BERA is a membership association and learned society committed to advancing research quality, building research capacity and fostering research engagement. We aim to inform the development of policy and practice by promoting the best quality evidence produced by educational research.  Our vision is for educational research to have a profound and positive influence on society. We support this by promoting and sustaining the work of educational researchers. Our membership, which is more than 2,500 strong, includes educational researchers, practitioners and doctoral students from the UK and around the globe.  Founded in 1974, BERA has since expanded into an internationally renowned association. We strive to be inclusive of the diversity of education research and scholarship, and welcome members from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, theoretical orientations, methodological approaches, sectoral interests and institutional affiliations. We encourage the development of productive relationships with other associations within and beyond the UK.  We run a major international conference each year alongside a diverse and engaging series of events, and publish high quality research in our peer-reviewed journals, reports, book series and the ground breaking BERA Blog. We recognise excellence through our awards and fellowships, provide grants for research, support the career development of our members, and nurture an active peer community organised around networks, forums and special interest groups.  BERA is a registered charity (no. 1150237) and is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales (company no. 08284220). We are governed by an elected council and managed by a small office team based in London. 

Amanda Porter

amanda porter


/my name is Amanda and I’m an Abdominal Therapy Practitioner and Educator. I also offer Holistic massage and Energy work in the Tradition of the Maya. My story begins in the mists of time when I was raising my wonderful offspring. Being interested in complementary therapy I used this period in my life to learn about a variety of therapies and techniques that could help my children through their early years and beyond. When my children flew the nest, I felt the calling to become a complementary therapist and embarked on a life-changing journey. In 2005 on the insistence of a great friend Hilary Lewin, I attended an amazing class based on the work of Dr Rosita Arvigo. This workshop had a profound effect on my whole being. I felt the power of the work, I observed the changes in my body as I practised my abdominal massage at home. I could not believe that such a sweet simple technique could have such a profound effect. My journey had begun, I wanted to not only learn the technique but also understand why it seemed to help with so many health challenges. They say the right teacher will appear when the time is right and I have been blessed. I trained directly with Rosita Arvigo, the founder of the work I now offer in my clinic and the classroom. Understanding the similarities between Maya Medicine and Chinese medicine, in 2011, I travelled to Thailand and studied traditional Thai Massage with the renowned traditional healer, Bann Hom who lives in Chaing Mai, Northern Thailand. It did not surprise me to find her treating her community with an abdominal technique that was not a million miles from the work I knew and loved. I have been inspired by Gil Hedley, the brilliant anatomist who offers dissection classes for anyone who is interested in observing the anatomical connections within the human form. Marty Ryan – Love your Guts Seminars, taught me how to listen to my hands, his palpation classes revealed what was beneath the skin. Life is for learning and every belly I touch teaches me something new. And so, to now, in September 2020 working with a passionate group of educators and colleagues including Rosita Arvigo I became a founding member of the Abdominal Therapy Collective.

Anvesaka Yoga & Aerial

anvesaka yoga & aerial

Stockton on Tees

We want to create a community that encourages you, lifts you up, helps you live in confidence to the full range of your ability. Anvesaka Yoga & Aerial aims to turn the boring gym treadmill routine in it’s head, by making exercise sociable, full of laughter and above all, enjoyable. Established in 2015, Anvesaka Yoga & Aerial is a leading provider of Aerial Yoga classes in the North East of England. Amy discovered yoga after a very premature birth and prolonged hospital stay of her eldest child, her yoga practice provided the necessary space and tranquillity to get through the anxious early years. Following the birth of her second child and subsequent redundancy, Amy decided to retrain as a yoga teacher, to try to bring the joy and peace that yoga has brought her to as many people as possible. Our foray into aerial began in 2015, when Amy tried her first aerial yoga class, and immediately went home to find out the requirements for teacher training! A few hours later her course was booked. From here Anvesaka Yoga & Aerial was born. Anvesaka Yoga & Aerial developed from this modest foundation of one person on Teesside to a network of more than 20 teachers covering the North East of England by early 2020. Our range of classes have grown as well, adding in more variety of aerial equipment styles over the years to offer a full range of classes to everyone looking to elevate their fitness practice, as well as yoga for schools, corporate settings and festivals. Join The Team Do you dream of learning to fly? Love yoga and want to share that passion with others? Are you an experienced aerialist looking to make your hobby your career? At Anvesaka Yoga & Aerial we love to hear from people eager to join our team, and create opportunities to join us on a part time or full time basis. Working with Anvesaka Yoga & Aerial is a job like no other, exciting, fulfilling, and with no two days the same. You will be joining a network of teachers who provide support, knowledge and job satisfaction every day. Our Anvesaka Yoga & Aerial teacher training course will equip you with the knowledge, confidence and resources to lead classes in your chosen discipline. Teacher training is largely self paced from your own home, with one face to face training weekend and assessment.

Sealy MacWheely

sealy macwheely


Hi I'm Katie, the face behind Sealy MacWheely. I am a passionate spinner, knitter and lover of all things bright and colourful! Sealy MacWheely began with very humble beginnings and came into being initially whilst I was a student to raise money for the brilliant charity, Childreach International, with whom I trekked through the Andes of Peru in the summer of 2013. Once the trek to the summit of Machu Picchu was complete I simply couldn't let go of my wee business and after graduating and moving down to the outskirts of the wonderful city of Glasgow I refreshed and rebranded and began the daunting task of vending at local craft markets. It didn't take long for my business to outgrow itself and soon I was driving across the country to larger yarn and fibre festivals and events and with a little hesitation and a lot of excitement I eventually quit my regular job and took up Sealy MacWheely full time. This of course led me to my wee Yarn & Fibre Shop which would never have existed had it not been for the incredible support of our amazing yarn community. With the help of a successful Kickstarter campaign in the autumn of 2018 I was able to move into my beautiful wee shop in Kirkintilloch where I could focus all my creative energy into sharing my love of fluff and colour! I am also passionate about ecology and the environmental impact of my business has been factored into every decision I make. Both the shop and my home where I do my dyeing are powered by 100% renewable energy and I use absolutely no single use plastics in my branded products. I am proud to announce that Sealy MacWheely has recently teamed up with Ecologi, meaning that for every purchase made both in the shop and online a tree will be planted in an effort to combat the climate emergency that our planet currently faces. Although the Covid 19 pandemic has been a bumpy ride the shop has recently moved to a new premises with an in-situ dye studio and I have absolutely no intention of giving up! In fact I have so many exciting adventures lined up for the next year that I can't wait to share with you so keep your eyes peeled!