8294 Educators providing Courses

Begin2sports Group Academy

begin2sports group academy


Begin2Sports was founded by sports coaching scientist and Commonwealth athlete Addy Mumunie. Born in Nigeria, sports came into her life through the necessity of running to school and back every day. However, it grew into her first love, achieving a regional level by the age of 12-13 and going on to represent Nigeria at Commonwealth/National level. Raising her family in Southwest London, sport and particularly athletics, were the bedrock of her life, raising her three daughters to also include sports into their life. One enjoys recreational sports, and the other two daughters compete as professional athletes at National and International level for England and GB. Coach Addy trained in Sport Coaching Science at St Mary’s University Twickenham. She went on to set up this community interest group (Begin2Sports) in 2017, with the goal to support people from disadvantaged backgrounds through sport and the 7 fundamental key principles of athletics. Coach Addy’s motivation for this project, came from her own humble beginnings. Challenged by Dyslexia, a misunderstood condition in the 1970’s, studying was very difficult. It was an unsupported experience and consequently personal progress was severely inhibited. It was then that she realised that taking part in sports, offered her the freedom, confidence, self-esteem, and self-expression that she needed to help overcome these challenges. Inspiring others to discover the benefits of sport in their lives was the spark that inspired Begin2Sports. At the heart of the group’s purpose is increasing sports participation in the community. We aim to provide individuals at a higher risk of sports deprivation in the London borough of Wandsworth, access to low-cost physical activity & fitness services. Uniquely, we also offer a blended physical and cognitive programme, known as Dysletics and GymLetics, designed specifically for those living with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. WHO WE ARE We are a community focused organisation, that provide sports-based coaching built on values of OPENNESS, EMPOWERMENT, AND NUTURING. We aim to create a safe space for EVERYONE of any ability to experience new and exciting physical activities and sports. Our primary audience are children however we also have adult-based programmes as well as we aim to be as inclusive as possible. We speak simply. We present information clearly to our participants making sure that they take away the key information needed. Less is more. We explain sports terminology in a language everyone can understand, focusing on the physical benefits. We are always Warm, Welcoming and Encouraging! We make contacting Begin2Sports easy and convenient.

Seinan Gakuin University

seinan gakuin university

In 2016 Seinan Gakuin celebrated its 100th Anniversary with a renewed commitment to endeavor to be true to Christ in the pursuit of truth in academic affairs and excellence in character development, striving to equip and nurture students who will be able to serve as creative and constructive leaders in local communities and in global society. As you prepare for, or continue, your university education, the whole world lies before you. Since we live in a world that is rapidly becoming a community without borders, the opportunities which lie before us are almost limitless. The world community continues to become more and more interconnected socially, economically, and politically. Decisions or events in one country rapidly ripple across the globe, making an impact on every nation. At the same time, differences between people, cultures, and countries are being magnified. Rather than allowing differences to become walls of separation, there is a need for building bridges of understanding and cooperation. Seinan Gakuin University provides the opportunity for young people to respond to the challenges of our world. Our highly trained faculty is committed to providing a high level of education and to helping our students understand the world and prepare them to find a place in the world. The faculty is also committed to a high level of academic research and scholarship. Having published in a wide range of academic journals, professors implement their research in both teaching and contributing to the local and international community. Our International Division is one of the oldest exchange programs in Japan. Reaching around the globe, we have exchange programs with universities in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, France, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Iceland, Poland, Belgium, Spain, Romania, Russia, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Turkey, South Africa, Chile, Peru —and the list continues to grow. The curriculum of the program includes classes in Japanese language, culture, and society. Participants from around the world not only learn about Japan together but also have opportunities to learn about different ways of life and different cultures from each other, inside and outside the classroom. The greatest investment any nation or individual can make for the future is an investment in education. The future is yours. We are committed as a university to investing in your education and in your future. Won’t you consider investing in your future as a student at Seinan Gakuin University? There is a place for you here.

Overstone Park School

overstone park school


A Message From The Principal & Director Driven by a desire to create a co-educational school where the gifts and talents of all pupil's are realised. Three pupils launched the school on 4th September 1983. At Overstone Park School we embrace a Christian ethos and our pupils are encouraged to be caring and helpful members of the community showing good manners, good conduct, good etiquette and respect towards others. This is promoted in all aspects of school life. This is achieved in our small class groups in a multi-national environment where pupils of all cultures are treated equally. Overstone Park School offers the best in education with continuity offered to all pupils from 0 to 18 years, as we are committed to the pursuit of excellence and the building of confidence and self esteem within each of our pupils. We offer the best in education and care to pupils of all ages and abilities, because we believe that every child is unique, gifted and talented in their own special way. We are committed to the pursuit of excellence to ensure that every child achieves their best potential to ensure that they are given an excellent start, to build firm educational foundations to enable them to seize all of the opportunities that offer them to explore and develop their abilities educationally, emotionally and spiritually. We embrace a Christian ethos and our pupils are encouraged to be caring and helpful members of the community showing good manners, good conduct, good etiquette and respect towards others. This is promoted in all aspects of school life. This is achieved in our small groups classes in a multi-national environment where pupils of all cultures are treated equally. Social, musical and sporting activities are an integral part of the school’s curriculum which helps to form balanced individuals, and enhance the ability, talent and skills of each pupil in every aspect of school life, to help them to develop their character and to fulfil their dreams and ambitions. In our safe, secure, spacious and adventurous environment, from birth to school age our children are provided with a caring team, a wide range of facilities, equipment and resources to ensure that they are given every opportunity to develop their unique talents and abilities. At Overstone Park School children are safe, healthy and happy in their achievements and participate in all aspects of nursery life. Pupil’s opinions and contributions are valued and appreciated, they are encouraged to become good and effective members of their community.

St Dominic's Sixth Form College

st dominic's sixth form college


I am pleased to welcome you to the St Dominic’s website. We are a 16 to 18 co-educational Catholic College, situated in Harrow on the Hill, North West London. We specialise in delivering high quality level 3 courses, offering some 29 different A-levels and BTEC courses, suited to the needs of all our learners. St Dominic’s has provided post 16 education in Harrow since 1979 and over that period of time has developed specialist teaching and support that is recognised for its excellence in the local area and beyond. In our last inspection, we were judged to be an ‘outstanding’ College and have been awarded many national accolades over recent years. The campus gives us a university feel and allows students to concentrate on their studies and to make the very best use of our superb academic facilities. The two years of study post 16 are the most important of any to date in a young person’s educational journey. Post 16 courses remain a benchmark qualification. When students arrive with us in September each year it is my expectation that they will work hard from day one in order to fulfil the demands of their courses. The support both in and out of the classroom is exemplary and providing the partnership between student, College and home are right then they will be successful with us and achieve highly at the end of the two year programme. We provide all our students with the best opportunity to achieve the highest possible examination grades as well as to develop spiritually and personally. We are a confidently Catholic institution, clear in our beliefs and values and the importance of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. We are also welcoming of other faith groups and believe that our diverse faith community is enriching and makes us the very distinctive community that we are. We give priority to students from our two partner schools, Salvatorian College and Sacred Heart Language College. We then offer places to Catholics from the local area and to other faith groups who wish to pursue their sixth form education in a Christian context and who will support the ethos and mission of our College. It is a tremendous privilege to lead this community. Our students are hard-working, dedicated and ambitious for their futures and my staff team are wholly committed to achieving excellence for every one of our young people with whom they work each day.

Sapphire Project Organisation

sapphire project organisation


The Sapphire Project Organisation is an exciting new modern-day service for adults age 18 and over living with a learning disability. We want to understand what people want from their support, and to make sure that families and friends know how we will help them to make it happen. We offer a unique learning environment for our service users and although support needs may differ, we know that with the right support, people with learning disabilities can live full and meaningful lives. Aims Our aim is for service users to develop competence, respect, dignity, responsibility, independence and to promote their inclusion within the local working community. Working closely with service users we aim to find out what their passions are and wherever possible assist with overcoming challenges and removing barriers in order to enable them to live more fulfilling lives. What we offer Service users are offered the opportunity to develop transferable work skills, enterprise skills, independence skills, practical skills and social skills all within a variety of settings while being supported by qualified staff. Our project includes a café, a licensed bar and a kitchen garden all of which is open to the general public. We also offer a opportunities to develop general maintenance and wood working skills. Service users also have the opportunity to carry out a number of routine domestic tasks to help develop their independent living skills. These include, planning and shopping, cooking meals, basic housekeeping, getting out and about in the community and residential experiences. We support people in developing work and independence skills whilst having fun and making friends. Our aim is to break down barriers and to promote inclusion within the local community. What Makes Us Unique? We want to offer people the chance to learn valuable life skills along with work skills and our base at Hillsborough Arena provides us with numerous opportunities to achieve this objective. We offer an attractive, non-institutional environment with a team of committed staff with a very low rate of staff turnover, so people can develop strong, beneficial relationships over many years. We also offer a dedicated key worker to overlook and support the needs of both the service user along with the parent/carers. We want to understand what people want from their support, and make sure that families and friends know how we will help them to make it happen. If you think our project would suit your needs we would invite you to come and have a look around and make an arrangement to spend a couple of days with us.