701 Educators providing Courses

Stress Management Training Courses by Distance Learning

stress management training courses by distance learning

Thompsons Solicitors

Since our establishment in 1995 The Stress Management Institute has trained over two thousand individuals as Stress Management Trainers and has become the leading provider of Stress Management Courses within the Public Sector in the United Kingdom. Among our customers we count more than 150 businesses and organisations. Click here to find us on Twitter Why train with The Stress Management Institute? We are the specialists in Stress Management Training by Distance Learning and our Stress Courses are popular world wide. Our experience, professionalism and commitment to quality make us the first Stress Management course of choice for individuals looking to enhance their skills portfolio or to start up their own business. For many Companies too, we are the first choice in auditing, understanding and solving problems within the organisation. Our list of Corporate Clients speaks for itself How can our Diploma Courses benefit you professionally? Stress Management Training by Distance Learning can be learned quickly and is applicable in many settings. You can use our Stress Management Course toolkits as short courses of treatment or as on-going therapeutic activity. Our Downloadable training will enable you to speedily add Stress Management Training to your helping skills so that you will rapidly become a competent practitioner and Stress Management Consultant. Our Diploma in Stress Management Training covers the theory, information, skills and techniques that you will need to work effectively with individuals and groups, both in private practice, or in any therapeutic or community setting. Our Diploma in Organisational Stress Management enables you to take these skills into the Company or Organisation as a Consultant, whilst also enabling you to address specific corporate need. Our Stress Management courses are designed to provide you with a practical toolkit that you can edit with your logo and details for your own Client work. Thus, trainees will find that they can soon put our Stress Courses to use within their current work, private practice or new venture. It is not essential for you to be currently working with Clients in order to undertake our Stress Management courses, you can work through the training practising the Stress Management exercises yourself. We are able to offer a fee reduction if you enroll before the end of the month.

Wolf Training

wolf training


Dr. Steve Wolf, Ph.D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY 10230), in private practice in West Los Angeles. After teaching Anger Management for five years, he was recognized as having diplomate status with the National Anger Management Association (NAMA) in 2005; which he currently holds. He has been an innovator throughout his professional career. He co-directed New York City’s first Prison Therapeutic Community Program in Rikers Island Prison’s Psychiatric Ward in 1973 and directed Rikers’ first Therapeutic Community Drug Program for the general prison population in 1974. He directed a Day Treatment Center in Litchfield Connecticut, volunteered with the L.A. Sheriff’s Department to co-create Project Turnaround, an Acupuncture Detox program on L.A.’s skid row. He co-created an alternative middle school in Topanga, CA, co-authored “Romancing the Shadow: A Guide to Soul Work for a Vital Authentic Life” (Ballantine, 1997, translated into six languages), and developed “The Village Circle Project”: leaderless groups for self-exploration. He consulted as a Co-Occurring Disorders therapist in Los Angeles working with men coming directly from prison, jail or the street for five years. In 2006, he authored the “Taming Your Anger” series of English and Spanish workbooks, DVD’s, C.D.’s and workshops. He recently taught the Taming Your Anger/Emotional Intelligence Method to at-risk teens and has produced a documentary film of that program. In 2010. he founded the Wolf Training Institute, which serves as the umbrella for all the programs in development. This is where the practitioners are certified to teach and coach the Taming Your Anger, Taming Your Anxiety and CouplezWork Programs. The Taming Your Anger Program is recognized by the National Anger Management Association. In 2012, he produced the documentary, Remedy 4 Rage; the story of one alternative high school group and their journey into exploring their own emotions. In 2014, he began to host the weekly “Shrink Different Radio Show” on the TFOK Network. He has interviewed celebrities and regular people who have interesting lives. The show is about people and their passions. He maintains a therapy practice, working with adults and couples in West Los Angeles. The next book is on the evolving couple and is scheduled to be released in early 2020.

Recovery Coaching Scotland

recovery coaching scotland


WHY RECOVERY COACHING? Background The illicit use of drugs and particularly opiates, benzodiazepines and psychostimulants, causes significant problems within Scotland as it does in other parts of the UK and Europe. Some of these problems are primarily social in nature, involving, for example, increases in acquisitive crime, prostitution, unemployment, family breakdown and homelessness. Others are more clearly associated with health problems, for example, the transmission of communicable diseases (HIV, hepatitis), injecting-related injuries and increased demands upon health care services. Similarly, alcohol problems are a major concern for public health in Scotland. Short-term problems such as intoxication can lead to risk of injury and is associated with violence and social disorder. Over the longer term, excessive consumption can cause irreversible damage to parts of the body such as the liver and brain. Alcohol can also lead to mental health problems, for example, alcohol dependency and increased risk of suicide. In addition, alcohol is recognised as a contributory factor in many other diseases including cancer, stroke and heart disease. Wider social problems include family disruption, absenteeism from work and financial difficulties. The Alcohol Framework 2018: Preventing Harm, published by the Scottish Government includes the estimate from the 2010 study, The Societal Cost of Alcohol Misuse in Scotland for 2007, that the impact of this excessive consumption is estimated to cost Scotland £3.6 billion each year. Our Challenge There are a number of characteristics in the behaviours, profile and patterns of drug use and people who use them that both differentiate and add complexity to the nature of our challenge, such as: High risk patterns of Drug use, including multiple different drug (poly drug use) and alcohol. High levels of social depravation, poverty and highly stigmatised people. Drug Misuse & Treatment in Scottish Prisons From 2009/10 to 2018/19, Testing was conducted across all Scottish prisons annually. During one month of the year, prisoners arriving in custody were voluntarily tested for the presence of illegal or illicit drugs. Similarly, those leaving custody during the month were tested to assess progress towards the 'reduced or stabilised' offender outcome. Some key points been: In 2018/19, of the tests carried out at prison entry 75% were positive for drugs The illegal/illicit drugs most commonly detected when entering prison in 2018/19 were cannabis benzodiazepines, opiates and cocaine In 2018/19, of the tests carried out when leaving prison 26% were positive for illegal/illicit drug

Pcsk9 Education And Research Forum

pcsk9 education and research forum


Reducing low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is the priority in managing patients with severe dyslipidaemia (cholesterol abnormality) and at high risk of cardiovascular (CV) death and disability. Yet even when treated with potent statins, many patients fail to achieve LDL-cholesterol targets and therefore their risk of accelerated atherosclerosis and CV death remains high. This problem is particularly critical in patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) (the most commonly occurring genetic condition in the world). People with FH typically have very high LDL cholesterol levels on treatment, and consequently, are at very high risk of premature and sudden CV death, myocardial infarction and stroke. Additionally, some patients are unable to tolerate statins – particularly at higher doses – and, therefore, do not achieve LDL-cholesterol goals. What is the importance of PCSK9? Discovered in 2003,1 PCSK9 is a protein made by the liver which increases the removal of LDL receptors from the surface of liver cells. These LDL receptors are critically important in removal of serum LDL-cholesterol from the circulation. People with so-called ‘gain of function’ PCSK9 mutations over-express PCSK9, and therefore have very high plasma levels of LDL cholesterol and are at very risk of atherosclerosis and CV mortality and morbidity.2 In contrast, people with so-called ‘loss of function’ PCSK9 mutations, have very LDL cholesterol levels and reduced risk for heart disease.3 What is PCSK9 inhibition? Different approaches to lowering PCSK9 are now licensed. These include fully human monoclonal antibodies (alirocumab, evolocumab) and a small-interfering RNA therapy (inclisiran). Trials show that these PCSK9 inhibitors reduce LDL cholesterol levels by about 50-60 percent - a significantly greater effect than that achieved with currently available therapies – either when given alone or in combination. These LDL cholesterol lowering effects have been consistently across a broad group of patients, including those with familial hypercholesterolaemia in clinical trials.4 Which clinical settings will benefit from the availability of PCSK9 inhibitors? These treatments offer the potential to reduce cardiovascular risk in patients whose clinical needs cannot be satisfied by current therapy. These include: Patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia – an inherited disorder of lipid metabolism with a very high risk of early CV death or morbidity, if not diagnosed or treated early Patients who cannot tolerate statins, who therefore remain at high risk of CV events such as heart attacks and strokes Patients with established heart disease who have not achieved LDL-cholesterol goals despite current therapies

Compass Education and Training

compass education and training


About Compass Education and Training At Compass Education, we strive to keep our courses the best they can be. Since the beginning, our courses have been based on knowledge, experience, and a passion for animals. Our courses are written, edited and published by professionals with years of teaching and first hand experience with animals, giving you the best quality of study material available. A word from our Director For anyone embarking on a course of study it can be a difficult time, deciding which course, whether or not you will enjoy it and wondering what you will get for your investment are just some of the things that you will be considering. I hope that by telling you something about myself, my passion for and life of involvement with animals you will understand a little of the enthusiasm that has gone into creating Compass Education and Training over the last 23 years. Apart from my time in the forces I have had dogs in my life since I was five years old and being in my sixties that means a lot of dogs, everything from working breeds, toy breeds, terriers, utility breeds to hounds. I have seen the joy of puppies growing up, the hard work of the elderly and infirm dog and experienced the devastation of losing many friends, the pride of being unconditionally accepted by them, the frustrations and elations of working with rescued dogs and everything in between. We currently have 11 dogs and I cannot imagine life without them, they are an inspiration, no more so than when I was going through treatment for cancer 11 years ago. David Montgomery David Montgomery Without qualifications I felt that despite my knowledge and experience I could only be regarded, like so many others working with animals, as a keen amateur. I read books, picked up information from television, trained my dogs and rescued any injured wildlife I came across or was brought to me. It was then I decided that if I was to become truly professional I needed a better education, so in 1994 I enrolled at Oxford Brookes University on a combined studies degree of Psychology and Animal Behaviour. Three years later I achieved my 2:1 BSc (Hons) and for those of you wondering if it’s possible whilst working in your late thirties and paying a mortgage, there is the evidence. After graduating I studied Counselling Skills at University College London and went on to professionally offer behaviour counselling.

Potclays Ltd.

potclays ltd.


We’re passionate about keeping the craft of ceramics alive. Studio ceramics is coming under increasing threat with its neglect in the education syllabus at primary and secondary levels, whilst further and higher education courses are quietly dropped or subsumed into other disciplines. Our involvement in the promotion of ceramics within education has grown as the need to protect and nurture the subject has intensified. We have an unspoken but deep understanding that we should do everything in our power to promote the role of ceramics in our schools, colleges and universities as well as in the wider community. We hope that our efforts to provide a comprehensive programme of courses and workshops each year will go some way to ensuring the survival of this discipline in the years to come. Potclays Kilns Potclays is a specialist kiln manufacturer and we make a wide variety of high quality electric and gas fired kilns for ceramics and other heat treatment processes. These range in size from around 12 litres (0.4cu.ft) chamber capacity mini-kilns to truck kilns of over 2 cu.metres (70cu.ft) capacity. Many of these are specially built to customers' requirements. We also manufacture elements to fit most makes of kiln. Paint Your Own Pottery Supplies Potclays is one of the largest Paint-Your-Own-Pottery (PYOP) suppliers in the UK and is expanding overseas too. We supply a huge range of brush-on glazes, stains, colours, plaster moulds and bisque ware from several sources including US market leaders such as L&L Kilns, Mayco & Bisque Imports. We also supply a wide range of affordable and high-quality brushes from Mayco and Royal & Langnickel. Our high quality 'Potclays White' casting slip is manufactured at our factory in Stoke-on-Trent. We run PYOP teachers' certification programs and hands-on courses for all skill levels, from beginner to expert. Many of our courses are run with the generous support of Mayco Colors, enabling us to charge low course fees. The Potters Clay and Coal Company The fireclays from our PCC clay mines are exceptionally plastic and also pale-burning. Consequently, they are used in pottery, brick, tile and vitreous china bodies as a part replacement for more expensive ball clays. We also supply sealant clays for lakes and waterways and other civil engeering projects. Our puddle clay was used in the construction of parts of the M6 motorway, notably Spaghetti Junction, and most recently by the Lichfield & Hatherton Canals Restoration Trust.

Maria Afentakis

maria afentakis

Maria has an MSc in Neuroscience from the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College, London. She has worked in prestigious scientific institutes throughout her scientific career, including The institute of Neurology, UCL, London School of Pharmacy, Imperial College and The Royal Marsden Hospital, London. She has been an author in many scientific publications, including a first author paper, which is recognition for her scientific research. This paper is listed below: Afentakis M, et al. ‘Immunohistochemical BAG1 expression improves the estimation of residual risk by IHC4 in postmenopausal patients treated with anastrazole or tamoxifen: a TransATAC study’. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 2013. Maria has taught many medical doctors and students scientific concepts in biology, physics and chemistry. She has supervised them, and helped them pass examinations and obtain MDs and PhDs. Through her writing and teaching, Maria's aim is to educate others in gaining the scientific background to help them understand the importance of connecting the mind, body and soul with mindfulness techniques to bring them peace and balance in their everyday lives. The spiritualist Maria is a gifted third-generation spiritual psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive reader, angelic reiki practitioner, animal reiki practitioner, crystal healer, channel, public speaker, teacher and author. From a young age, Maria has been highly sensitive to energetic fields of places and people, and has been blessed with spiritual gifts to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, to educate others in gaining the scientific background to help them understand spirituality, and to bring them peace and balance in their everyday lives. Maria offers advice and angelic reiki treatments to people to make them feel balanced and energised. She is able to explain to them how their energetic aura and chakra system works, by explaining the biology and physics behind them. She provides workshops and runs guided meditation classes. For high-value speaking engagements and workshops As a scientist and academic, it is my passion to help improve your well-being in life; to help empower you with new-found energy and spiritual awareness and to bring about positive changes in your life. Upcoming events will include talks and workshops on energy and how people can balance and restore their chakras so they feel energised, happy and at peace in life. You can find me at events including the Mind Body Soul Experience at Alexandra Palace in London, where I have a regular speaking engagement. Keep a close watch on my website for the next speaking event. Email angelicmagic@outlook.com to receive information on FREE new moon/full moon meditations, information and upcoming events

Skillsafe First Aid Training And Consultancy

skillsafe first aid training and consultancy


We are an independent company covering the areas of Greater Manchester, Lancashire/Fylde Coast, Kirklees and Huddersfield. Our aim is to provide quality training in Emergency Life Support and Key First Aid Skills which is easily accessible for everyone. With this in mind, we have devised a range of First Aid courses which are budget-friendly and tailored to specific groups. We are passionate about the importance of learning First Aid and the impact this can have on saving lives. The SkillSafe approach is that you are never too young to start learning these vital skills. Did you know? – Every year there are around 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests across the UK but sadly, less than 1 in 10 survive. In countries where CPR is already taught in schools, cardiac arrest survival rates are more than double those of the UK. We specialise in the delivery of training to schools and colleges, as such we are delighted that CPR and Emergency First Aid is to be introduced onto the curriculum in 2020. This presents a fantastic opportunity for young people to develop valuable life skills which will enable them to help others when the need arises while staying safe. We offer key stage appropriate courses for primary, secondary schools and academies. In addition, we provide vocational First Aid courses and curriculum enrichment training for colleges. If you are a club or organisation for young people we will work in partnership with you to deliver themed training or Summer School activities. Becoming a new parent or grandparent is an exciting and happy event, it can also bring natural apprehension – What happens if something goes wrong? Keeping fingers crossed can’t help in an emergency but equipping yourself with First Aid knowledge and skills certainly can. SkillSafe offer a practical, hands on course – First Aid for Babies and Children – as part of our Community Programme. Are you a carer for a partner, family member or friend? You may be a volunteer working with a local community group. SkillSafe offer an Essential Steps in First Aid course which covers First Aid for adults including those who may be vulnerable. If you are caring for someone elderly, then our First Aid for Older Ages course may be the one for you. This focuses on first aid treatment for accidents and common conditions which can affect older people. For a full overview of these and more please see our Courses Page and enquire today to find your training solution with SkillSafe.

College Of Trichological Science & Practice

college of trichological science & practice

North Ferriby

College of Trichological Science and Practice (CTSP) CTSP is the UK's newest and most ambitious trichological training provider. As a not-for-profit company, our mission is simple: to deliver high-quality hair and scalp science education and training that drives sustainable trichological career pathways, fosters sector-wide diversity, and encourages collaboration and inclusion. Designed and developed by leading industry experts, experienced trichologists and education professionals, our range of accredited programmes and short courses are purpose-built to increase the knowledge and understanding of hair science and the management or treatment of hair loss conditions across an array of sectors and specialisms. CTSP accredited Certificate and Diploma programmes are written and assessed at academic levels* 4, 5 and 6. We're delighted to offer the most advanced trichological education and training in the UK. Our specialised programmes of study are mapped and aligned to National Occupational Standards (NOS), delivered and assessed in line with recognised educational best practices and provides foundation to higher level programs of study in Clinical Trichology. Our training and education pathway offers maximum flexibility, allowing you to meet your personal and professional objectives while combining engaging study with the demands of working life. You can enter and exit our pathway at different points, to gain individually accredited, programmes of study, accredited by a regulated external awarding body, designed to help you succeed whatever your next planned career step. Our accredited programmes provide fantastic opportunities to develop or enhance your existing knowledge and skills, particularly in the sectors of hairdressing and barbering, aesthetics, and cosmetic science. For those seeking a career in trichology, CTSP will nurture your ambition, and support your learning journey, whether its your desire to be recognised as a competent trichologist, or to work in any of the many and exciting trichology related sectors. Our new, unique and exciting education and training pathway for Clinical Trichology is purposefully designed to forge a closer alignment between those working in trichological practice and existing allied healthcare professions. This momentous milestone in trichology's rich 100+ year history will ensure trichology is more relevant to societal needs than ever before. *CTSP customised programmes have been developed to meet the specific needs of our learners in the trichological sector. We have benchmarked the learning outcomes and assessment criteria at equivalent levels to the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF) to identify their academic level and depth of study. Our programmes are accredited and recognised by EduQual who are a regulated awarding body.