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6720 Courses

CDM 2015 - in-depth (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

The learning objectives that we believe you require to be covered within the training include: * A detailed understanding of the CDM 2015 Regulations and how they should work in practice * An understanding of the key roles (Designer, Principal designer, contractor, principal contractor and client) under CDM 2015 * What constitutes design and when you may be acting as a designer * The requirements for notification * Pre construction information, the construction phase plan and the H&S file * An opportunity for delegates to ask questions and gain clarification on specific project requirements 1 INTRODUCTION * Why manage health and safety? * The costs of accidents * Construction industry statistics * Why CDM 2015? 2 OVERVIEW OF HEALTH AND SAFETY LAW AND LIABILITIES * Criminal and civil law * Liability * Enforcement and prosecution * Compliance - how far do we go? * Statutory duties 3 HEALTH AND SAFETY LAW IN CONSTRUCTION - THE CURRENT FRAMEWORK * Framework of relevant legislation * Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 * Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 * Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 * Work at Height Regulations 2005 * Who is responsible for the risks created by construction work? * Shared workplaces/shared responsibilities * Control of contractors - importance of contract law 4 CDM 2015 - THE PRINCIPLES AND CURRENT BEST PRACTICE * Scope - what is construction? * Application - when do the Regulations apply? * The CDM management system * Dutyholders (client, designer, principal designer, principal contractor, contractor) * Documents (pre construction information, Notification, construction phase Plan, H&S File) * Management process * The 2015 HSE guidance / industry best practice * Clarification of roles and responsibilities 5 COMPETENCE UNDER CDM 2015 * What is 'Competence'? * The criteria to be used in construction * Achieving continuous improvement 6 PART 4 CONSTRUCTION HEALTH SAFETY AND WELFARE * Overview of Part 4 * Responsibilities * Welfare arrangements 7 RISK ASSESSMENT AND THE ROLE OF THE DESIGNER * Principles of risk assessment * Loss prevention / hazard management * What is a suitable risk assessment? * Design v construction risk assessment * The client is a designer? * Whose risk is it? 8 RISK ASSESSMENT EXERCISE * Understanding the principles of design risk assessment * Identifying hazards under the control of clients and designers * Quantifying the risk 9 QUESTIONS, DISCUSSION AND REVIEW

CDM 2015 - in-depth (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

First Aid for Mental Health 1-day

By Prima Cura Training

This course is suitable for everybody although it has been specifically designed to help employers to provide a positive mental health culture within their organisation. Learners will gain a comprehensive knowledge of a range of the most common mental health conditions and the skills of how to act.

First Aid for Mental Health 1-day
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Supervising First Aid for Mental Health 2-day Course

By Prima Cura Training

This course includes all the content of the 1 day First Aid for Mental Health, and in addition provides insight into a wider range of mental health conditions. It explores the range of therapies and professional support an individual may be offered. The course is suitable for all within a workplace although is aimed at those who hold a supervisory/managerial level position and/or are responsible for implementing a positive mental health culture for First Aid for Mental Health within an organisation.

Supervising First Aid for Mental Health 2-day Course
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider) (In-House)

By The In House Training Company

Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider) is an internationally recognised training course that teaches people how to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis. We don't teach people to be therapists, but we do teach people how to respond in a crisis, and how to reach out before a crisis happens. The training gives people tools to support themselves and each other, so everyone can talk about mental health and seek help when needed. As an MHFAider you will be able to: * Recognise those that may be experiencing poor mental health and provide them with first-level support and early intervention * Encourage a person to identify and access sources of professional help and other support * Practise active listening and empathy * Have a conversation with improved mental health literacy around language and stigma * Discuss the role in depth, including boundaries and confidentiality * Practise self-care This course is ideal for those who would like to become an MHFAider to: * Gain the knowledge and skills to spot signs of people experiencing poor mental health * Be confident starting a conversation and signpost a person to appropriate support * Alongside the best evidence-based Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, MHFAiders are also provided with three-year access to ongoing learning and support through the MHFAider Support App 1 INTRODUCTION TO MHFAIDER (3 HOURS 30 MINS) * MHFA and the MHFAider role * Introduction to the MHFAider Action Plan 'ALGEE' * What is Mental Health? * Helpful and unhelpful language * Undersign our Frame of Reference, understanding how we make sense of the world * Understanding stress & the Stress Container 2 UNDERSTANDING MENTAL HEALTH (4 HOURS) * What influences mental health? * The Mental Health Continuum * What is anxiety? * What is a traumatic event? * Active listening and empathy * What are eating disorders? * What is self-harm? * What is substance misuse? * MHFA conversation practice 3 MHFAIDER IN PRACTICE (4 HOURS) * Applying ALGEE * What is depression? * What is suicide? * What is psychosis? * MHFA conversation practice 4 NEXT STEPS (3 HOURS) * Recovery and lived experience * Applying ALGEE * Boundaries in the MHFAider role * MHFA conversation practice * Moving forward in the MHFAider role and your MHFA action plan * Self-care

Mental Health First Aid (MHFAider) (In-House)
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Harpenden
Price on Enquiry

BOHS P903 - Management and control of evaporative cooling and other high risk industrial systems Online

By Airborne Environmental Consultants Ltd

BOHS P903 - Management and control of evaporative cooling and other high risk industrial systems is there to provide background and an overview of the risk of Legionella infection and how it can be controlled in Evaporative Cooling and other high risk Industrial type systems. It is a requirement of this course that candidates have successfully completed P901 - Legionella- Management and Control of Building Hot and Cold Water Services. Where both P901 and P903 courses are run on subsequent days or as a combined course then this prerequisite is waived.

BOHS P903 - Management and control of evaporative cooling and other high risk industrial systems Online
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Manchester & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

1 Day First Aid for Mental Health

By Prima Cura Training

First Aid for Mental Health 1-day course stands at the forefront of addressing the crucial aspect of mental well-being. Designed to equip individuals with essential skills and knowledge, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of mental health first aid.

1 Day First Aid for Mental Health
Delivered in-person, on-requestDelivered In-Person in UK Wide
Price on Enquiry

BOHS P904 - Management and control in leisure, display, therapy and other non-industrial systems Online

By Airborne Environmental Consultants Ltd

BOHS P904 - Management and control in leisure, display, therapy and other non-industrial systems is there to provide background and an overview of the risk of Legionella infection and how it can be controlled in leisure, display, therapy and other non-industrial water systems. It is a requirement of this course that candidates have successfully completed P901- Legionella- Management and Control of Building Hot and Cold Water Services [Syllabus GM.1]. Where both P901 and P904 courses are run on subsequent days or as a combined course then this pre-requirement is waived.

BOHS P904 - Management and control in leisure, display, therapy and other non-industrial systems Online
Delivered in-person, on-request, onlineDelivered Online & In-Person in Manchester & 1 more
Price on Enquiry

Life Skills Session - Mental Health & Wellbeing with Alexis Watkins


By Central Film School

DATE: 25th January TIME: 4pm LOCATION: Studio A Central Film School are delighted to invite Alexis Watkins to speak to our student body about the importance of mental wellbeing and the keys to mental safeguarding for both yourself and other students. Alexis has professional experience in the following roles: - Mental Health Practitioner & Data Analyst for BWW Mind - Chair of Central & North West London (CNWL) NHS Mental Health Ambassador Group - Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for the WïSH Centre - National Lived Experience Partner for NHS England She has filmed with the CNWL and was recently part of a team nominated at the Health Service Journal awards for Reducing Healthcare Inequalities for Children and Young People award. She has also been a guest-speaker at The Listening Place, a charity focused on helping those with suicidal thoughts. She will be joining us to specifically discuss topics of isolation, substance abuse and suicidal ideation. Even if you are fortunate enough not to be struggling with your mental health currently, it is always worth being aware of the signs and knowing how to help others, so please consider coming along to this event if you feel comfortable doing so.

Life Skills Session - Mental Health & Wellbeing with Alexis Watkins
Delivered In-PersonSold out! Join the waitlist

Life Skills Session - Mental Health and Wellbeing with Alexis Watkins


By Central Film School

DATE: 20th March TIME: 4pm LOCATION: Studio A Central Film School are delighted to invite Alexis Watkins to speak to our student body about the importance of mental wellbeing and the keys to mental safeguarding for both yourself and other students. Alexis has professional experience in the following roles: - Mental Health Practitioner & Data Analyst for BWW Mind - Chair of Central & North West London (CNWL) NHS Mental Health Ambassador Group - Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees for the WïSH Centre - National Lived Experience Partner for NHS England She has filmed with the CNWL and was recently part of a team nominated at the Health Service Journal awards for Reducing Healthcare Inequalities for Children and Young People award. She has also been a guest-speaker at The Listening Place, a charity focused on helping those with suicidal thoughts. She will be joining us to specifically discuss topics of isolation, substance abuse and suicidal ideation. Even if you are fortunate enough not to be struggling with your mental health currently, it is always worth being aware of the signs and knowing how to help others, so please consider coming along to this event if you feel comfortable doing so.

Life Skills Session - Mental Health and Wellbeing with Alexis Watkins
Delivered In-PersonSold out! Join the waitlist

Embody, Find your Centre : Get Ready to Dance!

By Niio Dance

embodiment course, somatic movement training, somatic awareness, free mini course to get embodied, find your centre, get grounded, embodiment training, somatic dance course, life coach with somatic intelligence, transformational dance, conscious dance, journey to freedom, mind body soul connection, mind body spirit, dance movement therapy, movementcoach, personaldevelopmentjourney, movementmeditation

Embody, Find your Centre : Get Ready to Dance!
Delivered Online On Demand

Educators matching "Awareness "

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Awareness Matters Ltd

awareness matters ltd


Cathy is based in Suffolk, but travels widely across the UK and internationally with Awareness Matters running commissioned workshops and training for multi-agency professionals, counsellors/psychotherapists, from both statutory and voluntary organisations on issues related to domestic violence & abuse. Cathy has 24 years experience as a therapist and is a registered MBACP Senior Accredited Counsellor and Supervisor with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy adhering to the BACP Code of Ethics. Cathy values working therapeutically with both clients and supervisees and enjoys the unique learning process that therapy provides. Cathy has a particular interest in the traumatic impact of domestic and sexual abuse. Cathy is Chair of Trustees for the charity Compassion – addressing domestic abuse and providing long term support to victims and families. To learn more about the work of Compassion please view the short film below or visit www.compass-ion.org Cathy is an experienced facilitator for therapeutic group work for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and has provided group supervision for teams of facilitators and therapists for many years. Cathy has managed various specialist therapeutic service provisions including Southend Women’s Aid, SOS Domestic Abuse Projects and Lighthouse Women’s Aid, Ipswich. For many years Cathy sat on the DV Hate Crime Scrutiny Panel addressing domestic abuse prosecutions for the Suffolk Crown Prosecution Service and continues to provide consultancy for organisations. Cathy is enthusiastic and passionate about her work in the arena of domestic abuse, but when not working Cathy enjoys time with her family, walking, gardening, travel and catching up with friends.