185525 Educators providing Courses

Wild Breath- by Lisa

wild breath- by lisa



Lisa is based in the Scottish Highlands and creates spaces to connect to body and land through breathwork, nature awareness, cold water therapy and ancestral skills and crafts. With 'Wild Breath' she offers workshops & retreats and facilitates experiences to connect to your inner nature, integrate the mind back into the body, craft with hands and heart, remember ancestral wisdom for modern times and come fully alive in your animal body. Lisa is a qualified breathwork instructor, trained as an outdoor educator, woodland activity guide and is currently working as part-time hide tanner for a traditional Scottish tannery. She is passionate about rewilding the inner landscape and ‘Wild Wellness’- where wilderness &ancestral skills and health & wellbeing meet, and she loves to integrate wellbeing modalities such as breathwork and meditation into wild spaces. Her offerings emerged from her own healing journey of working in a stressful academic environment. After a burn-out she took a deep dive into wellbeing modalities and dedicated herself to learn what it means to live close to the earth and in alignment with our bodies, minds and heart.  It is her joy and honour to create transformative spaces for others and to explore how we can tend to our roots and what we need to fully thrive as humans. Lisa's facilitation style is directly inspired by nature and she works in a way that provides guidance, tools and a witnessing presence for people to tap into their innate wisdom, power inside of themselves and into the healing ability of their bodies. With practical tools and a deeper understanding of our biology and what we need to thrive, everyone has the ability to thrive and rewild their inner landscape!  Experiences  Lisa has a BA in Environmental Philosophy and an MSc from Edinburgh University in Outdoor and Environmental Education with her masters research focussing on the Wim Hof method and eco-somatic embodiment as a form of environmental education.  She is a qualified Breathwork Coach& Facilitator with Infinite Breath and member of the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF). She is also qualified as BREATHE instructor, trained by Dr. Belisa Vranich, specializing in functional breathing,  breath biomechanics and psychology of the breath.   As a trained woodland activity leader, she is qualified through WALT (Woodland Activity Leader Training) and also has a valid outdoor first aid qualification.  As a primitive skills practitioner she has been on an off grid wilderness immersion in Norway with Lynx Vilden to learn ancestral skills& primitive living and has since then taught at ancestral skills gatherings in Scotland and assisted Lynx at some of her courses in Norway. She is furthermore currently working as a part-time hide tanner for a traditional Scottish Tannery.  She strives to embody everything she teaches in her daily life and is continuously learning from the greatest teachers of all- nature inside and outside of us, our own body, the land, plants and animals. 

Creative Writing Mentoring & Creativity Coaching for Writers

creative writing mentoring & creativity coaching for writers

Our programmes offer individual and group coaching sessions for writers who are facing blocks, bumps, or other challenges in their writing process. The coaching aims to help writers regain their passion for writing, build confidence, and develop new writing techniques. The programme provides accountability and support for writers, helping them to overcome obstacles and reach their writing goals. The coaching sessions begin with an evaluation questionnaire to tailor the group to the writer's specific needs. * Tailored coaching: Evaluation questionnaire to address specific needs. * Overcome obstacles: Collaborative solutions for writing blocks. * Rekindle passion: Maintain drive and passion for writing. * Develop skills: Opportunity to improve writing techniques and skills. * Comprehensive support: Accountability, compassion, and a listening ear throughout writing project. As humans we have an innate connection to the natural world. This connection is tied up with the deepest part of ourselves, our unconscious. The part of our self that is both illusive and difficult to define but that is bound up with our emotional and physical make up. It is also bound to the creative part of us, it’s where our ideas come from. It’s curious, then, why writers don’t talk more about their connection to nature and the natural world. It is curious because ignoring this part of our creative makeup makes the writing process all the more difficult. Not just the writing process, but the writing life and making meaning with our words. Maybe it’s time to consider a change. Get away from your daily routine, or even your surroundings, and discover a way to Reimagine, Refresh and Reboot. “Highly recommend the course for opening up fixed writing patterns and limiting thought processes, to inspire a more enjoyable writing process and make your writing richer so it is ultimately more successful” Liz Web, Author of The Daughter As a new or struggling writer, how do you know it’s time for a helping hand? Here are my reasons why you’d want to do this for yourself, your writing process and your writing life and the benefits that come with investing in The Write Wild Method: GETTING UNSTUCK YOU - Are you stuck in the middle of things? Or stuck, unable to begin? The Write Wild Method will help you gain a fresh perspective, find new ideas and insights and ultimately get you started, or unstuck so you make it to the finishing line of your writing project. WRITE COMPELLING PROSE YOUR WRITER’S VOICE – are you struggling with making meaning with your writing? Does it feel flat, unexciting, are you wondering why anyone would want to read anything you write? Would you benefit from a method that will give you the confidence to find and develop your authentic voice so you can write the words you mean to write? BATTLING WITH FEAR AND ANXIETY YOUR WRITING LIFE – did you know that the more anxious you get the less creative you can be? This is a fact, anxiety swamps the part of your brain that is responsible for creating. Anxiety kills creativity flat. There are simple techniques within The Write Wild Method that will reduce your level of anxiety so that you can begin creating, the more practice you get with these techniques, the more creative you will be able to become and the better your writing life will be. GOALESS OR DIRECTIONLESS YOUR WRITING PROCESS – are you confused about what direction you should be taking? Uncertain about which writing project you should be tackling? Do you have a clear idea but are unable to make that idea materialize? How you begin and keep going to the finish is not always about how committed you are to any one project. It can be that you have no clear direction about what the project demands or what you want from the project. The benefit of developing a writing process that works for is that you will get from start to finish in a way that satisfies your project, yourself and your reader. Within the Write Wild Method you will be able to identify what works and what doesn’t work in terms of process and get practice in making your writing process the thing that gets you reaching your goals.