670 Educators providing Courses

Oncall Consultancy

oncall consultancy


Oncall Consultancy is headed by 3 Directors. The Directors are citizens of the UK and are settled in the UK for the past 15 years. The promoters of Oncall Consultancy are entrepreneurs managing independent business in various sectors. Mrs. Nisha Soman, Managing Director of Oncall Care Services, UK started her career as Registered General Nurse and holds more Than 14 years of experience and 5 plus years of experience in managing care homes in the UK. With extensive experience in the field of health care she and her spouse Mr. Pramod manages multiple entrepreneurial ventures in the UK. Oncall Care Services has an extensive network of partnerships with care homes and hospitals across the UK. Oncall Consultancy is a UK based consultancy having its branch in Cochin, Kerala India. We offer services in the fields of International Education and Nursing jobs from India. We are into related services such as job recruitment, staff leasing, language training, study abroad and many more. We are associated with many of the well known organizations in UK and India. Oncall Care Services is a very prominent name in the Scotland region. We are associated with well established care homes and we are a regular provider of nurses and other staffs to care homes on temporary basic. We provide our other services such as Free Consultation andValuation, Visa and Documentation, Funding Assistance, Travel Assistance, Airport Pick and Drop, International Fund Transfer, Pre departure briefing and many more. Our Single Contact Point System of customized services to our clients guarantees that they have an easy time when moving to a whole new country. Our objective has not only been to ensure that our esteemed clients find the best universities abroad. We also help our valued clients Establish Businesses or Migrate or to get a second Passport. As part of nurse recruitment, we are diversifying our business it to Language Training career guidance and documentation for job seekers in UK. As years pass by, satisfied customer base and increasing number of clients shows that our determination to provide our customers with legal information on immigration and study abroad is taking its shape. We maintain a free flow of information between our clients and us to answer any question and queries of our most valued clients. Thanks to our active customer service, to give you a deeper insight into what we deal with and bring clarity in our operations.

Dragonfly Glass Art

dragonfly glass art

I have been making pieces in copper foil stained glass for the last six years. It all started when I enrolled in an adult education course at my local college. Deciding that I wanted one evening a week to do something completely different and creative, the stained glass course jumped out of the page of the brochure at me. After only three evenings of learning, I was totally hooked, counting down the days until the next Wednesday! Not only was it exciting to be learning such a traditional craft, but I got to meet such a wonderful group of people in my class, all from very different walks of life. Some aspects were highly frustrating, cutting glass was the first hurdle to overcome. I practised in between lessons and started to get the hang of it after quite a few glass cuts! Next, soldering would prove to be a real challenge. When melted, it seemed to have its own mind and didn’t want to flow where you were expecting it to. It took all of us many weeks to learn the various stages of producing what seems now, a very small and untidy first piece of work. But the pride in having made something from start to finish was immense. By this time, it was November and Christmas was approaching fast. I had decided to put my new found craft to use and make a few small Christmas decorations as presents for family. Friends at work were intrigued by my new hobby, and as soon as I had finished making the decorations, I took them in to work so they could see what I had spent all my free time obsessing over! On the first day I took them in, I had twelve requests to make some more! I was elated that people liked my work so much, they were willing to pay me for it. I was also slightly concerned that it was only a couple of weeks until we finished for Christmas! But I accepted the challenge and decided I had to aim to make one decoration per evening. The intense practise meant my glass cutting and soldering skills improved rapidly. All the orders were completed just in time and I had earned money from doing something I absolutely loved. The money was re- invested in to buying more sheets of glass!

International Federation Of Surgical Colleges

international federation of surgical colleges


The International Federation of Surgical Colleges (IFSC) was founded in 1958 in Stockholm, Sweden, with the objective of speaking with a single voice for world surgery on problems of common interest. Founding members consisted of traditional colleges of surgery and surgical societies from the European continent. Official relations with the WHO started in 1960 and since then the IFSC has been a recognised non-state actor (NSA) in formal relations with the WHO. It is also in consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) where it is in a position to advise the UN on surgical matters. The IFSC remains the only organisation representing surgeons that is in special relations with both the UN and the WHO. Over the years the IFSC regularly changed its goals and operational methods as surgical care delivery, education and training changed in world surgery. In 1992 the constitution was changed to focus primarily in supporting surgical expertise in low income countries and in 2003 the constitution was again revised to state the federation’s goal as “the advancement of surgery in developing [sic] countries, especially Africa, promoting education and training, and help with examinations”. In 2007 a Memorandum of Agreement was signed with the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) to support specific educational projects. Similar support has been extended in different formats to the West Africa College of Surgeons (WACS), basic surgical training in Sri Lanka and the Egyptian Surgical Society. About what we Did From 2010 to 2015, under the leadership of Mr Bob Lane, the IFSC has supported the design, ratification and delivery of courses in basic surgical skills, anastomosis workshops, management of surgical emergencies, surgical critical care and in research methodology to a few hundred surgical trainees, other junior doctors, nurses who work in surgery and associate clinicians, predominantly in sub-Saharan Africa, but also in Sri Lanka. Such courses were always developed and delivered on request from affiliated regional or local surgical organisations, and in consultation with ministries of health about local need. In order to easier manage the business of course delivery the IFSC was registered as a charity in England and Wales in 2011. Included in all training courses was Training of Trainers which was essential in order to create sustainability in surgical learning. Large numbers of senior surgeons joined in the teaching of trainees on our courses and were able to continue running courses independently thereafter, which is still happening in certain centres to this day. To support this process teaching material was handed over to local centres or made available electronically. In 2019 and 2021 online courses in research methodology were developed for surgical and anaesthesia trainees in COSECSA and the College of Anaesthetists of East, Central and Southern Africa (CANECSA) respectively, with guidance and support from the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI), a founding member of IFSC. About us, the WHO and Surgical Learning Over the years IFSC worked hard with likeminded groups to support WHO projects in emergency and essential surgery, such as contributing to the book Surgical Care at the District Hospital, the Alliance on Patient Safety, the Global Initiative for Emergency and Essential Surgical Care (GIEESC) and resolution 68.15 at WHA68 in 2015 on “Strengthening Emergency and Essential Surgical Care and Anaesthesia as a Component of Universal Health Coverage”. In 2020-2021 the IFSC contributed to the development of the Learning Strategy of the new WHO Academy with specific focus on improved global preparedness for health emergencies. Members of the IFSC’s executive board continue to play important roles in the Technical Experts Working Group for advising SADC countries on the implementation of National Surgery, Obstetrics and Anaesthesia Plans as part of Universal Health Coverage. In this process the IFSC actively contributes to implementing the WHO’s “3 Billion” Pillars of work for universal health coverage, better protection from health emergencies and people enjoying better health and wellbeing. The IFSC’s focus in delivering these goals remain in advocacy for global surgery, in supporting education and training in especially essential surgery in first level hospitals and in supporting research skills acquisition by all surgeons in especially low and middle income countries (LMICs). In this way IFSC is trying to contribute to the decolonisation of surgical education and research, and to stop the unethical flow of research data from the Global South to rich countries in the North. It has also become clear that the time for designing surgical training courses in rich Western countries (or any HICs) for delivery in LMICs has come to an end. There remains a vast learning need in surgery in the Global South but such learning is directed from surgical educational institutions and experts in LMICs. The IFSC’s role in supporting such learning needs is increasingly to provide and support individual experts from its member organisations who can help deliver or advise on such learning projects. The SARS-CoV 2 pandemic has made it possible to deliver much of such support virtually, saving the expenses and climate impact of frequent air travel. About our Vision As incoming president of IFSC I have therefore stated three goals: To make IFSC more open and democratic, and more representative of surgeons in LMICs. It means reviewing the constitution, re-introducing a president’s council, changing membership criteria, and nomination and voting processes. To give this momentum, at the AGM a new Secretary-General and a new Chair of the Education and Research Committee were elected from Southern Africa institutions. The majority of surgeons in the world are not trained through traditional surgical colleges and IFSC membership should reflect this. Proposals for changes to IFSC structure and processes will be discussed by the Executive Board (EB) in 2022 and presented at the 2022 AGM for a vote. To play our role in decolonising surgical education, training, research and care. It means discouraging the flow of teaching and training material developed in HICs to be taught in LMICs, and stopping the flow of research data and intellectual property from the Global South to rich institutions in the Global North. IFSC will, however, strongly support surgical learning programmes developed in LMICs, as requested, and continue to support our research methodology courses for trainees in COSECSA, CANECSA and elsewhere to help young surgeons and anaesthetists in LMICs have control of their own research data. To support planetary health. Human, animal, plant and climate health are all interlinked. As IFSC helps with training, ongoing learning and support for essential surgery, it is important that such progress does not come at an unnecessary cost to planetary health. This also means being aware of and speaking out about unnecessary planetary health costs of luxury surgical care in high income environments. For this goal IFSC depends on advice from experts outside our organisation. All the above mean that IFSC needs to work differently to support the role of surgeons and surgery in the world, and encourage members not to think in surgical silos, but consider how we can work with other organisations in global surgery and related groups in e.g. anaesthesia, gynaecology and with other expertise, in order to advance surgical care for patients who are most in need. Although membership of IFSC is through surgical colleges and societies, we hope that those colleagues who read this piece will be encouraged to support the work of IFSC through their respective surgical organisations.




Ongoing - Mixed Media Mosaic Courses, PlayShops, Spring and Summer Schools. Welcome!  Come and have fun exploring the joy and wonder of our innate creative gifts through the process of making mixed media mosaics together.  My intention is to support and encourage you in exploring your true creative potentiality through the wonderful process of making mosaics 'Peace by Piece' Sharing the deeply restorative process of gently reawakening creativity through brokenness.   I look forward to welcoming you. Thank you for your interest. Emma's Background Feeling deep appreciation for my early life, growing up in a super abundant garden, bursting with wondrous flowers and bountiful blossoms. Learning from a young age how to meet with nature in her fullness of spirit. Family life was coloured with complexity, tragedy and challenge.  I found great solace within the wholeness of garden space, which heightened my awareness of our deeply interconnected, cyclical nature. Our bohemian home was full of floral interiors, antiques, un-conventional ornaments and myriad curiosities.  Many of which continue to inspire and adorn my mosaic art today. In my early twenties I began exploring the process of making sculptural ceramics for many years at a local art school.  During that time I was invited to join a weekend course making mosaics.   I loved the idea of working in instant colour and form. I meandered with mosaic process and fell in love! I later became artist in residence at a local historical house and spiritual centre, which offered courses, retreats and B&B.  People visited from all over the country and around the world, which enabled me to meet and explore with many colourful seekers.  My studio was the ground floor of a small 17th Century listed cottage in the grounds of the center. The cottage looked out onto a wonderful walled garden, which I helped to care for, harvesting inspiration for my art.  Inspiration I appreciate the beauty and generosity of our natural world.  Offering an authentic, curative ground of endless wonderment and creativity.  My garden is a great source of delight and inspiration.  Teeming with every colour and tone, heartening aromas and kindred vibrations.  I’m passionate about vintage china.  I love how it offers endless possibility of pattern, hue, myriad tender tones and expressive textures.  Inspiring a deep sense of memory and creative potentiality within.  The fragments have a fine body and reliable quality, which allows for clean, strong cuts. I find this material very pleasing to create with. The whole process of making mosaics is a miraculous quest of gathering together diverse materials, from house clearances to charity & curiosity shops, enabling an endless enchanted flow of abundant potentiality and great fun!  I’m always in deepest appreciation for unique donated gifts of broken antiques, vintage wonders, figurines, vases and re-claimed stained glass.  Technique My studio is abounding with many colour-coded palettes, brimming with vintage china treasures, enabling me to be in spontaneous mosaic flow with ease of application. I spend quiet time, musing with mosaic movement.  Creating space for day dreaming, wondering and glimpsing potentiality. I appreciate my precious tools.  Various hand cutters and nippers of many shapes and sizes.  Remarkable, reliable, dear old friends. As I begin making mosaics I often just sit and start loosely nipping and cutting.  Feeling into and aligning myself with little sparks of inspiration.  Gently shaping each piece, miracles begin transpiring through mosaic metamorphosis. I use various cement-based adhesives and PVA glues for fixing the fragments to the different surfaces.   I often use natural pigments to colour the final grout application, which creates depth and helps to unify the whole piece. Goal My intention is to encourage harmony to emerge from diverse and discarded materials. Sharing the deeply restorative process of gently reawakening creativity through brokenness.  ‘Peace by Piece’ facilitating harmony & beauty.   Sharing the joy and wonder of our innate creativity through making memorable mosaics - 'Peace by Piece' Ongoing mixed media mosaic courses, playshops , Spring and Summer schools. Thank you for your interest. In kindness and blessing, Emma

Mr Happiness 2000

mr happiness 2000


WELCOME TO MR HAPPINESS 2000 TEACHING THE POWER OF POSITIVE EMOTION TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE. HELPING YOU GET YOUR HAPPY BACK. EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE HAPPY! BUT UNFORTUNATELY, THE WORLD DOESN'T TELL US HOW TO BE. And as many people are finding out: you can't buy happiness; relationships don't necessarily bring happiness; and in the workplace the concept of happiness can often seem elusive. So much of your life can be spent in a state of unhappiness! To become a consistently happy person, you've got to awaken your consciousness. You need to become aware of the power of the thoughts you think and their connection to creating your emotions and your perception of reality. The information presented in my coaching isn't taught in schools; it isn't on TV; a great many medical professionals don't know about it. And you won't read about it in the negatively focused press. So how do you get happy? And stay happy? My coaching is designed to help you achieve that. The world has been duped into believing that 'positive thinking' is the answer. Yet anyone who tries it still finds themselves feeling bad and feel their life is going nowhere. The solution is positive feeling. Only when you begin to manage your mind and your emotions - so you feel relaxed, smooth, energised and happy in the moment - can you truly begin to move calmly through life with the genuine confidence and motivation to achieve effortless and joyous success. Your individual level of happiness is decided by the amount of positive energy you are allowing to flow through you on a moment-by-moment basis. This is decided by the choice of thoughts you think. The more loving and appreciative the thoughts you chronically think, the better you will feel. It's as simple as that!  CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO BE HAPPY? The benefits of knowing how to be happy - and most importantly how to stay happy - are enormous. They include: * Greater enjoyment of life on a moment-by-moment basis * Improved attitude towards the self and the world - guaranteeing greater success in life * Improved relationships and friendships * Increased productivity and motivation - helping you achieve your aims and ambitions * Increased energy levels * Reduced sickness levels * Greater resilience to the stresses and challenges of daily life Find out more about us at http://www.mrhappiness2000.com [http://www.mrhappiness2000.com]

Solutions 4 Health

solutions 4 health

Solutions 4 Health is a leading independent provider of public health services and service delivery solutions through technology and information management for many UK public sector organisations and international clients. We are currently one of the largest private providers for stop smoking services in the UK.Solutions 4 Health is an innovative company with a passion and a track record for tackling health inequalities. We provide a one stop solution for commissioners accountable for outcome focused integrated public health services through the successful integration of healthcare and technology. Our teams’ capability allows for the capture of referrals from all sources; undertakes assessment and uses motivational interviewing techniques; and is able to produce bespoke performance analysis. Solutions 4 Health is a field leader in transforming service provision to best meet the needs of the populations that we serve. We have successfully integrated a wide variety of public health programmes in consultation with staff and commissioners, to produce a better and more innovative approach to keeping people healthy. We currently provide over 20 services to over 100,000 members of the public annually. We employ over 600 healthcare staff and have a number of doctors and nurses who work with us. We are proud that more than 60% of our workforce have TUPE’d from the NHS, keeping their Terms and Conditions. Nationally, we deliver healthcare services including Integrated lifestyle services, sexual health services, adult and child weight management, children’s lifestyles services in schools, falls prevention, NHS health checks, smoking-cessation, clinical services for Tier 3 weight management, new information systems and technology solutions. We also deliver Chronic Disease Self Management courses and our healthcare team have been trained by the Stanford School of Medicine. Access to one-to-one support for those who are hard of hearing via sign language, for any of our clients across the country, is available via the InterpretersLive! service, which can be found here. We are delighted to be supporting both communities and workplaces, providing Rapid Lateral Flow Tests (LTF) from December 2020 and Covid-19 vaccinations from May 2021.

Dharma-Zen Tai Chi Studio

dharma-zen tai chi studio

Tai Chi can help improve the balance and help reduce the risk of falling. In comparison to other exercises, including weight training, stretching, endurance training, and balance training, Tai Chi was the most beneficial exercise, reducing falls … ( The Journal of the American Medical Association , May 3, 1995, Vol 273, No 17, pp 1341 – 1347). Danny Lai is from Taichung, Taiwan. There, he learned many different kinds of martial arts, including Tai Chi, Hsing-Yi, Ba Gua, Tae Kwon Do and Shaolin. Tai Chi Punch Although each style of Tai Chi Chuan has its peculiar features, the five styles of Tai Chi Chuan something in common, they are: With a calm mind the performer breathes naturally. In peace and ease the performer moves lightly, softly, slowly and equally. The performer moves harmoniously and in a balanced way. The performer moves like a circle–graceful and perfect. The motion is slow and steady and strong strength (yang) and weak strength (yin) can be used in motions mutually. Tai Chi Chuan has attracted attention internationally. It has special functions in promoting health and preventing illness. To help the performer to concentrate their mind and to make their motions coordinate with their breath, music can be played to accompany practice. Flow with the sound of the musical instruments. In following the rhythms of the music, practicing Tai Chi Chuan will relieve stress and benefit health. Crescent Kick (Shuang Pai Chiao) The name Tai Chi comes from the Taoist symbol the West calls yin (black) and yang (white). This Tai Chi symbol represents two balanced opposites: black and white, sky and earth, fire and water, masculine and feminine, moon and sun. Feminine is the black or yin. Masculine is light or yang. The yin side of Tai Chi is like yoga, moving meditation, or chi kung. The yang side is the martial art – the practical application of the movements – using your power. Most often the yang side of Tai Chi is not taught. The healing benefits without the martial application is the yin without the yang. Through the movements of Tai Chi, one can set the mind and body in balance. It is not easy to do. You want to make sure that for every movement in motion (yang) or at rest (yin) your body is moving together. Through Tai Chi training, you can learn more about yourself and you can feel calm and peaceful all the time. It is a kind of martial art, but it is a gentle martial art. It is not for attacking, but has powerful self-defense applications.

B Pilates and Yoga

b pilates and yoga

To say I am a fan of Pilates is somewhat of an understatement – It has changed my life quite fundamentally. I discovered Pilates in 2012 and the impact has been profound. I am both physically and mentally stronger, I have more energy, I have more stamina, and yes, I look better. Let me explain each one of those rather dramatic statements. The basic principles of Pilates are breathing, concentration, control, centering, precision and flow. I am stronger physically due to the nature of the exercises – they’re intense. Pilates was originally developed in the early 1900s by Joseph Pilates from a combination of yoga, martial arts, boxing, and weightlifting. It’s not a high impact cardio routine, but controlled, precise movements that challenge the body to promote strength, flexibility, and balance – and it just works. The body becomes stronger, firmer and better aligned to cope with daily life more easily. I feel energised because I have learned how to breathe properly and I have improved my posture significantly – I have asthma – quite a scary condition I find – and understanding the effect of posture has been a massive help and taking control of my breathing has empowered me – I feel in control and less scared as such I am stronger mentally. I find daily activities don’t leave me drained as I have much more energy. I’m 43 and my world revolves around my family; a very active husband, he’s the current Masters National Champion and used to swim for his country; our brilliant daughter Emma, she’s 6 so every day brings something new; our busy busy dog Oscar, a working cocker who nobody told is nearly 11; and this year we added a couple of loppy bunnies to the team. We are more active than the pre-Pilates me would have been able to be – I’m so grateful I discovered it – the lifestyle it affords me is wonderful. I didn’t start Pilates to lose weight (there are faster routes if that’s your ambition) but lose it I have – not a particularly massive amount – I was never a candidate for Britain’s Biggest Loser but it looks like I have lost more than the scales suggest – just because engaging the core muscles brings about an improved posture that looks better. The lower abdominals and hips are where it’s most significant – and the strength that comes with that is clear. Pilates exercises are applicable – and adaptable – to suit pretty much anybody, whether you’re an active individual or not. Free from back pain, joint pain or in need of some rehabilitation, then I can help you.

Yoga with Chet

yoga with chet

Yoga and meditation makes me feel strong and in tune with my spirit. For thousands of years mankind has praised and celebrated our spirit. But modern society seems to have cut our spirit connection and the material realm has taken over. “Yoga is a very practical and effective way to rediscover and understand ourselves, and strengthen our bodies. I want to share this with my students. It’s important to have a place where we actually have the time to learn about ourselves, have a good stretch and everyone leaves the mat ready to tackle anything with a clear, calm mind!” Chet is a dedicated hatha, and vinyassa flow yoga teacher. She did her teacher training in Goa, India, with Mohinder Prassad of Mahi Power Yoga. She has a worldwide-accredited yoga teacher training qualification and is a member of the Yoga Alliance (the largest international community of yoga teachers, schools and advocates). Her journey started studying meditation and yoga at the age of 18. As many people know, yoga originated in India. A spiritual experience led her to Osho’s ashram in Pune, India, at the age of 21 where she studied more yoga and dynamic meditation. She has since spent many years training in Shaolin Tiger Crane Kung Fu, Tai Chi and Chi Gung with the Nam Yang Pugilistic Association. She has taught both adults and school children, performed in South East Asia and at the Chinese New Celebration in Trafalgar Square, London. Some of the meditation teachings in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali were later used in martial arts. Kung Fu was derived from yoga and Chet was lucky enough to find a genuine, traditional kung fu art. Her amazing teachers, Master Iain Armstrong, and Grand Master Tan Son Tin, took her to British national championship in four years where she won a Gold medal for her kung fu routines. In recent years, she has concentrated on yoga, studying hatha, vinyasa, yin, kundalini and aerial yoga. She has always been interested in Asian arts and doing things that seem impossible. As well as this, she has enjoyed a varied career, including a media career for over 15 years in PR, TV, and radio. Chet understands working under pressure both in, and out of, the office, and the importance of having an exercise routine that actually fits around your life and career. Yoga is perfect for this. You don't need a partner and you can train whenever you can. Chet’s mission is to help you reach your most supple and healthy as this ultimately leads to happiness. As well as improving fitness, you will learn about the history and philosophy of the ancient art of yoga, and develop practical ways to deal with the stresses of daily life



Everyone one of us has the potential to reach our goals. It’s just a matter of discovering what our goals are and bringing that side of ourselves to light, making it a significant part of who we are. How do you do that? You could do self-study and muddle your way through it, or you could take on the services of a personal coach to work with you on your development. Personal coaches can help you with a range of concerns. The most skilled of them will take your personality into account, understand what you want to achieve and tailor their guidance to suit your growth style. Finding a coach who gets you is already half the battle in your quest to live more meaningfully. A coach could be an invaluable asset to you in the following instances: Showcasing yourself as the best candidate for a position at work Learning to cope with and gradually move on from a loss Effectively marketing yourself and your business to expand your network Projecting yourself as a confident public speaker Finding a purpose in life, and more! Three people having a discussion outdor THE COACH Nahal Motahari NAHAL MOTAHARI My coaching method involves fostering an accurate and empathic understanding of your life journey as an individual who is willing to explore the meaning behind and the answers to questions like Who am I? What do I want to do? How should I overcome any challenges that stand in the way of my personal or professional development? In my quest to further improve upon my skills as a coach and my ability to guide you, I’ve taken and earned certifications in several courses that I apply holistically in my practice: Socratic Questioning in Psychotherapy & Counseling Working with Resisting Clients Choice Theory- Reality Therapy- Lead Management MBT (STEP-1) Workshop Mire Healthy Personality Workshop Nahal’s Coaching Method No coaching session of mine is the same — I adjust each encounter based on your needs and the progress you’ve made. To keep a little structure, however, I follow a certain flow to establish our direction and pace: First, you and I set up a session or two getting to know each other so the subsequent sessions will be open and relaxed. During this period, I will ask some questions to discern your needs and goals. The following session will then deal with the formalisation of the coaching agreement, wherein I will present the coaching strategy that I believe will benefit you most. As this is about your development, your input on my plan is very welcome. Together, we can fine-tune the map of your coaching journey. When that’s taken care of, you and I will embark on an exciting journey of self-discovery. I will be there to help you develop positive habits, attitudes and ways of interpreting situations so that you can eventually reach a point in life wherein you are comfortable and confident in your true self.