763 Educators providing Courses

Sarah Rhodes - Singing Lessons for beginners to professionals

sarah rhodes - singing lessons for beginners to professionals

Covid Secure Guidance Taking into account Government advice, I have offered and continue to offer my students an online alternative to one to one studio lessons. These live lessons are carried out via FaceTime, Zoom or Skype. These are and remain difficult times with no certainty as to what will happen next. Online teaching is of course, no substitute for face to face tuition. Many of my students have asked me to begin teaching again in my studio. I have therefore decided to re-open the studio, and offer one to one teaching, but strictly following Covid Secure guidelines. My existing students will be aware of how keen I am to ensure that students with a cold or any other illness which may be passed on, do not attend lessons. (After all, I and several of my students rely upon our voices for work). The current situation makes it much more important that we all follow the Covid Guidelines so that we stay safe. Contact me now to find out more. Covid Guidelines if you think that you have a cold/flu, fever or any other illness which may infect others you must not come to your scheduled lesson, but must immediately let me know; social distancing – at least 2 metres separation (3 whilst singing) must be observed at all times; there will be no physical contact (for example to demonstrate breathing techniques); students must enter the studio via the entrance driveway and through the side doorway leading into the courtyard where my detached studio is. (Please note that I am regretfully unable to offer toilet or refreshment facilities for the time being); hand sanitiser will be available and must please be used on entering and leaving the studio; Students are not required to wear face masks (and unless otherwise requested by my student I will not wear one); Whilst I will take steps to follow Covid – Secure guidance, and will keep the studio clean and well ventilated before and after lessons, students must appreciate that I cannot guarantee their safety or be responsible for any infection.

Talent Expertise International

talent expertise international

Talent Expertise International is a Corporate Training & Management Consultancy firm, established in 2013. Since our formation, we have supported Organizational Development & Transformation projects for many of the worlds most respected organizations within Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the USA. From our Dubai based HQ, our corporate training division supports these client groups with a wide variety of highly interactive training and consultancy solutions. We offer a comprehensive suite of learning & development programmes, workshops and seminars and currently, we have in the region of 800 public programmes on offer and being delivered at any one of our 36 global city locations. Our ‘bespoke consultancy’ team work closely with many of our clients to tailor learning & development solutions to meet their specific and unique people development requirements. Our team of Trainers, Consultants, Academics, Coaches and Support Staff undertake a rigorous assessment process, prior to being approved as an accredited TEI representative. We strictly adhere to the highest standards of professionalism in our approach to recruitment. This rigorous assessment ensures we present to our clients a broad range of talented professionals, all of whom are highly skilled, qualified and experienced in their specialist area of delivery. We constantly pursue ways to continue the journey of excellence. We seek feedback from our clients, we listen, we respond, and we ultimately deliver. That is one of the many factors which differentiate us from other service providers.