64320 Educators providing Courses

Pilates in Dulwich

pilates in dulwich

Calton Avenue,

I completed my UK pilates training and certification with Body Control Pilates (BCP) in 2000, BCP is one of the leading education providers for Pilates teacher training and the most significant professional Pilates organisation outside the USA. I established Pilates in Dulwich in the same year. Committed to my ongoing development, I also undertook advanced studies at Kane School of Core Integration in New York under the tutelage and mentorship of Kelly Kane, one of the most highly regarded and experienced Pilates educators and therapists in the USA. In 2009 I qualified as an osteopath, and completed extensive postgraduate studies including cranial and classical osteopathy, women’s health and training in paediatrics at the world famous Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy in London (aka Osteopathic Centre for Children – OCC). My extended pilates clinical work is influenced by all of these factors some of which have organically integrated into my current evolving non-purist practice, which is underpinned by comprehensive training and certification, and lifelong professional development. I have worked in several highly regarded London clinics to enhance my practice and established my own osteopathic practice to compliment my existing Pilates work. I currently divide my time between private osteopathic practice, teaching Pilates, running community-based first aid training, clinical tutoring, developing, writing and delivering specialist lectures/workshops/courses and completing heaps of continual professional development (CPD) each year.

Srk Shi Kon Tai Chi

srk shi kon tai chi


We also hold two competitions each year: an open tournament in Spring around April and in Winter in November. We also have a squad of students who regularly compete both here in the UK and overseas at national and international levels. Social events are held throughout the year where students and families from different locations can meet and get to know one another. Our club has an ‘open door’ policy, so if you are affiliated with another style, club or association, you are welcome to come and train with us and there will be no pressure to join. We hold classes for children (aged 5 – 12yrs), teens & adults, and mixed age group classes where the whole family can train together as well as specialist senior grade classes and private one-to-one tuition. Karate is a proven system of self-protection. It is NOT an aerobic class. It is NOT intended to better a person’s confidence or self-esteem. However, if you practice karate do properly and correctly, you will develop improved confidence, gain muscle tone and strength, lose weight, and more. Keep this in mind and you will gain more from your training than you could ever expect. Kinesiology is the scientific study of the principles of body mechanics and anatomy in relation to movement. With that understanding in mind, Karate is the scientific study of body mechanics and anatomy in relation to health and self-protection. Seitou Ryu Karate® is a great way to get into shape. On top of that, you will learn other skills while you tone muscle and feel better about yourself. Unlike aerobic classes or gyms, you will never feel out of place in our karate classes. Our karate classes are taught from an understanding of human anatomy and physiology, psychology and an intricate knowledge of the art itself. Seitou Ryu Karate® is a great distraction from everyday stress and strain. More medical problems today are being associated with or directly caused by mental and physical stress. Your classes will serve as mini vacations 2 to 4 times per week. Not only will you feel more relaxed but you will actually notice increased productivity in your daily life. Today’s society puts a great deal of importance on self-dependence. Nothing takes the place of feeling secure in your daily life. A successful career can be a determining factor for financial security. Our classes help build physical and psychological security through building confidence in the student’s abilities. What you learn in our classes could save you or a loved one’s life. Our life-protection techniques and principles are practical and our training, though conducted under safe learning conditions, allows for the most realism possible. Seitou Ryu Karate® is not based on competition-play karate. You will learn techniques that are “up close and personal”. Our classes are fun. You will be mentally and physically challenged in a relaxed atmosphere. It has been proven that people learn faster and retain more when they are having fun.