701 Educators providing Courses

Jikiden Reiki UK

jikiden reiki uk

West Midlands

Reiki Ryoho (therapy) is the art of hands on healing originating in Japan in 1922, established by Mikao Usui (臼井甕男1865-1926). Reiki itself can be described as the universal energy of existence, which flows through all life and matter. It is completely natural and non-invasive, and when a Reiki therapy is received from a trained practitioner, it can assist in the healing of both body and mind. Treatments are carried out by the practitioner placing their hands directly on the recipient, who remains fully dressed throughout the session, normally laying on a treatment couch. By doing this hands on, the practitioner effectively acts as a conduit for Reiki energy to pass through him or her in greater abundance, assisting and boosting the natural healing ability of the recipient’s body. Reiki works not only on physical issues but can also improve mental health and outlook, and over the past few decades has become increasingly popular throughout the world especially in Europe and the USA, becoming recognized as an effective and important holistic health treatment. Trials and studies are now being held in hospitals and front-line medical staff. In Japan however, despite being the home of Reiki, the situation has been strikingly different. Although Reiki in Japan has, in recent years, been slowly growing in popularity, the majority of Japanese people still do not know or accept this wonderful non-religious healing practice. Before WWII Reiki had become very popular in Japan and was widely practiced, but from 1945, partly because of connections to the Japanese Navy and also because of medical laws instituted by the occupying forces, the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (the organisation established by Usui sensei) was obliged to stop openly practicing Reiki in order to avoid being shut down. Despite this however some individuals quietly continued to use Reiki from their homes, for friends and family. With the dramatic change of ideology in post-war Japan, people gradually lost interest and belief in traditional Eastern healing arts and it is only over the last thirty years, following its journey from pre-war Japan, first to Hawaii and then throughout the West, that Reiki has been reintroduced to Japan and is now once again being openly practiced. This Reiki practice however was a Western version of Reiki with varying degrees of change and influence in the way it is practiced, and many of the teachings are therefore either missing important, essential elements from the original system or have been changed completely. It was thought that Reiki had died out in Japan and from the time Western Reiki first reappeared all those years ago, many students had been trying to find the original teachings free from Western influence, and this lead to the door of Chiyoko Yamaguchi…

Get Set Academy

get set academy


The purpose of the policy is to set out the Information, Advice and Guidance services Get SET Academy (GSA) commits to provide to potential and current learners, parents of learners under the age of 18, staff and employers. The policy is designed to ensure consistent, effective, and fair treatment for all. This policy has been impact assessed to ensure that it does not adversely affect staff on the grounds of sex, transgender, marital or civil partnership status, racial group, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or belief disability or age. The policy should be read in conjunction with other Get SET Academy policies and procedures including the equality policy, confidentiality policy, data protection policy. INFORMATION, ADVICE AND GUIDANCE (IAG) Definitions: • Information refers to the provision of factual, unbiased information relating to learning and careers. Information can be imparted verbally by an advisor or by printed material, and the internet. • Advice requires more in-depth interaction with the client. It includes the explanation of information and how to access and use the information. When giving advice we will always endeavour to suggest, or encourage you to explore, different options for achieving your goals. • Guidance involves an in-depth session or series of sessions between the client and advisor, in which the advisor helps the client through the process of making decisions about learning and careers. This may include support in accessing and using online resources. OBJECTIVES We have defined specific objectives against which we will measure the effectiveness of our IAG service: (Specific targets will vary year by year). To provide impartial, unbiased IAG in a form that is easily understood by the recipient. 1. To ensure IAG is treated confidentially as per the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. 2. To ensure IAG promotes and embeds equality and diversity throughout all of the provision. 3. To systematically monitor, review, evaluate and continually improve our IAG and measure performance. 4. To signpost clients to other competent organisations/services where the nature of the query, interest or concern is out of scope of our capability/competence. 5. Minimising the withdrawal of learners. 6. Timeliness of learners’ achievement of qualifications. 7. Learner satisfaction levels. 8. Employer satisfaction levels

Short Circuit

short circuit

We aim to become a key hub for emerging fiction filmmaking talent in Scotland, supporting writers, directors and producers to develop creatively and professionally, and stimulating the creative and commercial success of Scotland’s film sector. Short Circuit has an international outlook, helping Scotland-based filmmakers navigate the hugely exciting opportunities of the short film and first feature world. Sharp Shorts Our short film scheme – Sharp Shorts – invites teams, writers and writer/directors to submit their short film ideas, and also encourages directors and producers to submit a note of interest to take part. This year, up to 12 projects will be selected to take part in a 3-month development phase. After pitching for a production award in September 2022, up to 9 projects will be selected to receive up to £15,000 of funding. Applications for Sharp Shorts 2022 are now closed. Further information is published here. First Features First Features supports projects from initial idea to fully polished draft. There will be two levels of awards, distinguished between early development (to treatment or first draft) and further development (second draft and beyond). You will be able to apply via the online application form for support at either level. The scheme is for writing, writing/directing and producing talent from all across Scotland who have bold and compelling fiction projects with theatrical ambition and the potential to resonate with audiences globally.

Uvence dba Health Medical Bank

uvence dba health medical bank


Uvence is the first cosmetic clinic to offer personalised Super Enriched Tissue. The Uvence procedure uses natural tissue extracted from a patient that is purified to enhance its regenerative potential. Uvence is the first cosmetic clinic to offer personalised Super Enriched Tissue. The Uvence procedure uses natural tissue extracted from a patient that is purified to enhance its regenerative potential. Super Enriched Tissue, is comprised of living cells such as; Mesenchymal Adipose and Haematopoeitic Stem Cells, Progenitor Cells, Fibroblasts, Lymphocytes, Pericytes, Vascular Endothelial Cells, and Macrophages, can be stored for up to 5 years, which allows patients the capability to have on-demand Uvence treatments on potentially multiple future occasions. The Uvence treatment is simple. An extraction of adipose tissue (fat transfer) directly from a patient is made, via a small non-invasive liposuction procedure wherein the extracted tissue is used to create proprietary and entirely personalized cosmetic injectables for the patient, which are then stored cryogenically and made available to the patients’ physician on demand. Super Enriched Tissue, is comprised of living cells such as; Mesenchymal Adipose and Haematopoeitic Stem Cells, Progenitor Cells, Fibroblasts, Lymphocytes, Pericytes, Vascular Endothelial Cells, and Macrophages, can be stored for up to 5 years, which allows patients the capability to have on-demand Uvence treatments on potentially multiple future occasions.