6291 Educators providing Courses

Williams Performance Coaching

williams performance coaching


Anita Williams has been coaching and developing people since 1993. Her extensive experience, gleaned from a comprehensive grounding in the banking sector, followed by a long stint in leadership in the house building sector, has resulted in a broad understanding of what it takes to motivate and encourage people to perform at their best. Her seventeen years as a Sales and Marketing Director have exposed her to the pressures of leadership and the handling of budget timetables and constraints. Feeling proud of her achievements, Anita is now quite philosophical about her encounters with the challenges of her career thus far: “Making the decision to set up in business on my own felt like disembarking a huge learning curve; I was inspired by it and all the better for having endured it. My skill set has been nourished with a mix of emotional roller coaster rides and thought provoking business decisions. If I had to go back to the start of my career and live it all over again, I doubt I would make many changes. I appreciate that to be successful, grounded and content at work is to engage with those around you, share experiences, learn from each other, respect each other and play to the strengths of a team. How you deal with objectives and grow from them determines your strength of character and general well-being. How you behave is all about the attitude you choose to adopt. During my time as a Director, I was empowered to steer my team and represent my area of expertise at board level. I believed in my decisions. I propelled a confidence which I was able to pass on to a dedicated team of hard working people who shone. Now that I have founded my own business, I am able to offer constructive, progressive and meaningful training for leaders and their workforce in an engaging way. I take pride in listening first. This is key to effective communication, and I work hard to practise what I preach! Through careful planning and a focus on growth potential we can make huge “inroads” into our strategic thinking. At Williams Performance Coaching, I am delighted to offer some very useful material on how to motivate and encourage your team to be successful, and I will be delighted to mould a specific course to suit your company targets and the needs of your particular team.” Williams Performance Coaching offers professional tailor-made training courses to suit your requirements. It is easy to get started. All it usually takes to identify your immediate need is a chat over coffee 🙂 Here are some useful examples of prompts, identifying elements you could incorporate, to get you started: Motivational training days Business planning Effective leadership training Professional customer service Efficient time management for senior managers Sales conferences The sales journey Back to basics: Selling skills Enhanced selling skills Effective communication Handling cultural change Recruitment assessment days Team building exercises

Boa Training

boa training


The first BOA Training and Education Strategy document was published in 2012. It set out an action centred approach to development work across four community domains and eleven projects. A year later we have taken the opportunity to refresh the strategy in the light of work completed, and some new initiatives reflecting the ever changing dynamic of surgical training and education. The BOA focuses its training and education resources on: Development of the T&O specialty training curriculum. Construction and delivery of an annual trainee instructional course, geared to a four year FRCS (Tr and Orth) cycle. Awards of fellowships and prizes. CESR courses for SAS surgeons aspiring to gain entry to the specialist register. Delivery of training the trainer and educational supervisor instructional courses. Delivery of MSK clinical assessment skills courses for those in Core Training. Revalidation of all T&O surgeons through our annual Congress with a series of clinical and other instructional content geared to a five year cycle. The development of our e-learning capability for both specialty training and broader revalidation purposes. The need for continuing pace The shape and diversity of the healthcare work force is evolving rapidly: all elements are doing more with less in order to contain NHS expenditure at a sustainable level. T&O in particular faces a unique set of challenges and the BOA has developed an action plan through which to address them: full details are contained in our Practice Strategy. Focused on high quality care for patients against the backdrop of a 15% and growing capacity gap in elective orthopaedics, the action plan highlights the need for better patient pathways, enhanced implant surveillance, strong partnerships between providers of acute care, multidisciplinary teams working seamlessly across the primary and secondary care divide, and clinical culture change within the T&O community. All this needs to be instilled in surgeons from the outset of their careers, and the challenge for the BOA as a Surgical Specialty Association is to identify, recruit, educate and nurture the best talent from medical schools and throughout their formative and specialty training in order to create sufficient: High quality T&O capacity with surgical capability in depth to meet future demand. Future clinical academic capacity to sustain the UK’s T&O research capability. The rationale for this is set out in the BOA Research Strategy In addition, we need to: Care better for our patients throughout their treatment pathways by engaging effectively and productively with General Practitioners, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals with an interest in orthopaedics. Accordingly we continue to broaden the scope of our training and education work. This will be essential if we are to encompass more fully the needs of the T&O community and the wider musculoskeletal multi-disciplinary team. Achieving this through an action centred, project based approach to Training and Education .

Piano Lessons North London

piano lessons north london

My name is Pippa King and I have been teaching piano ever since I was 16 (I’m now the wrong side of 40). I studied piano to Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) Grade 8 standard and also have ABRSM Grade 7 Musicianship, the highest Musicianship Grade at the time I sat it. I also have Grade 7 Recorder, Grade 5 Oboe both ABRSM qualifications and A Level Music. I have recently made the move from sunny Hull in Yorkshire to North London. (I am now based in N6, in between Crouch End and Highgate Village, very different to Hull and very nice too). I left some great pupils behind but am very much looking forward to teaching in London and already have a timetable that is filling up with equally great students, some being adults but mostly school students – there is never a wrong age and always a right age to start playing the piano! My emphasis is absolutely that learning music and piano should be fun, enjoyable and rewarding. Students learn at their own speed and are able to explore areas of music that interest them as well as learning a sound grounding in past and modern popular piano music and good rudiments. I worked for Hull Music Service teaching piano and keyboard where I also supported Music GCSE students from 2002 to 2007, when I left to concentrate on my private teaching practice. I have a very high success rate with practical, theory and musicianship exams though sitting exams is not compulsory. See FAQs for more info. I am a registered teacher with the ABRSM, a member of the Musicians Union and have an Enhanced Certificate to work with children from the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as CRB check, now a DBS check). I also played keyboard for Hessle Ceilidh Band for over 10 years who were based in East Yorkshire – moving to London makes this now just about impossible (!) – and I worked in a Hull high school from 2016-2018, teaching piano/keyboard to support the V-Cert course there. Previously I have directed a recorder group entering music festivals, I played oboe with the Sheffield Philharmonic Orchestra and I have accompanied instrumental exams and music festivals. I teach on Mondays to Fridays from 3.30pm until about 7pm and on a Saturday. I charge £15 for half and hour/£30 for an hour… See FAQS for more info. I can truly say I love passing on my passion for music. I want my pupils to be musically curious, inspired, interested and eager – to enjoy music, to be musicians and accomplished pianists. As with anything regular practice is essential but let’s make learning fun! Everyone learns at a different speed and in a different way, enjoying different aspects of music – this is what makes my job so very interesting.




Herein you will find the passionate, conversant guidance of a woman — awakened. An awareness activist experienced in and educating on that which endures — with an ethos on earthling equality. I dedicate this digital space to all reciprocal revolutionary uprisers captivated by the mindfulness movement. My inspired intention is that you find heartening, transcendent answers here. My desire is that you find clarity here. The affirmative feedback I repeatedly receive from both my worldwide community and fellow activists alike is that I have an unusually unique, artistically influential way of conveying and communicating the consequential 'vegan' message. [ I quote 'vegan' as this is a societal label — all human beings are born 'vegan' and biologically herbivorous by nature. ] I therefore find it imperative that I devote my lifes work to spreading an abundance of awareness on the significance of leading an ethically enlightened existence — yes, through high vibrational vegan consumption, though also through conscious consumerism, habitual environmentally pure practices, and everyday slow, sustainable, soulful living. To delve a bit more in depth into my intimate individuality — by nature, I am an unperturbed and reserved being. I keep my ongoings, progressions, and successes close to my chest — as I thrive within the reticent realm of exclusivity and privacy. Either interested in or intrusive of my energy, my disengaged disposition often displeases those who cross my path; their reason or rationale being none of my business. Though I do acknowledge and lovingly accept the fact that sneak peeks into my behind the scenes reflections and small snippets into the unveiling of my soul may entertain, engage, or even [ humbly ] inspire — I simply and straightforwardly came to the conclusion aeons ago that everything one does or accomplishes is not in need of immediate announcement or direct praise. The constant need to boast or broadcast, either for acknowledgment or approval, diverts one from their original purpose. If you are in tune with your truest, most transparent ambitions, then, Cosmos Child — the splendor is already yours. True, to be sure, I invest a tremendous amount of personal energy and vigor into managing and preserving all creative content and formative media shared with you throughout my platforms. Though, I do not exert myself in self serving expression and steer clear of segregating societal labels. I solely use the internet arena as an educational tool. All else exhausts me. All else is ego. The overall mission of anything I write or create is always to evoke momentous moralistic reflection while, in turn, providing assistance in relieving ones mind, body, soul, and lifestyle of all stress, anxiety, toxins, carcinogens, inflammation, fatigue, excess weight, and so on — through the introduction and refinement of leading an ethically enlightened existence. [ Masterwork book 'Conscious' in motion — soon to be released here. ] Over the course of the last decade, progressing by educated personal practice, I have advised countless souls on reclaiming and restoring their elemental and biological herbivorous nature as human beings. My personal qualifications to write, consult, and share intricate details on how to enhance the quality of your lifestyle and the entirety of your wellbeing — all began to transpire through my own healing experiences. I was once lost, just as you may be now. Overweight, undernourished, and indoctrinated. Nevertheless, I had a willingness to wade through the status quo with such fortitude and grit that nothing could keep me from finding the truth. Take note that your past or current struggle is not internally engineered but the result of a transmission — an ongoing broadcast of propaganda from the corrupt and seemingly powerful that has strategically colonized your mind. [ Russell Brand. ] Behind the scenes corporations controlling your consumerism and maximizing on your misery, habits, and ignorance. This planet is not in need of any more 'successful' people, 'wealthy' people, 'celebrities.' No. This planet is in desperate need of more peacemakers, healers, restorers, lovers of all kind. [ Dalai Lama. ] I do not aim to impress you here — I aim to guide you towards taking an authentic look at your personal lifestyle by illuminating the certainty that is your moral agency. The universe will see to it that your manifestations are brought to fruition as long as you are willing to focus your energy and intentions around the areas of your life that matter most. All things are transitory in this world. Our destinies are all non physical. Death seems to make this perfectly clear. Why then do we toil all our lives for that which only perishes? Toil instead for that which endures. Choosing to consume life over death, sunshine over suffering, plants over poison day in and day out is the single greatest and most immediate way to make an impact on your mind, body, soul, and lifestyle — not to mention the monumental impact on the planet and, of course, all earthlings. Earth·ling: n. One who inhabits the earth. We need another, wiser, and perhaps more mystical concept of the earthlings we refer to as 'animals.' Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys creatures through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the 'animal' shall not be measured by humankind. Gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren; they are not underlings — they are other nations. Caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the earth. [ Henry Beston. ] Humanity yearns for customs and community. Humanity dreams of escaping segregation. Though, the illusion of integrity lies in our folklore and fables. Heritage entices with its tales of woe; tradition seduces with its promise of wisdom. How deceitful human narrative can be. And so, I hereby challenge you to reconsider everything. Deliberately and delicately, conscientiously and concernedly — reexamine everything.

The Atacc Group Ltd

the atacc group ltd


As the custodians of the world famous ATACC Course, we specialise in high fidelity, immersive education and all of this experience cascades down through every level of our training. Our mission statement is “empowering people to save lives” and that runs through everything that what we do! From our entry level First Aid courses, through our entire Immediate Emergency Care Programme (IECP), up to our advanced level critical care courses. All our courses avoid over-complication and unnecessary content, to clearly define what really matters, ensuring that the simple things are done well, to buy time for the more advanced skills that follow. Realistic, hands on, experiential learning has always been at the core of our training, with short theory sessions, followed by practical skills, all brought together in our casualty simulations. In addition to our training courses, The ATACC Group are the UK’s leading provider of Clinical Governance for the Emergency Services and also high-risk industries, backed by our Medical Advisory Group, with extensive experience from the NHS and the Major Trauma Networks. This provision ensures that standards of training, delivery and equipment are met and offers extended services such as Service testing and Incident debriefs for learning and welfare. Our consultancy work also extends into Medical technology and development, including simulation, rescue equipment and a number of key new medical devices. Our latest area of business is Digital Education for establishing Medical Communities. Whether it is a large scale international conference or personal private study, our brand new educational Metaverse ‘ATACC World’ will potentially offer a diverse and unlimited range of interactive medical education, which will also potentially generate the world’s largest medical community. The capabilities of the ATACC World are as big as your imagination, sharing best practice, promoting knowledge transfer, encouraging the development of high quality CPD and making medical conferences accessible, reaching communities normally unable to attend. We saved the best until last – it will be free to subscribe!

University of St. MichaelĀ´s College

university of st. michaelā´s college

The University of St. Michael’s College offers full conference and event services including AV equipment and catering. We also provide hospitality services during our summer months.St. Michael’s was established in 1852 by the Basilian Fathers to serve the growing Catholic population in Toronto, educating the children of immigrants who had come to Canada in search of a better life for their families. Historically rooted in the educational mission shaped by the Basilians, the Sisters from the Congregations of St. Joseph and Loretto and other key community members, St. Michael’s seeks to build a transformational faith and learning community committed to the search for truth and meaning in our contemporary world. Our graduates are leaders in their communities, effecting positive change that respects and honours the dignity of all. As the university looks forward to its 180th anniversary in 2032, it is operating with a strategic plan titled St. Mike’s 180: Rooted in the Future. The plan, which imbues all aspects of university life, is built on three pillars: acdemics, community and sustainability, all stemming from the university’s commitment to the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Today, St. Michael’s is home to 5,000 students studying everything from astronomy and English to architecture and zoology. Our status as a federated college within the University of Toronto, one of the world’s top research universities, offers students a wealth of academic and extra-curricular choices. At the undergraduate level, St. Michael’s sponsors four programs, including Christianity and Culture, Book and Media Studies, Celtic Studies and Mediaeval Studies. These are linked with University’s first-year seminars: the Gilson Seminar in Faith and Ideas, the Boyle Seminar in Scripts and Stories and the McLuhan Seminar in Creativity and Technology. At the graduate level, St. Michael’s has recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the local Jesuit theologate, Regis College, that will see Regis and St. Michael’s Faculty of Theology come together to better serve students, increasing course and degree options while enriching an already diverse community with new opportunities. Harmonized programming will begin in 2022. Currently, the Faculty of Theology at St. Michael’s offers MDiv, MRE and MTS programs, as well as a number of advanced degree programs (including a research-oriented MA in theology, a ThM, DMin and PhD) intended to prepare students for scholarly work and careers in academia. Both the undergraduate and the graduate divisions offer regular extra-curricular programming for students to meet new people nd learn new hobbies and interests, while resource people like our Wellness Counsellor are available to help students manage the challenges of University life. As we look toward our future, we also recall the past and the tremendous scholars who have worked and studied at St. Michael’s, including media theorist Marshall McLuhan and 20th-century French philosophers Etienne Gilson and Jacques Maritain. The University’s alumni include many notable figures such as Paul Martin, Canada’s 21st Prime Minister, Victor Dodig, President and Chief Executive Officer of the CIBC group of companies, Tony Comper, the former President and Chief Executive Officer of BMO Financial Group, and Bonnie Crombie, Mayor of Mississauga.

Sarah Bolton-Locke

sarah bolton-locke



Hello, welcome to my page, you will find more information about me personally and professionally here. I am very passionate about inspiring others, reaching out and supporting people in a therapeutic way that suits them, their lifestyle and their individual needs. I am a very warm and friendly person, I work relationally, therefor the therapeutic relationship is important to me and I like to ensure that whom I am supporting has the space needed to explore and unwind what is troubling them. I have my own therapy space at Essential Space, this is a Communtiy Interest Company that I co-direct offering pay-what-you-can counselling and creative mentoring. You can find out more about the therapy services on the website www.essentialspace.co.uk. I am also happy to see or meet clients for 1-1 and group sessions in GP surgeries, community centres and in schools if required, and hold an enhanced DBS clearance certificate and have up-to-date Safeguarding policies and certificates. I became the founder of A space 2 Be in October 2018, over the last 28 years I have been extending my qualifications and experience to offer both adult and children's Counselling. I began Reflective & Clinical Supervision for staff working with adults in the community and in private practice, and counsellors supporting children, young people, families, and or GSRD clients. I have had counselling myself, this was a time of self-development that set me on a path, I left school and became a health practitioner, working in an institution and completing a college course in Health and Social Care. I specialised in early years and had a placement in a school, this is where I discovered a connection with young people and adults with learning differences. My career went on to working and supporting adults with rehabilitation. After becoming a mum of three children I took on the challenge of managing a well-being centre called the Isbourne in Cheltenham town centre, it was there that I realised how beneficial therapies are for supporting both physical health and mental health. I completed the mental health first aid certificates and began my counselling training. I have supported hidden victims of crime with a charity, Infobuzz. This role introduced me to working in a crisis support team, supporting families in the community and working within the criminal justice system and running creative art workshops in prison. I volunteered with Young Gloucestershire supporting their counselling service and this allowed me to extend my experience to working with young adults who were struggling with life's challenges. My adventures have continued into gaining certificates in 'Stress Less Mindfulness' and running adult sound retreats. I have naturally entwined mindfulness into my personal and professional life and have found the benefits have been endless. I have been able to share these skills with all of my clients as a mindful mindset works for anyone, anywhere and at any age! When I am not with someone in a 1-1 Counselling session, you will find me delivering training to professionals or facilitating sound baths and retreats. Most of my events are therapeutic and developed for deepening awareness with a chance to focus and recharge.

West Midlands Open College

west midlands open college


Professional GCSEs are here. Click for more information on WMOC Professional GCSEs Targeting adults and young adults not in main stream education, looking for alternative secondary education with a money making focus. COLLEGE-OPEN LEARNING INFORMATION COVID-19 ANNOUCEMENT: ALL CENTRE BASED AND VISITS ARE NO LONGER TAKING PLACE. ALL OUR LESSONS HAVE NOW BEEN MOVED TO ONLINE LIVE WEBINARS. STAY ALERT, SAVE LIVES, SAVE THE NHS(AND YOUR HEALTH SYSTEM IN YOUR COUNTRY WHERE YOU ARE). In the UK we are now allowing face to face meetinmgs as the government has relaxed the rules. If your tutor asks you to attend, you are free to do so. Also we will have both systems running side by side: physical meetings and online live webnair(Updated 23rd May 2022) The college takes on distance learning students nationally in the United Kingdom and internationally therefore, you can study in the comfort of your home and also have an option of attending some of our face to face sessions(when the LOCKDWON is over) either via tutor led sessions in comfortable location near your home. As of now all our lessons are mandatory via live webinars. The Open College is designed for people to have maximum and unlimited access to to Further Education and Higher Education of quality both accredited with exam boards and bespoke professional development programmes. The College targets all wishing to further their education and those wishing to continually develop themselves through CPD workshops in any discipline that is listed on our course page, we also design bespoke courses to meet the learning needs of corporations and groups of individual. The ethos is that not at any time should any one be left out to have a chance for further education(FE) and higher education(HE) including professional development. Entrepreneurs and leaders of any sector and background are supported through long and shorter term courses. With the state of art online learning system and via live link, we are able to do seminars and run run courses effectively. Candidate do not have to ravel to our centres in the UK. We have broken the barrier of distance and one can speak live to our tutors and lecturers. Through the John Lukomona Scholarship scheme, you can benefit by studying Entrepreneurship; and many a people that qualify and have started their first step, in the journey, towards launching a business, To apply click here first COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIP COMMISSION(CSC) CANDIDATES The West Midlands Open College delivers professional courses to the commonwealth commission sponsored fellows. The past fellows were hosted by the Lifegate Centre Communities in Walsall. 2015 was the second year in delivering the core components of development courses that added value to the scholars' career and development to their country of origin, when they returned at the end of the programme. Click here and follow the story of this year's May to July 2015 journey of the scholars. Are you thinking of a choice for special destination to acquire effective development with your commonwealth scholarship application? West Midlands Open College has that experience to give you that professional boost in any area of your discipline interest.

Magnum Driver Training

magnum driver training


Welcome to Magnum Driver Training. We are based in Bonnyrigg and offer a wide range of Learner, Advanced and Fleet driving courses in Edinburgh, Midlothian, East Lothian, Central Scotland and the Scottish Borders. Magnum Driver Training was founded by two former Traffic Police officers and the aim of Dave Irvine and John Hunter was to teach and promote safer driver training. Another retired officer Jim Brunton joined the company and is heading up the learner side of the business. Dave has retired from learner lessons although will still be involved in Advanced testing and fleet driver training. Dave and Jim have more than 40 years traffic driving experience. They are Scottish Police College Advanced Driving Certificates holders, members of the Institute of Advanced Motorists, fully qualified DSA Approved Driving Instructors and Pass Plus registered instructors. Dave is an examiners and fleet trainer with the IAM (Formally the Institute of Advanced Motorists, now IAM RoadSmart). He also holds the RoSPA Gold Diploma in Advanced Instruction and is an examiner for RoSPA. Dave also holds an IAM RoadSmart Masters Certificate in Advanced Driving with distinction and an Institute of the Motor Industry Examiners qualification. As the company has established an excellent reputation we are able to offer wide range of driver training courses at a variety of levels. We also can provide highly qualified drivers all Police trained for corporate events. If you are at a crossroads in your career and would like to become a driving Instructor, consider speaking to these guys, who can provide the necessary training. All our Instructors have a unique insight into driver behaviour and use adaptive instructional techniques to ensure each pupil/candidate receives the very best of training for their circumstances. This ensures that pupils are able to sit their respective level of driving test with a greater chance of success. Our company can provide Instructor training for Parts 1-3 and refresher courses for Instrutor Standard tests. If you are independent and need assistance give us a call. Fully Qualified Driving Instructors One to One Tuition Door to Door Service Practical Mock Tests Pass Plus Courses Refresher Lessons Motorway Driving Petrol & Diesel Cars Theory & Hazard Tuition IAM Advanced & ROSPA Training Below is a list of our most popular advanced courses and interventions currently available: Trailer Training, Fuelsave driver training, Speed awareness training, Winter driver training, Winter driver training -designated 4x4 driver, Post incident remedial interventions training, Off-road 4x4 driver training, Vehicle and U.K. Road familiarisation course. Driving electric vehicles. Other specific courses can be tailored to suit customer requirements. Our cars are Sponsored by the Eastern-Western Group. Some of our cars are fitted with in car digital recording equipment. In regard to fleet driver training our Current Customers include Euro Forrest, The Forrestry Commission and Standard Life Aberdeen to name but a few. We also do work for several other large companies from car to HGV management. For further information please take time to explore the site. If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch. If you want quality lessons you are on the right site or as my grandfather used to say "you only get what you pay for"