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Nina Cooke Business Growth Mentoring

nina cooke business growth mentoring

Hi, I am Nina Cooke. I’m a Mindset Coach for entrepreneurs. I help entrepreneurs breakthrough limiting beliefs to achieve their business goals, to create more impact & make more money. I’m a coach for business owners who have internal blocks around growing their business. My superpower is DIGGING DEEP to find the root cause of why they’re struggling. And then showing them how they can clear out their resistance. So they can charge their value, serve a wider and deeper audience, and have easier relationships. I get a huge kick out of seeing my clients have a 180 degree turnaround – from looking to the outside world for the solution to their business struggles to looking within themselves and finding the answer. And then they experience richer, freer, and easier lives which is a bigger result than they signed up for. (And they aren’t complaining 🙂 ). And I’d love for you to have that, too I know you’re a busy business owner and don’t have much time to work on yourself . Which is why my coaching doesn’t require you to carve out any prep or homework time. All changes happen within the sessions. And you make the changes deep within your subconscious, so you don’t have to use will power or effort to keep the changes in place – they’re permanent. Here’s what Linda has to say after working with me: “I loved working with you, Nina. The work that we did together was the most transformational of any work that I have done with anybody – ever. It went way beyond mere concepts, and answered the toughest question I have run across to date – how do I change my limiting beliefs? The change that you facilitated is at such a deep level, and affected the ‘me’ that I am, to such a degree that I quickly ‘became’ the change that we created. With that kind of freedom, I’m excited about how much fun and success I will be experiencing as I keep on stepping out to grow my business.” – Linda Flynt Why I started to coach people like you I’ve always been curious why some people are courageous and see a world of opportunities, while others are fearful and see a world of limitations. I trained in NLP and hypnotherapy to sort out my own fearful stuff and find my courage. But my life changed when I bumped into Morty Lefkoe because he showed me how to clear out my limiting beliefs that had kept me small and fearful. A couple of years after training with Morty, I worked with a successful business owner. I’d known her for quite a while and I’d always thought things were going really well for her. However, she was frustrated because her business wasn’t growing the way she wanted it to. She thought it was because she kept hiring the wrong team, when really it was something internal keeping her stuck. Since then, from the many conversations I’ve had with successful, but stuck, business owners, I’ve seen, time and time again, that one of the biggest reasons they’re struggling to grow is this: They believe it’s something practical, something that’s going on out there in the world (virtual or in-house teams, systems, etc), when actually it’s an inside job, something in their head they’re doing unconsciously. Working with business owners on a one-to-one basis allows me to go deep and help them breakthrough their hidden blocks so they can build a deeply satisfying and fulfilling business. My favourite things (in this order): My family – especially when we’re sitting round the table enjoying my husband’s delicious food (I bought him a cookery course for his birthday – best money I ever spent). My friends – I’m grateful to live in friendly Saffron Walden. Green tea (I carry my green tea bags in my handbag, just in case) – in my favourite giant-sized plain white mug. Yoga – it’s hard work but I know it’s doing some good 🙂 Knitting – I picked up my needles after 12 years, encouraged by Ann, my patient knitting mentor and friend. I’m excited to see my stripey jumper grow day by day! Meet Eddie. His favourite things (in this order): Long walks – particularly if squirrels and rabbits are around. Swimming – he likes to swim in circle, barking. He looks crazy, but he’s happy. Food (especially his favourite snack, a juicy sausage, after a long walk)

BHMS Business & Hotel Management School

bhms business & hotel management school

B.H.M.S. is one of the world's leading hospitality schools, located in the heart of Lucerne, a vibrant and beautiful city in Switzerland. To find out about our school, its courses and a lot more, please take time to explore our website and get the opportunity to receive free personal counselling or download a free brochure. Don't miss this opportunity! A warm welcome from the President of B.H.M.S. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the B.H.M.S. Business & Hotel Management School. We will strive to provide you with a learning environment that is challenging, yet supportive of your personal interests and needs. We want you to succeed while you are here and, equally important, we want to prepare you for the challenges of a global career. Ideal Location in the Heart of Luzern City The B.H.M.S. campus buildings and student residences are located in the heart of the beautiful city of Lucerne, within walking distance from each other and from the city center itself. Full Speed Bachelor of Arts Degree B.H.M.S. (together with The Robert Gordon University) has designed one of the fastest track BA Degrees in Switzerland without compromising its educational quality. At B.H.M.S. students can achieve a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Hotel and Hospitality Management in 18 months of studying plus an 18-month paid internship period. A similar education in another Swiss hotel management school would require 24 months of studying plus a 12-month internship period. This gives B.H.M.S. graduates an advantage of studying 6 months less while gaining 6 additional months of paid work experience in Switzerland.