6291 Educators providing Courses

Lim Global Education

lim global education


LIM GLOBAL EDUCATION LIMITED is an accredited, experienced, certified and professional educational service provider since 2011 with outstanding reviews from Universities and students. We are an innovative brand that exemplifies to promote the EDIFYING programs to help students to find their best study destination all over the world. The consulting services focus on assisting and facilitating the recruitment of both domestic and international students to reputed Universities and Colleges worldwide. We offer one-to-one free counselling to students from selecting suitable courses, submitting application till enrolling to the universities. Our expert advisers are always dedicated to guide you for application submission, admission, enrollment, interview, visa applications… Our team consists of seasoned Consultants and competent, experienced professionals. The Company conceptualizes a start-to-finish plan to provide market intelligence. Our Marketing Consulting experts integrate a comprehensive, systematic student application procedure through an organized internet marketing platform and easy to use professional web tools. Educational resources and excellent customer service support are our biggest assets to promote our partner institution’s programs. We endeavor to recruit potential students to Education Management companies, and Institutions of Higher Learning (Universities and Colleges). The head office has well-resourced and equipped premises with various facilities. We provide assistance to students to find their suitable course at renowned universities. We initiate regular counselling sessions on courses available, requirements, study, accommodation and other expenses. Students who require additional information off the counselling sessions, can contact us. We are and always be happy to help you. LIM has assisted over 300 students till date to pursue their education in UK. The quality of higher education in United Kingdom is widely recognized throughout the world. British institutions figure prominently in the rankings of the Financial Times and Times Higher and in the European Report on Science and Technologies published by the European Commission. The UK priorities their education field mostly as one of the fundamental needs for people and each year the UK government makes huge investment in this field to promote education widely for both home and international students.

Lomolink Consulting

lomolink consulting


Academic Excellence When studying in the UK, you will find that practical and utility-based knowledge is preferred over text-book learning. This will enable you to acquire critical thinking and analytical skills along with creative ability in your chosen discipline. Quality Education The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) is an independent body in the UK that regularly assesses the education standards of all universities and colleges in the country. This is ensures all students have access to the best quality of learning, research and teaching irrespective of the course they choose to pursue. Shorter Duration Courses in the UK education system are shorter and more intensive than many other countries, which means you’ll graduate sooner, and without compromising on quality. While you can complete an undergraduate program in three years, you’ll be able to finish a graduate program in just one year. This not only saves your time, but also a chunk of money spent on tuition fees and living costs. Work while you learn To manage your everyday living expenses along with your studies, you can work part-time for up to 20 hours a week during term time. You can even work full-time during your semester break. This will help you pay for your bills as well as gain industry experience in your own field of study as well. Explore Europe while studying The UK is well connected to major European countries like France, Netherlands, and Belgium, being the closest at distances ranging from 300 – 1,000 miles. With the airport being functional 24 hours, you can explore different places while studying in the country. Health benefits for students As an internationals student, you’ll have access to free medical treatment while studying in the UK through the National Health Service (NHS). In order to avail this benefit, you will have to pay a small International Health Surcharge (IHS). Your IDP counsellor can advise you about this detail.

Linda Muyobo

linda muyobo


Linda is a dynamic passionate speaker whose main purpose in life is to see people’s lives transformed regardless of past hurts. Linda is a speaker who uses herself as an example that if you are focused, surround yourself with like-minded individuals, open to learning, remain accountable and take 100% responsibility for your life, then you are on the way to live the life that you so desire. Achieve those goals and ultimately see your dreams come to fruition. I am married to a wonderful and God-fearing man, a mother of two God-fearing, caring teenage boys. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I knew deep down that I had greatness in me and did not want to live a mediocre life. I have faced some challenges, came face to face with death on two separate occasions. Following these two near death I experienced, the Lord reminded me about forgiveness. You know what, I was holding too much negativity and it was blocking my vision, clouding my judgement and basically living a fruitless life. That was the time I decided to start the journey of forgiveness and i totally refused to let those circumstances hold me back from achieving my dreams. Beloved, I assure you that through forgiveness or letting go of the past as some people may put it, you will find a sense of worth and purpose, a urge to refocus, clarity to achieve your dreams and be of service to whoever crosses your path. As much as the past enables us to shape our future, we should not let our past experiences keep dragging us back. I had to walk the path of forgiveness in order to find clarity and sense of purpose for my life. If this is something you are struggling, why not enroll for my transformation course. Read more on the transformational page.

Yoga with Steph - Ayrshire

yoga with steph - ayrshire


My name is Steph. I’m delighted you’ve found your way here to my website. So here it goes, a little about me and how I discovered this magic thing called yoga… To be honest, yoga wasn’t something I had given much thought to before I happened to find myself in the middle of a yoga class. After years of inactivity and sitting in an office chair staring at a computer nine to five, I remember how challenging my first class was. I had no idea what to expect, what I was doing or even why I was there. But, something about it brought me back the next week, and the next, and the next… Simply showing up changed everything! Do yoga with Steph at Three Towns Yoga Yoga was an unexpected discovery that took me completely by surprise. With each practice, it gradually became more and more a part of my life. My yoga practice helps me know myself better and helps keep me present and grounded as I continually search for balance in my life. Teaching and sharing what I’ve discovered about yoga so far is a real privilege and I’m dedicated to learning more so I can share it with you. I’ve been able to practise and learn with many wonderful teachers who have helped me discover more about this amazing practice. I completed my 200 hour yoga teacher training qualification with CYS Glasgow at Merchant City Yoga. I’ve studied with Bernie Clark, completing a further 50 hour Yin Yoga teacher training course. I practise regularly under the expert eye of my teacher Judi Farrell at Merchant City Yoga and assist her in the ‘Mysore’ room. I’ve also practised and learned with a host of amazing teachers including Rose Ann McKean, Siobhan Fitzgerald, David Keil, Scott Johnson, David Robson, Peg Mulqueen, Jacinta McBurnley, Taylor Hunt and James Boag. In teaching and sharing yoga, I hope to open the door to possibility, discovery and change for others with the same care and compassion as it was opened for me.

Life And Soul Purpose by Beata Dzwigol

life and soul purpose by beata dzwigol


I am Beata Dzwigol, an Inter-Dimensional Therapist, Intuitive Spiritual Coach and Healer, New Earth Goddess Heart Temple Founder, AKASHICdance Founder, DANCEmandala Facilitator, Gong and Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Therapist. I am a member of Akashic Records Consultants International, LLC and Spiritual Workers Association. I can help you to care of body, mind and spirit. While reading your aura I can tune in to contact your Spiritual Guides and I can introduce you in a healing process on many levels. You Spiritual Guides will lead me so I can help you heal negative emotions and patterns, remove blockages, heal traumas and cut off cords from current and previous lives. We can also work to heal your inner child and understand your self-sabotage. I will guide you through the process of your transformation. I will take you on a journey during which you will have a chance to forgive and let go of whatever is necessary, so that you could spread your wings and shine your inner light – the light of unconditional love. I am not asking you to believe in anything I might say either here or during the session. If it doesn’t resonate with you, then just let it go. However, sometimes what is said, although it does not resonate with you at the time, can make sense later, lie a seed that is planted and which may in due course grow and blossom. A remainder for you and a remainder for me: I AM NOT A LIFEGUARD; I AM A LIGHT HOUSE guiding you on your own journey. You take full responsibility for integrating your experience into your own life. You can go as deep as you wish, the choice is yours to make. I am here for you; to guide and help you, to radiate out your beauty and happiness, to re-find joy and live a fulfilled life.

The Food Safety Company

the food safety company

After leaving University I worked for a bakery company which is where my journey in Food Safety began: I went on a basic course where the trainer (an Environmental Health Officer) showed us an disturbing object which he had found in food, and told us various horror stories such as seeing rats in kitchens and about many other experience during his work. This is where the fascination began. Not a glamorous career for a young girl, looking down drains and climbing down to dirty cellars, but it provided plenty of tales to fascinate people at dinner parties! After a career change which resulted me spending 25 years as a government food inspector, I decided to hang up my badge and defect to the other side. Literally Game keeper tuned poacher or should I say head chef turned food critic? I wanted to help businesses obtain a good rating and allow them to not feel terrified when the inspector calls at their premises So I set up The Food Safety Company in 2015 and have successfully helped many businesses to obtain – and maintain – high food hygiene ratings. I have also enjoyed conducting accredited and bespoke training courses for clients, and creating bespoke food safety management systems for many businesses. To date I have a 100% success rate with clients wishing to obtain a 5 rating (if they follow my advice!). This include all types of business; from small cafes to large, prestigious wedding venues I would like to share this success with you. On a personal note, I consider myself to be a foodie: I like talking about food; cooking it; eating it and more importantly sharing it with friends and family. People often ask if I think about anything other than food. My answer is “very rarely”! I also like to visit food festivals and restaurants, trying to keep ahead of the current food trends and products, and I support Alice Charity Food Bank.



The Tutors ! LayerSlider: Multiple jQuery issue It looks like that another plugin or your theme loads an extra copy of the jQuery library causing problems for LayerSlider to show your sliders. Please navigate from your WordPress admin sidebar to LayerSlider -> Options -> Advanced and enable the "Include scripts in the footer" option. Choosing the right tutor Once you've decided to opt for tuition, the most important decision is to pick the right tutor. So, if you sign your child up for a faceless brand, you are selecting a programme and you don't know who the tutor is? But you should! No really, you should: According to the governments own figures (and pretty much every international study); the level of a teacher's prior education is directly linked to the attainment of their pupils. A pupil's attainment is directly linked to how highly educated their teacher is If your child is being taught by "Bradley", who's only just finished his AS in maths (but proclaims he's "all-white at maffs"), then you can't really expect him to understand how the mistakes he makes in the way he teaches you child G.C.S.E. maths won't show up now - they will rear their ugly heads when your child is doing A-level maths. (I should know - I spend too much of my time sorting out Bradley's mistakes.) Of course, by then, Bradley will be long gone… The more knowledgeable the tutor, the better able the pupil is to learn (Wossman 2003) Incidentally, the government wanted to regulate the tuition profession. They wanted all tutors to have at the very least a degree in a subject relevant to the subject they are teaching. (In fact, they only give P.G.C.E. bursaries to graduates with a FIRST or a 2:1 degree.) That's not too much to ask is it? But pretty much all the tuition organisations opposed it… Why? Because so there are so many unqualified tutors out there! How would "B

Anna K Health Coaching

anna k health coaching

It brings up many aspects of myself that I had kept hidden for a long time. But, today I’m more open and in a place where I actively work on my body and mind. Health to me is true wealth and this comes from a place of committing to my physical, mental and emotional self. Also, now being a coach and supporting others in their process brings me so much joy because I know how challenging it can be, feeling stuck as though your body, mind and life are working against you. I went through many stages of uncovering the root cause of my health issues and worked through many body, mind and soul practices to heal what was holding me back from living a full life mentally and physically each day. Here’s some insight into my story. Supporting other women As I learned about the power of foods, mind body connection and holistic health techniques, my burning desire to continue learning and to share that knowledge. Enrolling on a Naturopathic healing course in 2018 was one of the best decision of my life. It was liberating to re-learn about the human body as well as ancient practices and healing techniques which have been overwritten by modern day big pharma and food corporations who prioritise profits over people. This empowering experience led me to put myself into self-experimentation mode of trying different foods, protocols, and practices. I managed to re-wire my body and mind, resetting it back to what it was originally designed to do - THRIVE! This has been the most exhilarating experience of my life, bringing me ‘back to me’ and feeling freedom in my mind and body. Now in my late 30's I feel more alive than I ever have. My perspective on life is infectious on those closest to me and I pride myself on how far I have come.

Brian McMinn: Gestalt Therapy Workshops

brian mcminn: gestalt therapy workshops

I am Irish but have lived in the northwest of England for over 20 years. After originally qualifying as a person-centred counsellor in 1994, I worked in GP practices in the northwest and in north Wales before working in London at the Beverley Clinic. I was then invited to teach, part-time, on counselling courses at Oldham College, and progressed to a full-time post as programme leader for the counselling diploma. Subsequently, I worked full-time as lecturer and joint course leader at University of Salford for a number of years before deciding to leave teaching and focus on providing therapy. In 2006, I qualified as a Gestalt psychotherapist (Manchester Gestalt Centre and Metanoia Institute). Gestalt theory and practice is fascinating, and the thoroughness of the training, which is accredited by Gestalt Psychotherapy & Training Institute, makes it a highly respected and powerful approach. At a recent estimate, I have worked therapeutically with over 8000 clients for an average of ten sessions each. I would like to say that therapy was successful with all – but not quite, I’m sure. At University of Liverpool, where I work part-time, the CORE-OM system is used to assess outcomes, and my work has a high success rate. I have two teenage sons, and I’m an avid football fan and watch a lot of it. Recently I had the pleasure of working for Everton Football Club with some of their first team. I read a lot of non-fiction, watch Netflix, enjoy photography, walk our spaniel, Daisy, and exercise regularly. I got into counselling and therapy over 25 years ago when I decided to face my own personal problems. I needed a lot of help and to my surprise, and initial scepticism, it worked well for me. I feel transformed by this experience (it was long term and not always easy). From this experience I developed an endless fascination for psychotherapy. I was fortunate to have been a client to some very capable therapists, to whom I am more than grateful.