6291 Educators providing Courses

Top Achievers' Programme

top achievers' programme


:The hallmark of the Top Achievers’ Programme (TAP) is to be part of each TAP Scholar’s journey – whatever their social, cultural or economic background – in achieving their fullest potential in University admission. Our strong belief in the Widening Participation agenda makes us especially passionate about raising aspiration, boosting confidence, and thereby enabling social mobility. Our Goal: The main goal of the Top Achievers’ Programme (TAP) is for every TAP Scholar to successfully apply to their best-fit University including Russell Group Universities and Medical/Dental Schools in the UK. Our Commitment: Top Achievers’ Programme (TAP) promises to be intellectually stimulating and enriching to every TAP Scholar, providing the information, support, and skills required for gaining a place at a University and Course of their choice. Our Success: Each year, TAP Scholars go on to study in prestigious Universities across the UK. Here is a little bit about one of our most recently successful TAP Scholars – Joshua. Having 9 A* and 1 A GCSE Grades, plus 38 IB Points, Joshua applied to 4 UK Medical Schools. His academic profile was very strong, and not surprisingly, he was invited to interview at all 4 Medical Schools. However, he was rejected by the first 2 Medical Schools with whom he initially interviewed. Following this, his mum contacted us, and Joshua got enrolled on the Top Achievers’ Programme to improve his chances of succeeding at the remaining 2 interviews. Working with a dedicated TAP Consultant, a rigorous Interview Preparation package was drawn up for Joshua. This drastically improved his interview skills, improving his chances of gaining a place to study Medicine. His subsequent 2 interviews then took place, and he received offers from both Medical Schools. Joshua is now studying Medicine at a London Medical School.

Tarek Associates Ltd.

tarek associates ltd.


Tarek Associates is an ultimate platform where students meet their desired goals by selecting the right institution for the same. Additionally, the institutes can also recruit suitable talent for their overall progress. Counselling is our core specialization where we communicate with the students and their guardians. We collect some crucial information from the students to support the finalization of the institution and course. Here, the career plan is drafted based on the previous qualifications and future ambitions. Affordabilityand budget are also key factors, that play important roles in decision making. As we assist our students and clients in making educational decisions, we also Work with our partners to promote their institution and to recommend the students. We ensure admission by cross-checking the eligibility criteria. Our counselling team is available for simultaneous tasks for our partners and students. Our effective and high-quality marketing services for our partners’ institutes help them recruit the best talents. Simultaneously, Tarek Associates is also involved in organizing seminars, events, education fairs, and open day assessments. These programs promote meetups for institutions and students. Here, they can explore themselves to avail themselves of the fair practice of selection and admission. Tarek Associates is a stage for the best performers. The educational counselor belongs to diverse streams and they perceive the good background to resemble the students’ career. We provide students with our expertise in a variety of fields. We keep our professional skills up to date with the industries’ experience. We pour our skills, experiences, and efforts into ascertaining, guiding and selecting the right admission. Hereafter, we help the student in the overall admission process by soothing the other relevant requirements too. After achieving many career goals, we still crave for your comments, recommendations, and feedback that keeps us fresh and our enthusiasm, rejuvenated!

Foresight Trading Group

foresight trading group


Foresight Trading Group is an innovative prop firm as well as a growth oriented trading community appeared as a result of cooperation of several well organized trading groups located in Canada, Europe and China. We are constantly expanding our services developing the net of trading offices all over the world as well as giving support to lots of remote traders and partners. Our main clients are experienced traders and professional trading groups with proven track records in terms of both average monthly net pnl and trading volume. In return, we offer very competitive and flexible tariff schedule and comprehensive support in terms of trading, service and technology. The same time we are offering great opportunities for talented novice traders who are capable to work hard to become consistently profitable professionals keeping one of the highest-paying position in the business. We accept a lot of novice and developing traders to take an intensive training program in one of our trading floors located worldwide. Taking part in intensive trading course in our office is the most robust and straightforward way to enter the business. Besides that, we are currently launching online educational platform especially designed for people who strive to get skills and strategies from the most stable and profitable traders of our desk and can’t visit one of our offices for some reason. FTG maintains fair and transparent business model. The success of the prop firm is clearly depended of success of its traders and clients. That’s why we are happy to invest in developing of all sorts of services that increase your winning probability and makes your trading with our firm as comfortable as it could be. Our key principles are transparency, honesty, striving for innovations and flexible approach to the needs of every particular trader.

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU)

vilnius gediminas technical university (vgtu)

We are Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) - a prestigious European technical university, attractive not only to Lithuanian, but also to foreign students, teachers and researchers seeking quality studies, significant for the progress and development of the Lithuanian state. Our accumulated long-term experience in the fields of engineering and technology is reflected in the abbreviation - VILNIUS TECH. It perfectly describes today's world and everyday life, which is increasingly difficult to imagine without technology. It is they who become a tool that helps to create the world of the future, to cross any boundaries or borders. The world is changing rapidly every day, and we are changing along with it, trying to create and discover something new. The need to change and improve is driven by the prevailing trends in Europe and around the world: rapid technological development and digital transformation, the green course, the industrial revolution. The whole world is facing such challenges as climate change, economic instability, pandemic. However, it is important to understand that these are not only threats, but also unique opportunities to search and discover the most advanced technological solutions that will help not only us, but also future generations. I firmly believe that each of us can contribute to the development of technology. After all, the community and its members are the foundation of the university, which consists of people of different views, age and education, united by a common goal - to create for the future. Together, we can achieve that VILNIUS TECH becomes an open, growing, future-oriented organization that connects science, business, and most importantly, society. I invite you to contribute to the journey of new searches and discoveries and to reach scientific heights together! Prof. Dr. Romualdas Kliukas Rector of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Strength And Conditioning Academy

strength and conditioning academy


We have spent over a decade supporting the growth and development of coaches and practitioners within organisations and more recently with small groups and individuals. We recognise excellent content is a cornerstone in all our development. However, it is the transforming of this content into our personal context which is most impactful. Many learning opportunities will simply provide content. Learning is the acquiring of knowledge and insights and its application. Strength and Conditioning Academy utilises our diverse experiences in coaching and coach development to provide learning opportunities which place you and your context at the centre. Our focus is to ensure relevant content is related back to your context, allowing you to take practical steps in your world. Strength and Conditioning Academy provides frameworks and processes which allow you to seamlessly take the relevant content to your context and help you identify the steps to apply your solutions. Strength and Conditioning Academy wants to provide accessible learning opportunities which allow you to better problem-solve around strength and conditioning to better support those you work with. We want to democratise our diverse knowledge and experiences in strength and conditioning so we can all can benefit from these. We want to provide learning opportunities which actually make a difference in the real world and can be applied across all our contexts. We want our opportunities to truly put you at the centre of the learning process so you can direct your learning where you want it to go. This inspires us to create and offer learning opportunities which uniquely focuses on you and your world and positively impacting what matter most to you. “The problem-solving course was led by outstanding and industry leading experts who designed easily digestible and impactful content spanning key domains of physical preparation.”

Lumiere Coaching

lumiere coaching

I thought I would share a few things about myself, to help you get to know me before we work together: I have come to coaching, counselling and mindfulness training via a long career in Human Resources, in which I worked my way up to HR Director level. I have personal experience of the pressures, and joys, of a senior business role, and have worked as colleague, HR support and coach to some high performing board, executive and senior management teams. I restrict the number of clients I work with so I can always be at my best for them - and I don't work with everyone, only those who are really committed to making the changes they want. I have a dog and a cat (they don't participate in coaching sessions)! I do mindfulness meditation for around 10 minutes most days (sometimes longer, sometimes not at all) - every little helps, and even a little makes a big difference to improving focus, performance, stress management... My favourite cocktail is an Old Fashioned. I have a strong interest in psychology and neuroscience - particularly focussed on how we can get our minds to work their best and how we can be happy. I have my own coach - because having a coach is great! My qualifications and training include: Workplace Mindfulness Trainer Training from TME (The Mindfulness Exchange) Diploma in Personal Transformational Coaching from Animas Centre for Coaching (ICF approved) Certificate in Small Business Coaching from Animas Centre for Coaching Master NLP Practitioner from Life Spheres Life Coaching & NLP (ANLP & ABNLP accredited) Master Hypnosis Practitioner from Life Spheres Life Coaching & NLP (ABH accredited) Master Time Line Therapy Practitioner from Life Spheres Life Coaching & NLP (TLTA accredited) Practitioner of NLP and Practitioner of Hypnotherapy from NLP World (ANLP & AIP accredited) Introduction to Mindfulness (MBSR introduction course) Certificate in Counselling Skills (CPCAB accredited) BSc (Hons) Psychology

Lighthouse Glass

lighthouse glass


Welcome to Lighthouse Glass – I hope you like what you see My name is Vic Kirk and I’m a retired engineer. Glass has always interested me and I have enjoyed working with glass for many years, repairing and making leaded glass panels and making terrariums as gifts. Lampworking In 2010 I started my journey of lampwork bead making . I love lampworking because of the reactions of the glass that occur when used with varying conditions in the flame and kiln using different types of glass. Beads can be made from a wide variety of glasses that if used together must be compatible with each other, and when worked can come out of the kiln looking totally different. Making sets of beads provides another level of accuracy to achieve. Opening the kiln the next day always brings surprises !! Studio Workshop Now that I have retired, my wife April and I have opened a retail studio workshop in Astwood Bank, Worcestershire. We run lampwork and jewellery making classes/courses which can be organised to suit your requirements. These are bookable on line. The lampwork studio can comfortably accommodate 2 students. I also provide one to one tuition for people wishing to learn individually. Findings along with my lampwork beads are for sale in the shop and I also do lampworking demonstrations, so if you’re interested come along and see me in action. April, (Fuchsia Cottage Crafts) and my daughter Jay (Jays Jewels) are both avid seed beaders and have made some of my beads into beautiful pieces of jewellery – these are on sale in the shop so if you’re passing – pop in, and take a look. If anything on this site takes your fancy or if you think you might want a specific colour combination please contact me so that we can chat about what you want, without obligation of course.

Konzept Education

konzept education


Concept is a newly-formed, independent group, not beholden to any larger concern. The leaders of the group are themselves deeply involved in private education and owe their livelihood to it. The group was born out of the conviction that private education is a force for good, but that, as in everything, there is room for improvement. How will that improvement happen? Primarily by listening. By listening - to why parents spend money on education for their children. What do they really want out of it - certainly not a mediocre result. By listening - to what the pupils themselves want from their schooling - of course it is exam grades which they know are the price of entry to a good university (and there are a growing number which are not good) or to a satisfying career, but what else do they want? By listening - to employers - what sort of people will they be looking to recruit into the companies of the future? By listening - to the worthwhile commentators who cast their minds forward to see the way in which the world is changing all around us, every day. In the lifetime of our children, standing still will be moving backwards. By listening - attentively, with our heads and with our hearts, we aim to provide schools and schooling that is consequential, and in being so recognises that children enjoy their lives when they see a purpose in their learning. In striving to achieve this, we will also be looking closely at ways of halting the apparently inexorable rise in fees for private education, with the result that over time a greater number of families will be in a position to choose the independent option.

Maximel Training Providers

maximel training providers

The Karachi Aero Club (G) Limited was established on the 28th of July 1928 and is the subcontinent’s first flying institution. It was formed by an association of person’s whose common goal was to instruct the members of the club and others in the art of flying and the science of aeronautics. Ever since it’s inception it has worked ceaselessly towards the promotion of all branches of aviation and has established itself as a center of information and advice on all matters pertaining to aeronautics. Until the 1960’s the Karachi Aero Club had been operating from a purpose-built site in what is now known as Gulshan-e-Iqbal, with it’s own runway and hangar facilities. In addition to recreational flying activities and charter services the club provided other sporting facilities such as a golf course, horse riding school and skeet shooting range. It was regarded as one of the most prestigious institutions in the country as evidenced by its members which comprised of almost all the elite families in Pakistan, senior government functionaries, foreign attaches and senior executives of multinational companies. Many of these members owned their own aircraft which were maintained and serviced by the club. In the 1960’s the club was obliged to surrender its land for a greater national cause and moved its flight operations to the BOAC steel hangar and apron facilities at Karachi Airport. Hangar No. 301 was appointed to the Karachi Aero Club as an Engineering facility, and is still our base of operations till this day. The clubhouse is still owned and maintained at it’s original site in Gulshan-e-Iqbal and is used as a recreational facility by members.

Tra Performance Education

tra performance education

Ellesmere Port

Learn from world-leading experts in sports science, fitness, health and athletic performance Keeping up to date with current trends and scientific principles in your industry is hard. As academic practitioners, coaches and educators ourselves, we appreciate the vast amount of resources out there. In our collective 30 years of experience in health and fitness, TRA has worked hard to keep up to date with conferences, seminars, podcasts, journal releases and articles. What’s worse, without knowing exactly who to listen to and which resources to follow, you could spend several wasted hours trawling through page after page just for the evidence you need to improve your coaching practice. So, what do you do? Give up trying to keep up to date with the ever-growing fitness knowledge? Stick to training the same clients day-in, day-out without being challenged or have a platform to try out new and innovative training methods? Risk following the wrong people, evidence or training approach and find that your clients just don’t get the results they’re after? Of course not. You want access to the best information and the greatest names in the industry. There are coaches out there who’ve stayed at the front of fitness research, transformed their businesses and networked with the best experts in the world. How? They follow and implement the following simple tips: Narrow down the noise and listen to only the most influential, evidence-based academics and practitioners. Integrated learning when it best suits you. Through face-to-face events, live mentorship programmes, pre-recorded video lectures and audio resources. Built a community of like-minded professionals to discuss how different scientific training principles. You can make changes to your coaching and you can accelerate your business. Work with the type of clients you want to work with and stay at the cutting edge of fitness knowledge.