67 Educators providing Courses

Citizens UK

citizens uk


Founded in 1989, we are a single organisation with seventeen Chapters across England and Wales. Our Chapters are led by local people acting together for the common good through the method of Community Organising. The UK has a rich history of people organising for power and change such as the Levellers, the Abolitionists, the Chartists, early trade unionists like the match girls and dock strikers, and the Suffragettes. Our work at Citizens UK is influenced by a heritage which draws on the broad-based organising of our sister organisation, the Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) and before that the US civil rights movement. Over the last thirty years we have won £1.8bn in additional wages for low paid workers, ended child detention for immigration purposes, secured an amnesty of ‘legacy cases’ for 160,000 asylum applicants as well as winning many victories at the local and regional level. We build power with people so that together we can move from the world as it is toward the world as it should be. Some of our campaigns have spun off into dedicated projects, to create long-term change. The largest and most successful of these teams is the Living Wage Foundation which now accredits a network of over 9,000 employers who pay 300,000 employees the real Living Wage. Others include Parents and Communities Together (PACT) and Sponsor Refugees. We are proud of other social innovations that have successfully spun out to become independent organisations such as Safe Passage, London Community Land Trust and Money Mentors.




Educasia started in 2008 as a replication of the successful program The Curriculum Project. Our Vision The Curriculum Department of Thabyay works for a future with: A society offering relevant and equal educational opportunities for all Active citizens with appropriate knowledge and skills to participate in the peaceful development of their communities and society Educasia’s Mission Educasia supports the development of post-secondary and adult education initiatives in Myanmar. Its focus is on non-formal groups working for positive social change and development. Thabyay’s Curriculum Department prepares and distributes contest-appropriate curricular materials and teacher training. It focuses on preparing adult learners from marginalized communities in Myanmar for effective participation in developing their communities, and for further education. The Curriculum Department currently operates two programs: Educasia works to support the development of non-government post-secondary and adult education initiatives in Myanmar. Educasia’s objectives include: Enabling students in post-secondary and adult education to develop the skills and knowledge required to participate effectively in the development of their communities, and pursue meaningful further education. Building the capacity of teachers in low-resource post-secondary and adult education to develop student-centered teaching skills and create active analytical learning environments. Supporting post-secondary and adult education programs, in both formal and informal settings, to develop and implement effective context-appropriate curricula and syllabi which prepare learners to participate effectively in the development of their communities, and pursue meaningful further education. The Curriculum Project’s objectives are broadly similar to Educasia, except that the program works with Myanmar populations (refugees, exiles, and migrants) based along Myanmar’s borders.

Cath Little

cath little


Cardiff Storyteller and Singer Cath Little has “rough magic” in her voice, and in her words “the gift of the story comes through.” She has a strong belief in the power of stories to connect us to one another, to the land, and to the people who once lived here. She tells traditional stories from her Irish English heritage and her Welsh homeland. Cath enjoys re-imagining and retelling stories from The Mabinogion. Cath helps run the Cardiff Storytelling Circle and curates their seasonal concerts, Tales for the Turning Year. She tells and listens to stories at Oasis, a Cardiff Charity which offers a warm Welsh welcome to refugees and asylum seekers. Cath keeps busy sharing stories in schools, libraries, museums, castles, cafes and fields. She has performed at festivals across Britain and Ireland and is the author of Glamorgan Folk Tales for Children. My father told me stories and my mother read me them. The family was, and is, full of wonderful storytellers. When I started teaching English in London Secondary Schools it came naturally to me to tell stories: I told stories to help the children into poetry, into Shakespeare, into their own creative imaginations. When I taught English in Italy and in Egypt I found that stories take away the stress of learning another language and give a real reason for listening. When I became a Steiner Waldorf Early Years Teacher I learnt more about the power of stories to nurture and to heal. And then one day I met a professional storyteller! Then I knew that’s what I had to be. Since then I’ve been on the path, following my bliss, and have worked as a professional storyteller since 2006.

Windle Trust International

windle trust international


Windle Trust International (WTI) challenges poverty and inequality by expanding access to and improving the quality of education and training, for communities affected by conflict, displacement, neglect or discrimination. WTI is dedicated to reducing inequalities in access to high quality education for these communities, particularly for women and girls. We have a specific focus on increasing access to education for conflict-affected communities seeking to reach children and young people who have been forced to flee or who have been denied education because of the chronic marginalisation that so often accompanies conflict. Our ability to work in insecure and unpredictable areas is one of our distinctive features. We have a geographical focus on East Africa and the Horn of Africa. With offices in Sudan, South Sudan and the UK, we combine local knowledge and expertise with international contacts and a global perspective. This is especially important in our scholarships programme, where we work in partnership with some of the UK’s outstanding universities to provide opportunities for access to world-class teaching institutions. Reflecting our values we work across the breadth of the education sector from primary schools to the tertiary sector. Our commitment is to work with communities in all their diversity – girls and boys, refugees and citizens, teachers and school management committees. We are flexible in the way we work and have a breadth of talent to draw on. Where it is the most appropriate option, we are able to work at community level to make sure that projects are on track. At other times, we will operate at a policy level, seeking to shape the broader context or drawing attention to issues that we think are important, but too often neglected. Whatever the project, we will implement it to the best of our ability.

Turkish Education Group

turkish education group


TEG helps mainly Turkish and Kurdish speaking adults and children overcome barriers to Education, Employment, Health, British Citizenship and any other problems they face. Our aims: To assist individuals and their families in advancing their education, realising their potential and improving their quality of life. To target members of the community who are faced with greater levels of inequality and discrimination - the unemployed, the unqualified and under-qualified, the disabled, refugees and women. To contribute to the multicultural society in the UK by ensuring that Turkish-speaking people are empowered to contribute their skills, talents and experience and play a full role in the community. This is of benefit to our members and society as a whole. TEG provides three main services Education Qualified and experienced teachers running a range of courses and training programmes. Computer for Adults Two levels with examinations and national qualifications (CLAIT OCR) Turkish Literacy for Women Turkish Reading and Writing classes for women. Turkish, Maths and Science for Children Weekend classes and Homework Clubs for children from 7 until 14 years of age. GCSE Maths & Science classes for children and adults of all ages. Turkish Language Courses Weekly classes for English speakers wishing to learn Turkish from complete beginners to intermediate level. TEG Information Advice and Guidence A bilingual user/client centre with impartial advice, information and support. General Support Call or drop for general support. Staff will either help you on the spot, make an appointment, or refer you to another appropriate service. Employment & Educational Advice Make an appointment for specific IAG including Comparability Statement from NARIC. Legal Advice Make an appointment for legal advice including Ankara Agreements, Work Permits, Home Office Issues, Benefits and Housing including buying your home. Health Make an appointment for health related support including Smoking Cessation, Drugs and Alcohol Misuse, Extra Patient Care, Diet and Nutrition.