70 Educators providing Courses

Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School

sir joseph williamson's mathematical school


Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School was founded in 1701 in accordance with the last will and testament of Sir Joseph Williamson, who bequeathed five thousand pounds “towards the building and carrying on and perpetual maintaining of a free school at Rochester for the instructing and educating of such youth there who were or should be the sons of freemen these towards the Mathematics and all other things which fit and encourage them for the sea service and arts and callings leading and relating thereto”. Sir Joseph Williamson served as a leading politician and diplomat during the reign of King Charles II. He was first elected as MP for Rochester in 1690 and held various offices (including Secretary of State aged 41) until his retirement in 1699 when he settled to live at Cobham Hall. At one time he was President of the Royal Society, Keeper of the King’s Library at Whitehall and Editor of the Oxford Gazette. He receives mention in the diaries of Samuel Pepys. Williamson’s life and work is not without controversy. He was an investor and administrator in the Royal African Company, a trading company set up in 1660 and led by the Duke of York (future King James II). This company held the monopoly of the English slave trade from Africa to the West Indies. Professor William Pettigrew from Lancaster University, in his book ‘Freedom’s Debt: The Royal African Company and the Politics of the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1672-1752’ (2016) writes that the Company ‘shipped more enslaved African women, men and children to the Americas than any other single institution during the entire period of the transatlantic slave trade’.



My name is Lee Reade, I am a UEFA Licensed Football Coach where I have attended coaching courses up to the 'UEFA A' Licence for both players and goalkeepers. I specialise in coaching goalkeepers (although I have a number of out-field players also). I have worked with Professional Football League Clubs in their youth programmes; coaching two players who were selected for their national teams. My coaching company covers all age groups, some who are shown on the images and videos around this the theKeeper.co.uk website. All will testify to the improvements they have made due to the methods and coaching they receive and of course, what they put back into it themselves. Based in Corby the majority of my goalkeepers come from the areas of Northamptonshire/Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire & Hertfordshire. One of my main locations in Milton Keynes (where I also do Summer Camp days), has changing facilities and fitness equipment available. Having played at various levels of the game, I was attracted to the coaching side which now takes up all my time. My experiences are probably no different to what you have or will come across in your playing career! The classic 'warm up' of every player hitting balls to you at the same time; the blame that is only on you when the opponents score and the expectation that you have to be perfect in every part of your play. I have attended and seen so many coaching sessions that are more related to training than they are to actual coaching; you need both! I am sure you have experienced the same! One experience in my youth that always stood way above all others was the lack of specialised coaching and in many cases the lack of recognition for goalkeepers and the vital role that we perform. This was to become one of the main reasons to start theKeeper.co.uk. fitnessOur position is becoming even more important in many aspects of the game however most coaching (especially at youth level) is often done only for out-field players with very little specialised coaching to the goalkeepers. The game is evolving, so we need to improve the amount and quality of that coaching and to introduce new methods to develop the skills needed by the goalkeeper. My education includes a Degree level in Sports Science/Football Studies and also coaching qualifications in many other types of sports such as Basketball & Hockey - the primary reason for this was to expand my knowledge of the skills used in those sporting areas so that they could be adapted to fit goalkeepers; many of those skills are now used in my coaching sessions. I have taken Awards in specilised areas such as Fitness Instruction, First Aid & Sports Medicine along with many others, allowing me to offer greater knowledge to those I coach. Many I know cannot afford the costs for personal coaching. Quite a few of you I am sure will be playing in leagues where your club is limited or not able to offer such specific coaching. Whatever your situation, be it a certain weakness in your game that you seek assistance on or that you wish to improve your all round performance; I hope that you will find help and answers at theKeeper.co.uk. advancedtrainingI plan to offer sessions and exercises at all levels (Basic through to Advanced) that you can then use to assist and hopefully improve your own performance. As your 'Cyber Coach' I would of course always recommend that the best coaching you will ever receive is directly with a qualified coach, however, as mentioned that is not always possible. So browse my pages and see what we can do together, and if you have any problems head to the 'AsktheKeeper' page; this is where you are able to email a question that is personal to your coaching needs. I will endeavour to answer as many as possible. theKeeper.co.uk can hopefully become a source of information that will help you 'reach your goal' and fulfil your ambitions as a goalkeeper. We might even get the opportunity to personally meet on one of my Coaching Road-Shows or Goalkeeper Camps so that you too can 'experience the difference'.

The Food Safety Company

the food safety company

After leaving University I worked for a bakery company which is where my journey in Food Safety began: I went on a basic course where the trainer (an Environmental Health Officer) showed us an disturbing object which he had found in food, and told us various horror stories such as seeing rats in kitchens and about many other experience during his work. This is where the fascination began. Not a glamorous career for a young girl, looking down drains and climbing down to dirty cellars, but it provided plenty of tales to fascinate people at dinner parties! After a career change which resulted me spending 25 years as a government food inspector, I decided to hang up my badge and defect to the other side. Literally Game keeper tuned poacher or should I say head chef turned food critic? I wanted to help businesses obtain a good rating and allow them to not feel terrified when the inspector calls at their premises So I set up The Food Safety Company in 2015 and have successfully helped many businesses to obtain – and maintain – high food hygiene ratings. I have also enjoyed conducting accredited and bespoke training courses for clients, and creating bespoke food safety management systems for many businesses. To date I have a 100% success rate with clients wishing to obtain a 5 rating (if they follow my advice!). This include all types of business; from small cafes to large, prestigious wedding venues I would like to share this success with you. On a personal note, I consider myself to be a foodie: I like talking about food; cooking it; eating it and more importantly sharing it with friends and family. People often ask if I think about anything other than food. My answer is “very rarely”! I also like to visit food festivals and restaurants, trying to keep ahead of the current food trends and products, and I support Alice Charity Food Bank.

James Ewart Racing

james ewart racing



James Ewart Racing Ltd was founded in 2004 as a Flat and National Hunt racing yard: initially buying and selling French horses to U.K. owners whilst establishing training facilities. Amongst his early purchases were Dark Ben and My Way de Solzen. James has particularly strong links with France resulting in a high proportion of French horses in the yard but has also had great success with Irish and English horses. He has trained multiple Bumper, Hurdle and Chase winners with some horses winning 12 times and he is always striving to improve the quality of his string. THE TEAM James Ewart James was brought up around horses all his life and as a child enjoyed jumping large hedges on small ponies in the Wynnstay country! Teenage stints followed with work experience at Nicky Henderson, John Leadbetter and Jonjo O’Neill followed by a course at the Royal Agricultural College studying Land Management. Then on to Ferdy Murphy for three years as Amateur Assistant and over to France for four years with Guillaume Macaire as Assistant Trainer - some highlights being Champion Amateur Jockey 2000 and taking Jair du Cochet on his UK raids. Briony Ewart Briony spent her childhood under the tutelage of the legendary East Anglian trainer ‘EAP’ – Miss Pickard. Highlights included winning the Champion East Anglian Native Working Hunter Pony and twice qualifying as an individual for the Pony Club Eventing Championships. At the Royal Agricultural College (now University) she met James and spent a summer in France with Guillaume Macaire before working for two years at the Shadwell Stud and in 2004 helped James set up James Ewart Racing. She has been responsible for breaking in and producing many winners including Wilde Pastures, Open De L’Isle and Capital Venture. Briony still continues with breaking in, is a regular work rider and helps with the horses at the races. As a hobby she enjoys competing on Neil Ewart’s homebred Fells whose bloodlines go back 60 years. David Macleod – Head Lad David has spent a lifetime in racing and has worked at Newmarket and at Middleham with Mark Johnston. He has a wealth of experience in all aspects of horse management and their wellbeing and is a vital member of the team. Charles Marini - Assistant Trainer Charles has returned to the yard as Assistant Trainer and is plays an important part in the running of the yard. JohnAmbrose - Yard Manager Colin Barnfather - Groundsman Leah Barnfather - Part time and weekends. Alistair Bell - Yard repairs. Mario Bogart - Stable lad and work rider Helen Dent - Yard Manager Ian Earsman – Ian is a very experienced horseman and is a Barn Manager Amy Elliot (Part time) - Amy has joined the excellent new Scottish Racing Academy programme and will have two days per week at Borders College and the remainder working in the stables. Stevie Ellwood - Helps us when we are racing Rebecca Farnon - Yard helper Andy Gudgeon - Barn Manager Ross Herbert - Lorry driver. Louise Holmes - Book Keeper. Eric Macleod - Gallop man. Chloe Mchattie - Work Rider and Barn Manager Alex Mchattie - Work Rider Sarah Mchattie - Sarah is the mother of Chloeand Alex and is very experienced. She has been helping us on race days and has an enviable record of btos! Sarah Poole (Senior Staff) – Sarah is an excellent and accomplished horsewoman who is now riding out full time and in charge of the travelling. Blake Storrie - Work Rider. Blake is an experienced and talented horseman and a great addition to the team. Mervyn Beatie - Chiropractor. Cheviot Vets and Dr Eugenio Cillan - Vets. Brad Fisher - Farrier. Stuart Huggan - Horse dentist.

Bee Worldwide

bee worldwide


In the 1950’s there were over 50 native species of bee in the UK, yet just a few years ago there was just 27. In the past few years honey bees have experienced more substantial declines. The UK used to be home to 27 species of bee, yet sadly 3 of these are now extinct with many more under threat. Bee Worldwide has been established in direct response to the growing number of declining bees. The goal is to identify the reasons for the decline and work towards rebuilding the ecosystem that is vital for the bees to regenerate their colonies. PreviousNext 123 This programme has several aims: to raise awareness of our current situation to educate the importance of bees replant foraging areas that are fundamental to the survival and reforming of bee colonies complete and promote research which targets understanding the impacts bees and other pollinators have and the effects of their current and future environment has on them. take action to reverse any negative impact which has already occurred. Bee Worldwide primary focus is to promote individuals and other groups to help bees in their own communities by planting some bee-friendly plants in their gardens. We will extend this to finding donated land and use volunteers to plant flowers in these areas. We also hope to set up a franchise model to become a bee keeper under our own brand, and this will include training, equipment and advice etc. Our research will be world leading and we will also collaborate with universities who are also working in this field of study. This will include monitoring bee movements with trackers (little backpacks) bee counting and many more scientific experiments. With the results, we can see if we can reverse any of the issues and help promote these messages so others can assist with the issues. Over time, Bee Worldwide will create a learning environment that will be an invaluable resource for bee keepers and an aspiration to the public and the community at large. About Meet the Team Contact Beekeeping Courses and Experiences Bee Worldwide is a non-profit organisation raising awareness of the plight of the bee and the ecological turmoil which threatens our planet. We are looking for individuals and communities to help us resolve this crisis and spread our message.