91 Educators providing Courses

Inner Pedagogy/East Midlands Psychedelic Society

inner pedagogy/east midlands psychedelic society


Edward is committed to supporting people move towards wholeness and the role education can play in this process. Edward researches mindfulness, integral and transpersonal psychology and well-being as both a member and convenor of postgraduate research at the Centre for Research in Human Flourishing (University of Nottingham). An avid reader, he is particularly inspired by the writings of Adyashanti, Stanislav Grof, Bernardo Kastrup, Gabor Maté, Rupert Spira, Alan Watts and Ken Wilber. Edward has written numerous articles, book chapters and books on these topics himself. Edward has been rigorously trained, he received a First Class (Hons) Degree in Education and Art from the University of Exeter in 1998 and a PhD in Peace Education and Sociocultural Theory from the University of Birmingham in 2003. Edward is a qualified mindfulness teacher, trained by Patrizia Collard/Enter Mindfulness, a Life Coach and a SoulCollage® Facilitator. He has taken the core modules of the Grof Transpersonal Trainer (GTT) Programme, covering the paradigm of Holotropic Breathwork, The Power Within (Bodywork), Music & Transcendence and Spiritual Emergency. He has also taken elective modules in Jung, Alchemy & The Transformation of Consciousness, and Inner Ethics/Soul Collage. This training has been supplemented by further training from the TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises) College and the College of Sound Healing . As part of ongoing quality assurance, Edward receives regular supervision in mindfulness, TRE® and Holotropic Breathwork®, actively researching all of these fields, attending regular conferences, courses and retreats to ensure his work and guidance is informed by deep inner experience and the latest research and good practice. Edward is also a member of the Association for Spiritual Integrity and follows their honour code of ethics and good practice for individuals. Edward has attended a Quaker meeting all of his adult life, adopting a contemplative and universal approach to spirituality. He has served as both a Clerk and Elder to his local. 'Clerkship' involves engaging contemplative approaches and discernment to make spiritually-informed group decisions. Edward continues to practise art, focusing on contemporary altars, shrines and portraiture drawing upon studies at the University of Exeter and the Slade School of Art, London. His work has been shown in numerous exhibitions, winning the prestigious Attenborough Prize in 2011. Edward accepts commissions and much of his work is available for sale. Artwork can be an excellent tool for integration and creativity is employed to help with this process in many of Edward’s courses and workshops.

Hsm Training And Consultancy

hsm training and consultancy


HSM Training and Consultancy is a UK company providing a broad range of SPECIALIZED services, on a global basis, to law enforcement, intelligence agencies and the private sector. Take some time to explore our website and you will see the extensive range of services we provide to help your agency or business. Our 'blog' is regularly updated with interesting articles, emerging best practice and commentary. You will find lots of good practice tips. The 'publications and resources' pages provide details of our books and how to get your hands on them and a lot of free articles you may find useful in adding to your knowledge. We are constantly updating these pages so be sure and check back for more. Our 'solutions' pages provide details of what we can do to help you and your agency in your functions. We have two sections. One is aimed at the law enforcement and intelligence communities and the other is aimed at the private sector. If you don’t find what you are looking for in one, take a look at what is available in the other. Remember we are here to cater for how you see the world not how we see it. HOW MUCH WILL IT COST? We deliver training on an international basis. Not everyone has the same financial resources so we do not quote prices here. We prefer to talk to an agency and design a course that fits them and their budget. When it comes to agencies in the western world our training will work out better value than you can deliver it, in house. It will also be better quality. This is our full time job. We are experts.

Tariki Trust

tariki trust

Tariki Trust is a community of people who believe that our actions matter and our impact on others has consequences at many levels. Our spiritual and moral values are something which we live out, and that need to permeate all we do. They are not simply ideas or practices to be addressed in limited time slots during a busy day. Tariki Trust offers courses, training and retreats which centre on our shared interest in our living systems. These include training and events linked to ecotherapy, psychology, psychotherapy, environmentalism, spiritual care and other forms of engaged Buddhism. A UK registered Buddhist charity, Tariki Trust was founded in 2011 and has become an umbrella for a wide range of activities in these inter-related fields. Our non-sectarian outlook welcomes people from many backgrounds, some of whom are Buddhist, but many of whom are not, to share in building a vision of a more wholesome world, based on values of compassion, mutual support and care for our position as part of a greater system. Tariki Trust is a community of people who are interested in learning, ideas, creativity and social responsibility. We believe in practising through concern for others and engagement with life in all its forms. The name Tariki means 'other-power' in Japanese. Other-power is a fundamental concept in Pureland Buddhism and expresses our commitment to a collective, collaborative approach. It is also the basis for Other-Centred Approach, the model of psychotherapy which underpins many Tariki courses and events. The Other-Centred model is flexible, suggesting an attitude of engagement and encounter rather than of introspection and rigidity, and leading us to embrace many fields of involvement and cultural activities as well as the narrowly therapeutic. Many of Tariki Trust’s activities were run by an earlier organisation, established in 1996, and its course programmes have a history going back over several decades. Tariki Trust itself was established in 2011 in order to offer a dedicated space for these programmes and at this time the Ten Directions training programme in ecotherapy was also established. Tariki Trust is a UK Registered Charity Number 1149658. It has a board of trustees who oversee its work and ensure good practice. Tariki Trust does not have any salaried staff, but, rather, has teaching staff and others working on a sessional or occasional basis. This means that much of Tariki’s work in supporting courses and activities is done on a voluntary, dana basis. As a charity, Tariki Trust is subject to the jurisdiction of the UK Charity Commission and has a number of policies and guidelines in place for good practice. These can be viewed on our old website.
