107 Educators providing Courses

St. Paul's School of Nursing

st. paul's school of nursing

The mission of the nursing and allied health programs at Saint Paul’s School of Nursing is to serve the needs of the community by offering an excellent education exemplifying the highest standards for nursing practice. Nursing is both an art and a science providing a human service. The core values of respect, integrity, compassion and excellence are embedded throughout the curriculum as the foundation for providing care to all. This mission guides the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the curriculum and the related services provided by the School. St. Paul's School of Nursing strives to: Enhance each student’s individual and professional growth, including written and interpersonal communication, and critical thinking and problem-solving competencies. Develop each student’s professional attitude and an awareness of contemporary career practices through exposure to pragmatic course content. Promote self-discipline and motivation so that students may enjoy success in their career and in society. Minimize economic disadvantages as a barrier to postsecondary education by providing financial aid services and by accepting students without regard to age, sex, religion, race, physical challenges, or economic or social background. Assist graduates in achieving their professional career goals. Graduate students who possess the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in existing and emerging career occupations and have a positive impact on their communities.

British Society for the Study of Vulval Disease

british society for the study of vulval disease

We are a true multidisciplinary society largely made up from the specialties of gynaecology, dermatology, genito-urinary medicine and pathology. Our membership consists of doctors and nurses and we work closely with allied health professionals aligned to vulval disease. This multidisciplinary approach to the speciality enables excellence in clinical outcomes and workforce training. We have a strong commitment to education and training working with our medical colleges striving to achieve high quality standards of care for patients. Our membership currently stands at 288 health professionals from a variety of different specialities. The objectives of the society The relief of suffering for patients with vulval diseases The promotion of research into the cause and management of vulval diseases The practice, art and science of understanding, diagnosing and managing vulval diseases Achievements include: Hosting clinical conferences. Our annual two-day meeting was held in Salisbury in April 2018 hosted by Dr Abi Kingston. It was an excellent conference and 146 delegates attended Guidelines on Vulval pain syndromes (published British Journal of Dermatology). Contribution to the NHS Clinical Knowledge on pruritus vulvae for primary care and first contact physicians. Completed a Cochrane review on lichen sclerosus treatment. Funding and clinically supporting the James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership to identify and prioritise the top 10 future research questions for lichen sclerosus.

Kings College Hospital Maternity

kings college hospital maternity


We are a leading London maternity hospital and care for more than 8,000 pregnant women and birthing people and their babies each year. We provide all aspects of obstetric and midwifery care, from before conception and before birth (antenatal) to birth and after delivery (postnatal). The majority of pregnant women and people will be cared for by our expert team of midwives who are experienced in supporting those with uncomplicated pregnancies and births. When your circumstances are more complex, our specialist obstetric doctors and allied health professionals will work alongside your midwife to give you the care and support your need to have a safe and satisfying birth. You will have your own ideas about how you would like your baby to be born – whether at home or in hospital – and we do our best to help you to achieve this. We have obstetric-led birthing rooms, midwife-led birth suites with birth pools, obstetric theatres for both planned and emergency caesareans, and a homebirth service. Are you pregnant and want to have your baby with King's? You do not have to see your GP before contacting us. Please complete the King's College Hospital antenatal self-referral form to refer yourself and send to kch-tr.antenatalreferral@nhs.net. We will then email you with a reference number to confirm we have received your referral. Your first appointments with the midwife and scanning team will be sent to you either via post or email. Please note we may contact and share information with other health professionals as required. We see pregnant women and people who live in the below postcode areas in Lambeth, Southwark, and Lewisham. Referrals from those who live outside this catchment area will also be considered: SW2, SW4, SW8, SW9, SW16 SE1, SE4, SE5, SE11, SE14, SE15, SE16, SE17, SE19, SE21, SE22, SE23, SE24, SE25, SE26, SE27 CR7 Antenatal care (before the birth) This is provided by the midwifery team caring for women and pregnant people in your local area, alongside your GP or obstetrician. During your pregnancy, you will have regular appointments to make sure you and your baby are well. You will be offered routine health checks such as blood tests and other screenings, you can read more about the different scans, tests and antenatal care you can expect on the NHS website. Your screening choices are explained in this screening information leaflet, which is produced by Public Health England and available in several languages. We also provide care if screening finds you have an infectious disease, including Hepatitis B, HIV or syphilis. Badger Notes You can access your pregnancy notes and leaflets via the Badger Notes website or app. Your account will be activated after your first midwife appointment. You can use the digital maternity notes platform to communicate with your care team and we recommend you use the ‘Conversations’ option to share your birth preferences with us before your birth. Your midwife can help you with this. Clinic and scan locations Read your appointment letter carefully to see where to go for your appointments, because these are held at a variety of locations. This includes children’s centres, GP and health centres, and a number of buildings on the King's site, including Stork on the Hill, Midwives House and the Community Midwives Centre. Ultrasound (nuchal) scans take place in the Harris Birthright Centre, in the Fetal Medicine Research Institute. Buildings on the hospital site are shown on the King's campus map. Parent education classes We offer a range of online workshops to help prepare you for birth and baby. Join the 'Welcome to King’s Maternity' workshop in your first trimester to learn more about how to stay healthy in pregnancy, the services we offer, and other workshops that may be suitable for you. To sign up to a workshop, go to our parent education Eventbrite page. Email kch-tr.parenteducation@nhs.net for more information. Urgent advice If you need urgent advice and are: pregnant and currently receiving care at King's; have just given birth at King's; or have had a home birth with King's: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Telephone Assessment Line +44 (0)20 3299 8389 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm: contact the midwifery team leading your care Out of hours: contact the Nightingale Birth Centre. Where to give birth You can choose to give birth: in the Nightingale Birth Centre at King’s at home with the help of our community-based midwives, if you live in King’s catchment area. Our Maternity Department is on the third and fourth floors of the Golden Jubilee Wing and includes the Nightingale Birth Centre. Our facilities include 10 labour rooms, operating theatres, recovery rooms and a high dependency unit (HDU). Midwife-led birthing suite You have the choice of two midwife-led birthing rooms, each with a birthing pool and their own shower and toilet, where we have created a ‘home from home’ feel for your birth environment. Homebirth Our home birth midwife team (called Phoenix) provide a home birth service within the King’s catchment area. If you are interested in this option, indicate this on your antenatal self-referral form, or contact your community midwife. We will support women and birthing people to make informed choices about where they would like to birth their babies. There may be instances when a home birth might not be recommended, and your midwife or doctor can discuss these with you. Neonatal Unit Babies who need special care are looked after in the Neonatal Unit by our specialist team, it is located opposite Nightingale Birth Centre on the fourth floor of Golden Jubilee Wing. Anthony Nolan umbilical cord blood donation If you give birth at King’s College Hospital, you can help save the life of someone with blood cancer by donating your umbilical cord blood to the Anthony Nolan Cord Blood Programme after you give birth. We are one of five hospitals in the UK where women can donate their umbilical cords. Please watch this short animation about donating your cord blood. If you would like to register to donate cord blood, please speak with your midwife or one of the dedicated cord blood collectors at King’s College Hospital. Find out more about Anthony Nolan’s Cord blood programme and their lifesaving work. If you have any questions about cord blood donation, please get in touch with the team at Anthony Nolan: Cord.Collection@anthonynolan.org After the birth (postnatal) If everything with your birth has been uncomplicated we encourage you to go home within a few hours. You can contact the maternity unit at any time day or night if you have any concerns. If you or your baby needs to stay in hospital for additional care you will be transferred to William Gilliatt postnatal ward for the remainder of your stay. This ward contains four-bedded bays and shared bathrooms. You and your baby room in together and birth partners are able to visit 24 hours a day. Going home Our care does not stop once you are at home. When you leave King’s you should have a visit from your community midwife within 24 hours. They will plan visits with you over the next 10 days. If you live outside King’s area your details will be passed to your local community midwives who will take over your care. If you would like support with breastfeeding, we have specialist infant feeding midwives who offer virtual workshops and in-person support via referral from your community midwife. Get involved If you'd like to help us improve our maternity services for parents and babies, join the King’s Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP). Feedback Friends and Family You can tell us what you did and didn’t like about your care by completing the Friends and Family feedback form, it only takes a couple of minutes and you can comment on your antenatal, birth and postnatal ward or postnatal community care. PALS The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a service that offers support, information and assistance to patients, relatives and visitors. They can also provide help and advice if you have a concern or complaint that staff have not been able to resolve for you.

Floreo Associates

floreo associates



Floreo Associates [https://www.floreophlebotomy.co.uk/] was founded by a team with over 30 years of shared experience in Further Education, Vocational Training and International Consultancy. The company provides human capital development services for domestic and overseas clients with a variety of backgrounds and upcoming professional challenges.  This often includes, but is not limited to, group training of individuals from private and public sector settings who play an important role in the national development of human capital and institutional capacity. Floreo engages closely with a wide network of UK-based consultants, independent trainers and HR institutions to develop training solutions for both institutional and individual clients. Our projects cover the design and delivery of bespoke programmes matching specific requirements, as well as off-the-shelf courses in practical, contemporary and economically-relevant skill areas. As a field in which human capital and professional expertise have particularly important communal consequences, healthcare is one of Floreo’s key training areas. Here our aims are to deliver programmes in vital practical proficiencies for which there are skill-shortages and an underprovision or lack of accessibility to training for those outside of a public healthcare system. Our phlebotomy courses are directed by Dr R. Khalil MMed FAMS FRCOG [http://www.floreo.co.uk/team], Principal Consultant for Medicine, Healthcare & Clinical Skills at Floreo Associates. In addition to a prolific research career and numerous leadership roles within the NHS, Dr Khalil has extensive experience in healthcare training and has been involved for many years in the teaching and training of doctors, nurses and other allied health professionals in the UK and overseas. WHAT WE DO Our company staff and sector-specific consultants come together to deliver bespoke and off-the-shelf vocational training programmes. We support clients in becoming active contributors to the development of local and national human capital. WHO WE WORK WITH Collaborating with a range of government entities, multinational corporations, charitable bodies and aspiring individuals from around the world, we provide clients with access to the latest vocational expertise across multiple training areas. WHERE WE WANT TO BE Our work remains grounded in far-reaching optimism. Whether seeking to promote personal, organisational or national prosperity, we team up with clients in the hope of preparing them to navigate their own path to a brighter future.




EVULVA is a health literacy platform used to promote education about vulvovaginal health and care at key intervention points. These stages include pre-puberty, puberty, fertility and family planning, peri-/menopause, and post-menopause. We are aiming to develop content that is customized to each user’s literacy level and to present information in a way that is culturally affirming, trans/queer-inclusive, and 100% FREE. 6/10 adults in the UK are unable to understand and act on health information Health literacy costs America an estimated 238 billion dollars annually and the economic health costs of poor health literacy in England is crudely estimated to be 4.95 billion annually. Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic/ Black and Indigenous People of Colour (BAME/BIPOC), trans/queer and other marginalized groups are disproportionately represented in these numbers, making this a human rights and public health issue. EVULVA is designed to improve health literacy and reduce these health inequalities through evidence-based research and the support of BAME/BIPOC community leaders and allied health professionals focusing on needs specific to culturally diverse groups. There are more than 5.8 million results when you type ‘vulvovaginal health’ into google. Some websites will have information that is too difficult for the reader to consume while others will underrepresent cultures, isolating people from obtaining life-saving information about their body. More than 4 in 10 adults in the UK struggle with health content. That number raises to 6 in 10 adults when numbers and statistics are added to health content. Many websites hypersexualise BAME/BIPOC groups adding another level of stress and deleteriously adding to decreased mental wellness around vulvovaginal health concern





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