6167 Educators providing Courses

West Coventry Academy

west coventry academy


In practice, this means that we expect students, staff, parents and governors to model these core values. Student Expectations Respectful Students show respect for themselves, their peers, staff and the community. Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Listen and respect other people’s views Have respect for the school site and learning environment Have a healthy, active and proactive lifestyle, with self-respect and self-discipline Recognition that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Students are responsible for their own behaviour and their consequences. Students are responsible for their own learning Students are responsible for wearing the correct uniform, bringing the correct books and equipment to school. Students are responsible to complete their work (including homework) Students are responsible to attend/complete any sanctions issued due to inappropriate behaviour or missed work. Students are responsible to report any inappropriate behaviour to an appropriate adult Resilient Students become more resilient when they realise that it is important to make mistakes and learn from them When finding work difficult, students should not just give up Re-read the work, look at previous work, have another go! Only ask for help when the above has been done Have high expectations of yourself Learn from experiences, in order to become stronger and better at tackling the next challenge Ready to Learn Students attend school in correct uniform, on time and with the correct equipment books Be punctual for all lessons, enter rooms calmly, take out equipment and start the Do Now in silence Make sure all home and prior learning tasks have been completed Have the right attitude to learn and actively engage in lessons Staff Expectations Respectful Staff model respectful behaviour to promote a culture of mutual respect Communicate with others in a calm and respectful manner Feedback on work respectfully, showing students that their work and effort has been valued. Show respect through being fair and consistent when dealing with students Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Staff are responsible for creating a positive and calm learning environment Teachers are responsible for delivering well planned and meaningful learning experiences Teachers understand the responsibility of their role as a tutor Staff understand the responsibility of working in a school Staff are responsible for modelling expectations Staff are responsible for challenging poor behaviour and uphold school policies consistently. Resilient Support the whole school community to build resilience Identify vulnerable students that may have barriers to learning, support them in reducing barriers and equip them with the skills to build their resilience Praise student’s efforts Teach students that we learn from make mistakes Be open and flexible to new initiatives Develop a Growth Mindset Ready to Learn Ensure lessons are well planned and have impact for all students Ensure you are punctual to lessons and greet the students in a positive way Ensure school rules are applied consistently and fairly Listen to student concerns and help students overcome barriers to learning Empower students to become independent learners Parent Expectations Respectful Promote respectful behaviour within their families Communicate with the school in a calm and respectful manner Respect that all school decisions they are made with best interests of the students Respect the school rules and explain to their child the importance of them Respect the importance of education and teach their child the value of it Promote that respect for effort brings reward Responsible Parents are responsible for their child’s attendance and behaviour Parents are responsible to ensure their child is kept safe and well. Parents are responsible to ensure their child has the correct uniform and equipment. Parents are responsible for communicating with the school to flag any issues that may affect their child’s learning. Parents are responsible challenge poor behaviour and celebrate success Resilient Build up their child’s resilience through supporting them emotionally and helping them to show determination in the face of adversity Promote the importance of “Learning from mistakes” Demonstrate a positive attitude about education and their child Praise their child’s efforts and not just their academic achievements Ready to Learn Ensure their child attends school on time, in the correct uniform and with the right books/equipment Support their child with their learning Develop a partnership with the school Keep track of their child’s homework and behaviour by accessing classcharts regularly Encourage their child to read and to become an independent learner

Sophro By Nature

sophro by nature

I'm a mum of two, and a certified Relaxation & Sophrology Therapist based in Kings Heath and Stirchley in Birmingham, UK -consulting online and in-person, in French and English, for stress & anxiety management, pregnancy and birth preparation, children, sleep issues, mindset coaching and self-development, and life transitions and challenges. ‍ My Approach ‍ Sophro by Nature was born from my passion for People and Nature, and my desire to promote a healthier and deeper connection between our body and mind, and the world around us. Sophro comes from the Greek "Sos" and "Phren" meaning awareness/balance of the Body-mind connection, and "by Nature" refers to the fact that this connection/awareness is natural - but with life's busyness we tend to forget about it. It also refers to my passion for bringing therapy to the outdoors. ‍ I use relaxation therapy along a holistic therapeutic method - called sophrology - that combines classic relaxation techniques with mindset coaching, and which blends the best of Western science (hypnotherapy, positive & behavioural psychology, relaxation techniques, guided imagery, counselling skills) and Eastern traditions (mindfulness, yoga, breathing, visualisation, meditation) to balance the body-mind connection and provide a more serene approach to life challenges. (see FAQ for more info on Sophrology). ‍ All the techniques I use are advocated for by the NHS on their website and have been shown to be effective by research studies - my own background is grounded in science with a (honour) MSc in Environmental Studies and Ecotourism from Edinburgh Napier University. I've also spent over 400 hours in training and supervised therapy for two years in a state-accredited school in France to become a Relaxation and Sophrology Therapist :) ‍ About Me After I became a mum for the first time in the US, I was looking for a new way of being a working mother. When we moved to Luxembourg, I set up a project coming from my heart: working with children and families. This led me to create my own Professional Training Center in Language Development and Nature Education in Luxembourg. Thanks to this experience, I've worked with people of all ages, walks of life, cultures and nationalities - parents and babies, young children with special needs, mums and dads to be, grandparents, language therapists, and early-years educators. ‍ Working with parents and children also naturally led me to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle, general well-being, and stress management. This is what started my life-long mission, and prompted me to train as a Relaxation and Sophrology Therapist: to provide support and ways to alleviate stress-related issues that I witnessed - much too often - in people's daily lives. My own experience living and working in various countries with different cultures expanded my cultural and diversity sensitivity - this is why I chose to specialise in children, families, and especially expatriates/immigrants and Third Culture Kids. What I love most about my work is the flexible and therapeutic nature of the methods I use; one day I can prepare a pregnant mum for birth and dealing with pain and fear, the day after I can help a child deal with stress and anxiety, the next day I can help a client improve sleep issues, and the following day I can provide emotional and pain relief to someone going through chemotherapy... It is never boring and always feels so rewarding! As a holistic practitioner, I enjoy taking into account all aspect of your life(style), so that I can provide tools and techniques to empower but also lead to another way of being yourself - a happier and healthier self :) I've always be a Nature lover (I was a Climbing Instructor and trained in Primitive Skills and Nature Education too), and I combine this important value of mine with relaxation and sophrology when I design sessions for my clients, as I firmly believe that the natural world - our world - is a great source of appeasement. In my spare time, I enjoy running, gardening, spending time in Nature, photography, reading, crafting with my kids, and experimenting with fermented food.

The Community Kitchen

the community kitchen



The Food Partnership was started by local residents in 2003, and our committed team of staff & volunteers deliver a range of food projects which have helped over 15,000 local people learn to cook, grow their own food, eat a healthier diet and waste less. Eating is central to life’s celebrations and memories, and our approach is to use this power of food to bring about change. Much of our work benefits vulnerable adults and people experiencing deprivation, isolation, poor health and other life challenges. Our activities makes lasting changes to habits and behaviours which improve lives. We’re a not-for-profit organisation and we work with a wide range of partners including community organisations, statutory agencies, local businesses and individual residents. Our work has been recognised by independent bodies – most recently awarded ‘Non profit of the year’ 2019 at the Brighton & Hove Business Awards, ‘Team of the Year’ at the Cost Sector Catering Awards 2019 and the ‘Community Benefit Award’ at the 2019 Southeast RICS awards for the build project to create the Community Kitchen. We led Brighton & Hove’s successful submission for ‘Gold Sustainable Food City’ status. We hold the PQASSO Level 2 quality mark, and are proud to be a Living Wage employer. The Food Partnership is grateful to its current funders for supporting this work: the Big Lottery Fund, the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, the Fonthill Foundation, Sussex Community Foundation, Brighton & Hove CCG and Brighton & Hove City Council.