610 Educators providing Courses

Excel in Key Subjects

excel in key subjects


We support parents with aspirations for their teenagers – those who want to gain admission to top universities. We help to improve Exam Grades in Core Academic subjects at GCSE and A-level. On average, our students are performing at around a B grade in school before they join us; within a year, they improve by about two grade points. Our main programmes are: Saturday School during term time and Intensive Revision during school holidays. We also have flexible unit-based learning and the premium Consultation Tuition (one-to-one by a top consultant teacher). At the start of the pandemic, we temporarily moved online but we have now opened our centres again for in-person teaching; however, we still run separate online lessons for those who prefers online. Our centres are now open for in-person teaching at: St James School, Kensington Olympia and Trinity School in East Croydon*. We cover the core academic subjects of Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English at both GCSE and A-level. In addition to all the above, we also provide for Further Maths, Economics, History and Psychology at A-level. At GCSE, we cover Further Maths and all the science options – Triple and Combined (double or trilogy) Our teachers are of the highest quality and we have a proven track record for over 16 years. Excel in Key Subjects consists of a group of fully qualified and highly experienced secondary school teachers. Some teach in the Independent and some in the State sector. Our main objective is to help improve grades. We provide classes in small groups for students aged 13 to 19 on Saturdays. We also have a Revision programmes during School holidays.

I Enable You

i enable you

Are you tired of struggling with something getting in the way of you enjoying life or your career? Do you feel stuck? Feeling stressed or overwhelmed? Then it’s time to be you with a happier head on! You want to get rid of anxiety or a phobia that has been blocking you You want to feel more comfortable and confident with public speaking You know there’s got to be more job or career satisfaction than this You want to do yourself proud in an interview You want to stop self-sabotage and feeling like an imposter You are tired of feeling rubbish at work because… (fill in the blanks!) To Be You At Your Very Best You need your mind in the best place to help you thrive and do things differently which means…. Overcoming limiting beliefs and other blocks that cause anxiety Getting clear on a direction for your career Building on your strengths and using them in better ways Finding ways of being more resilient to handle life’s bumps Improving your mental fitness & wellbeing That’s Where I Can Help Lynne Wilkins, Cognitive Hypnotherapist Hi I’m Lynne I can help you find your way forward with more confidence, self-belief and in much better mental shape so you can make the most of your potential and the opportunities you have. I draw upon over 25 years of helping people who don’t want to settle for less any more. I combine evidence based Cognitive Hypnotherapy to re-programme unhelpful conditioning with career and mental resilience coaching to support your steps forward. I see clients in London EC1 near to Barbican and Old Street as well as in Stevenage and Online. What Would You Like Help With? I want to be free of a block - find out about help to get rid of anxiety and phobias I want to be more confident and present myself better - find out more about support to improve your public speaking I need help with my career direction - find out more about career coaching I want to do better interviews - find out more about interview coaching I want to stop self-sabotage and manage my mind better - find out about mental fitness coaching I would love more resilience to handle challenges I’m facing - find out more about therapy, coaching & workshops to support resilience & wellbeing I want a more confident birth experience - find out more about hypnobirthing Start your change now with a free initial consultation on the phone. You can tell me what's been bothering you and we can discuss how Cognitive Hypnotherapy and/or Coaching can help you unlock your potential and be you with a happier head on. You can take the next step now. Give me a call to find out more if you’re looking to meet a hypnotherapist or coach in London EC1, Stevenage SG1 in Hertfordshire or Online. Disclaimer - please note results can vary from person to person Contact Lynne For an initial phone consultation call 07887 992979 or you can book a time in my diary here - click the date and time you want and follow the prompts to complete What Clients Say “After dealing with years of anxiety, I went to see Lynne to see if she could help. I was almost too nervous to attend the first session, but Lynne made me feel comfortable and relaxed in her presence. The sessions have been incredible in helping me overcome my anxiety. I almost feel like a different person. The advice, techniques and support she provided were the key to greatly helping me overcome the issue. Her patience, empathy and kindness made the sessions pleasant, and I would definitely recommend her” – Undergraduate, Herts READ ALL TESTIMONIALS Latest Blog Win at Interviews by Using Your Mind Better Mar 4, 2022 Win at Interviews by Using Your Mind Better

dbb coaching

dbb coaching

Rediscover your strengths and find the fulfilment and freedom you deserve Life is busy. You have a busy career and a lack of passion has crept in to your daily routine or you just don't feel fulfilled in what you are doing. It may be impacting your wellbeing, your work performance and your relationships and you are feeling stuck? Many of us are at crossroads in our career or emotional life? We can feel lost, unsure, ambivalent, or unhappy at times and burnt out with our job. As a Fulfilment Coach, I can help you understand and rediscover your strengths so you can find the career you want and the life of fulfilment you want to lead & deserve. I will help you find what you want to do and how to achieve it successfully. I believe that all of us have the strength not just to survive, but to truly thrive in our career and life overall . ABOUT ME Hi. I'm David, personal & professional qualified coach - here to help you find meaning, fulfilment and freedom in your life and career! I love helping individuals find their goals and then go and achieve them so that they grow in their career and find fulfilment. We have one life. Happiness and fulfilment are all about aligning the three facets in your life - self, relationships and work. I worked as a sales leader in corporate, tech and startup sales for 20 years and was very successful! Then through a mixture of wanting to be a better husband, Dad and friend; then losing 2 jobs in 15 months in a global pandemic, I rediscovered my strengths - a passionate curiosity and ability in helping people. Coaching can be tranformative and can enable us to live the life we really want. We can absolutely be happy and have the life we want! If you are ready to grow and go on that journey, then I can help you find the fulfilment and happiness for which you strive for in life and work. Here's how: ℹ️We DELIVER tailored 1:1 coaching packages that are focused on your unique challenges Through proven techniques and tools we HELP you go from surviving mode to thriving in your life and career by helping you discover your strengths and working with you to achieve the goals you need to reach to lead a fulfilled and happy life. We SUPPORT you throughout the program so you are in control of the changes you want to make ⬇️ Interested in learning about how we help? ⬇️ Email me on: david@dbbcoaching.com or BOOK TIME IN MY DIARY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION - https://calendly.com/dbbcoaching/intro Get in Touch Book a free consultation THE MENU TO MAKE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE Get back that feeling of fulfilment THE STARTER 60 minute 1:1 starter session to focus on you and one specific problem you are currently feeling - be it in your life or career. Using proven coaching techniques, we will explore the issue and together work on a plan so you leave feeling revitalised with some clear actions to move forward Studying at Home Image by Denys Nevozhai THE MAIN COURSE A 3-month opportunity to transform how you feel about yourself and make the changes to rediscover YOU. Invest in yourself and transform your life so you get your passion back for life and find the fulfilment and freedom you desire, be it at home or for your career. What's included: - 6 x 60 min 1:1 coaching sessions that works around your busy schedule - We will identify the areas of your life and career where you want to see improvement - Address those limiting beliefs and understand why you feel the way you do - Discover your strengths and align those to your career - Unlimited support via Whatsapp / Email and phone during the 3 months

Sport Northern Ireland

sport northern ireland



Sport Northern Ireland is the leading public body for the development of sport in Northern Ireland. We distribute funds on behalf of the Exchequer and on behalf of The National Lottery. Our vision is: Northern Ireland: renowned as a place where people enjoy, engage and excel in sport Our mission is: To lead sports development at all levels producing more participants and more winners Our Strategic Objectives are: Sporting Communities: To increase and support the number of people adopting and sustaining a sporting lifestyle Sporting Clubs: To enable more people to reach their sporting goals through a structured environment Sporting Winners: To help more Northern Ireland Athletes to win at the highest level Sport Northern Ireland remains clear that the values and cultures of an organisation drives its commitment to excellence and our values and principles set out our commitment to providing people in Northern Ireland with world class sporting experiences. In consultation with our partners and staff, we have developed a Values and Principles Framework that will guide how we work to achieve our Corporate Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives: Leadership: Being strategic and using our resources and expertise to achieve the maximum impact Creativity: Pushing boundaries and being flexible and innovative in our approach Teamwork: Ensuring genuine collaboration and partnerships and embracing the contribution of others Excellence: Providing an outstanding service for all Integrity: Being accountable, transparent, honest and fair Sport Northern Ireland is based at the House of Sport in Belfast, and operates a National Outdoor Training Centre at the base of the Mourne Mountains – Tollymore National Outdoor Centre. Sport Northern Ireland also manage the Sport Northern Ireland’s Sports Institute (SNISI),which is the High Performance Arm of Sport Northern Ireland based at the Jordanstown campus of the University of Ulster. SINI prepares Northern Ireland’s best athletes to perform on the world stage by providing an environment that nurtures elite athletes and coaches.




Welcome to my journey of how to Teach Me Islam came to launch.  Assalamu Alaykum,  My name is Nabeela, CEO of TEACHMEISLAMAPP.  I hold a Masters’s equivalent degree in Islamic Theology and Jurisprudence. I am also a qualified Early Years Educator. With 9 years+ of solid experience in Education. Since then, I am now also a qualified Business Analyst. With 9 years of experience on my side, I have become aware of this untapped potential for the facility that was missing within our community. I realised that the demand for qualitative Islamic teaching with progressive results for parents and students is high. It has been my dream to scale out, unite and build a limitless platform, bringing different social groups together, no matter the age, gender, religion or background.  Teach Me Islam is the first of it's kind, an award winning pioneering virtual organisation. An easy and accessible online platform and application that is designed to offer you the flexibility to book high-quality Islamic private tuition lessons from the comfort of your home. Delivered to you by British-educated, security-assured DBS-verified, rightly qualified Islamic tutors who nurture our students through their programme that transforms our student's lives spiritually.  We use a revolutionary three-tier programme steeped in rich Islamic history from Arabic comprehension of the Holy Quran to the teachings of the Prophets and their noble companions. Enjoy interactive and highly-organised lessons through our easy-to-use platform, in a digestible style designed to build confidence and help you or your loved ones learn in a coherent way that is both effective with long-term practical results in our student's lifestyles. Suitable for adults and children, both men and women.  Learn through interactive online lessons at your pace with friendly and familiar tutors who share similar values and beliefs. Contact us via our contact form on our website for a free phone call consultation for all the details. 

Yorkshire & Humberside Federation of Museums and Galleries

yorkshire & humberside federation of museums and galleries


Founded in 1931, the Yorkshire and Humberside Federation of Museums and Galleries was one of the first regional federations to be established. It is the only dedicated membership organisation for people working in or for the benefit of Museums and Galleries in the region. It exists to represent, support and develop its members through regular meetings, newsletters, training, consultation and lobbying. How We Work The Fed is a membership organisation run by you, for you! The Fed is administered by an Executive Committee made up from its membership, and elected by you, the members, at the AGM. The Executive Committee reports back to the membership via quarterly meetings, which are open to all. The Fed is only as active as its members. The Committee is open to all and we are very keen for members to express an interest in joining the Committee to keep a flow of new ideas coursing through the organisation! Mission & Values “Assist with the development of excellent museums and galleries in Yorkshire and the Humber through the continuous development of museum workers.” Our Objectives: To be known as an organisation that delivers excellent networking opportunities museums training sector-specific information CPD opportunities To be highly regarded as an effective champion for: the museum and galleries and their workers in the region partnership working both regionally and nationally Our Values Democratic – the Fed is a membership organisation run by you, for you Inclusive – the Fed is where smaller museums and junior members have as much say as larger museums and senior members Continuity – the Fed has been here for over 70 years, a source of stability in a rapidly changing world Friendly – the Fed is the networking organisation par excellence and goes out of its way to make everyone feel welcome Partnership – the Fed believes we are stronger if we work together and actively promote partnerships, regionally and nationally Development – the Fed believes in the continuing development both of itself and its members

Open Life Science

open life science

o illustrate the OLS journey, we use a persona/story of Joy, a mentee participating in the program, and Sam, their mentor, as they progress through their open science training. Joy will provide an outline of a project in their application that they will develop in the program. Additionally, they will indicate their interests in learning particular aspects of Open Science and research. Sam will register as a mentor and list their expertise that they would like to share with their mentee. After the selection process, they will be involved in the following steps of this program: Based on their common interests, they will be introduced to each other as suitable mentee and mentor They will meet every 2nd week on mentee-mentor calls (around 30 minutes). Sam will help Joy evaluate their understanding of the new topics introduced in the program, and guide their progress by providing constructive feedback. Joy will be given assignments before these calls to help them apply new skills to their project. When needed, Joy and Sam will connect with other experts to invite consultation on their project. Joy will participate in online training calls and share insights with other participants in the program. In these cohorts calls, they will be introduced to new topics and resources, participate in break-out discussions, and listen to expert talks. Joy will get to know their peers from the cohort during social and co-working calls. They will share their project ideas, learn about others’ projects and discuss assignments. A final graduation call will allow Joy to present their project to other participants and exchange values. Sam will also participate in mentor training calls and attend topic-based discussions with other mentors aimed at enhancing their mentoring skills. A self-evaluation survey, mid-cohort survey and post-cohort survey will help Joy and Sam in positioning their knowledge in open science leadership before, during and after the program.

Luxury Hospitality Cruise Training

luxury hospitality cruise training

Here you will find all blogs related to Luxury Hospitality ManagementTalent Dynamics profile: Dynamo Energy – Creator Strengths of this profile: dynamic, big picture thinker Challenge for this profile: impatient Peter and 7-star hospitality are one and the same. His knowledge, firsthand experience and recognition in delivering and training others to achieve the highest level in service is acclaimed throughout the global luxury hospitality industry. His impressive career of working on board luxury cruise ships and superyachts for more than 20 years speaks for itself. Continually learning and developing his skills as he rose through the ranks, Peter’s time on board evolved from working as a butler and steward to overseeing fleet and event hospitality operations for Ultra High Net Worth Individuals. He has worked for some of the world’s most impressive motor yachts including MY Octopus, MY Lady Moura and MY Tatoosh. Peter has gone on to judge competitions as a panel member for MYBA and worked with the Professional Yachting Association (PYA) and Warsash Maritime Academy. He has also worked closely with the IAMI to create the GUEST program, putting in place maritime industry benchmarks for interior and hospitality standards and training. What sets Peter apart, however, is his business acumen. He is an inspirational leader with a natural affiliation to personal and professional development. Accredited to the Entrepreneurs Institute, he is qualified in commercial Leadership Training including Global Management and Performance Consultation. Peter works with people to identify their greatest strengths, establish balance to guarantee performance and to pinpoint where they naturally excel. Where others shy away from team politics, hierarchy, performance and job satisfaction, Peter sees the uniquely positive challenges they create to implement improvements. Through firsthand experience and qualifications both on board and in business management, he has created an inspirational tool, channel and system for improved hospitality as well as more efficient and productive team performance.