57893 Educators providing Courses

Prima Ultima

prima ultima


Prima Ultima is the official UK distributor for the dermal filler brand Zhoabex which is a product of the Swiss company Rose Pharma that prides itself in developing safe treatments for the professional aesthetic market. Prima Ultima was founded by Lana Quigley a former Lawyer with 20 years of experience in the legal system who saw a gap in the market that required patient safety. ‘I was struck by how many unscrupulous and unlicensed manufacturers and practitioners there are in the industry, selling cheap and unregulated fillers, often without a genuine license. I do not feel that anyone should have to pay too high of a price, both financially and health-wise for simply wanting to look their best. From this, Prima Ultima was created. It is certainly an exciting time to be a part of such an exponentially growing and dynamic industry, and it is my goal that Prima Ultima and the products we bring to market, will become synonymous with quality and innovation, combined with ultimate professionalism and next-to-none customer care’ As a company, Prima Ultima has genuinely invested in supplying high-quality, safe, and fully regulated dermal fillers and aesthetic devices- sourced only from reliable, reputable, and cutting-edge manufacturers. Our mission is to provide a layered approach to facial rejuvenation led by experienced medical trainers with the mission to educate, enable, and empower our medical aesthetic practitioners to positively impact the patient thereby allowing them to feel the best that they can possibly feel. Our products and training are diverse to suit every individual need ensuring full support throughout their journey. We are proud to introduce Zhoabex ultra-pure hyaluronic acid dermal filler that combines three molecular weight formulas and addresses all levels of skin goals. Our hero brand is the Zhoabex Soft Touch, renowned for its 4-point biorevaltisaing , bio-stimulating, and bio-regenerating effects as well as restoring volume. We are excited to have you on board.

Silverstone Utc

silverstone utc


I hope you and your family managed to have a relaxing summer and enjoyed the sunshine. Now that all of our students are back in school, I just wanted to introduce myself as the new Principal and to introduce you to my two new Deputies. I also wanted to take this opportunity to provide you with some updates on what lies ahead for Silverstone UTC. After 19 years in teaching, mostly at senior levels in a pastoral capacity, I take over the helm of the UTC at a very exciting time. This year’s KS4 admissions were the best ever and we currently have a waiting list of over fifty students wishing to join Year 10. Year 12 recruitment was very pleasing, with numbers up and the academic calibre of the intake being a testament to their hard work in their GCSE examinations. It is always so inspiring when young people rise to a challenge. With this year being the first year of formal KS4 examination since Covid, it is heartening to see how many have secured the GCSEs needed to take them onto their next steps. Both new year groups have made an excellent start and they and their Parents/Carers should be rightly proud. It is now vital that our students maintain that positivity and that they work alongside teaching staff to maximise their potential. With regard to the students who will be starting their final years in KS4 and KS5, I am confident that they are now entering those years better prepared for what lies ahead as the shadow of Covid appears to have lifted. Our job, alongside these students, is to ensure that we work hard to secure for them the academic success that will allow them to fulfil their future dreams and aspirations. The importance of maintaining strong academic outcomes and supporting these students is borne out by the destinations for this year’s leavers. Many secured jobs in organisations like BAE, Mercedes AMG, Boeing, Roll Royce, Scania, Torque Motorsport, DB Automotive and the Armed Forces whilst others went on to colleges and university to study a range of subjects such as Architecture, Finance, Automotive and Civil Engineering, Marketing and Renewable Technologies. In 2021 none of our students (by choice) were without opportunities in education, employment and training and it would appear, given early indications, that this is going to be the same for this year’s leavers. What an excellent outcome for our young people. It reflects the fact that students who attend the UTC are seen by many employers, outside agencies and educational institutions as much more work-ready than those from other educational establishments. The ethos of work-readiness and of developing the personal qualities of our students so they can flourish in their next stage is a core theme that is going to underpin the excellent educational opportunities that all the staff in the UTC will strive to provide for your sons and daughters. We are current fully staffed and my new deputies bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that will strengthen the Senior Leadership Team immensely. Mrs Angela Murphy is the Deputy for Curriculum and Achievement. She comes from Lord Grey and has been pivotal in securing them a good outcome in their recent inspection. Her reputation for expecting high standards in curriculum delivery and maximising achievement will, I am sure, lead to greater effectiveness of teachers and greater academic understanding for your sons and daughters. She will work alongside our Assistant Principal, Mr Simon Hollies, who brings a broad and in-depth understating of academic theories related to improving the quality of teaching and Learning. Between them and the staff at the UTC, I am wholly confident that best practise in the class will be the norm for all. My other new deputy, Mr William Jakeman, joins us as Head of Pastoral Care, which includes behaviour and safeguarding. Mr Jakeman has had many years’ experience in this role at the most senior levels and has a reputation of upholding the highest standards, whilst underpinning his expectations with a fairness, kindness and compassionate rigour that is respected by students who know he has their best interest at heart. It is also important to me and my team that wellbeing needs of SEN(D) and disadvantages are met as best as we can and to that end, this year, I have appointed a SEN(D) Teaching and Learning Lead (Ms Jessica Dixon) who will work alongside our SENCO (Ms Christie Norris) and our very talented Teaching Assistants (Mrs Lauren Leeson and Mrs Jessica Ryzman). Ms Dixon’s focus will be to ensure that the specific needs of SEN(D) students in the class are being met and that these students and their parents/carers have an advocate who will work alongside them to ensure the best educational experience for their sons and daughters. As a teacher of many years, she brings to the role a clear understanding of what has to be achieved and I have every confidence in her ability to make good things happen for students in her care. Finally, I have the privileged task of guiding the long term future of the UTC towards a Multi-Academic Trust (MAT). In aiming to join a Trust in September 2023, we will seek to ensure that Silverstone UTC has the best opportunities to share with other schools the best academic and well-being expertise, fiscal security, strength and depths in a wider curriculum that will benefit our students and staff and in so doing, further strengthen the already great position in which we find ourselves today. As that process continues, I will be updating all those involved but I start the journey excited by the great benefits that being part of a MAT will bring to the UTC, our staff and most importantly your sons and daughters. I end by thanking everyone involved in the UTC for the start made this term. I offer my assurances that I will work hard to guide the UTC in the best way possible and with such great students, supportive Parents/Carers and talented staff, I am confident that the future for Silverstone is a positive one for all involved. My best wishes, John Principal

Motivation Matters

motivation matters

Transformational leadership is a leadership style that inspires and motivates followers to achieve extraordinary results. It is based on the idea that leaders can change the way their followers think and feel, which in turn can lead to changes in behaviour and performance. Transformational leaders are able to do this by providing a clear vision, inspiring their followers to share that vision, and providing the support and resources necessary to achieve it. They also create a positive and motivating work environment, where employees feel valued and respected. There are many benefits to transformational leadership. For businesses, it can lead to improved performance, higher productivity, and increased profits. It can also create a better place to work, where employees are more engaged and satisfied. One study* found that transformational leadership was associated with a 14% increase in employee productivity. Another study found that transformational leadership was associated with a 27% increase in employee satisfaction. My own experience is that increased productivity is not a once only event, but rather an annual increase. This comes from a Co-Creative leadership style. Transformational leadership is not without its challenges, however. It requires a high level of emotional intelligence and self-awareness on the part of the leader. It also requires a willingness to delegate and empower followers. Overall, transformational leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of businesses and the lives of employees. If you are looking to improve your business, consider adopting a transformational leadership style. Here are some tips for implementing transformational leadership in your business: CREATE A CLEAR VISION. The first step in transformational leadership is to create a clear vision for your business. This vision should be something that your employees can believe in and that they are willing to work towards. INSPIRE YOUR FOLLOWERS. Once you have a clear vision, you need to inspire your followers to share that vision. This can be done by communicating your vision in a clear and concise way, and by providing evidence that your vision is achievable. PROVIDE THE SUPPORT AND RESOURCES NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE YOUR VISION. Once you have inspired your followers, you need to provide them with the support and resources they need to achieve your vision. This includes providing training, development opportunities, and the necessary tools and equipment. CREATE A POSITIVE AND MOTIVATING WORK ENVIRONMENT. A positive and motivating work environment is essential for transformational leadership. This means creating a culture of trust, respect, and collaboration. It also means providing employees with opportunities for growth and development. BE A ROLE MODEL. AS A TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADER, YOU NEED TO BE A ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR EMPLOYEES. This means setting a good example and demonstrating the behaviours that you want to see in your followers. Transformational leadership is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the performance of businesses and the lives of employees. If you are looking to improve your business, consider adopting a transformational leadership style. *Citation: Transformational and charismatic leadership: Assessing the convergent, divergent and criterion validity of the MLQ and the CKS The Leadership Quarterly [https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-leadership-quarterly], Volume 18, Issue 2 [https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/the-leadership-quarterly/vol/18/issue/2], April 2007, Pages 121-133 Jens Rowold, Kathrin Heinitz,

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Center

t'ai chi ch'uan center

In Memoriam - Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching 1939 - 2022 The Rochester Tai Chi Chuan Center and the Rochester Ling Yun Pai wish to express their heartfelt condolences to the Family of GM Chen Yun Ching, and to the Chen Pan Ling World Family. His instruction and experience in the Chen Pan Ling Legacy that he passed on to us will always be treasured, and continued. Chen Pan-ling T'ai Chi Ch'uan Long Form The Chen Pan-ling style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan is a composite of the Yang, Wu, and Chen styles. It was developed by a World War II era committee of top martial artists commissioned by the Chinese Nationalist Government. Chiefly promoted by Chen Pan-ling, this style has been recognized with his name. This style of T'ai Chi has borrowed several elements from other styles making it a more energetic form by utilizing a greater range of motion of the body. It promotes health and relaxation, as well as the connections that make T'ai Chi an internal martial art. The Chen Pan-ling style 99 posture long form is suitable for all student levels. Chen Pan-ling Legacy Arts Shaolin empty hand forms, Core Bagua, and Hsing-I drills are covered. Warm up exercises include Chinese traditional health exercises and stretches, and Qigong. This class is for those of Intermediate to Advanced level and ability. Grandmaster William C.C. Chen Yang Style 60 Posture Form Grandmaster William C.C. Chen has been described as a teacher's teacher. Quiet, gentle, and supportive, he is none-the-less knowledgeable and perceptive in his teachings and evaluation on what people need. Grandmaster Chen's 60 movement form is based on the Yang style. It provides people with the necessary motions and movements to allow them to experience the relaxed aspects of T'ai Chi Ch'uan as well as the connections that make T'ai Chi a powerful art. Classes are arranged to accommodate the beginner, (the first 20 movements), and the more advanced practitioner, (the complete 60 movement form). Grandmaster William C.C. Chen FUNdamental Principles & Postures This class will focus on the fundamental principles of T'ai Chi by repetitive practice of individual postures. T’ai Chi Ch'uan forms consist of a sequence of various postures regardless of the style. The postures were developed to teach different martial applications based upon fundamental principles of T'ai Chi. The principles taught will follow the William C.C. Chen method and cover the postures included in the William C.C. Chen short form. Emphasis will be placed on performing postures from both the left and right (mirror image). The class is open to beginning and advanced students. Grandmaster William C.C. Chen’s exploring T”ai Chi Ch’uan from the inside out. Grandmaster William C.C. Chen is constantly refining and thinking about better ways to convey his ideas about T'ai Chi Ch'uan. We will be exploring beyond basic body mechanics, to a better understanding of the internal feelings of making a shape. Looking inward, internal energy, staying rooted, the role of fingers and toes, and so much more! Grandmaster William C.C. Chen Yang Style Long Form - 132 postures The Yang Style Long Form is a direct descendant of the soft style Tai Chi form developed by Yang Chengfu (1883 - 1936), who trained Professor Cheng Man-Ching (1902 - 1975), who in turn trained Grandmaster William C. C. Chen (1933 - ). The Yang-style traces its roots to Yang Luchan (1799 - 1872). If you have completed Master Chen’s 1-60 Form and are looking to expand it, this is the next step. Cheng Hsin Mini set - Postures and Principles This is an introduction to Peter Ralston’s 7 posture points and 5 principles using his 12 posture mini set. The mini set is actually 24 postures as it is practiced in both the original and mirror image orientations. Cheng Hsin Pushing Hands This is a class in the application of T'ai Chi Ch'uan in a non-threatening manner. Two people work together to explore the movements which help the body, mind, and spirit, as well as gain insight into the martial aspect of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Students of either T'ai Chi styles are welcome to this class. It is insightful when the two styles meet. Sun T'ai Chi Ch'uan The Traditional Sun style long form as passed down to us by Tim Cartmell, taught to him by Sun Lu Tang’s daughter, Sun Jian Yun. Taiji for Meditation - Da Liu's Modified Yang Form We will use Master Da Liu’s modified Yang style Taijiquan Form with its gentle flowing movements, deep breathing and relaxed awareness, to quiet the body and mind, to reduce distraction, and to balance inner and outer awareness. Principles will also be covered to refine the Form and develop the internal aspects. The Form will be a vehicle for “mindfulness in motion” in order to achieve a calm meditative spirit, good health, and longevity. Warm up exercises include stretches, Qigong. This class suitable for all student levels. Balance and Leg Strength Training In this class we will work to improve our balance and leg strength, by using static and dynamic postures, and short sequences, drawn from some of the Qigong, Taijiquan, and Kuo Shu sets that have long been a part of our curriculum at the Rochester Tai Chi Chuan Center. Whether you want to improve your Internal Arts practice, or just want to age gracefully and prevent falls, this class is for Intermediate level and ability, but is open to all. Qigong An ongoing relaxation course, this is a Qigong workout for healing (sitting, standing and movement meditation for health and well-being). The goal is to sample methods to build into your daily health practices. Liangong RTCCC has used the 18 exercises of Series 1 of the Liangong health system for many years as a warm-up during tai chi classes. This class combines refinement of the Series 1 exercises with exploration of the additional exercises in Liangong Series 2 and 3. Proper form, the specific Liangong breathing technique, the coordination of movement and breathing, and the development of ‘internal stretch’ will be emphasized. T’ai Chi Principles We use the Simplified Taiji 24 posture Form and our Four/Eight Direction Form, to work on classic principles as defined by T'ai Chi classic writings. This course is for those of Intermediate level and a good pre-cursor to push hands and a prerequisite for long forms. Workshops The Center also offers regular workshops with many renowned instructors in the pursuit of excellence in the art of T'ai Chi and other internal arts.