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Kings College Hospital Maternity

kings college hospital maternity


We are a leading London maternity hospital and care for more than 8,000 pregnant women and birthing people and their babies each year. We provide all aspects of obstetric and midwifery care, from before conception and before birth (antenatal) to birth and after delivery (postnatal). The majority of pregnant women and people will be cared for by our expert team of midwives who are experienced in supporting those with uncomplicated pregnancies and births. When your circumstances are more complex, our specialist obstetric doctors and allied health professionals will work alongside your midwife to give you the care and support your need to have a safe and satisfying birth. You will have your own ideas about how you would like your baby to be born – whether at home or in hospital – and we do our best to help you to achieve this. We have obstetric-led birthing rooms, midwife-led birth suites with birth pools, obstetric theatres for both planned and emergency caesareans, and a homebirth service. Are you pregnant and want to have your baby with King's? You do not have to see your GP before contacting us. Please complete the King's College Hospital antenatal self-referral form to refer yourself and send to kch-tr.antenatalreferral@nhs.net. We will then email you with a reference number to confirm we have received your referral. Your first appointments with the midwife and scanning team will be sent to you either via post or email. Please note we may contact and share information with other health professionals as required. We see pregnant women and people who live in the below postcode areas in Lambeth, Southwark, and Lewisham. Referrals from those who live outside this catchment area will also be considered: SW2, SW4, SW8, SW9, SW16 SE1, SE4, SE5, SE11, SE14, SE15, SE16, SE17, SE19, SE21, SE22, SE23, SE24, SE25, SE26, SE27 CR7 Antenatal care (before the birth) This is provided by the midwifery team caring for women and pregnant people in your local area, alongside your GP or obstetrician. During your pregnancy, you will have regular appointments to make sure you and your baby are well. You will be offered routine health checks such as blood tests and other screenings, you can read more about the different scans, tests and antenatal care you can expect on the NHS website. Your screening choices are explained in this screening information leaflet, which is produced by Public Health England and available in several languages. We also provide care if screening finds you have an infectious disease, including Hepatitis B, HIV or syphilis. Badger Notes You can access your pregnancy notes and leaflets via the Badger Notes website or app. Your account will be activated after your first midwife appointment. You can use the digital maternity notes platform to communicate with your care team and we recommend you use the ‘Conversations’ option to share your birth preferences with us before your birth. Your midwife can help you with this. Clinic and scan locations Read your appointment letter carefully to see where to go for your appointments, because these are held at a variety of locations. This includes children’s centres, GP and health centres, and a number of buildings on the King's site, including Stork on the Hill, Midwives House and the Community Midwives Centre. Ultrasound (nuchal) scans take place in the Harris Birthright Centre, in the Fetal Medicine Research Institute. Buildings on the hospital site are shown on the King's campus map. Parent education classes We offer a range of online workshops to help prepare you for birth and baby. Join the 'Welcome to King’s Maternity' workshop in your first trimester to learn more about how to stay healthy in pregnancy, the services we offer, and other workshops that may be suitable for you. To sign up to a workshop, go to our parent education Eventbrite page. Email kch-tr.parenteducation@nhs.net for more information. Urgent advice If you need urgent advice and are: pregnant and currently receiving care at King's; have just given birth at King's; or have had a home birth with King's: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Telephone Assessment Line +44 (0)20 3299 8389 Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm: contact the midwifery team leading your care Out of hours: contact the Nightingale Birth Centre. Where to give birth You can choose to give birth: in the Nightingale Birth Centre at King’s at home with the help of our community-based midwives, if you live in King’s catchment area. Our Maternity Department is on the third and fourth floors of the Golden Jubilee Wing and includes the Nightingale Birth Centre. Our facilities include 10 labour rooms, operating theatres, recovery rooms and a high dependency unit (HDU). Midwife-led birthing suite You have the choice of two midwife-led birthing rooms, each with a birthing pool and their own shower and toilet, where we have created a ‘home from home’ feel for your birth environment. Homebirth Our home birth midwife team (called Phoenix) provide a home birth service within the King’s catchment area. If you are interested in this option, indicate this on your antenatal self-referral form, or contact your community midwife. We will support women and birthing people to make informed choices about where they would like to birth their babies. There may be instances when a home birth might not be recommended, and your midwife or doctor can discuss these with you. Neonatal Unit Babies who need special care are looked after in the Neonatal Unit by our specialist team, it is located opposite Nightingale Birth Centre on the fourth floor of Golden Jubilee Wing. Anthony Nolan umbilical cord blood donation If you give birth at King’s College Hospital, you can help save the life of someone with blood cancer by donating your umbilical cord blood to the Anthony Nolan Cord Blood Programme after you give birth. We are one of five hospitals in the UK where women can donate their umbilical cords. Please watch this short animation about donating your cord blood. If you would like to register to donate cord blood, please speak with your midwife or one of the dedicated cord blood collectors at King’s College Hospital. Find out more about Anthony Nolan’s Cord blood programme and their lifesaving work. If you have any questions about cord blood donation, please get in touch with the team at Anthony Nolan: Cord.Collection@anthonynolan.org After the birth (postnatal) If everything with your birth has been uncomplicated we encourage you to go home within a few hours. You can contact the maternity unit at any time day or night if you have any concerns. If you or your baby needs to stay in hospital for additional care you will be transferred to William Gilliatt postnatal ward for the remainder of your stay. This ward contains four-bedded bays and shared bathrooms. You and your baby room in together and birth partners are able to visit 24 hours a day. Going home Our care does not stop once you are at home. When you leave King’s you should have a visit from your community midwife within 24 hours. They will plan visits with you over the next 10 days. If you live outside King’s area your details will be passed to your local community midwives who will take over your care. If you would like support with breastfeeding, we have specialist infant feeding midwives who offer virtual workshops and in-person support via referral from your community midwife. Get involved If you'd like to help us improve our maternity services for parents and babies, join the King’s Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP). Feedback Friends and Family You can tell us what you did and didn’t like about your care by completing the Friends and Family feedback form, it only takes a couple of minutes and you can comment on your antenatal, birth and postnatal ward or postnatal community care. PALS The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a service that offers support, information and assistance to patients, relatives and visitors. They can also provide help and advice if you have a concern or complaint that staff have not been able to resolve for you.

Act Fast Nl

act fast nl


Act Fast is a well-established Independent School near Scunthorpe in North Lincolnshire. Act Fast has grown organically as the need for a high standard of provision has emerged and developed. The premise of Act Fast’s provision is that we are promoting the value of education to previously disaffected young people. what we do We operate a bespoke curriculum at Act Fast, which is both written and delivered by in house staff and is in line with the DfE Independent Schools Standards. We overtly deliver lessons in the following subject areas: Maths up to Functional Skills level 2 standard English up to Functional Skills level 2 standard Motor Vehicle Technology with the Institute of the Motor Industry up to level 2 standard PSHE (Including RSE) against a verified and recognised scheme Motocross, delivered by qualified and experienced staff Physical Education through a range of on-site and off-site activities. Art/Crafts Music Further to this, lessons in the following subject areas are delivered as embedded features of the timetabled lessons. Human and Social Understanding Aesthetic and Creative Scientific Technological British Values Our learners know if they work hard, they are awarded by riding the motorcycles here at Act Fast. This has proven to be successful, helping young adults to achieve their qualifications and have a positive attitude towards learning. Curriculum Act Fast has made a commitment to give every young person who is capable of the opportunity to reintegrate and to take a range of exams. For those subjects that Act Fast does not currently deliver, as we develop learners opportunities will increase. We are an accredited exam centre through OCR, NCFE, ABC, D of E, and when required will extend this to meet the needs of our learners. Our curriculum also enables and encourages learners to develop their interests and talents. We have a number of students here who have found their passion for music, learning how to play the guitar, as well as a large number of young, talented motorbike riders who love learning about riding, fixing and maintaining the bikes. It’s important to us to support our learners in keeping them physically and mentally healthy. We have access to: Mental Health Champions, outreach support and therapeutic counselling services, available to all our learners. We have regular sports activities within our timetable to encourage physical exercise, as well as access to local gyms and leisure centres. These activities help to prepare young people to access their community in adulthood. Hidden Curriculum Act Fast’s curriculum, throughout the range of its delivery, is heavily invested in the “Hidden Curriculum”. The Hidden Curriculum argument is that the most valuable lessons our young people receive here are to arrive on time, respect authority, follow instructions, keep regard for safety, take responsibility for their actions, behave in an acceptable standard, liaise with other people respectfully, and respect other people’s personal choices, encouraging equality and diversity. Other ways in which we promote equality and diversity include: Challenging negative attitudes amongst students. Setting clear rules regarding how people treat each other. Treating all students and staff equally and fairly. Using resources that have multicultural themes. Creating lessons that reflect and promote diversity in the classroom. Making sure that all students have equal access to participation and opportunities. Ensuring that all procedures and policies are non-discriminatory. Making sure that classroom materials never discriminate against anyone. Safeguarding protected characteristics throughout our culture and ethos. All of these things, to a greater extent than formalised subject lessons, will make them responsible, independent, resilient and above all else employable young people once they finish their school career. Act Fast has trained and qualified staff to recognise some of the barriers to learning that students face. These barriers might be due to Adverse Childhood Experiences and with knowledge and understanding of such issues Act Fast staff can help students overcome them to maximise their potentials. Referral, Application and Introduction After a referral is made to Act Fast, we invite a representative from the referring body (usually the Inclusion Officer), the learner and the learner’s parents into Act Fast for a familiarisation visit. During that visit the learner is given a tour of the facility, is introduced to key staff members and receives an explanation of the culture of Act Fast. Learners are given the opportunity to voice any concerns and any questions they have are answered. We set a high expectation on behaviour here, and partly because expectations are high, but also because more established learners mentor new arrivals, new learners very soon fall into compliance with our way of doing things. Act Fast works because our learners buy into the culture. This is the first opportunity that a young person has to involve themselves in how we operate here. Application forms must be completed prior to a young person starting at Act Fast. Once applications are complete, the referring body typically takes a few days (sometimes up to a week) to arrange their transport. Personal data will be stored and processed at this point, and details entered into our MIS system, Arbor. We insist on a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) meeting with stakeholders and the young person present within the first month. This allows any teething troubles to be voiced and solutions to be sought. Further PLP meetings are held regularly, no less frequently than once a term. At those meetings, Act Fast staff will deliver a report detailing the engagement of the young person, levels of educational attainment, attendance, general engagement, and commentary on the likelihood of a reintegration being successful. Reintegration planning must be tailored to suit the needs of the individual. Staff Investment Our staff all take part in quality training including regular CPD sessions and ongoing programmes of accreditation such as SSS online training (recently completed by all staff members). Training needs identified are acted on as soon as practical. The organisation believes and invests in the continuous professional development of its people. Our commitment to CPD is such that every member of staff has received CPD accredited training in the last 12 months. Our qualified teachers ensure pedagogical content methods are in place to deliver high standards of teaching for our young learners. We engage with our staff continuously here and know of the main pressures on them, including managing workload. We aim to support every staff member to help guide them throughout their career at Act Fast. Educational Framework It is our aim to provide an educational framework which is heavily invested in the hidden curriculum. By that, we mean that as well as lessons formalised in Maths and English for example, our young people develop an understanding of: working to a process arriving on time respecting authority abiding by the rules accepting that their first choice may not always be the right choice following instructions not expecting to leave early attending every day These are the skills whereby a young person will be employable post 16. Without these key skills, a young person is unlikely to be able to function in the workplace. We develop the hidden curriculum, embedded in everything we do, in order that our learners gain an understanding of their expectations being matched by the expectations of attendance, compliance and engagement We have a tracking system in place for our core subjects. We also use a “readiness to learn” scale, whereby a learners attitude, engagement, and involvement in their own work is measured. Bespoken When evolving Act Fast into an independent school I was very mindful that Mainstream school had not been a successful outcome for the majority if not all of our learners. It was imperative that we were bespoke and able to meet the needs of all our learners and not just the few. For this reason we created our own curriculum that is more sympathetic to our learners’ needs. Our teachers create an environment that allows our young people to focus on learning. 1:1 support as well as small group teaching (where appropriate) is in place to make teaching more effective, allowing tutors to concentrate on each individual learner’s needs. We believe in student voice here at Act Fast. Our EHCP’s (Educational Health Care plans) allow us to capture our learners’ views. It’s not only in our annual reviews that we give learner’s opportunity to be heard. For example, one young adult suggested we invested in a bigger bike here, so we put arrangements in place and made this happen. We encourage our learners to make their voices heard. Below are some examples of student voice council meetings held at Act Fast and how they shape decisions made at the school. Student Voice Meeting 040322 We have effective arrangements to identify learners who may need early help or are at risk of neglect, abuse, grooming or exploitation. We strongly promote our policies and legislation such as safeguarding, diversity and equality of our staff and learners at Act Fast. Ofsted Report 2022 Best Bits: “Act Fast school is a place where the proprietor and staff go the extra mile to support the pupils who attend. It has a unique vision of how to ‘hook’ pupils back into education, and it is successful in doing so. Act Fast has started to re-engage pupils who have experienced difficulties in their education”. “Parents believe that, finally, a school ‘gets’ their child. The wider curriculum, built around motor-cross, is a distinctive feature of the school. It motivates pupils to attend and to behave well. For those pupils who do not wish to ride the bikes, staff work with them to find alternatives. The proprietor and staff have limitless ambition for what pupils can achieve in their personal development. At the heart of this is a patient, careful building of relationships, and, in many cases, a re-building of trust between the pupil and their experience of education.” “The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) has a strong understanding of the requirements of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Recently, the SENCo has started to work with a senior leader to more effectively incorporate pupils’ SEND targets from their education, health and care (EHC) plans into teachers’ planning.” “Leaders have also recently taken action to improve the school’s support for pupils’ reading. For instance, a primary specialist has been appointed with experience of teaching phonics to the weakest readers. The English lead is in the process of building a programme to encourage pupils to read widely and for enjoyment. Leaders’ wider curriculum for pupils’ personal development is, to very large extent, a strength of the school.” “The proprietor’s vision for getting young people who have had difficult experiences of school back into education is impressive. It is backed up by an innovative personal development curriculum, built on a range of activities that take place in the afternoons. These include a variety of motor vehicle-related opportunities, as well as visits out of school to a range of venues. Recently, for instance, pupils have started to be taken to a local engineering firm to participate in a scheme to broaden their career aspirations. Pupils know that there is a plan in place for them to make a suitable next step into further education or training at the end of Year 11.” Improvements: “Leaders’ PSHE curriculum includes reference to the protected characteristics and the school is a respectful community: however, coverage of the protected characteristics in the curriculum strategy is not as detailed as it could be, so pupils’ understanding is not as developed as it could be. Leaders should revisit their curriculum thinking for PSHE so that teaching of the protected characteristics is made more overt.” “The current curriculum is based on a limited set of qualifications in two subjects. For a registered special school, this lacks ambition. As a result, pupils experience a narrow curriculum, including a limited suite of qualifications. Leaders should take action to broaden and deepen their curriculum so that pupils have opportunities to study a wider range of subject content, organised coherently and cumulatively over the entire secondary and post-16 phases; and, for those who are capable, to a higher level of accreditation.” “Leaders have not taken the required action with regard to the statutory guidance for the teaching of RSHE. Consequently, parents have not been made aware of the school’s policy and their parental rights within the policy. Also, the teaching of Inspection report: Act Fast NL Ltd. RSHE is not clearly planned in the school’s curriculum. Leaders should take action to be compliant with the statutory guidance and to ensure that curriculum thinking incorporates structured RSHE teaching.”

Sandwell College

sandwell college

West Bromwich

We are delighted that you are considering Sandwell College to prepare you for your next step towards university or employment. Deciding on the next stage of your journey isn’t always easy or straightforward, especially after such a challenging time for many young people and adults. We can guide you to get your future on track, with over 100 courses that lead to careers – including brand new T Levels, Apprenticeships and many other BTEC qualifications. Colleges will play a major part in boosting productivity, strengthening communities, and supporting people back into work with rich learning opportunities that will come with regional growth. We have a unique package of specialist and employer responsive courses leading to high quality qualifications, and aimed at specific career skillsets from teaching to social care and high-level management. Diversity is our strength at Sandwell College, and we’re proud to have over 90 languages spoken at our college. Our results are above national average and our state-of-the-art facilities are purpose built to offer you industry standard learning environments. I am extremely proud of the health and wellbeing support services we offer, ensuring that every student has access to the guidance they need within a safe and nurturing environment. Parents can be assured that their children will be protected from any type of harassment. We are committed to inspiring each and every school leaver and adult learner to fulfil their ambitions and ensure they’re supported every step of the way. I look forward to meeting you soon.

Highcliffe School

highcliffe school


We believe this atmosphere stems from the ethos passionately promoted by the Governors, school leaders and staff. Our Prospectus aims to give you an insight into the ethos which animates everything we do and how we do it. Caring, Supporting and Encouraging Firstly, we believe young people learn best when they feel safe, supported, and encouraged. Our pastoral care system, alongside our approach to behaviour management and to Rewards, creates a ‘one big family’ feel among students and staff where negative behaviours are not accepted and positive attitudes and successes are celebrated daily. Students say that ‘this is a friendly school’. This view is endorsed by parents who are extremely positive about their children’s safety and the care and guidance they receive. - Ofsted Passionate about Learning Secondly, we believe a first-class education will make a huge difference to every Highcliffe student, opening their minds, developing their powers of reasoning and deepening their knowledge and understanding of the complex world around them. We believe education changes lives and that educated people can change the world. We are passionate about learning, and we communicate our passion for learning and its benefits in everything we do. We encourage students to throw themselves into the experience of secondary school and achieve excellence. We use education to prepare our students for life and equip them with the intellectual powers and personal awareness to aspire to make a difference to the world around them. Our daughter has embraced starting at Highcliffe School. The experience has been extremely positive and most importantly she is very happy. - A Highcliffe Parent The academic rigour of learning at Highcliffe underpins our students’ excellent examination success. Our year groups always achieve well above the national average in GCSE and A Level results. We believe in 2013 and 2015 the proportion of Highcliffe students achieving at least 5 GCSE Grades A*-C including Maths and English by the end of Year 11 was higher than any other nearby Dorset, Bournemouth or New Forest comprehensive school. Our Sixth Form students regularly achieve the top grades, often gaining places on the most academic degree courses at the most prestigious universities. We have an exemplary record gaining college places, apprenticeships or employment for our vocationally talented students at age 16 or 18. As a consequence according to government figures we have one of the very highest proportions nationally of former students now securely in further education, training or employment compared to schools similar to Highcliffe.