57892 Educators providing Courses

Read Faster

read faster


With over 35 years commercial experience in building running and managing businesses operating across International markets in many channels I found this course to be hugely beneficial. As someone famously said I was so impressed I bought the company. Whether it is long commercial or legal documents, the endless trail of emails that flood our phones and computers more and more precious time is being taken up reading. Bu understanding both the mechanical and psychological elements that go into “smart reading” we can help you increase both the speed at which you read and also retain more of the understanding of what you have read. These courses have been proven over 30 years and thousands of satisfied customers (many in the public sector) and now more than ever before do we need to be able to read effectively. At our latest course in Durham the group on the course averaged more than a doubling of the speed at which they could read by the end of the day – oh and to add to that the understanding of what they had read also increased significantly — a real win – win. Just imagine what you could do with the time you would save each week ! Meet the Team From start up’s through to multi national organisation Tim’s expertise and commercial acumen has helped deliver profitable growth across many differing businesses. Dedicated to helping people get the most out of every opportunity in their work life balance. I always see opportunity and get great satisfaction in seeing people grow and develop their skills through the various training and development courses. Outside of work most Saturdays sees me involved in Rugby in some way shape or form (coaching / managing) and even still pull on the boots on the odd occasion, best rugby memory was playing in a game where both my sons were playing.

Baptist Union of Scotland

baptist union of scotland


The Baptist Union of Scotland is a network of about 160 churches across the length and breadth of Scotland. We are local churches who recognise that if we are to fulfil the commission Jesus has given his disciples, it is better to work together than continue alone. We are a relational network who support one another through prayer and encouragement. We share resources and experience in mission. We equip and accredit leaders. We work together to develop vision and ensure legal compliance. We have existed as a network since 1869, though some of our churches have been in existence since the 1750s. Our ambition is to see Increase and we are focusing on three strategic priorities: Prayer – defining ourselves as a prayer network Planting Churches – investing in new congregations, revitalisations and innovative new churches Developing Pathways – for training and equipping church planters and evangelistic leaders The vision around which we gather is our Declaration of Principle, which states: That the Lord Jesus Christ our God and Saviour is the sole and absolute Authority in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, and that each Church has liberty, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to interpret and administer His laws. That Christian Baptism is the immersion in water into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, of those who have professed repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins according to the Scriptures; was buried and rose again the third day. That it is the duty of every disciple to bear witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to take part in the evangelisation of the world.

David Alison Coaching

david alison coaching


COACHINGI am originally from Glasgow in Scotland. I returned to live in Scotland in June 2019, after 30 years of living in England, the Netherlands and Belgium. I am now based approximately 40 miles south of Glasgow in the beautiful countryside of the Southern Uplands. I have experienced much in my lifetime. A corporate career of 36 years from trolley assistant in a supermarket to a board level appointment with EMEA responsibility for a Fortune 500 organisation to a complete career change in my mid-fifties and finding my purpose in life through my coaching business. That journey brought two marriages and divorces, multiple redundancies, a Masters degree at the age of 40, and the opportunity to live and work in 3 European Countries. The highs and lows of the road I’ve travelled have taken me from the darkest places of struggle and challenge to a life of fulfilment and big dreams I am still going to manifest. I am hungry to understand how what makes us do what we do in living this gift we have of LIFE. I have learned over these years, that life happens for you and not to you. My passion is helping people like you who are looking to live their best possible life. A life without limits, and unlimited possibilities. A life where you remove the limits find fulfilment in their life. A life of growth and contribution. If you are into details and numbers, my experience comes from a lifetime of growth, learning, mistakes, and a 36-year corporate management career. In my coaching career from over 4000 client sessions, 600+ hours of ongoing paid training and learning from the best thought leaders in Coaching, Therapy & Personal Development world.



City Quay Business Centre

Elevator is Scotland’s leading private sector organisation dedicated to supporting the entrepreneurs, inventors, disruptors, game changers and business leaders of today and tomorrow. We have a desire to make a difference. As a social enterprise, we work to support entrepreneurship and employability across Scotland. Our mission is to recycle wealth back into the communities we support. Our profits are reinvested into developing and delivering programmes, events and initiatives around the themes of enterprise, employability and entrepreneurship. Our aim is for anyone who is starting or growing a business to have access to all the support they need to make it a success. Our thriving Centres for Entrepreneurship offer a safe space to help ambitious entrepreneurs accelerate their businesses through a range of highly effective accelerator programmes. From the Elevator Programme and Academic Accelerators to our sector specific programmes for creatives, company creative programmes for the energy and sustainable mobility industries to our rural offering – there is something for everyone. We deliver vibrant and inspiring business support to nearly 40% of Scotland’s start-ups - covering both rural and urban space. The largest provider of Business Gateway services in Scotland, we deliver support across Aberdeen, Dundee, Angus, Perth and Lanarkshire. In addition, we have a network of Business Centres, providing flexible, professional office space at 21 different locations across the North of Scotland. These offer valuable community workspaces containing a mixture of small businesses, training and meeting facilities. Our vision for Scotland is clear - a national, connected approach that will stimulate and support the development of an innovative, pioneering, progressive and entrepreneurial society. Engaging and collaborating with partners, founders and alumni, we are collectively making Scotland an inclusive, sustainable and inspiring place in which to do business.

Life with Gongs

life with gongs


Life with Gongs is made with love and passion for these spectacular instruments like no other Gongs play us, we don’t play Gongs! DSC_5958 Beata Dzwigol is a Gong and Reiki Master Teacher, Awaken Soul guided by the Source, Akashic Records Practitioner, Intuitive Spiritual Healer, The New Earth Goddess Temple FounderTM, Movement Meditation (DANCEmandala) & Cacao Ceremony Facilitator., and Holistic Therapist. She works closely with her spiritual guides to bring the body back into balance and assist in a person’s soul path and growth by drawing on her Akashic Record knowledge. Jarek Dzwigol is a powerful Gong and Reiki Master Teacher, Spiritual Healer, Angel Practitioner and an excellent Tarot Reader. Jarek is able to perceive energy fields surrounding the bodies of others, and can determine from the condition of the aura, the various issues which may be affecting the person. These issues may manifest as either spiritual, physical or mental in nature. By drawing on various methodologies, he is able to restore the aura, bringing great relief to the individual. Beata and Jarek are Soul Mates and they are blessed to share their similar passion and gifts with others. They have been playing gongs since 2012, but as they say, “The gongs play us”, with great relaxing and healing effect. This allow them to tailor each session to the needs attendees and one gong bath is never the same as another. They became Gong Master Teachers many years ago and they run they own Accredited Gong Player Training in Surrey. Here you can learn how to play gongs profoundly in a spiritual way and they have given birth to many talented gong students who go on to play gongs and other instruments professionally.




Digi-Ed is a digital creation agency founded in London in 2018 with a desire to help local businesses and startups get online. We recognise after the Pandemic the importance of getting your business back open and reconnecting with your customers. We want to make this easy and can provide you with a shiny new website in only a couple of weeks. Our approach is straightforward, we partner with each of our clients to develop customised, unique digital solutions that resonate. Our web design solutions are built with "no-code" tools, making it much easier for our clients to take over maintenance themselves and make small changes in an instant. We understand that more people than ever are using mobile devices to connect to local businesses and as such, we design our websites with a mobile-first focus. Every good web agency knows that "build it and they will come" doesn't really work online anymore in such a competitive business environment. For this reason, we offer additional digital marketing services such as Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media Management and Digital Marketing Strategies to truly get your business on the map. Grow your business, building customer loyalty and nurturing a community around your business. What really makes us special is our background in education and the reason for our name. We are able to support businesses and educational locations with support and training. This is ever more important following lockdown and we can get your workforce ready to deliver effectively using digital technologies. Are you looking for a digital transformation partner? Perhaps you want to install Google for Education or Enterprise and you want to get the most out of your investment. Digi-Ed has the experience and expertise to support your transition and make sure it sticks.

Oxford Value & Stewardship Programme (OVSP)

oxford value & stewardship programme (ovsp)


Muir Gray is the Founding Director of OAP Ltd, with the following business streams: OVSP, CASP, & Living Longer Better. He has advised Public Health England and the Chair of the NHS Health and Social Care Digital service. Muir’s work focuses on providing training to healthcare professionals on value based healthcare. Sir Muir has worked for the National Health Service in England since 1972, occupying a variety of senior positions during that time, including serving as the Director of Research and Development for Anglia and Oxford Regional Health Authority, and first establishing and then being the Director of the UK National Screening Committee. He founded the National Library for Health, and was the Director of Clinical Knowledge, Process, and Safety for the NHS (England) National Programme for IT, serving as the Director of the National Knowledge Service. He was the first person to hold the post of Chief Knowledge Officer of the NHS (England), also serving as the co-Director of the Department of Health’s Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) Right Care Programme. Together with Sir Iain Chalmers, Muir was instrumental in establishing the Cochrane Collaboration. Sir Muir is an internationally renowned authority on healthcare systems and has advised governments of several countries outside the UK including Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain and Germany and regularly delivers plenary sessions at international events, the most recent being the 2014 World Health Summit in Berlin, the Big Data in Pharma conference in London in 2015 and the 2015 Transplantation meeting at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. Sir Muir is also a Professor in the Nuffield Department of Surgery at the University of Oxford. He received the CBE in 2000 and was knighted in 2005 for services to the National Health Service.

C & D Learning Solutions Ltd ta Graduate Dawn

c & d learning solutions ltd ta graduate dawn

Christine is the founder of C&D Learning Solutions, ta ‘MENTAL STRENGTH and WELL-BEING’. She is a firm believer that we all have the potential to develop and support others in their development, both personally and professionally. She has herself, continued to undertake Continuous Professional Development and is qualified in – Coaching Psychology Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Education and Training Mental health First Aid Her career has evolved across the finance and retail sectors, developing individuals and businesses in Leadership and Well-Being. Having noticed the correlation between Leadership and Well-Being in the workplace and having experienced Mental Health issues in close family and friends, Christine developed her understanding of Mental Health First Aid to be able to fully support others, achieving her MHFA certification and Instructor Member status with MHFA (England). At ‘MENTAL STRENGTH and WELL-BEING’ we support organisations and individuals to learn more about Mental Health and Well-Being, the correlation between Leadership and Mental Health and how to be more emotionally resilient. Let me introduce you to Maytrix who are a verified partner of my business. The team of highly accredited specialists are on hand to work with you to build cultural development and engagement and help you to identify the most suitable learning interventions to achieve developmental success. Maytrix deliver solutions that support your need and also provide you with the highest return. Maytrix also specialise in Behavioural Assessments which are designed to explain and predict a candidate or teams associated behaviours. This helps both the candidate and the manager of teams to understand in a deeper context, their thinking, stretch behaviours management style and communication motivators. They help organisations across a broad selection of sectors select the right candidates for the future, identify and help with gaps within leadership teams and help select the right suppliers for large scale projects.

APSE - Association for Public Service Excellance

apse - association for public service excellance


The Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE) is a networking community that assists local authorities who are striving to improve their frontline services. APSE works with more than 250 local authorities across the UK to advise and share information and expertise on a broad range of frontline public services. These councils are supported by a team of experts, who draw upon a wealth of knowledge in areas such as policy and practice, as well as in vital frontline service areas. Members of APSE have access to many excellent benefits that help local authorities to grow. These include regular briefings on the latest policy developments and operational issues, access to groups and forums that allow authorities to come together to share information and collaborate, and the ability to anonymously ask for - and give - advice on a range of service issues. One of the most important benefits APSE membership offers is the opportunity for local authority service providers to have their views voiced and represented at a national level. APSE carefully develops this voice by collaborating with members, and supports it using research, extensive campaigns and consistent media activities. APSE conducts research, publishes reports, and campaigns to create a positive role for local government, helping them to deliver high quality, effective and efficient public services. APSE's targeted training programme, regular briefings and inclusive events strive to keep council officers and elected members constantly updated on the latest public service issues. There is also APSE Solutions, an in-house team that works closely with individual authorities, offering high quality consultancy and interim management support for members and other relevant organisations. APSE has also developed the innovative Performance Networks service, which is the largest national voluntary local government benchmarking service. APSE is here to help local authorities and endeavours to do everything possible to help them achieve excellence in their frontline service