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Creative Catalyst Scotland CIC

creative catalyst scotland cic


Who : Creative Catalyst (Scotland) CIC is a social enterprise which supports young people into Creative Careers. After establishing and running a similar two year pilot project for young creatives as part of the lead up to Perth Creative Exchange and The Famous Grouse Ideas Centre opening , founding director Helen O’Brien decided to take the model of this project forward as a social enterprise. In September 2019 we successfully received ‘Start It’ funding from Firstport, and moved into our new studio at Perth Creative Exchange in November 2019. We have just received Firstport ‘Build It’ funding to support and embed our development in 2021-22. We offer creative employability opportunities for young people who face barriers to employment and training in Perth & Kinross. This project is specifically targeted at young creative individuals who need support to develop their confidence in their creative skills and abilities, and signpost to other opportunities and experiences that will support them with next steps of a creative career. We work alongside other 16+ support agencies in Perth & Kinross who refer young people to us, and we welcome individuals and support workers to contact us directly. How: We offer work experience and mentoring opportunities with professional artists and makers who run live creative projects for us, from design and prototyping an idea, to making a final product, marketing and selling; visit shop here. These projects develop a broad spectrum of practical creative and transferable skills including using imagination, problem solving, clear communication, persistence, self discipline, collaboration and working to a deadline. We also run creative workshops and programmes for children, families and communities which offer opportunities for our young people to work alongside a lead artist to gain confidence and experience of delivering projects with different age groups.

Gloucestershire Anti-Slavery Partnership

gloucestershire anti-slavery partnership

The ASP model is a dynamic framework developed to promote and develop effective multi-agency partnership working across the South West region to bring human trafficking and modern slavery to an end. The model consists of localised partnerships and overarching regional board. The local partnerships represent agencies working within police force areas (Avon and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire and Dorset). The regional board consists of the chairs of each of the local partnerships and representatives from agencies with a South West remit. The ASP Coordinator provides administrative support to the partnerships and provides a conduit for information to flow between the local and regional boards. The ASP has developed its strategy based around the government’s 4P Modern Slavery Strategy. The government’s strategy looks at how to Pursue prosecutions and methods to disrupt individuals and groups responsible for modern slavery, Prevent people from engaging in or facilitating modern slavery, Protect vulnerable people from exploitation and Prepare frontline professionals to identify and support victims. The ASP looks to support this strategy throughout the South West of England in a number of ways. These include raising awareness and providing training to organisations involved in the ASP as well as the facilitation of the sharing of information and intelligence between organisations to enable a joined up approach to disrupting and prosecuting perpetrators and to assisting victims. We aim to provide a platform to enable multi agency strategic thinking across the South West region in line with this strategy and each of the ASPs assess the work they are doing against this strategy quarterly. We are fully aware that slavery and trafficking respects no territorial boundaries and the model has been developed to ensure effective sharing of information, best practice and a comprehensive, cohesive and united response to slavery across the region.

Kathryn Jackson Coaching

kathryn jackson coaching

I coach in all aspects of personal and professional development, specialising in coaching individuals, students, business owners and their teams. With the aid of Zoom, Skype, the telephone and meeting clients face to face, I work with clients across the world. My Vision To provide authentic coaching that guides and supports people to reach excellence and the best they can be. My Mission To be honest and committed to my clients coaching experience to empower people to fulfil their dreams and goals. My Values Integrity – I always keep my word and am honest and stand by my principles Authenticity – I will remain true and genuine at all times Loyalty – I have a strong feeling of devotion and support towards by clients Learn More Kathryn has been a great support in helping me to design training modules that are fit for sustainable delivery in the VC age that has become so prevalent over the course of 2020. Kathryn’s style and ability to coach, both on the technical and behavioural aspects have been extremely beneficial to how we at Zest have approached new work with our clients. Andy Zest Ltd Kathryn really is a superb coach, she has all the qualities you would look for. An exceptional listener who knows how to ask questions in a way that guides you well. She was able to help me identify my strengths and build on them to look at my goals. Kathryn helped me to remain motivated and empowered and the rapport between us grew at each meeting. I was challenged at times but with the reflection and summarising it felt comfortable. I managed to turn my career around and take on a new role with a new organisation. I always knew I could do it but Kathryn helped me take control.

Lads Like Us

lads like us


Lads Like Us are a Manchester based non-profit organisation. Our journey started with a mission dedicated to informing the practice of professionals and organisations that had failed us as children and adults. We had to make something positive out of our lived experience, chaos and anger, in order to thrive. Shouting and screaming about failures and trying to hold people to account made us mentally ill. We needed to adopt a new approach that would help " Us and them " that was our first problem. In order to break barriers between " Us and Them " we needed to work out a way to weaponise the empathy of professionals to allow them to see that the majority of the behaviours displayed by service users/clients/citizens/people are a direct result of some kind of trauma experienced throughout their lives. These people we refer to are lads like us, from similar estates we grew up on, that are repeatedly presenting at mental health units, substance misuse services, prison and probation. The answer to our problem was to create a trauma informed training package focusing on professional curiosity that would inform practice, using little Mike and little Danny's experiences combined with the healing journeys of both not forgetting the input from the services that supported us. " The Million Pieces Experience " an NHS safeguarding award winning Trauma Informed package that has proven to inform the practice of professionals was created. We then partnered with Barnardos to create Million Pieces Trauma master classes. Lads like us deliver bespoke packages across the country and are now recognised UK wide as a leading Lived experience resource for organisational staff development for those who work with people who have experienced trauma. Lads like us work with leaders in the safeguarding sector both public and private through their consultancy work.

The Slynn Foundation

the slynn foundation


Created in 1998 on the initiative of His Hon George Dobry CBE QC to fulfil a growing need for support, advice and training to young lawyers from countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Foundation was named after Lord Slynn of Hadley, formerly the British judge at the European Court of Justice and then a law lord, in recognition of his contribution to the development of the principles and practice of European Law in its broadest sense. Between 1999 and 2004, under the leadership of Lord Slynn, the Foundation organised two-day or three-day workshops, mainly in the ten states which were to join the European Union in 2004. These workshops were mostly concerned with EU law and practice, but some of them touched on human rights law. There were also mutual exchange visits, funded by the former British Association for Central and Eastern Europe, between senior judges and senior court administrators in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria and their counterparts in this country. In addition the Foundation organised a prestigious annual lecture on a Europe-related topic, and brought one young lawyer each year to London for nine months for a mix of experience gained from attending academic lectures, working in City solicitors’ firms and barristers’ chambers and meeting senior members of the judiciary. Because public funding for these activities dried up after 2004 and the Foundation was unable to secure alternative sources of funds, its activities were steadily reduced between 2004 and 2009 (the year when Lord Slynn died).However since 2009, the Foundation has widened its purpose, and is steadily reasserting its influence as the principal exporter of British judicial know how to an international audience.

Hombu Dojo

hombu dojo

Cullenswood Park, Dublin,

The Hombu Dojo is a full time, professionally run karate studio. With over 500 members, it is also one of the most successful martial arts clubs in the country. Based in Ranelagh, Dublin 6, the Hombu Dojo has several satellite clubs around Dublin, including Swan Centre Rathmines, David Lloyd Clonskeagh, Coolock, Dalkey Heritage Centre, Sandyford CC, Wesley College, Ballinteer, Great Strand Street, D1, Irishtown Stadium, Deansgrange, Terenure Badminton Centre, Drumcondra, Whitehall Road, St Brigids Parish Centre in Stillorgan, Dun Laoghaire/Monkstown, the Samuel Beckett Civic Centre in Ballyogan, Booterstown Parish Centre, Raheny, Tallaght and Terenure Sports Club (formally CYM) and the Monread Community Centre, Naas, Co Kildare. NEW LOCATIONS opening soon - in Haddington Road, Dublin 4 and Marino! Appealing to men, women and children, karate provides a safe and healthy means of learning how to protect oneself. Shown to improve fitness, flexibility, agility, confidence and self-awareness, karate is a combination of kicking, punching, striking and blocking techniques. Karate is universally recognised as one of the most comprehensive of all martial arts and is ideally suited to combat the stresses of modern living. Originating in Okinawa, karate has developed over 400 years to become recognised as one of the best forms of self defence in the world. You will be joining the most successful club in Ireland, with 500 members, the Hombu Dojo (Headquarter Club) is the best of Japanese Karate on your doorstep. Hombu Dojo Karate International Hombu Dojo Karate International has a mission statement to provide a fair, legitimate association offering the best of traditional Japanese karate through modern training methods and an open minded approach to learning. We aim to provide instruction of the highest calibre from sensei who have trained and competed to become some of the best in the world.

Brunel University Arts Centre

brunel university arts centre

In 2016, Brunel celebrated 50 years as a university. However, our history can be traced back much further to 1798 through our predecessor colleges of Borough Road College, Maria Grey College, Shoreditch College and the West London Institute of Higher Education and as well as through Acton Technical College then Brunel College. Our rise since 1966 has been impressive and our reputation grows year on year. Now a university of 12,746 students – 3,309 students engaged in postgraduate and research study – our special approach is to combine academic rigour with the practical, entrepreneurial and imaginative approach pioneered by Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The decision to be named after Isambard Kingdom Brunel was taken after much discussion. Rather than name the new College after a location, Dr Topping, the first Vice Chancellor of Brunel University (and former Principal of Brunel College) pleaded that the name should be a well-known person preferably an engineer or scientist associated in some way with Middlesex or Acton. Agreement was reached in March 1957 that person would be Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) is one of the great British engineers of the 19th century. Isambard was born into an industrious family in 1806, with his mother Sophia Kingdom working for the Royal Navy and father Marc Brunel being a prominent French engineer. Isambard took on formal training as an engineer and went on to build twenty-five railways lines, over a hundred bridges, including five suspension bridges, eight pier and dock systems, three ships and a pre-fabricated army field hospital.To add to this he was a keen social engineer, building housing estates, churches and hospitals. In order to learn more about Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his legacy, visit the following links:

Pips Seminars

pips seminars


Professional development workshops for Counsellors and Psychotherapists. PIPS offers training workshops for Psychotherapists and Counsellors in the UK. The workshops are experiential, interactive and aimed at personal and professional growth. Places are limited. Please have a read... I love my garden it brings me such a sense of peace. As I was tending a particularly troubled rose bush, regularly troubled by black spot and aphids, I thought about how much I grow with my garden and how much of me is in it. I enjoy a sense of my own agency as I make things happen. This is not through controlling and forcing plants to be what they are not but expecting to get a healthy return in our relationship accepting limitations and sometimes choosing not to continue to grow something where I get little return or don't like what is available. This reminds me of how I have come to view relationship that if I expect to be loved and cared for in general this happens and if it does not then this is not solely my doing. I can choose to end relationships which are draining and unfruitful. The rose bush reminds me of a family member who can often cause me concern and attack me. I am now aware of how much I can safely give that relationship, without feeling drained or prickled. I get some returns enough to keep the rose bush with its limitations. I am able to keep myself open to more enriching relationship such as the honeysuckle which bounds up and offers freely this helps me tolerate the disappointments of the rose and the Lilly of the valley, which has never survived despite my efforts.

Amber Rose Wellbeing

amber rose wellbeing


Through personal experience, I know how vital self-care is. I have designed some classes to allow people to take the much needed time away to relax, which in turn will reduce their stress and anxiety. I feel it is even more crucial now as we are dealing with so much uncertainty around us! What is hypnosis? Well, before you say it, no it isn't turning people into chickens! Hypnosis allows you to go into a deep relaxation. Once in a relaxed state, guided imagery is often used alongside positive suggestions such as "you will have a calmer and more positive week". It is important for me to point out that you remain in complete control throughout the whole experience. Many people have said that they have left feeling totally calm after the experience and it is often seen as a way of escaping from reality for a little while! In my practice I use a combination of techniques and tools to tailor make the experience for your individual and specific needs. I work in an integrative approach and deal with many issues at once as I believe they are all interlinked. I am bound by an ethical framework and I am part of the National Hypnotherapy Society and National Counselling Society. I offer training and 1:1 sessions. Even if you do not decide to go with me, please ask the therapist what qualifications they have, this is something I feel strongly about as when working with you we need to be open and competent in our ability to help you to feel the best you can. Feel free to click the link below to find out more about what I can offer you and please do feel free to contact me if you have any questions.




Whether it was singing karaoke, listening to audiobooks, or devising a radio station in his bedroom, Mark has always appreciated the power of the human voice. His love for radio started at a local level, in the glory-days of personality-based breakfast radio. That love affair was sparked at his city’s famous BRMB, but a succession of cost-cutting measures, takeovers, and technological advances would slowly snuff out that candle. Episode one Mark studied Media & Communication at Birmingham City University, specialising in Internet radio. He graduated the year the term “podcasting” was coined, but it would be a further four years before he’d pluck up the courage to pick up a mic and plug it into the Internet. But in 2008, the podcast bug finally bit, and Mark started what would be a 14+ year career helping people make podcasts, first in exchange for beer, and then for money. The little company with the robot fist for a logo In 2016 Mark founded the media hosting company Podiant, which took him to the British Podcast Awards, and saw him present at International Podcast Day in 2020. The product served millions of listeners across thousands of podcasts, and in 2021 Mark sold Podiant so he could focus on working more closely with individuals and small teams, to set them up for podcasting success from day one. From the ear to the brain to the heart Mark founded Origin in 2021 to help impact entrepreneurs build trust with their audiences, and catalyse change. He does this through a combination of consulting, training, coaching, and production. It centres around driving messages from the ear to the brain, where – through consistency and authenticity – they eventually land in listeners’ hearts.