57889 Educators providing Courses

Rigpa UK

rigpa uk


Rigpa Fellowship was founded in 1979 by Sogyal Rinpoche, a Buddhist teacher from Tibet, who was also the author of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. Rigpa has the gracious patronage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and each national Rigpa association has charitable and non-profit status. Meditation and Compassion through to traditional Buddhist studies Our courses and programmes share simple meditation techniques and methods for training in compassion, which have been developed over centuries, yet help us deal with the challenges of everyday life. Meditation and compassion have been shown to be beneficial in many different ways, including bringing peace of mind, tackling stress, depression and other mental health problems. They can also help us to develop more kindness and warm-heartedness for ourselves, our families and those around us. For those who wish to go deeper into studying and practising Buddhism, Rigpa also offers study and practice programs including courses in the Vajrayana Buddhist tradition of Tibet, a traditional study college (shedra) and short and long practice retreats (drupdra). Inviting teachers of all traditions A unique feature of Rigpa UK’s event programme is that it regularly hosts teachers of all Tibetan Buddhist traditions as well as Buddhist masters of other lineages, and teachers from different spiritual traditions. Such diversity is a continuation of the rimé or ‘non-sectarian’ approach, advocated by Sogyal Rinpoche’s master Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö who was an incarnation of one of the initiators of the Rimé movement—the great 19th century master Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. Rigpa UK Booking information: We do not store credit card details nor do we share financial details with any third parties. Event bookings can be cancelled and refunded up to 24 hours before the event.

Eithne Leming Associates

eithne leming associates


Eithne Leming has worked as a Teacher, Head Teacher, Education Consultant, Trainer and Writer. She has worked within mainstream education, special schools, and professional associations and for the Department of Education in a career that spans over 30 years. She is a member of the European register of NROLE (those Nationally Recognised as Outstanding Leaders in Education). OFSTED describe her as “A very effective and inspirational Leader who provides clear vision and direction.” She has project managed Additional Language Services, established a Parent Partnership Service in Suffolk that provided school improvement and parent support services as well as setting up PRU and Behavioural Support services. She has worked internationally as well as nationally and regularly speaks at Education Conferences. In addition for the last 10 years Eithne has written for magazines and publications such as the Heads Legal Guide, The Secondary Heads Association, Home-School Practice issues. During her years as a Head Teacher at First Base (a Pupil Referral Unit and Behaviour Support Service for 111 schools in Suffolk) she attracted national recognition for her innovative work with the main client group of 3 – 8 year olds and also for cross age tutoring of Key Stage 3 and 4 students (13 – 16 year olds) at risk of exclusion and disaffection. In recent years Eithne has gained experience in the National Strategies working in interim Regional Adviser roles for Early Years and also for School Improvement, providing advice and guidance to Local Authorities in Northamptonshire and more recently in Hounslow. Eithne's consultancy work in recent years has involved: training for teachers and headteachers in developing effective school improvement, schools and working in these areas at a more strategic level with Local Authorities. Eithne also provides parent and child coaching services and mentoring and coaching for headteachers and aspiring headteachers.

Judit Meixner

judit meixner


Judit has been refining her bodywork skills for many years, practicing in Sydney and London before relocating to Devon in 2015. She is a qualified Feldenkrais practitioner, Remedial massage therapist, a trainee JKA practitioner for children and trainee Hakomi practitioner. QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE She spent four years as a senior massage therapist at City Sports Massage consolidating her skills in a busy clinic setting in central London, before developing her interest in movement and somatic awareness as a student of the Feldenkrais Method. Judit is a qualified Feldenkrais practitioner. She offers group Awareness Through Movement classes and individual Functional Integration lessons. Adding to her skill set and passion of working with children with developmental challenges, Judit is currently training in the JKA for children. She has also spent the past five years broadening her reach as a student of the Hakomi Method – facilitating body centred assisted self-study in mindfulness. PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE The focus is on facilitating the relief of pain, tension and stress and improving physical movement and function to create feelings of ease and well-being. Judit is committed to treating people with sensitivity, care and attention in a safe space, as well as supporting self-care and offering expert guidance on avoiding further musculoskeletal injuries and dysfunctions. She emphasises awareness, sensitivity and functional movement as the most effective ways to healing. Her clients report long-lasting improvements after a series of sessions. Read what people say about their experience with Judit here. Judit offers Massages and individual Functional Integration lessons at Ola Chiropractic in Totnes, and Awareness Through Movement classes at The Forge yoga centre. She has also become aware of the powerful benefits of the therapeutic grade doTERRA essential oils. You can find out more or purchase them here.

Zoe Pither

zoe pither

I am a mindfulness and yoga teacher with over 15 years’ experience working in facilitation, personal development, training design and delivery, coaching and wellbeing. I teach yoga, mindfulness and stress management techniques to help people thrive, especially when life is complex and demanding. My passion is helping people live happy and fulfilling lives, do what they love, and make a difference in the world. We all face challenges in a fast-paced world. I work to create moments of stillness and connection that allow you space to breathe and just be. From this place you are free to think clearly and get your life working in the way you want. Whether working with individuals, groups or corporate clients, compassion is at the heart of what I do. I believe that self-care can be a radical act that transforms our relationship to the world and our place within it, through nurture, rest and deep healing. I know that profound change can happen kindly, through thoughtful enquiry and values-based action. My work is grounded in the integrity of many years of personal practice, study and experience. This in turn supports the values-driven foundation for my work in social and educational inclusion, with a particular focus on equality and inclusion in higher education. I also have experience in facilitating learning across a wide range of settings including schools, universities and workplaces. Picture My current interests are positive psychology; mindfulness based approaches; stress and resilience; creativity; nature connection; and the power of play. I have trained as a mindfulness teacher with the Centre for Mindfulness Research at Bangor University and the Oxford Mindfulness Centre at the University of Oxford, and follow the UK Mindfulness Network Good Practice Guidelines.

Tallboy Communications

tallboy communications

 Video Consultancy The age of video is now. To communicate with your team, your customers or your stakeholders, video should be at the heart of your marketing and communications strategy. Tallboy makes sure your video enhances and improves your brand recognition, maximizing your return on investment… READ MORE  Video Production Tallboy knows video; we know how to make a video that meets your expectations, delivers the results you want and within is your budget. Each video we produce is unique – trust Tallboy to deliver a creative, intelligent and effective video…READ MORE  Communication Training Information is giving out; communication is getting through. Whether it’s talking to a colleague, addressing a meeting, or appearing in a video, at Tallboy, we work with your natural talent to enable you to give the performance of your life…READ MORE Corporate Video Production Tallboy is a highly experienced video production company specialising in creating your video that delivers your message in the best way possible. Our talented team is committed to turning your story into a highly polished video that captures the attention of the audience and ensures your message is heard. Working to your brief and within your budget, Tallboy will be you with every step of the way. From identifying your story to bringing it to life on screen, our expertise will ensure your video will stand out. We’ll think creatively and advise you on the best type of video for you – whether its motion graphics, narrative or simply straight to camera. Using our decades of filmmaking experience, we’ve successfully created high quality corporate videos and films for a broad spectrum of industry and business sectors. Our clients range from small businesses to major corporations and include government departments, educational establishments and charities.

Jyoti Pilates

jyoti pilates


I don’t come from a dance or sports background, and originally trained as a textile designer. I still design, so now combine my love of printed pattern, with my fascination with people’s movement patterns. So I’m no stranger to what sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen does to your body. And how I long to stretch and move after a day of that. I first came across Pilates about 16 years ago in my late 20’s, when I felt it was about time I started exercise of some sort, never having been ‘sporty’ or a fan of the gym. I wasn’t sure what to expect from my first class, but I did like the sound of improved muscle tone and length. I soon discovered there was a whole lot more to it than that. Although there are many physical benefits, the reason I returned after that first class, and keep returning to my mat after all these years is simply how great it makes me feel. Energised and relaxed at the same time, and definitely walking taller (a bonus when you are only 5’ 4”!) I’m certain that doing Pilates has kept the niggling aches and pains of age at bay; has allowed me to do all the other things I love with ease and grace, and has left me feeling stronger and healthier now than I did when I first started. I completed my teacher training with Body Control Pilates in 2008, and since then have loved watching the changes in my client’s bodies and their enthusiasm as they learn, and I have also learnt so much from them in return. I am a supervising teacher for BCPA in Edinburgh, helping to train new teachers, so there may be a student teacher and an extra pair of eyes to assist you in your class!

Scottish BPOC Writers Network

scottish bpoc writers network


Scottish BPOC Writers Network (SBWN) is an advocacy and professional development group for Scottish or Scotland-based writers and literary professionals who identify as BPOC (Black people, People of Colour).* Contact us Frequently Asked Questions Membership Membership is free and open to any BPOC* writer or literary professional who is Scottish and/or based in Scotland and participates in our online or venue-based events or spaces, or publishing or literary opportunities. Membership may be extended to BPOC writers or literary professionals based outwith Scotland on occasion. Commissioned artists will typically be from the BPOC and/or SBWN communities. SBWN may work with volunteers, partners and allies who identify as BPOC, or white, or another racial or ethnic identity. Some events or activities may be open to the general public or the wider literary community. We have adopted a Constitution. We operate a Safer Spaces Policy during all events, projects and initiatives. *Please see our Mission and Values page for who we are talking about when we say ‘Scottish BPOC writers.’ History Formerly known as Scottish BAME Writers Network (2018-2021), SBWN was co-founded in 2018 by Alycia Pirmohamed and Jay Gao, and aims to connect Scottish BPOC writers with the wider literary sector in Scotland and beyond. Weaving together collaborative literary partnerships, cross-arts co-creation and an intersectional approach to inclusive and participatory programming, SBWN is a sector change-maker, facilitating necessary conversations around inclusive programming in an effort to address and overcome systemic barriers. Professional development programming includes publishing and performance opportunities, workshops, masterclasses, curatorial roles, training and seminars, industry panels and partnerships, feedback and mentoring. Run by BPOC writers for BPOC writers, and informed by member surveys, consultation and feedback, SBWN uplifts, validates and provides safer spaces for marginalised voices, nurturing and promoting the current and next generation of Black and POC writers based in Scotland.



Free yourself from unconcious habits and patterns which are no longer of use Through skilful and experienced 'hands on' and verbal direction, your body and mind are enabled to let go of attachment to habitual patterns of holding, tensing, tightening and shortening. This is replaced by a general freeing, easing, lengthening and expanding tendency in both body and mind. Regain, through consciousness, what we used to have, as small children, through innocence With balanced body and balanced mind (the one goes with the other) performance and pleasure in all our activities is enhanced. Perfect balance, poise and freedom of movement To find out more about the Alexander Technique, how it may help you and what happens in a lesson, please contact me or click here to visit the Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT) Look after your back and your back will look after you The Alexander Technique Can Help You to heal your back or other physical discomfort to regain freedom, poise, ease and elegance in movement and posture to improve performance and prevent injury in music, sport, drama, singing to enhance your public speaking and presentation skills to change the conditions that stop you enjoying a happy and healthy life The Art of Running Having undergone further specialised AT training and become an 'Art of Running' instructor I am able to help you * improve your running style * avoid injury * run further and faster * enjoy your running more A three session package is recommended. Video analysis is utilised to identify unhelpful habits and monitor progress over the 3 sessions. There will be general 'postural' work as well as specialised bespoke guidance to help you improve your particular running style. Please contact me for more information and booking and feel free to browse my website.

Defence College

defence college


The Defence College is a UK-based organisation specialising on providing technical short courses to engineers and applied science professionals working in defence sector. It also offers engineering R&D consultancy services. The organisation is served by a number of highly experienced academics specialising in the defence technical educations. One such example is Dr Bidur Khanal. He is a senior academic with a long and established track record of teaching engineering courses in UK Higher Education sector. In particular, he has developed a niche in teaching/training defence engineering courses. He was working at Cranfield University’s Centre for Defence Engineering (CDE) as a lecturer in Complex Weapons, where he spent a number of years teaching defence engineering topics in military land vehicle propulsion, transmission system design, weapons design, and fighting vehicle design. He still supports CDE’s courses. Dr Khanal has delivered short courses to defence organizations (currently to US & UK Army and Canadian defence personnels) as an external consultant, and the teaching are focused on weapons engineering courses e.g. Military Engine Technologies, Military Tracked Vehicle Transmission Systems and Designs, Gun System Designs, Fighting Vehicle Design etc. Dr Khanal is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a member of Royal Aeronautical Society, UK. He is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK. He is also an active researcher in computational fluid dynamics, and has published numerous research articles in journals and conference proceedings. Some of his most recent research projects include CFD studies on large calibre gun muzzle brake flowfield, thrust reverser design, High-Pressure turbine blade design and transient missile release from a military aircraft. We are also supported by Major Santa Pun MBE, Major Pun is a senior advisor to Defence College. His experience in UK Military and continuing service in UK MOD means we are strategically supported by a defence professional with life long experience in defence.

Driver Instruct Partnership

driver instruct partnership

Business As the owner of your own business, you’ll be in charge of the hours you work, giving you flexibility to work around family, social, or other career requirements as needed (ideal if you’re taking c-ADI training, for example). You can vary your driving instructor salary easily by taking on more clients or toning down your schedule as necessary. However, remember that it can take some time for a new ADI to build up a reputation, and you may not have the opportunity to work quite as many hours as you’d like during the first few months of owning the business. Franchise/Partnership The good things about franchises is that you’ll still have some degree of control over how much you work, although many companies will require you to commit to working a minimum number of hours per week if they have a large client database. You may also be tied into a contract that can dictate the number of hours you work. Many contracts are set at 6 or 12 months, with some simply being ‘rollover’ contracts that continue until you provide notice of cancellation. Overheads Business If you’re going down the ‘own business’ route, you’ll be wholly responsible for any business overheads, which for driving instructors can be quite significant. You’ll be required to supply your own vehicle, pay fuel costs and insurance, and ensure the vehicle is safe, well maintained, and is serviced annually. As a new business owner, you may be required to be in business for a number of years before your profits are significantly higher than your business outgoings. Becoming a driving instructor isn’t always easy, but rest assured it’s worth it in the end!