57887 Educators providing Courses

Council Of Validating Universities

council of validating universities


About CVU The Council of Validating Universities is the only body in the UK specialising exclusively in good practice and standards for that aspect of higher education which concerns the validation of programmes of study by universities and colleges (‘awarding institutions’) for delivery by other colleges or organisations (‘partner institutions’). The term ‘collaborative provision’ is often used to describe this form of partnership. Foundation and Remit The CVU was formed in 1982 and registered as a charity in 1996. It became incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee on 28th October 2004 (Company Number: 05272761). It is a non-statutory body comprising representatives from higher education institutions and other related organisations in the United Kingdom. Objectives: To advance education, including training and research, in particular by: keeping under review the concerns of degree-awarding institutions within the United Kingdom in relation to collaborative activity identifying and promoting good practice in collaborative validation. The CVU defines ‘collaborative provision’ as the process whereby a degree-awarding body judges one or more programmes of study, courses, or modules offered by another body to be appropriate to lead to a qualification and/or credit of that degree awarding body. The programmes of study may be designed and developed by either the degree-awarding body or the the other body or a partnership of the two. Collaborative validation therefore embraces the accreditation of institutions, the franchising of courses and other forms of academic association.

Uk Certification Association

uk certification association


United Kingdom Certification Association (UKCA) is a famous professional certification center, with 10 years development in China, it has established the perfect UKCA curriculum system, certification system, examination system and employment service system. UK Certification Association (UKCA) has establish cooperation with ShenZhen MYAJ international cultural exchange co., LTD(MYAJ). and authorized it to establish headquarters in China, set up certification standards and examination system. MYAJ is also responsible for works like managing Chinese partners, agents and students and has the ability to authorize agent with limited period. The UK Certification Association, or UKCA.Established in London, UK, it is a member of ACA certification alliance of international certification standards committee and is supervised by it. Following the mutual recognition of international certification standards, it is a professional organisation focusing on vocational skills certification in the UK.UKCA is dedicated to vocational training, online examinations, certification and cultural exchange activities at various occupational levels. It integrates the UK and international assessment systems and provides assessment and certification services for dozens of projects in management, market, trade, art, finance and other fields.Professors from the university of Oxford, the university of Cambridge, the university of Edinburgh, the university of London, the university of Manchester, the university of Sheffield, the university of Aberdeen and other famous British universities and executives of multinational companies served as its expert committee members. it has obtained legal registration from the British government and established a good strategic cooperative relationship with various industry associations around the world.

Friends of Burgess Park

friends of burgess park

Weekly litter pick Mondays 7:30-9.30am and Thursdays 6:15-8pm July to September 2020. Meet at the picnic benches at Chumleigh Gardens. Gloves and litter pickers provided or bring your own. More information here. Read the blog. Photo of Grebe swimmingLaunch of Southwark nature action conservation volunteers Dave Clark provided online training in recognising birdsong. He has an MSc in Ornithology from Birmingham University and is particularly interested in the interaction between birds and humans. Read his blog about birds in Burgess Park From Africa to the Old Kent Road and follow him on Twitter @daveclark77. Burgess Park contains a mosaic of locally important habitats including areas of rough grass, wildflower ‘meadows’, hedges and patches of bushes, scrub and trees; and a lake and some small ponds with reeds. Regular visitors include House Martins, Swifts, Blackcaps, Reed Warblers and Whitethroats. Other birds include House Sparrow, Starling, Greenfinch, and typical garden species like the Robin and Blue Tit. The lake has several different species of waterbirds, including three species of geese – Canada, Egyptian and Greylag. Tuesday 3 March 2020, 7pm, Theatre Deli, Wells Way SE5 Book ticket. white letter hairstreakHelp with species’ habitats and nature conservation in Southwark parks: carry out surveys, help with planting, dig ponds, map wildlife sightings to target habitat action, photograph wildlife and habitats etc. Launch event includes talks from Simon Saville, Butterfly Conservation and Jon Best, Southwark Ecology Officer, films and discussions. Find out more.

Pathway To Success

pathway to success

Pathway to Success is registered organisation in England and Wales, offering a range of services through affiliation with colleges in order to improve the quality standards of education providers around the world. Our proficiency in providing motivational education programmes helps our clients to build a maintainable atmosphere where students, teachers and facilities come together to improve standards in education, training and learning. Pathway to Success also offers educational institutes business and financial advice in regards to programme fee structure and compares the range of products offered with market competitors.to succeed. Mission Statement The mission of Pathway to Success is to extend access to high quality certificate programs for adults who pursue to maximise their personal and professional potential. This mission is accomplished through innovative programs that are approachable to the requirements of learners and involve active, attractive, stimulating, and appropriate learning experiences offered in a diversity of delivery methods. Our Vision We will continue to strengthen the quality of our programs as directed by the accomplishments of our clients and their students We will also expand our national and international manifestation through coalitions that generate opportunities for our affiliated institutes and for their faculty members and students. Our values We are honestly dedicated to improve and support our customers to deliver the highest quality education. We confidently believe that our effort makes a positive difference in Education industry. We take full responsibility for our actions and performance aiming for excellence and want our customers and theirs students