626 Educators providing Courses

Starlight Temple

starlight temple


Spirituality for me began as a search for happiness. In my late teens, I realized that I didn't know how to be happy. I started to read self-help books which eventually lead to spiritual workshops. Meeting people who could channel spirit guides inspired me to learn how to channel and life was never the same again! Channeling is the Divine Conversation that we have with life and that is where I found my happiness. I have worked with people and lands all over the world, flowing the flow of my own Divine conversation to be of Service to Humanity at this time of immense change and transformation. All of Starlight's Offerings are about bringing magic to life. The root word of magic is the same as the root word of power is means to be able or to be capable. The Tools, Guidance Ceremonies, and Processes that Starlight Temple offers are all ways that have helped me become more capable and live more magically. Living magically to me is all about living in connection. We were all born to be in connection -with ourselves, with the Earth, with the Cosmos, and with each other. Through channeling practices, shadow healing, ceremony, tantra and land work we can all come back into connection and in doing so live more of our potential, fulfill our paths, and experience the happiness of belonging. For me, spirituality is all about learning to Live it, learning how to become the change we want to see in the world. There are many tools and it is all about finding the ones that resonate with you. Kahreela x The four pillars of Starlight Temple are Channeling and Connection, Ceremony and the Temples Ways, Shadow work and Temple Alchemy, Ceremony and Earth work, Journeys and Portals. All of my offerings and energetic work happen through The Starlight Temple, be it online, in person or on the land. The Starlight Temple is the name of my path, which I have always sensed is an energetic Dragon – an alchemical Dragon, made of ancient wisdom and the magic of many guides, goddesses, spirits and star ones. The Starlight Dragon carries magic into the Temple and into the world, creating change, direction, flow and Alchemical change wherever it is called to fly. This Dragon is ancient memory that is invites you to walk and live the old ways. This Dragon is a fierce guardian of Gaia and those who serve her by healing themselves and their shadows. This Dragon is magnetic and will call you to ride through the dimensions until you understand yourself more deeply. The Starlight Temple is all about connection; connection to self, life, the universe and spirit. Our path is about learning to connect, channel and live the divine conversation. Starlight’s workshops, courses, one to ones, ceremonies and journeys are all dedicated to helping people find empowerment in their lives and as they walk their spiritual paths. We believe that spirituality is something you experience, that every person's truth is unique and that everyone's truth makes up the whole truth of the Universe. The events that we do are about holding space for people to have an experience of their truth, ultimately our work is about love - ways and tools of learning to Love the Earth, Life, Each other and our own self more. Starlight Temple is a space overflowing with ways of doing spirituality that can be incorporated into your everyday life, so that your path, your truth and love can be lived more fully!

Touch the Earth

touch the earth


Shamanism is a way of life of our ancestors understand the connection to our Ancestors and spirits of nature that exist outside and inside us. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual path on the planet, it is in our roots. Wherever we live, all dimensions are real and everything in our world has a spirit, a life force. Walking this path deepens our communication with our Earth Mother and all that is. Within shamanism there are time tested healing practices which can guide our way to attaining balance and connection in the life journey that we are walking - "Rites of Passage" and "Handfasting" to help you to pass into the new phases of your life and just some of the ceremonies that can help you find your place or help you to embrace a new phase in your life. Connecting with creation can make us more balanced, and therefore healthier in mind, body and spirit. Shamanic journeying and life-energy restoral: the foundation of shamanic healing is the use and connection to the drum. The steady heartbeat of the drum carries us to the other worlds, to other realities. It is on this journey that the shaman encounters the healing powers, connects with the life force and can help to facilitate the healing process of mind body and spirit. With the use of the shaman's horse (the drum) a level of awareness can be entered at will, in which inner, spiritual realities can be perceived and experienced. A shaman journeys into the landscape of the person they are journeying for, always with the right intent and with their permission to determine what help is needed. Sometimes they can bring back a lost fragment and restore it to the individual, providing the person with the opportunity to integrate it within the totality of their being. They can also bring power allies back with them to help aid the healing process. During our life we can have traumatic events. These events can cause us to become out of balance. We bury them deeply within us and hold onto them. We send an aspect of our self into hiding. Within the journey we can seek out and find these fragments, return them. The shamanic journey is a powerful one. With experience one can travel to their own landscapes, look for their power animals, seek guidance, knowledge and interact with non-ordinary reality. Drum healing & drum washing: the drum is used like a scanner, and one is able to tune into the energy of the drum as it is passed over the person's body. It shows us the weakness of certain points throughout the body. Drum washing is a wonderful cleansing of the body. With the vibration of the drum the sound waves penetrate the aura and the physical body to bring about healing. It is a refreshing and invigorating experience. Science has proven that a constant, rhythmical drum beat can boost the immune system and relieve stress and tension within the body. Shamanic divination: divination opens doors, it is a guide to finding ones own answers. We all have the answers to the questions we seek within our own selves. Sometimes, however, we feel a need for guidance from someone else. Divination will help to show you to the door, but you must walk through it. Gaining knowledge and wisdom comes from our own experience.

Solutions for the Mind, Body & Soul

solutions for the mind, body & soul

Thanks for looking at my site. On here, you will be able to see that I offer a range of transformational solutions in the form of training courses, workshops, 1-2-1 sessions, talks and also products for Hypnosis, Regression and other Life Enhancing Modalities. As well as having long-term expertise in Hypnosis and Regression, I am also a Sound Healer (running regular sound baths), a Crystal Healer, a Reiki Master/Teacher in a few different traditions and have taught Reiki for 11 years, a Fully Accredited Spiritual Healer (trained at the College of Psychic Studies way back when), Aura Soma Practitioner, a coach and I work with a wide variety of energy management techniques for the Mind, Body & Soul. In short, I’d call myself a Transformational Energy Worker, and my goal with all that I do is to help people improve the quality of their lives by using simple and effective transformational techniques in a grounded, helpful and beneficial way. I have a private practice in a wonderful location in the Lee in South Bucks. This is most easily accessible by road, and also by rail (Great Missenden 8 minutes by car or Wendover 11 minutes by car) or by Metropolitan line tube via Chesham (14 minutes by car). I have clients coming mainly from London, and also the Home Counties and nation-wide. I also been working online for 4/5 years with clients both in the UK and overseas. In the past I have taught groups in South Africa, Mexico, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, Lithuania, Sardinia and the UK, as well as individuals from a wide range of countries and cultures. I am always interested in new opportunities in any country, or part of the UK for talks, workshops or more. Just email me to ask if you have good ideas or questions in that respect. As well as the therapy techniques that I teach, I also offer a range of expertise and workshops in many aspects of life-style improvement, such as relaxation, stress management, increasing productivity, improving your relationship with money, changing the energy of your home and many more. I haven’t always been in the holistic arena. I spent many years working behind a desk in shipping before the call of my intuition uprooted me and led me to quit my job, sell my house and car, and put all my possessions into storage and travel the world for a few years. When I came back to the UK, I had the notion that I had to get my chakras sorted out, and found my way to a place called the College of Psychic Studies in London where I did a 2 year degree as a Spiritual Healer. Around the same time I trained to be a Reiki Master, Theta healer, Aura Soma practitioner, and I also made a truly life-changing decision when I found my way to hypnotherapist to Stop Smoking. That 2.5 hour session saw me swapping one addiction for another as I undertook extensive training in hypnosis, then regression therapy and found my passion in helping people to understand and trance-form their subconscious patterns to liberate themselves from old patterns that have been holding them back for years, decades and often lifetimes. And that’s what I do now – my passion – which is helping people like you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, by clearing and releasing the past in whichever way is most beneficial and helpful for you.

St Peter's Catholic School

st peter's catholic school


Guildford Surrey

St Peter’s Catholic School is a thriving secondary school and Sixth Form full of great staff and fantastic young people. Many schools can offer high standards, good exam results and high aspirations. However, as a Catholic school we offer all of the above as well as a unique ethos based on strong relationships, high expectations and emotional and spiritual health. I am very proud to be the Headteacher of St Peter’s and I welcome you to our website. St Peter’s is a community that supports one another through life experience and academic learning, and ensures every member feels individually valued. Our Catholic ethos permeates throughout the school in how we treat each other and we value the opportunities for personal and community reflection that stems from celebrating being ‘Christ to all’. Our students are wonderful – they are hardworking, well-behaved and enjoy spending time with each other and our staff. We work in a positive culture using consistent procedures and excellent systems. We are very proud of the quality of care students receive alongside their academic education and strive to make all students’ time at school some of the happiest times of their lives. We are fortunate that St Peter’s is set in a very pleasant environment with excellent facilities. Please come and visit us and take the opportunity to talk to me, our staff and most importantly our students who are great ambassadors for the school and will explain what life is like at our school. In the meantime, please take a moment to view our promotional video below and I look forward to meeting you soon.




At ilmburst, we are very excited about launching this project. Excited, because we are passionate about nurturing our children from a young age, nurturing in them a love for their religion and nurturing their spiritual development. The idea for ilmburst began when we found that many of us as parents don’t have the confidence to teach our children their religion. This is due to a variety of reasons. Some of us feel we don’t have the knowledge and ability, others among us don’t have the time to research and prepare the material needed to teach our children and yet others are afraid that they may teach something incorrectly or use inauthentic material. We aim to help change that, in sha Allah. We should all be able to help teach our children in an engaging and fun way. What better way to bond with your children than doing something which is pleasing to Allah? Using the individual skills and talents of our team we have brought together people qualified in Islamic studies, education and teaching experience to create a wide variety of resources across a wide breadth of subjects, which are then designed using professional design software to ensure high quality. Our vision is to help nurture a generation of Muslims who are proud and confident of their Islam, and who then use this confidence to excel academically, into their chosen career paths and be role models within their communities. We ask Allah, the Most High, to grant us all success as parents and teachers, and that He blesses our children and makes them a source of happiness and joy for us in this world and the next.

Big Soul Network

big soul network

The Big Soul Network is a different kind of business network. It's a light hearted welcoming MAGIC SPACE for purpose led change makers, entrepreneurial light workers, and heart centred business owners who value kindness, friendship, genuine connection and collaboration more than competition and cut throat business practices.   I'm Kim Macleod, the founder of this community and I have a mission to create a kinder more gentle world where we can all rise together. To do this I am bringing together elements of spirituality, positive psychology, personal development, joy, entrepreneurship and good business practices to encourage and support you to be the best version of yourself. Together we can all create the life and business that our souls call us to.  Running a business is the biggest learning experience many of us ever have. We all need business friends who "get us", people we can be honest with, people to reach out to and ask for help. As a business owner (of two different businesses for 18 years) I know the power of a strong network. My business friends have been a source of inspiration, wisdom and encouragement through all the ups and downs.  I have grown my clients through referrals from business friends more than any other marketing route. But I also know that many people, struggle with finding a business network that suits them.  At Big Soul Network we bring the "woo woo" and the business world together - you can expect discussions about universal energy, intuition, visualisation and soul journeys alongside sales, marketing and business plans. Business is an inside job, so we are opening up ways to share wisdom, go deep, connect with each other and raise our vibration. We have membership options to support you and host online and in person networking events, mastermind groups, mini business retreat days and one to one mentoring.  Local in-person event locations will increase as the network expands and new facilitators and event leaders are in place. This is the place for you if you want to: * connect you with other like minded people  * tune into your own soul purpose * access opportunities for personal development and spiritual growth * love your business and be rewarded well for your work * find opportunities to collaborate and grow your business * encourage and share kindness * flow with the universal energy of abundance. 

Auckland College

auckland college


Our specific mission is to: value the spiritual and moral development of each child, as well as their intellectual and physical growth enable children to be creative and to develop their own thinking At Auckland College we are dedicated to providing an education of the highest quality which motivates every pupil to reach their academic and personal potential. Our pupils thrive in a happy, safe and family atmosphere where warm relationships are fostered with each other and with teachers and staff, and between the school and our parents. We welcome and actively engage our parents as equal partners in their child’s education. We enjoy sharing and celebrating the range of activities and experiences on offer to our pupils, at the heart of which is our approach to individualised learning and enrichment. By encouraging a positive attitude towards learning, our children enjoy coming to school, and so acquire a basis for lifelong learning and the ability to succeed throughout their lives. We teach a rich and varied curriculum which reflects the individual needs of our pupils and have a team of dedicated, committed and enthusiastic staff who encourage pupils to reach their full potential, and celebrate their success during their journey. We cherish the uniqueness of our school by developing the enriching experiences on offer, and always keeping the needs of our children, and parents, at the heart of everything we do. Our parents welcome and appreciate the wrap around childcare that is provided at Auckland College, where the cost of breakfast club, after school club and holiday clubs are fully inclusive of the school fees. We are delighted to announce that we are now an Outstanding school deemed by Ofsted, an accolade that we feel is fully deserved in recognition of the hard work and dedication of the Directors, staff, parents and of course the students of Auckland College.

Valley College

valley college


A very warm welcome to Valley College, situated on Ewood Campus. I am delighted to be Head of Valley College , an educational environment which is focused on its mission statement 'Preparation for Adulthood, Citizenship and Employment' (PACE). It is so important to ensure all learners gain the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives, and become informed, active and responsible citizens in society. Having been appointed as Head of Valley College and Ewood Campus in September 2021, I would like to share some information about the provision for Valley College learners. Valley College learners are supported by skilled and familiar staff and alongside their advocates, create a bespoke individualised pathway to ensure future aspirations are achieved. Learners are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of the college and their communities. Learners have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing into adulthood. Within Valley College, learners are able to develop new skills and access the community, and sessions are focused on preparing learners for adult life. Valley College ensures all learners leave with relevant qualifications (if appropriate) and gain their desired aspiration destination. We work together with our learners to increase their independence, so they can take more control over their lives. Valley College is a friendly place where learners can develop interests and gradually gain the skills and confidence they need to move on to the next stage of their lives, preparing them for adulthood, citizenship and employability.