702 Educators providing Courses

Ever-evolving Training

ever-evolving training


Ever Evolving, Inc.About Ever Evolving Steve Palmer founded Ever Evolving in February 2016 A Note From Our Founder I started Ever Evolving to help business leaders embrace disruption, because ready or not, change is coming. A recent study by our peers at Accenture stated how 93% of Executives “know their industry will be disrupted at some point in the next five years, only 20 percent feel they’re highly prepared to address it.” Which is backed up by Innosight, and their findings about the decreasing corporate lifespan. In fact, their findings show that “about half of S&P 500 companies will be replaced over the next ten years.” That’s frightening! It’s frightening because if it’s happening to the S&P 500, then we are all vulnerable. It’s frightening to think, not only about the effects that industry disruption could have on your career, but the cumulative effects on the careers of your colleagues. It’s frightening to think about the downstream effects it has on your families and loved ones. So I set out to do something about it. In today’s ever-evolving (pun intended) market place, business leaders are challenged to constantly make smart investment decisions in new products and service offerings. After all, the only way to avoid disruption is to innovate out of it. Unfortunately, based on results from a survey conducted by our friends at McKinsey & Company, only 6% of Executives are “satisfied with [their company’s] innovation performance.” Luckily for you, we have a better way. To avoid being disrupted, to not be in that half of the companies that gets replaced, you need to innovate. You need to innovate repeatably. And you need to innovate perpetually. You need a pipeline of new ideas that are ready to replace any outdated products and business practices. You need to communicate the need for new ideas and reward those who submit valuable ones. You need a framework so people know how to develop them. You need innovation governance to make sure you’re investing your time and resources wisely. We at Ever Evolving can help with that. We have developed a framework. We call it the InnoSpecting Framework. And we use that framework as a guideline, tailoring it through our regular engagements with our customers to fit the needs of their specific organizations. Our framework is built on a rock-solid foundation that we call the 4 Pillars of Continuous Innovation. And is governed through regular meetings we call Innovation Pulses. To help you quickly and accurately get through our framework, we provide you with a set of custom tools and templates. These tools will not only help you identify new innovation ideas, but to also manage those ideas so you aren’t wasting money needlessly on ideas that don’t provide value. All in all, these tools and templates will be your answer to addressing six biggest challenges to corporate innovation. But we also recognize that this isn’t a simple journey. We recognize that changing how you operate is challenging. Which is why we also provide a community of peers. We call it the InnoSpection Community. We have designed this community to provide the support you need for this journey. It’s a community of experts and like-minded companies to help you through your innovation transformation. And no matter what size your organization is, we have packages designed to fit your needs. And we’ve built all of this with a focus on YOU. With a focus on YOUR NEEDS. To make sure you are NOT one of the 94% of executives unsatisfied with your innovation performance. To make sure you are NOT one of those companies being replaced. Like I said, we have a better way. Reach out and allow me to share it with you. Connect with Me Connect with me, as I’d love to learn about your organization and talk about where we can collaborate.

Sheldon School

sheldon school


Expectations and aspirations are high here and we are committed to developing the young people in our care, whatever their talents. Children of all abilities succeed at this school and are encouraged to develop academically, physically and spiritually, fulfilling their potential in a happy, caring environment. When Ofsted last visited, it commented: “The all-pervading caring ethos ensures that pupils are happy and able to thrive from the moment they arrive at school. Pupils are very keen to share their pleasure of being at school and went out of their way to let inspectors know.” That is every bit as true today as it was then. Examination performance is very strong. At A level, students reach exceptional levels in a thriving Sixth Form of 350 students. Students routinely progress to Russell Group universities, including year-on-year to Oxford and Cambridge. In 2022, two students progressed to Oxford and Cambridge to read medicine, with a further moving to Oxford to study mathematics; in addition, one student is embarking on a degree in veterinary science. We are proud of the numbers of students who move on to university education, typically around 75% each year, and even more delighted in the variety of subjects that are chosen, following a rich A level experience here. Increasing numbers are also progressing to some prestigious higher-level apprenticeships, including one this year in software engineering with Lockheed Martin. At GCSE, students also perform well, both in value-added terms and in raw attainment. As a consequence, we have large numbers moving in to our Sixth Form, complemented every year with a number of students from other schools who choose to join us for their A level programme. Ofsted confirmed the strength in pastoral care alongside provision for purposeful learning by adding that we “have established a school that holds the academic success and emotional well-being of each pupil at its heart.” As a parent of four children myself, I am acutely aware of the increasing importance of education in today’s world and the role that we, as teachers, have to play in developing our children so that they are fully equipped to make positive contributions to society. The staff at Sheldon School are extremely committed and dedicated to ensure that this is the case and I am personally determined to see all children flourish here. I also value enormously the links between school and home, success being built on strong partnerships with parents and ourselves. My door is always open and prospective or existing parents are very welcome to visit the school; I look forward to meeting you.

Harrow Courses

harrow courses

Services for schools The Government’s expectation is that schools and colleges will work towards the Gatsby benchmarks. There are 8 benchmarks which constitute ‘good practice’ in career guidance for schools and colleges, they are: A stable careers programme Learning from career and labour market information Addressing the needs of each student Linking curriculum learning to careers Encounters with employers and employees Experiences of workplaces Encounters with further and higher education Personal guidance. Harrow College is now offering a range of new services to local schools for students in Years 10, 11, 12 and 13. The College offer can be linked to the Gatsby Benchmarks as well as support the school to meet their commitment to the Technical and Further Education Bill's amendment passed in the House of Lords in February 2017 by Lord Baker. We provide support to learners to progress from schools onto further education and apprenticeships. We encourage awareness of the many career opportunities available to young people and the vocational or academic qualification route they may need to take to succeed in their chosen career. College staff can assist and work with schools to: • Provide vocational advice and guidance • Collaborate during Careers Events and Parents’ Evenings • Arrange visits to college for individual learners and/or groups • Organise workshops at the College or in your school for specific subject areas allowing students to get ‘hands on’ experience. Parents Evening and Careers fair - Our staff can attend Parents Evenings, Careers Fairs and Year 11 options evenings in your school, to offer advice and guidance to learners, their parents and guardians. Tour for learners and teachers - Our staff are on hand to offer bespoke tours of the College to your staff, learners and their parents. This often helps learners to get a feel for how studying in a college might be like and we will help you advise your learners appropriately. Taster days - We hold taster days throughout the year to engage learners. Taster days can be a half or full day depending on your school timetable and requirements, and most subject areas are available. Presentation and talks – Our industry experienced staff can come into your school and deliver informative presentations to teachers, learners and their parents/ guardians. We understand time can be an issue so we can also deliver presentations at a time and place that suits you. CPD for teachers - Throughout the year our staff host a range of events for teachers and careers advisers. These events are a great opportunity to visit the College, view facilities and hear from vocational teaching teams on the options available to young people. Our Senior Leadership Team is also available to deliver sessions on new policy developments in education, such as T Levels, Institute of Technology, SEND etc. If you would like further information on how Harrow College can work with your school, please contact Lee Janaway via email on ljanaway@hcuc.harrow.ac.uk