57885 Educators providing Courses




We are a leading software development house involved in the OO mentoring sphere. Our aim is to develop software applications with you not for you. The team have a wealth of knowledge in OO software development using C++, Java, Delphi, CORBA, J2EE, EJBs, COM, UML and numerous database technologies such Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server and Interbase. We are run by technology gurus for none technology gurus who need unbiased views and objective strategies for their companies future software developments. We can boast an unprecedented 11 years of object oriented software development experience. Our team have worked with IBM, BP, British Airways, CTS, the Government, City banks, Primary Insurance companies and London Underground. Our team can bring architectural, business analysis, mentoring and software development skills to your company in a selective manner. stream2stream are currently engaged in developing streaming software applications for the growing mobile multimedia market. We expect to see fascinating products in the market by the end of 2003. Building Applications with you, not for you! Our world as we know it and understand it is changing at an ever increasing pace. There seems to be no end in sight to the learning that one has to do to be sure that the applications produced today will stand the trials of customers and time. A university professor once stated "that if you are learning computer science with the intention of graduating and then that's it, think again! You will be a part-time student forever". The requirements that are been driven down from clients to the suppliers of software systems are becoming more and more complex as we the purveyors of IT systems present more and more fascinating technology and our users/clients capture the vision of how these technologies can be used in their lives and corporations. stream2stream is here to help you build the applications of tomorrow. We are not a software house that you can outsource your work out to. We are not a training company concerned only with delivering high quality detailed training with no after-train support or consolidation. We are not a body shop supplying developers who will cut code and then run the fastest sprint ever seen. We are not consultants whose only intention is to give you the feel good factor even though time-scales and budgets have been breached! We are your conscious of bringing to you · Software development at your side. We work with you transferring the knowledge we have to your teams. We have been mentoring software developers and companies for the last four years guaranteeing that the systems that are built are scalable, maintainable, flexible and stable. · High quality training in UML, Architectures and Java. We don't just train you in these technologies, but we work with you in using these tools, transferring our knowledge and experience to your teams. · Professional software developers not hackers. They are all trained UML advocates, ensuring that all tasks are captured in document form. Each developer can confidently transfer the knowledge that they acquired and implemented to any of your teams through mentoring. · OO Mentoring. This means that you get the full development life cycle support. From the moment your project begins right through to deployment and then maintenance, we are there supporting you. Changes in technology will be brought to you as we become aware that the technology has become stable. Why continue developing software the way you have done. Join the technological revolution. Determine your future by creating it with us To see how we can further your software development projects contact us for more information

Strone Primary School Information

strone primary school information

The Education Committee recommended at its meeting of 21 August 1997 that – ‘the adoption of a distinctive dress code chosen to enhance the ethos of the school should be encouraged in all schools’. Given that there is substantial parental and public approval of uniform, schools in Argyll and Bute are free to encourage the wearing of school uniform. In Strone Primary School, the suggested uniform is as follows: BOYS: Strone School sweatshirt (which is bright red and bears the school logo, plain red jumper or cardigan.) Black or grey trousers. White shirt or school polo shirt Black School Shoes GIRLS: Strone School sweatshirt (which is bright red and bears the school logo, plain red jumper or cardigan.) Black or grey skirts or trousers. White blouse or school polo shirt Black School Shoes PE KIT: T-shirt, shorts, training shoes. Indoor and outdoor training shoes required. T-shirt and training shoes should be kept in a bag with pupil’s name on it. At Strone Primary we use the outdoor environment as a valuable resource for our curriculum. The children are frequently outdoors and therefore we would ask that they all have a pair of wellies that they can keep in school. We are able to provide waterproof jackets and trousers for all our pupils. Please note that school uniform is not compulsory and it is not policy to insist on pupils wearing uniform or having specialist items of clothing in order to engage in all of the activities of the curriculum. As such, pupils will not be deprived of any educational benefit as a result of not wearing uniform. However, there are forms of dress which are unacceptable in school, such as items of clothing which: potentially encourage faction (such as football colours); could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political slogans); could cause health and safety difficulties (such as loose fitting clothing, dangling earrings); are made from a flammable material, for example shell suits in practical classes; could cause damage to flooring; carry advertising, particularly for alcohol or tobacco; and could be used to inflict damage on other pupils or be used by others to do so. All clothing brought to school should be labelled or marked in some way, as it is difficult for children to distinguish their own clothing from others. School Clothing Grants Grants of £100 are available for any child who will attend an Argyll and Bute Council school and whose parent(s) receive: Income Support Income Based Job Seekers Allowance Income related element of employment and Support allowance Council Tax or Housing Benefit Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit (Income should not exceed £6900) Pupils aged between 16 and 18 years who receive any of the above benefits in their own right also qualify. To complete an online application form please visit https://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/education-and-learning/childcare-school-and-education-grants-0. Alternatively, please contact Customer Services: Education on 01369 708548 or your local benefit enquiry office. Please note that the above eligibility criteria is correct at time of publishing (November 2019) and may be subject to change by the start of August 2020. The link above will contain the most up-to-date information. If you are not eligible for any of the benefits listed above there is a separate application process available and you should contact either 01369 708548 or your local benefit enquiry office for details.

ICIF - Italian Culinary Institute

icif - italian culinary institute

ICIF, a prestigious Italian cooking and enology school, has its headquarters in the Castle of Costigliole d'Asti, a town located among the most beautiful hills of Monferrato, at the gates of the Langhe, in a land with a strong agricultural vocation, famous for the production of Barbera and Moscato wines. The town is dominated by the imposing forms of the Castle, one of the grandest and best preserved in the province of Asti, of medieval origin, it was restructured over the centuries, and passed from hand to hand of various owners until it arrived in 1854, married by Francesco Verasis, Virginia Oldoini, Countess of Castiglione, whose legend is still part of the Castle walls today. In fact, it is said that, considering her resourcefulness and her charm, in 1855 her cousin Cavour sent her on a mission to the French court of Napoleon III to plead the Franco-Piedmontese alliance with the emperor. The countess' great social and seductive presence gave the expected results: she was luxuriously hosted in Compiègne, very worldly, very expensive, the countess was for a year the almost official lover of the emperor. On the west side of the Castle, owned by the municipality, there is a large portal which can be accessed via a double flight of stairs: this is the entrance to our Institute, the Professional School of Italian Cuisine where, from 1997 to today, among those same walls, young cooks from all over the world take turns learning the secrets of Italian food and wine. The classrooms and laboratories for training activities in the Castle: Tasting room and Enoteca Inside the School, in the historic cellars of the Castle, the Enoteca has been set up, where the best Italian producers exhibit their products. The ICIF National Enoteca is among the most advanced structures in Italy for deepening the knowledge of Italian wines. Inside the Enoteca there is a very modern tasting room with a futuristic design, which we have equipped with 20 multifunctional tasting stations which can be used not only for wines, but also for the sensory analysis of other products, such as oil, vinegars, coffee, etc. Elaiotheque Inside the Scuola, in the historic cellars of the Castle, the Elaiotheque has been set up, where a selection of Italian extra virgin olive oils is displayed. The ICIF National Elaioteca brings together experts and enthusiasts of the mythical product, it is the first and for now the only initiative in the olive sector that offers an objective review of certified quality Italian extra virgin olive oils whose profile and whose gastronomic applications have been ascertained by an international panel of tasters recognized by the International Olive Council. We have selected exclusively products of Italian origin guaranteed by IGP, DOP, organic farming and product quality certifications. The ICIF National Elaioteca represents an important and unique tool for the valorisation of the best Italian extra virgin olive oils and for their in-depth knowledge aimed at the best culinary applications. Restaurant It is a refined and exclusive environment, adjacent to the main kitchen, it is used for training relating to room service, for events, official lunches and for the final essays of some training courses in which the students prepare a complete menu for guests and authorities at demonstration of their learning. Chocolate laboratory A new didactic space, set up with all the equipment to learn the art of combining and treating the different varieties of cocoa and ingredients to create the delicious flavor of a quality chocolate, guided by the Master Chocolatiers to discover their secrets. Grotto of cheeses An exhibition space from other times recreated as the "crutin" of our elders, to enhance the great variety and quality of Italian cheeses and not forget the importance of the history and tradition of a millenary culture now exported and appreciated all over the world. Salami grotto An exhibition space to enhance the types and varieties of Italian cured meats, an added value to the use and training, production methods and nutritional hints for a measured consumption of the same in compliance with a balanced Mediterranean diet without eliminating the pleasure of an appetizer mix of Italian cold cuts. Boutique of food and wine excellences of the regions of Italy A space dedicated to the display and enhancement of regional products of excellence in Italy, selected by ICIF in view of the continuous collaboration and mutual esteem and trust that Italian food and wine product companies place in the Institute.

London Elite Sports & Football Academy

london elite sports & football academy


We are a youth and sports organisations who seek to improve the welfare and wellbeing of all children and young people through organised football/sport training and competitive games, education and social activities of all kinds.Clasford Stirling MBE was invited to establish a youth football team on the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham in 1979, which he duly did and called it Broadwater Farm United. Due to his personal commitment and consistency, two key ingredients for success, that first ‘team’ eventually turned into Broadwater Sports & Football Academy, which is still going but with a rebranding to it’s new name, London Elite Sports & Football Academy, which was founded and established by his son, Jude Stirling. As a youth and community advocacy organisation, it has been incredibly successful, supporting several generations of young people against all the odds, to reach their full potential. Clasfords example of care, discipline and clear mentorship as a strong role model, has attracted other skilled volunteer coaches and workers around him, who are also simply motivated to help young people and their parents to understand the transforming principles of great teamwork and cooperation. London Elite are now key providers within Haringey of youth provision projects that target those young people who are struggling against the adverse effects of poverty and low societal expectation, that can often lead young people into anti-social behaviours that are not good for either their own health and wellbeing, or those around them, especially parents who do not know how to overcome the powerful influences of peer pressure exerted upon their children. London Elite have established a model programme to address this vulnerability of young people, called ‘Off The Street, Less Heat’ aimed at providing a safe and secure ‘Drop-In’ place with a range of social and sport activities during late evening hours, in order to offer them alternative activities that are good for them and enhance their skills through training, education and mentoring. Equality has always been at the very heart of all that guides the way forward for Clasford and his team, with a vision of equal access to not only sport, but also education and all other facilities that are available to young people. London Elite, with the funding support of Nike, are now leaders in developing young women’s football, from the age of 10 and up, with our first team entry into a league, happening this season, which is very exciting for all concerned. London Elite exists and operates within a very diverse community and have the privilege of hosting and training children from many ethnic backgrounds, without discrimination, so all of their work is underpinned by the example and policies of the Football Association, especially in terms of promoting the anti-racist principles of their Respect agenda, which apply to not only the coaches, but to players, parents and spectators alike. London Elite’s vision for going forward, is to continue it’s good work and set a strong legacy plan for it’s continuation on into the future, laying the foundation of good strong ‘best practices’, so that anyone who joins the staff will know exactly what their role and aims are and how to achieve them in the best interests of the young people that they are supporting. There is also an idea to extend the vision to develop a one-stop shop for promoting job opportunities, interview training and entrepreneurial development. Partnerships are key to this future success and their collaborations with local schools, Nike, the London borough of Haringey, Spurs and many others, show just what can be achieved once the will and resources are put to good responsible use. London Elite is governed as a non-profit company limited by guarantee, meaning that there are no profits to be taken out of any funding or income that the management team receive, with any excess of income over costs, having to be ploughed straight back into the work of the team in helping young people. Continued long-term and stable funding is hard to come by now, especially with the financial hardships caused by the effects of the pandemic and so any help is much appreciated. London Elite are always seeking to put any funding opportunities to good use for our young people, so if you feel in alignment with our basic aims and objectives, please feel free to contact us at any time with ideas or concrete offers that you may be aware of. We look forward to hearing from you soon!