626 Educators providing Courses

Self Defence for the Soul

self defence for the soul

Last week I was having a few doubts about some decisions that I’d really been sure of before. But after taking some time for reflection, I recognized that several lies had infiltrated my thinking, tearing me down with subtle accusations. In fact, those decisions that I’d already made were from the Lord, and He confirmed them again. Clearly, it was time to examine my spiritual defenses. I am finding that everything I do related to taking a team back to Haiti next month is being fought by the enemy. Here are some mandatory responses to spiritual warfare – I hope you will take action in your battle as well: Stay Alert: We are at war, so as Howard Hendricks says, don’t be surprised that you’re being shot at. We are admonished to be self-controlled and alert, for our enemy “prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8.) Take Cover: Put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) and walk in truth, practice righteousness and exercise your faith. Stand firm and pray! If it’s been more than one week since you’ve reviewed this passage, read and pray through it right now. Fight back: Are you living in a museum, with your sword hanging on the wall in display? That’s exactly what you’re doing if you leave your Bible on the shelf. The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart (Hebrews 4:12, emphasis added.) A sword is not a defensive barrier – it’s a weapon of assault – which is why it is sharp and piercing. How prepared are you when it comes to self-defense of your soul? Are you a white belt? A black belt? Something in between? Keep up the regular protection of your heart, mind, spirit and soul. Here are some questions I ask myself to keep alert and engage in combat: That voice I hear – is it a shout or whisper? Yes, the Spirit often speaks in a still, small voice – but He speaks other ways as well. And He isn’t shy about getting my attention. God doesn’t hide from us. So when I detect a whisper in my ear, I need to pay attention and ask, “Is this something that God would shout from the mountain tops? Or is it something that my adversary is quietly whispering in the darkness, hoping the lies will enter my mind without being exposed to the light?” (Matthew 10:26-27.) Is the message life-giving or draining? Jesus told us that our enemy intends to steal, kill and destroy – but He came that we’d experience life abundantly (John 10:10.) Am I experiencing assurance of who I am in Christ, or being driven to doubt? Is the message I’m receiving making me more confident and full of faith? Or is it creating anxiety or fear? (e.g. 1 John 5:11-12, Ephesians 2:10, Jeremiah 31:3, Romans 8:14-16.)

St Bede's Catholic College

st bede's catholic college


A very warm welcome to St Bede’s Catholic College. We are committed to the principles of Catholic education and academic excellence, as envisioned by our namesake, St Bede.   It is the responsibility of our college to prepare children to be good citizens and the servant leaders of the future. Through our culture that focuses on gospel values such as service, compassion and forgiveness, Catholic and non-Catholic students alike leave St Bede’s ready to be beacons of light to future generations.  Each member of the school community is recognised as being created in God’s own image and so equally valuable. Non-Catholics feel equally welcome and their spiritual journey as important. The learning of knowledge built through human history is an intellectual human right. Knowledge provides liberty, freedom and power. Therefore, the curriculum at St Bede’s is designed to give access to a wide range of subjects, with expert teachers guiding students through the traditions. Through this curriculum, students have the chance to develop character traits such as fortitude and perseverance, as well as skills including reasoning and critical thinking. As students have different areas of aptitude and interest, St Bede’s caters for all, as we know that often it is only through exposure to these opportunities that they find their God-given gifts. Expectations for effort and application are very high to ensure all students reach their potential, regardless of ability. Such high demands are supported academically, socially and spiritually. Students feel valued at St Bede’s because of its personalised approach, celebration of difference and its desire to develop confidence and independence. St Bede’s nurtures young people’s self-esteem and sense of worth through the provision of a range of opportunities both within and outside the classroom. As Saint John Henry Newman said, any education worthy of the name must involve ‘heart speaking to heart’; a personal connection. We know that the selection of a secondary school or sixth form is a very important decision for families and hope that our website gives a sense of our college. If you wish to explore in greater detail what a St Bede’s education means in practice, please do not hesitate to come and see.

Vince Warner

vince warner


Vince Warner Christian Teacher and Life Coach 🙏 About Me:I am Vince Warner, a dedicated Christian teacher and life coach with over four decades of experience in guiding individuals towards a deeper connection with their faith and a more purposeful life. With a passion for helping people discover God's purpose for their journey, I am committed to providing inspirational teaching and transformative coaching that aligns with Christian values. 📖 Christian Teaching:For over 40 years, I have been a devoted Christian, attending and serving at our local church in Hailsham, Sussex, England. My extensive experience in Christian teaching has allowed me to connect with individuals and groups seeking spiritual growth and a closer relationship with God. My courses and lessons delve into the rich wisdom of the Bible, offering insights, guidance, and encouragement for those on their faith journey. 🤝 Life Coaching with a Christian Perspective:As a certified life coach with accreditation and training in basic NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and holistic coaching, I specialize in helping individuals find and pursue God's purpose for their lives. My coaching approach is rooted in Christian principles, emphasizing the importance of faith, personal growth, and spiritual alignment. I am dedicated to empowering people to overcome challenges, discover their strengths, and live in accordance with their Christian beliefs. 🌟 Motivational Speaking:One of my most important goals is to become well-known and respected as a life coach and motivator within the Christian community. I seek opportunities to speak to groups of people about the transformative power of faith, motivation, and living a life that reflects God's love and purpose. I believe that through motivation and coaching, individuals can achieve their highest potential and find fulfillment in their Christian walk. 🌍 Global Reach:My teachings and coaching have reached individuals not only in Sussex, England, but also across the globe. I am passionate about making a positive impact on the lives of people from all backgrounds, helping them draw closer to the Lord and navigate life's challenges with confidence and faith. 📚 Continual Learning:In my pursuit of excellence in teaching and coaching, I am constantly learning and growing. I am learning several languages, including Bulgarian and Esperanto, which helps me to connect with a diverse audience and offer guidance in various cultural contexts. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Family Man:I have been married to Val for 36 years, and together we have raised a family. With two children and five grandchildren, I understand the importance of faith, family, and the values that shape our lives. 🌟 Join Me on the Journey:If you are seeking guidance, inspiration, and a deeper connection with your Christian faith, I invite you to join me on this transformative journey. Together, we can discover God's purpose for your life, overcome obstacles, and embrace the abundant life that faith in Christ offers. 🌐 Connect with Me:Website: vincewarner.com [https://www.vincewarner.com/] Let's embark on this journey of faith and transformation together. Contact me today to explore how my Christian teaching and coaching can empower you on your path to a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

All Saints Catholic High School

all saints catholic high school


Welcome to All Saints Catholic High School All Saints is a co-educational Roman Catholic secondary school with a comprehensive intake. Its purpose is to provide a suitable catholic, academic education for all its pupils, within which each may develop towards his/her full potential. To encourage the pupils to develop a love of God and of Jesus Christ his son; to gain knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and of the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church; to teach pupils by word and example what is involved in a Christian way of life. To develop the school as a caring community, whose members have respect for themselves and others and an awareness of the needs of others both in the school and in the wider communities of parish, town of Kirkby and the society of which we are all part. To develop the pupils’ critical powers and to encourage a positive contribution towards society, infused by Christian values and standards, in particular recognising the dignity of each individual as a human being. To provide each pupil with a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils. To provide pupils with the skills, qualifications and experience which will enable them to take their place in society. To encourage in pupils a desire and willingness to acquire knowledge, skills and experience. To encourage the pupils to appreciate the virtues of co-operation and consideration, and to develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.

Yolande yoga and birth

yolande yoga and birth

Yolande’s first introduction to yoga was back in 1994, when a friend took her along to the local sports centre, to explore what this ancient form of “exercise” had to offer. The class was full and felt and smelt nice. A waft of incense and the subtle background sounds of Indian chants welcomed them in and she was kind of already sold at this point. The teacher a wonderful women called Sharon, from the sivinananda linage, spoke softly and taught various breathing techniques and body postures, that left her feeling strong and relaxed at the same time. She returned each week, and yoga has been Yolande’s bedrock ever since. Over the years Yolande has felt privileged to have spent time with many great teachers, all offering their own perspectives and experiences of yoga which have inspired, and paved the path for her own healing and transformation. After many years of practicing Yolande went on to study with Katy Appleton of appleyoga in London for her 200hr Yoga Teaching certificate, so she could go on to teach her passion, pregnancy yoga. Yolande studied pregnancy and postnatal yoga with Nadia Narain at Triyoga in London and as an Active Birth Teacher with Janet Balaskas. Yolande has also been supporting women and their partners as a birth doula since 2013. Having established a teaching practice the call to study deeper lead her to Rishikesh, India to study with Akhanda Yoga, under the guidance of Yogrishi Vishvketu, and complete 300hr Advanced Yoga Teaching certification and was given her spiritual name Jeevika Devi.

Academy for Health and Fitness

academy for health and fitness



WHO WE ARE Academy for Health and Fitness is your premier online destination for accredited health and fitness courses. We're committed to helping you transform your life through our comprehensive programs. Our courses are meticulously designed to cater to three core areas: fitness, therapy, and health. We offer a vast array of online courses and a robust certification program that empowers millions of professionals with the skills they need to excel in their careers. Our focus is on equipping you with the expertise necessary to thrive in today's dynamic world. OUR MISSION As a leading online health and fitness course provider, our mission is to deliver exceptional learning experiences and make quality education accessible to everyone. We strive to maintain the highest standards of excellence, transparency, and customer service. OUR VISION Our vision is to become the UK's most trusted and respected online course provider. We aim to create a safe and flexible learning environment that maximizes your potential and enhances your employability. WHAT WE OFFER * Expert-Curated Courses: Our courses are developed by industry-leading experts. * Fully Accredited Courses and Study Materials: Ensure quality and credibility. * Business Team Training: Tailor-made programs for corporate teams. * Affordable Subscriptions: Flexible payment options to suit your budget. * Accredited Certifications: Validate your skills and expertise. * New Courses Monthly: Stay updated with the latest trends. * Flexible Learning: Learn at your own pace and convenience. * 24/7 Support: Dedicated assistance whenever you need it. WHY CHOOSE US We're dedicated to providing unparalleled customer service and the most comprehensive selection of online health and fitness courses. With new courses added regularly, you can be confident in your choice to learn from us. Our exceptional customer support team is always ready to assist you on your journey to success.

Drakaina Arcana

drakaina arcana


Dea’s Passion is in, Guiding others to find their destiny, reminding them of their soul truth and supporting them through their transformation by being their bridge and mirror.    She was born into a Spiritual Community and has been teaching and serving others for over 10 years.   Dea has impacted over 28,000 people through her talks, workshops, 1-2-1’s, Healing Modality and Mythogentics methods. She helps to remind people of their organic truth and soul origin, including their mythological heritage and existential truth.   As a Mystic and Faerie woman, Dea witnesses and supports individual transformation and holds ceremonial space, connecting people to the power of the land. THE DRAGON’S SECRET ‘Drakaina Arcana’ is ancient greek, meaning the “dragonesses secret”. Which, in essence, is what I hold most dear as my lineage-based transformational medicine. Drakaina is a mythological female dragon with equal qualities of humanness and water dragons. DEA’S TEACHINGS What I offer today is carefully selected from many years of self-study, academic research, experiential learning, and psychic questing, with a deeper understanding and practical application of mystery arts,  archetypal mythos, and healing methods. I BELIEVE IN MAGICK Tesla famously said, “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”. I would go as far as to say if you desire to uncover the mysteries become the frequency and alchemise the energy and vibration to your advantage. Magick is energy in motion guided by imagination.