5868 Educators providing Courses




Welcome! By clicking on our domain / trademark, Europ.Education™, you have made your first step on the way of enhancing your knowledge and improving your CV. Over the course of 15 years as an education provider, we have specialized in offering, learn-by-doing workshops for learners from five continents in collaboration with leading brand companies and fast-growing start-up's. Summer and Winter Benefits Europ.Education™ teaching staff runs intensive but stimulating winter and summer school programs in some of the most vibrant and culturally-enriched cities in Europe. In embracing our academic you will gain many benefits: Enhance your CV Visit some of the world’s most recognizable brands (Ferrari, BMW, FC Barcelona etc.) Experience an enriching study travel in the heart of Barcelona, Munich, Rome, Vienna etc. Make new friends and develop your network of contacts (our students include the children of diplomats, top executives etc.) Enjoy our lively cultural programs. Whether you like the sea, the mountains, art, history – or football and shopping – our programs will offer to you a lot to learn, and not all of it in books. Gain Experience One of the recurring themes in any entry level job search is lack of experience. "Where do I get experience if no one is willing to hire me?" The answer is simple: Get an internship! An internship offers you the chance to learn by doing in a setting where you are supervised by a work-place professional and have the opportunity to achieve your own learning goals, without the responsibilities of being a permanent employee. An internship also offers you the opportunity to work with someone who can become a mentor for you - not only in the internship but throughout your career. Customizable for Your Group! Be our students from secondary schools, undergraduates, graduates or working professionals… Europ.Education™ allows them to gain knowledge directly from the companies through factory tours, site visits and seminars held by industry experts, as well as by simulation games. Our courses' emphasis on team working will allow you to meet, socialize with and learn from carefully selected bright and inspiring personalities from industries with a lot of talent to share.

Oscott Academy

oscott academy

Sutton Coldfield

Oscott Academy is a registered independent school that supports the learning of students in Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11). Oscott Academy prides itself on its pastoral approach, fostering an environment where students can develop and be part of the Oscott Academy family. We support students with diagnoses of ASD, ADHD, ADD and anxiety, in addition to those who display symptoms of SEMH. We also support vulnerable students who have struggled to learn in a mainstream setting. The school has a high level of student support with a ration of 5:1 (student to staff ratio). Oscott Academy was opened in 2014 by Stewart Dance, an experienced practitioner with over a decades experience in educational settings. Ethos Statement The ethos of Oscott Academy is that of inclusion, respect and creating a family environment where students can be part of the Oscott Academy family. We are committed to providing a service to our students who are recognised as the most important group within the school community. Staff demonstrate due consideration and respect for their students. Students' rights to voice opinions is recognised and staff will work with students to deal with their concerns. The efforts which members of staff make to improve the learning process and promote partnership will be recognised by students adopting an active role in their own learning. When dealing with difficult situations we will seek to resolve problems by mediation, respecting the feelings of all involved. Oscott Academy's approach to creating a safe, family environment has enabled students at the academy to achieve positive outcomes Post 16. All of our students move onto positive post-16. They all have impartial careers advice and support in their college/post 16 applications. Our 2020/21 students moved onto: Local colleges to study: Animal Care Health & Social Care Baking Hair and Beauty Construction Skills Music Production Music Performance Mechanics Art and Design Bricklaying Carpentry and Joinery Vehicle Maintenance Two students also began apprenticeships, one in bricklaying and one is childcare. Congratulations to Megan Flores (student of 2016) who went onto the University of Derby in September 2021 to study: BSC Engineering Pupil Premium Statement 2020-2021 (click me) Oscott Academy has been graded as a Good school in every area. Ofsted 2016/2017

The One School of Dance

the one school of dance


Being a former dancer, classical dancer, it informed me as a human being just in terms of the grace I guess. Ballet is a very graceful form of art. You also become very aware of your body and your mind and your body is working in conjunction. That kind of helps you in acting as well. It is not only using your mind, it is like making your own mind communicate this character into your body so that you can bring it to life and physicalize it. Cara began dancing at a very young age taking part in ballet, tap, modern jazz, street dance, lyrical and musical theatre lessons throughout all of her childhood. She went on to study Sport at college alongside doing her teacher training within dance. Cara then went on to study musical theatre and dance at a full time professional college, alongside teaching dance at the weekend. After having to pull out of college with a serious injury she decided being a professional performer wasn’t for her as she LOVED every second of teaching, so focussed all of her time on gaining 10 teaching qualifications within the IDTA. Alongside teaching for nearly half of her life, Cara has also taken part in many amateur dramatic companies performing in musicals, worked for professional dance companies in shows and events and completed many training courses including physical literacy, nutrition, Zumba, exercise to music, and smoking cessation. She has a background of working with families and children in helping them live a healthier lifestyle as part of a Derby County Community Trust program and continues to work with DCCT delivering sessions for different programs they run. 14 years of teaching dance has given Cara lots of experience in working with a wide variety of children, including those with behavioural and learning difficulties. She has worked in many primary and secondary schools across Derby and Nottingham and continues to do so with pride. A fact about Cara: Alongside running The One School of Dance, she is a mummy to two small children (so please be patient with her).

Bath Festival Orchestra

bath festival orchestra


The Bath Festival Orchestra is the future of classical music. We represent a new model for orchestras, placing the education and training of future audiences and musicians at the forefront of everything we do. Led by our values, we are committed to ensuring a sustainable future for classical music, and to creating impactful experiences that go beyond genre and traditional boundaries to encourage greater access to art. Our aim is to take classical music to diverse audiences in overlooked communities, by turn inviting them into some of the world’s finest concert halls to contribute, listen, see, feel and enjoy the exquisite music that has been and will be written for the orchestra. We are committed to innovation in the area of enhanced live performance, harnessing the creative possibilities of augmented reality, virtual reality and hologram technology. We will experiment with and explore new scientific capabilities to advance musical dialogue in the streaming and broadcast arenas. Founded in 1959 by Yehudi Menuhin, the Bath Festival Orchestra has long been established as the beating heart and resident ensemble of The Bath Festival. Our reach is now international, having used the power of digital media and technologies to establish ambitious collaborative projects for worldwide audiences. Collaboration, access to music at every level, and cross-genre collaboration, are values of our Founder and remain interwoven into the orchestra’s identity and work. We relaunched during the Covid-19 pandemic, in a move indicative of our devotion to offering opportunities for all, and amplifying engagement in the arts. We are flinging open the doors to classical music, providing open access at every level. We are led by a dedication to seeing our audiences and musicians reflect the society we live in – to truly diversify the socio‐demographics of our industry. Our first engagement, following our relaunch, was an education project to give young people access to the best music training in schools. We are equally at home here as we are when connecting with audiences at live events, from those held at the recently refurbished Bath Abbey to those at the renowned Badminton House. We are looking forward to sharing our plans for 2021-22 in the coming months.

Hitchin Boys' School

hitchin boys' school


Hitchin Boys’ School operates as an Academy Trust, providing a comprehensive and traditional single-sex school education which is both highly academic and rooted strongly in its community. Students consistently achieve at the very highest level and each year the percentage of students gaining five or more A*- C grade passes at GCSE including English and Maths is significantly above the national average. Most students go on to higher education including some of the most prestigious universities in the country. Our belief is that all students can achieve excellence with the right support and challenge. The School prides itself on helping young people to achieve whatever their ability, and we celebrate the successes of students in a great variety of activities - sport, music, drama, community and charity work, as well as in the classroom. Fergal Moane, Head Teacher Hitchin Boys' School was inspected by OFSTED in January 2016 and was graded as an outstanding school, retaining this accreditation in the subsequent 2021 inspection. The most recent report notes that “The headteacher and his team have maintained an outstanding school. Their vision for the school is shared widely among all staff. There is a passion to develop pupils both academically and as well-rounded British citizens.” Inspectors also said “Pupils enjoy their time at school. They care about each other and get on well with staff and with their peers. Pupils are polite and respectful. They bring to life the Hitchin Boys’ School values of respect, teamwork and kindness. We are delighted with the outcome of the latest inspection and very happy that the OFSTED inspectors recognised our vision for a well-rounded education which strikes a balance between personal development and academic excellence. We believe that it is effort and hard work which makes success and high achievement.We are committed to a broad-based academic curriculum ensuring that all will have the chance to study the core subjects including English, Maths, Science, Languages, Humanities and the wider subjects including Art, Music, Sport and Technology. We also provide vocational options to meet the needs of our boys.

The Welsh School Of Homoeopathy

the welsh school of homoeopathy

he Welsh School of Homeopathy was founded in 1995. The School is recognised by the Society of Homeopaths. It is located in the centre of Carmarthen, by the castle grounds. The building comprises of two teaching rooms, a clinic room, a library and computer room, kitchen and toilet facilities, plus a shop front and waiting area. There are plenty of nearby bed and breakfast facilities and a nearby car park, plus many eating places to choose from! Carmarthen itself is easily accessible by train and by car from the M4 motorway. Testimonials: “I love the Welsh School. It beats with a fine and beautiful heart. Bill and Linda are dedicated to both the art and science of homeopathy as well as the vital and sometimes challenging processes of becoming a healer. Their commitment to student centred learning is deeply refreshing and rewarded by both committed and enthusiastic students and graduates.” MIRANDA CASTRO (Author & Teacher) “Teaching at the Welsh school is always a delight. The ethos of the school is inspiring to everyone who comes into contact with it and inspires the students to a deep understanding and love of homeopathy.” PETER FRASER (Author/Co-director Vancover Homeopathic Academy) “I teach in many different schools in the UK and abroad and the quality of the teachers and students in the Welsh School is bettered by none. It is led and nurtured by a committed team with the complementary skills of Linda Gwillim and Bill Rumble. In a day’s teaching a teacher soon realises by the class interaction the quality of the students’ homeopathic understanding. It is obvious that the traditional principles of homeopathic philosophy, a sound materia medica and hard work are integral to the Welsh School’s curriculum. However, the remedies are not taught dryly but are seen as part of the dynamic process of nature from which they derive. Nature and man’s relationship with it in all ways, including myth, are central to a deep understanding of remedies and this School seems to embrace this more than any other, with active involvement in symbolism and legend. This is important for homeopathic understanding but also for personal development and a deeper understanding of the universal connection we share.

Boston College

boston college


Boston College is situated close to the town centre of Boston with four campuses in close proximity to each other, as well as a campus in the heart of Spalding. At the main campus, Rochford, you will find the dedicated sixth form centre and University Centre along with workshops and industry styled classrooms of our vocational courses. Peter Paine Performance Centre is the College's sports centre and Sam Newsom Centre is a dedicated music and performing arts centre. The Ingelow Centre is Boston College's Foundation (Entry/SEND) purpose built building. Welcome to Boston College Image of Claire Foster - Boston College Principal and CEO I’m so proud to be the principal of such a well-established, caring and aspirational college. I studied at a college just like this one and it was one of the best times of my life. Our aim is to help you maximise your potential. We have amazing resources and spaces including a fantastic new Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies building and a Digital Transport and Logistics Academy. We also have fabulous places to learn everything from art and design to sport, health and social care to animal management. We have great links with local and national employers to help make sure that what you learn is right up to date with lots of opportunities to learn in the real world. At Boston College, we want you to get more than simply gaining a qualification (which is really important, of course!) College should also give you chance to learn about yourself, who you are and what you want to be. It's about meeting new people - our dedicated and experienced teaching team, our fantastic support staff and of course the chance to share your journey with other students. It’s about building your skills not only in your specialist area but also the wider skills that you need to get a job, get a better job or change your career. And it’s about having some fun along the way. At Boston College we care about the real you, helping you to be brilliant today and even better tomorrow.

St Saviour's And St Olave's Church Of England School

st saviour's and st olave's church of england school


We are a fully inclusive and very successful inner city Church of England school for girls. I hope this website will give you a flavour of the amazing range of opportunities available here to our students, as well as a sense of our proud history and exciting future. With roots that can be traced back to 1562, and only six headteachers in the last 116 years, we provide an educational environment of stability and tradition that enables our whole community to learn from the very best of our shared heritage. Our students consistently achieve outstanding results, and many have gone on to study at the most prestigious universities in the UK, including Natural Sciences at Cambridge, PPE at Oxford, Physics at Manchester, and Art at Central St Martins. Last year, four of our sixth formers went on to study medicine – unmatched in South London. We are proud of this great academic success but that is far from the whole story of SSSO. We are a community with shared values rooted in our faith, and we work closely with a range of partners as well as parents to ensure our students have opportunities to grow in to confident, caring and successful young women. They learn to value themselves and others, to become participants in a greater community. St Saviour’s girls are generous with their time and energy, supporting their peers as mentors, school councillors and house captains, and they raise thousands of pounds each year for charities in the local and international community. Our students’ success in every aspect of their development is supported and encouraged by a dedicated and highly skilled staff, who give freely of their time and energy to ensure every St Saviour’s girl has the opportunity to excel. Through the formal curriculum and in the vast range of extra-curricular provision, we believe every girl will find something to challenge and inspire her. I am proud to have been the headteacher of this school since 2013, grounded in our traditions and our values which were established in 1903, we offer exciting and innovative educational opportunities which will allow your daughter to flourish.

The Film and Video Workshop

the film and video workshop


The Film and Video Workshop is an educational charity founded in June 1997 by Simon Oatley. Our objective is the education of adults, children and young people in the art of film, video and other types of media. We aim to work particularly with those people who are in need by reason of disability, age or economic circumstance. The company has grown steadily since its formation and is now the largest producer of child and young people directed moving image work in the United Kingdom. Many of the films we have helped produce have been shown in international film festivals and some have won prestigious awards. Each year we work with approximately 1000 film makers and produce some 300 films. Past clients include Tate modern, Tate Britain, The National Portrait Gallery, Arts Council, Film London, Film Council, Skillset, Cartoon Museum, Learning and Skills Council, Tribal Education, London Development Agency, ten of the London councils, BBC, Channel 4 and Nickelodeon. Recent premiere screenings have been held at the London Imax Cinema and the Odeon West End. In addition we provide adult training, specialising in the creative use of digital technology. The current courses selection includes four video production courses, stop motion, animation techniques, after effects, Avid and FCP. We subsidise a selection of introduction courses to enable people to start filmmaking as well as provide CPD for professionals. All our courses have a 40% reduction for concessions. The media centre is open 6 days a week with over 80 weekly users. The company is managed by an unpaid board of directors to whom we are very grateful for their long standing support. They are: Jan Pitt — (Chair) Director of Commercial Publications – ABC Andy Doyle — Director of STA bikes Kate Middleton – Drama Therapist Rob Humphreys — Author for Rough Guides (London, Scotland, Prague, Vienna +) Cary Bazalgette – Freelance media specialist (ex Head of Education at BFI) Brian Bench – Headteacher at Hungerford School Paul Callaghan – Manager at Discover Stratford (ex manager at filmworkshop for 7 years Our office is based in a purpose built media studio in the playground of Hungerford School, the majority of our work takes place off site. The building has full disabled access.

Dumfries Community Choir

dumfries community choir


We’re one of the biggest community platform in the South of Scotland, and we work with our partners to use culture as means to improve the lives of our community who are experiencing high levels of social and rural isolation. As a unique social co-operative, we have over 170 voluntary members who contribute to our social model through volunteering, sponsorship or advocacy. Anyone can join our membership organisation. We have just taken over the Loreburn Hall in the centre of Dumfries which is a temporary cultural space, including an 80 seat cinema, 50 seat cabaret lounge, 50 seat black box theatre and a main hall with a capacity of 1200 Our work takes place in schools, residential homes, cafes, car parks, swimming pools and in all sorts of locations throughout our region. We believe that there are barriers that prevent members of our community taking part in culture and we do everything we can to deliver socially driven projects that help to improve the cultural health of our region through our seasons of projects which aim to increase resilience by connecting our community through our cultural programmes and services. Our signature projects include a diverse range of community arts based programmes and iconic place-making projects including our annual winter festival, Carlisle Fringe, Dumfries Carnival, Le Haggis, High Tea, Queer Haggis, Dumfries Youth Theatre, Dumfries Community Choir and Producers of the Future. Every year we deliver more than 300 shows across our festival programmes, as well as weekly community arts sessions to over 100 participants, creative industry training for emerging artists and the sector across Dumfries & Galloway, and traineeships in producing across our major projects. Our cultural skills development programme is one of the largest of its kind in the UK. At the centre of our work is the belief that we can use culture to connect people, we advocate that culture is good for our wellbeing and health, and that art is a form of human expression and creativity. Our network of over 100 associate artists and producers includes performance makers, producers, artists and collaborators who believe in the power of social change.