5868 Educators providing Courses

Thinking Forward Initiatives

thinking forward initiatives


The company was founded in June 2011 by Buzz Bury, Sharon Phillips and Steve Burns after several months of discussions and business planning. The idea had been spurred on by significant cuts to public spending and the shift in emphasis for young people and community services to the development of social enterprise. Think Forward C.I.C. was created as the vehicle to provide services which benefit the local community, particularly young people and community groups.  The Team Steve Burns Steve has enjoyed a wonderful and challenging career in education for the last 22 years spanning the voluntary sector, social services, youth & community work, further education, and working with young people excluded from mainstream schools. His experience includes four years within a managerial position in a pupil referral unit in Blackpool. Steve is committed to life-long learning and has so far undertaken a MEd in special education, a post-graduate diploma in youth & community work and certificates in counselling, careers guidance, life-coaching and a Master Practitioner qualification in NLP. Buzz Bury Buzz is a qualified Youth and Community Worker with more than 28 years of experience ranging from club and issue-based work to management and staff development. He has significant experience in project management, particularly specialising in supporting art and creatively based activities and is an established and valued European Youth Work Trainer within the “Youth in Action” programme of the European Union. He has demonstrated innovative training delivery in the fields of “Youth Participation” and “Global Citizenship” as well as supporting international volunteer initiatives. Sharon Phillips Sharon has 16 years of experience working in services for young people, both in career guidance and in a leadership role for Integrated Youth Services provision. In her previous role at Blackpool Council she was the strategic and operational lead for training, development & accreditation for Blackpool Young People’s Services. Being passionately committed to youth workforce development, she is enjoying being back at the coal face delivering training and in her spare time (ha ha) is in the middle of studying for her Masters Degree in Youth and Community Work.




Welcome! By clicking on our domain / trademark, Europ.Education™, you have made your first step on the way of enhancing your knowledge and improving your CV. Over the course of 15 years as an education provider, we have specialized in offering, learn-by-doing workshops for learners from five continents in collaboration with leading brand companies and fast-growing start-up's. Summer and Winter Benefits Europ.Education™ teaching staff runs intensive but stimulating winter and summer school programs in some of the most vibrant and culturally-enriched cities in Europe. In embracing our academic you will gain many benefits: Enhance your CV Visit some of the world’s most recognizable brands (Ferrari, BMW, FC Barcelona etc.) Experience an enriching study travel in the heart of Barcelona, Munich, Rome, Vienna etc. Make new friends and develop your network of contacts (our students include the children of diplomats, top executives etc.) Enjoy our lively cultural programs. Whether you like the sea, the mountains, art, history – or football and shopping – our programs will offer to you a lot to learn, and not all of it in books. Gain Experience One of the recurring themes in any entry level job search is lack of experience. "Where do I get experience if no one is willing to hire me?" The answer is simple: Get an internship! An internship offers you the chance to learn by doing in a setting where you are supervised by a work-place professional and have the opportunity to achieve your own learning goals, without the responsibilities of being a permanent employee. An internship also offers you the opportunity to work with someone who can become a mentor for you - not only in the internship but throughout your career. Customizable for Your Group! Be our students from secondary schools, undergraduates, graduates or working professionals… Europ.Education™ allows them to gain knowledge directly from the companies through factory tours, site visits and seminars held by industry experts, as well as by simulation games. Our courses' emphasis on team working will allow you to meet, socialize with and learn from carefully selected bright and inspiring personalities from industries with a lot of talent to share.

Loughborough Farm

loughborough farm


The Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG) is a volunteer-led social action charity that works to improve the environment of Loughborough Junction and the lives of the people who live and work here. It is our mission to make Loughborough Junction a great place to live and work. It was formed in 2008 following the murder of a young man, Andrew Pratt, in Southwell Road. Local residents in the road and surrounding streets came together to do something positive for their neighbourhood which they felt had been neglected for too long. LJAG works to achieve its mission through its projects which focus on community events, skill-sharing, greening, children’s activities and place-making. LJAG works to build a strong civic society in Loughborough Junction and has a record of involving volunteers across our diverse neighbourhood. LJAG’s fundraising activities have brought over £600,000 into Loughborough Junction and we have been instrumental in attracting over £3 million of public investment into the area. Over 13 years LJAG has delivered art projects which have improved a pedestrian alleyway under a railway bridge; run two street photography projects; launched an augmented reality app linked to the history of World War One; run community events including four street parties; health events; a community festival; run cycle maintenance classes; craft workshops; a mapping project; installed street planters and run community planting days. We have worked with Lambeth council on the production of the Loughborough Junction Plan and on public realm improvements and we facilitate monthly meetings of the Loughborough Junction Neighbourhood Forum. LJAG runs successful projects: Loughborough Farm, The Platform Cafe, Grove Adventure Playground, Craft Workshops and an informal social prescribing project, Wish You Were Here. Loughborough Farm is a successful community food growing project, where volunteers come together on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday to grow vegetables and to socialise. The Loughborough Farm also has a successful outreach programme on two council estates and each summer delivers tomato plants and herbs to residents of the Loughborough Estate to grow on their balconies. The Farm is also responsible for the orchard in Wyck Gardens.

Flex Academy Of Performing Arts

flex academy of performing arts


FlexSchool is a unique learning network designed specifically for gifted and twice exceptional (2e) middle and high school students. At this time two campuses serve the Tristate area, one in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey and another in Bronxville, New York. FlexSchool embraces students for who and where they are, then supports them as they learn to thrive. Small, ability and discussion based classes taught by subject experts ensure meaningful conversations and the opportunity to ask high-level questions. The faculty, trained and supported by learning specialists and mental health professionals, focuses on critical thinking in all areas of learning. Our Cloud Campus welcomes online students from around the world into live, discussion-based classes and our community, either full-time or part-time. FlexSchool has had great success with remote students from Florida, Washington, California, West Virginia, United Arab Emirates, Bermuda, and Switzerland among other places! back next History FlexSchool started to save one twelve-year-old girl. Jane loved to learn what she wanted to learn, and spent hours engrossed in videos and web pages about animals. She could tell you about muscle cells and animal anatomy. She researched Native Americans and made all of the games and weapons used by the Lenni-Lenape out of found objects and craft supplies. She spent hours drawing and painting and could write fiction better than most college students. Yet, she loathed school. She rarely spoke in class, dropped out of the gifted and talented program, either didn’t do her homework or would forget to turn it in. She had As on the tests and Cs and Ds in the class. Jane’s academic future looked dismal. Poor grades and high test scores are not a winning combination for college admission. Her public school was not the right place for her, but neither were the local private schools. Academically-oriented private schools do not accept students with poor grades. Schools that accept students with poor grades are not always academically rigorous. Stalemate. Until we started FlexSchool. Jane spent six years at FlexSchool, learned to love learning again, graduated in 2020, and attends a well-known liberal arts college studying anthropology, linguistics, map-making, and art.

Little Minions

little minions


Our mission is to provide children on the west rand with caring early childhood education, to prepare them for primary school and beyond. Dear Prospective Families, We are delighted to welcome you to our website and provide a brief introduction of Little Minions Academy. Located on Walker Avenue in Discovery, Little Minions Academy is a private preschool caring for children ages 3 month old through Grade R. Our state-of-the-art facilities include a preschool library, outdoor playground / sprinklers, garden, and all classrooms with natural light. We are currently accepting registration forms. The school hours are from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm and during this time follows a set routine. We offer enrichment classes through our suppliers, such as Monkeynastix, drama, pottery, Abacus Maths, and soccer! Established as a preschool in 1970, it has been under new management of Little Minions Academy since 1 September 2016, to respond to the growing need for quality, affordable, private preschool education in the area. The school is founded by a husband and wife, who are committed to providing our parents with high quality services. We understand the importance of helping a parent map out a pathway to successful outcomes for their children and the importance that early learning has on the development of the “whole child.” We are committed to the education of children at Little Minions Academy by meeting the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs of each individual child. Our vision is to provide a strong sense of community with a nurturing, progressive educational environment where children can learn through play. Our teachers are committed to excite, motivate, and challenge young minds. We want to teach our very young minds the importance of discovering, learning and respect for others. Our goal is also fully committed to make every effort to develop the personal and social growth of our students. The reinforcement of fundamentals such as “treat others as you would like them to treat you”, courtesy, and good manners is part of each school day. We encourage an attitude of mutual respect and acceptance of diversity. We believe that building a solid foundation from the start is key to any future success.

Park Pharmacy Trust

park pharmacy trust


Park Pharmacy Trust, a registered Educational Charity, has since its inception in 1984 been working closely with Plymouth City Council for the wider benefits of the local community. It has received National recognition for both its innovative approaches to life-long learning and as a tourist attraction for visitors to Plymouth. Its famous C J Park Pharmacy, the last remaining Victorian chemist's shop in Plymouth, established in 1864, had been a major tourist attraction in the Merchant's House Museum where it was manned by trust volunteers. There thousands of visitors could see the pharmacy, try their hand at old fashioned pill-rolling (and earn a certificate of proficiency in the art of pill rolling) and talk to the volunteer stewards on duty. A weekend event held at the Merchant's House Museum Pharmacy is Phun, attracted record numbers of visitors. The pharmacy was televised Nationally to over 8 million viewers when Park Pharmacy Trust became the joint United Kingdom winner in the Tourism and Heritage categories of the BBC's ''It's My City!'' competition. In fact, Plymouth, because of Park Pharmacy Trust, became the only winning city in the south of England. The C J Park pharmacy display is currently in store and the Merchant’s House is closed following extensive repairs to the structure of the building. Park Pharmacy Trust has ambitious plans to develop a major tourist attraction: Plymouth Heritage Health Science Exploratory (THE EXPLORATORY) in which the C J Park pharmacy display will be rebuilt. This is the way the pharmacy purchased by Mr Charles Park in 1875, looked in 1864. It was then at no. 1 Mutley plain. It is thought that Mr Park moved the pharmacy to number 23 Mutley Plain around 1879. The original shop had four carboys (big glass bottles) in the window whereas at 23 Mutley Plain there was only room for three carboys. The fourth carboy was found in the hayloft and is in the collection of Park Pharmacy Trust and will be included in the C J Park display in the Plymouth Health Science Exploratory. . Mr Charles Park (third from right) with his staff around 1910 and the delivery boy on the left, who worked for the Park family for 40 years was known as ‘Park’s Express’.

Balcarras School

balcarras school


A very warm welcome to the Balcarras School website. Our aim at Balcarras is simple: we want this to be one of the very best schools in the country. We aim to ensure that our students receive a better education here than they would at any other school, be it comprehensive, grammar or independent. To this end we were delighted recently to win The Sunday Times Southwest State School of the Decade Award. We pride ourselves that this is a school where every individual is valued and feels safe, where all students are inspired not only to do their best but to expand their horizons, and where everyone involved in school life feels a great sense of pride and enjoyment at being part of this community. We are keen to emphasise not just academic success but those areas which bring colour and vitality to the student experience, such as art, drama, sport, music and the full range of extra-curricular activities on offer. I do hope that this visit to the school’s website will give you a flavour of some of these things and an insight into what makes the school a special place to be. If you would like to follow up your virtual tour with a real one please get in touch. Dominic Burke Headteacher We want Balcarras to continue to be regarded as one of the very best schools in the country. We are proud of our values: We believe that all children have a right to feel safe at school and we endeavour to make sure that every student is engaged and inspired by their education We believe fundamentally in the value of comprehensive education We believe that all children should receive an outstanding education regardless of ability, prior attainment or background We are committed to inclusion and we will continue to strive to make sure that our provision for children with Special Educational Needs or Disability is second to none We believe in a partnership with parents, business and the local community We believe that the school should provide a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities We are committed to the highest academic standards

Stitch and Make Studio

stitch and make studio


When small, Abigail Jackson made shoes from wallpaper sample books and lashed her brothers’ wooden building blocks onto her feet with string believing herself to be a geisha. In her bedroom she stitched gnomes on hankies and cut off the frills from her maxi dress to make clothes for Pippa the pocket-sized doll. In the kitchen her mum sat her on the draining board, put sellotape across her fringe and cut under it. Abigail Jackson became one of a tiny handful of Daventry punks, who shuffling round town in bondage trousers from Seditionaries and handmade clothes coloured in with biro pens, held together with hundreds of safety pins. In her bedroom she made homemade Sid Vicious badges with pages from the NME and sticky back plastic. Dreamt of being in The Slits and planned never to have a proper job. Abi went to Northampton Art College in the ’80’s to study fashion design and Illustration. Its this foundation of designing and pattern cutting that has coloured her judgment ever since. From opening a clothes shop in Coventry at the age of 19 to opening the studio in her 50’s Its only ever been about creating and making. Abi works as a freelancer so no two jobs are the same. She designs, sews and makes for a living, breathing, all singing, all dancing proper job. In the between times she has work as a freelance wardrobe supervisor traveling extensively and working with some wonderful people. Upon returning home she stitches in her studio, works on community or school projects, plans workshops and collaborates with other creatives in Burns Street Studios. Welcome to her website, where you can explore the studio. You can book onto a workshop which will be held at The Stitch and Make Studio and run by Abi or guest creatives. If you would like to visit the studio to view Abi’s collection of one off pieces of clothing please get in touch. Alternatively, if you have ideas for a hen party or a group workshop get in touch too.

The One School of Dance

the one school of dance


Being a former dancer, classical dancer, it informed me as a human being just in terms of the grace I guess. Ballet is a very graceful form of art. You also become very aware of your body and your mind and your body is working in conjunction. That kind of helps you in acting as well. It is not only using your mind, it is like making your own mind communicate this character into your body so that you can bring it to life and physicalize it. Cara began dancing at a very young age taking part in ballet, tap, modern jazz, street dance, lyrical and musical theatre lessons throughout all of her childhood. She went on to study Sport at college alongside doing her teacher training within dance. Cara then went on to study musical theatre and dance at a full time professional college, alongside teaching dance at the weekend. After having to pull out of college with a serious injury she decided being a professional performer wasn’t for her as she LOVED every second of teaching, so focussed all of her time on gaining 10 teaching qualifications within the IDTA. Alongside teaching for nearly half of her life, Cara has also taken part in many amateur dramatic companies performing in musicals, worked for professional dance companies in shows and events and completed many training courses including physical literacy, nutrition, Zumba, exercise to music, and smoking cessation. She has a background of working with families and children in helping them live a healthier lifestyle as part of a Derby County Community Trust program and continues to work with DCCT delivering sessions for different programs they run. 14 years of teaching dance has given Cara lots of experience in working with a wide variety of children, including those with behavioural and learning difficulties. She has worked in many primary and secondary schools across Derby and Nottingham and continues to do so with pride. A fact about Cara: Alongside running The One School of Dance, she is a mummy to two small children (so please be patient with her).

Oscott Academy

oscott academy

Sutton Coldfield

Oscott Academy is a registered independent school that supports the learning of students in Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11). Oscott Academy prides itself on its pastoral approach, fostering an environment where students can develop and be part of the Oscott Academy family. We support students with diagnoses of ASD, ADHD, ADD and anxiety, in addition to those who display symptoms of SEMH. We also support vulnerable students who have struggled to learn in a mainstream setting. The school has a high level of student support with a ration of 5:1 (student to staff ratio). Oscott Academy was opened in 2014 by Stewart Dance, an experienced practitioner with over a decades experience in educational settings. Ethos Statement The ethos of Oscott Academy is that of inclusion, respect and creating a family environment where students can be part of the Oscott Academy family. We are committed to providing a service to our students who are recognised as the most important group within the school community. Staff demonstrate due consideration and respect for their students. Students' rights to voice opinions is recognised and staff will work with students to deal with their concerns. The efforts which members of staff make to improve the learning process and promote partnership will be recognised by students adopting an active role in their own learning. When dealing with difficult situations we will seek to resolve problems by mediation, respecting the feelings of all involved. Oscott Academy's approach to creating a safe, family environment has enabled students at the academy to achieve positive outcomes Post 16. All of our students move onto positive post-16. They all have impartial careers advice and support in their college/post 16 applications. Our 2020/21 students moved onto: Local colleges to study: Animal Care Health & Social Care Baking Hair and Beauty Construction Skills Music Production Music Performance Mechanics Art and Design Bricklaying Carpentry and Joinery Vehicle Maintenance Two students also began apprenticeships, one in bricklaying and one is childcare. Congratulations to Megan Flores (student of 2016) who went onto the University of Derby in September 2021 to study: BSC Engineering Pupil Premium Statement 2020-2021 (click me) Oscott Academy has been graded as a Good school in every area. Ofsted 2016/2017