563 Educators providing Courses

Raise Digital

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Understanding what it takes to overcome fear and self-doubt has been at the root of Paul ‘Stalkie’ Stalker’s personal transformation from school flunk, wayward youth, failed businessman and dying man, to healthy, wealthy entrepreneur, motivational speaker, business coach to FTSE 100 companies and personal mentor to corporate leaders, high performance sportspeople, disengaged children and life-serving prisoners. Dubbed ‘The Happiness Engineer’ by a Channel 4 documentary, the many thousands who have witnessed Stalkie in action, virtually or in the flesh, are unlikely to forget the high energy, no-nonsense, humorous manner in which he shares his RAISE mindset, health and wellbeing principles to transform fear into power, barriers into benefits, and adversity into triumph. His RAISE principles and methodology have been distilled through studying and working alongside an array of the world’s pre-eminent business leaders, executive educators, performance coaches, positive psychologists and critical thinkers for the last 30 years. The methodology is delivered across all platforms by Stalkie, his super-experienced RAISE transformation team and network of associate experts. With individual clients, Stalkie’s aim is to untap, nurture and focus their passion and potential on becoming the best versions of themselves in all aspects of their lives, whatever their starting point. With organisations, Stalkie’s goal is to build blossoming cultures that pursue ‘good profits’ based on trust, core values, world class employee engagement, customer loyalty and sustainable growth, from turnarounds to start-ups and scale-ups. Dawn Stalker – ‘The Boss’ Dawn Stalker The Boss As MD (and Stalkie’s better half), Dawn is the organisational and strategic heartbeat of the RAISE extended family. She is also a key interface with our clients. With a 20-year, C-suite pedigree in magazine publishing, marketing and media (and Stalkie management), Dawn provides coaching, guidance and leadership to senior managers in start-up, scale-up and stable organisations across multi-industries including retail and technology, professional and financial services, marcom and creative, marine and public sector. Dawn has a specialisation in talent management, job analysis and workforce planning, recruiting, performance management, employee development and engagement and internal projects regarding quality, marketing, and process improvement. Chris Humphreys – ‘The Chief Pragmatist’ Chris Hmphreys The Chief Pragmatist Having spent 20 years as a sales director/publisher and 18 years earning his coaching stripes, Chris is a renowned personal and business communications coach. He is co-originator of the RAISE approach to personal and business growth, development and practical positive psychology, as well as the ‘Going the Extra Mile’ operating model for engaging workforces to grow sustainable profit. In partnership with Stalkie, he has authored three books in these fields, devising and writing all RAISE coaching programmes. His main coaching specialisms are engagement, culture and cultural turnaround, people development, 1-to-1 coaching, internal and external communication and customer relations. An engaging facilitator and mediator across all environments, Chris is also a qualified counsellor and Cognitive Behavioural Therapist for private clients. Outside work, he relishes running one of the largest community choirs in the country, hosting regular choral fundraising concerts and events. Our RAISE Associates Dr Rosy Daniel BSc MBBCh – Health Creation Consultant Dr Rosy Daniel BSc MBBCh Health Creation Consultant Dr Rosy Daniel is one of Britain’s leading Lifestyle Medicine Consultants. Initially specialising in the holistic support of those with cancer, she now offers proactive healthcare to all to support the primary and secondary prevention of illness and the regeneration of positive health and happiness. She has pioneered holistic health and wellbeing coaching and consultancy in the UK with a unique approach known as ‘Life Energy Management’, working with clients to change lifestyles, workstyle and health behaviours which are harming their health and well-being. She has worked with over 5000 individuals and 50 organisations including businesses, schools and hospitals to help achieve the health goals that benefit them personally and professionally. Dr Rosy has a private Integrative Medicine practice in Bath. She formerly practised at the Harley Street Oncology Centre, London. She has authored seven books on cancer and its prevention, lecturing and broadcasting nationally and internationally.

T'ai Chi Ch'uan Center

t'ai chi ch'uan center

In Memoriam - Grandmaster Chen Yun Ching 1939 - 2022 The Rochester Tai Chi Chuan Center and the Rochester Ling Yun Pai wish to express their heartfelt condolences to the Family of GM Chen Yun Ching, and to the Chen Pan Ling World Family. His instruction and experience in the Chen Pan Ling Legacy that he passed on to us will always be treasured, and continued. Chen Pan-ling T'ai Chi Ch'uan Long Form The Chen Pan-ling style of T'ai Chi Ch'uan is a composite of the Yang, Wu, and Chen styles. It was developed by a World War II era committee of top martial artists commissioned by the Chinese Nationalist Government. Chiefly promoted by Chen Pan-ling, this style has been recognized with his name. This style of T'ai Chi has borrowed several elements from other styles making it a more energetic form by utilizing a greater range of motion of the body. It promotes health and relaxation, as well as the connections that make T'ai Chi an internal martial art. The Chen Pan-ling style 99 posture long form is suitable for all student levels. Chen Pan-ling Legacy Arts Shaolin empty hand forms, Core Bagua, and Hsing-I drills are covered. Warm up exercises include Chinese traditional health exercises and stretches, and Qigong. This class is for those of Intermediate to Advanced level and ability. Grandmaster William C.C. Chen Yang Style 60 Posture Form Grandmaster William C.C. Chen has been described as a teacher's teacher. Quiet, gentle, and supportive, he is none-the-less knowledgeable and perceptive in his teachings and evaluation on what people need. Grandmaster Chen's 60 movement form is based on the Yang style. It provides people with the necessary motions and movements to allow them to experience the relaxed aspects of T'ai Chi Ch'uan as well as the connections that make T'ai Chi a powerful art. Classes are arranged to accommodate the beginner, (the first 20 movements), and the more advanced practitioner, (the complete 60 movement form). Grandmaster William C.C. Chen FUNdamental Principles & Postures This class will focus on the fundamental principles of T'ai Chi by repetitive practice of individual postures. T’ai Chi Ch'uan forms consist of a sequence of various postures regardless of the style. The postures were developed to teach different martial applications based upon fundamental principles of T'ai Chi. The principles taught will follow the William C.C. Chen method and cover the postures included in the William C.C. Chen short form. Emphasis will be placed on performing postures from both the left and right (mirror image). The class is open to beginning and advanced students. Grandmaster William C.C. Chen’s exploring T”ai Chi Ch’uan from the inside out. Grandmaster William C.C. Chen is constantly refining and thinking about better ways to convey his ideas about T'ai Chi Ch'uan. We will be exploring beyond basic body mechanics, to a better understanding of the internal feelings of making a shape. Looking inward, internal energy, staying rooted, the role of fingers and toes, and so much more! Grandmaster William C.C. Chen Yang Style Long Form - 132 postures The Yang Style Long Form is a direct descendant of the soft style Tai Chi form developed by Yang Chengfu (1883 - 1936), who trained Professor Cheng Man-Ching (1902 - 1975), who in turn trained Grandmaster William C. C. Chen (1933 - ). The Yang-style traces its roots to Yang Luchan (1799 - 1872). If you have completed Master Chen’s 1-60 Form and are looking to expand it, this is the next step. Cheng Hsin Mini set - Postures and Principles This is an introduction to Peter Ralston’s 7 posture points and 5 principles using his 12 posture mini set. The mini set is actually 24 postures as it is practiced in both the original and mirror image orientations. Cheng Hsin Pushing Hands This is a class in the application of T'ai Chi Ch'uan in a non-threatening manner. Two people work together to explore the movements which help the body, mind, and spirit, as well as gain insight into the martial aspect of T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Students of either T'ai Chi styles are welcome to this class. It is insightful when the two styles meet. Sun T'ai Chi Ch'uan The Traditional Sun style long form as passed down to us by Tim Cartmell, taught to him by Sun Lu Tang’s daughter, Sun Jian Yun. Taiji for Meditation - Da Liu's Modified Yang Form We will use Master Da Liu’s modified Yang style Taijiquan Form with its gentle flowing movements, deep breathing and relaxed awareness, to quiet the body and mind, to reduce distraction, and to balance inner and outer awareness. Principles will also be covered to refine the Form and develop the internal aspects. The Form will be a vehicle for “mindfulness in motion” in order to achieve a calm meditative spirit, good health, and longevity. Warm up exercises include stretches, Qigong. This class suitable for all student levels. Balance and Leg Strength Training In this class we will work to improve our balance and leg strength, by using static and dynamic postures, and short sequences, drawn from some of the Qigong, Taijiquan, and Kuo Shu sets that have long been a part of our curriculum at the Rochester Tai Chi Chuan Center. Whether you want to improve your Internal Arts practice, or just want to age gracefully and prevent falls, this class is for Intermediate level and ability, but is open to all. Qigong An ongoing relaxation course, this is a Qigong workout for healing (sitting, standing and movement meditation for health and well-being). The goal is to sample methods to build into your daily health practices. Liangong RTCCC has used the 18 exercises of Series 1 of the Liangong health system for many years as a warm-up during tai chi classes. This class combines refinement of the Series 1 exercises with exploration of the additional exercises in Liangong Series 2 and 3. Proper form, the specific Liangong breathing technique, the coordination of movement and breathing, and the development of ‘internal stretch’ will be emphasized. T’ai Chi Principles We use the Simplified Taiji 24 posture Form and our Four/Eight Direction Form, to work on classic principles as defined by T'ai Chi classic writings. This course is for those of Intermediate level and a good pre-cursor to push hands and a prerequisite for long forms. Workshops The Center also offers regular workshops with many renowned instructors in the pursuit of excellence in the art of T'ai Chi and other internal arts.