984 Educators providing Courses

The Muddy Puddle Teacher

the muddy puddle teacher


What is different about our outdoor learning training from others is that it has been created by teachers specifically for schools and nurseries. Plus, we have developed a specific approach to help make the teaching of outdoor learning easy for the practitioner but also to help with the quality of our sessions and to ensure we are out there for a reason. The Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach is a much-loved teaching method created by teachers to better support vulnerable learners. Including those children who struggle to meet average age expectations, neurodivergent children and those with varying learner types who typically do not flourish from an indoor environment and indoor methods. The approach is worksheet-free, book free and uses active, playful methods to engage children in academic areas of learning. The resources and training provide lessons for all curriculum areas, including maths and English and support the EYFS, NC, Curriculum for Excellence and Welsch Curriculum. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question The method involves teaching the curriculum using the outside to allow space, freedom for movement, collaboration, rich speech and language opportunities, and time for play. This is alongside only using natural materials to teach with. This creates an environment of learning that has enhanced creativity, cross-curricula links, and sensory experiences and is entirely sustainable and caring to the outside space. Children who this approach can have profound benefits from: Neurodivergent children, including autism, ADHD, Dyslexia and Aspergers. Children of varying learner types who do not stereotypically learn from an inside environment and indoor methods. Including those will slow processing speeds. Lower ability or working towards children who thrive in active, collaborative and practical teaching methods. Obese or children with poor fine and gross motor skills. Children with SEMH – the outdoors has been proven to positively impact both the child and educators’ mental and physical well-being. Children with speech and language difficulties – our approach provides an open, non-judgmental space for children to express themselves and have more peer conversations. EAL – for children with additional languages, the outdoors can provide like-for-like opportunities so children can experiment with and use their own and new languages. See Plan & Prices Ask us a Question What ages is this for? Typically from babies to age 11 years. However, we have Special needs schools up to secondary, inclusion units and secondary schools supporting those still at the primary level using our approach. Who can do the training? We have different pathways. One route for those in formal settings such as schools and nurseries such as early years educators, LSA’s and teachers. Another is for home settings such as childminders and home educators. There are different pathways for the different age ranges. If you educate all ages, then go down them all! FAQS: Are you like Forest Schools? We are NOT Forest School. We often get confused with Forest School, but we are entirely different. Many of our schools have Forest Schools and Muddy Teachers trained and use both approaches effectively. Forest School is holistic and encourages high risks to promote social and emotional well-being, such as tools and fire and typically is in a woodland area with prolonged amounts of time outside, such as a full day or entire afternoon. The Muddy Puddle Teacher is an Outdoor Learning Approach, essentially an extension of inside teaching and taking lessons outside. We typically use our school grounds and there are no set periods to stay there. It can be anything from 10 minutes to full days in the summer. What is involved in The Muddy Puddle Teacher Training? Individuals & International Schools Individuals and schools abroad typically take the online route and complete the training using an easy-to-use online format. It is very interactive with audiobooks and demonstration videos. It has four stages and each stage takes around 2 hours. There is no written work, just a questionnaire to ensure you get the most from us. You send that once complete and we send back a certificate and a unique MPT Code; a crest can also be requested. Whole Schools or Nurseries We offer 1-year mentorships to schools and nurseries. We have a 100% success rate with this method. 1 x Initial Meeting – Create a bespoke plan with us, just for you and your school. Initial talks will create aims and action plans with your allocated teacher-consultant. 1 INSET Day or 2 Twilight Training Sessions on the Muddy Puddle Teacher Approach 1 Year Subscription to all of our Resources and Additional Courses 4 x Additional Zoom Training Sessions per season to cover Q&A and offer additional support

Tff Tutors

tff tutors


Tuition for Fruition Tutors is a new and rapidly expanding business that provides private tuition to KS1,KS2, KS3, GCSE and A Level students with the aim of enabling its students to achieve their academic potential. Our core team is comprised of experienced and PGCE accredited professionals who above all else are passionate about teaching and strive to make a positive difference to the development of their students. In the short time that we have been operating we have managed to help a considerable amount of children and relying wholly on word of mouth recommendations we have been able to expand our operations throughout the UK and abroad. There is a social focus which underpins our work and we want to be able to reach out to those parents and children who wouldn’t traditionally have access to tuition. Managing Director/Founder Abdul-Raheem Ahmed Abdul-Raheem is an experienced teacher and examiner with 12 years of experience in education. He began tutoring during his A levels helping out students from economically deprived families and also SEN students which ignited his passion for teaching and contributing to his community and has led to him tutoring to this day. He has personally taught over 450 students during this time alongside his full time secondary teaching role. Abdul-Raheem realised that many of the more vulnerable members of society were being left behind while others were being exploited by tutoring companies. He decided to create a business that would focus on making tutoring accessible to these children by keeping costs low and quality high by ensuring all lessons are taught by qualified teachers. Furthermore coming from a working class and second generation immigrant background he understands the problems and pitfalls many of these students face. Therefore he decided not just to focus on the academic aspect but the students holistically. To that end has organised consistent and regular extra curricular activities for local members of his community. This allows him to have a pastoral role within the local community and is not just limited to students of TFF Tutors. Tackling the rising evil of drug dealing and other criminal activities is another passion of his and by taking this proactive approach he hopes to provide a focus and escape route for those who may be targeted by those nefarious elements of society. You can find more details about what is done in the extracurricular section.