1344 Educators providing Courses

Tesyouth Community Interest Company

tesyouth community interest company


The activities offered by TESYouth are designed to give young people the skills and confidence to work their way through the labour market successfully and prosperously, or to setTESYouth activities up their own businesses if they do decide to become self-employed. Our workshops and training programmes are tailored to offer only the most relevant, up-to-date and useful employment advice possible. The tips and techniques we offer to our students have been shown to make a real difference to their lives and to speed up the process of either finding a job or getting a new business off the ground. We believe in empowering young people, promoting their confidence and enabling them to make use of their skills and talents rather than letting them be wasted. We tailor workshops not only to those looking for jobs but for those wishing to enjoy the independence and freedom that can come with self-employment too. We strive to ensure our students remain focussed and dedicated and able to overcome any obstacles or challenges that are laid out in front of them. We offer a vast range of workshops and training modules to cater for an array of needs and requirements, whether you’re looking for a job or hoping to start your own business. These include… IT, Computers and internet Online Enterprise and E-commerce Sales and Marketing Business & Self employment Apprenticeship Internship Work Experience Youth Workshops Attending our workshops and training programmes leads to various benefits, such as… Discovering and developing new and existing skills Receiving expert advice on self-employment and starting your own business Learning how to maintain a business Increased confidence in interviews A better understanding of the job market and what employers are looking for The aim of our workshops and training programmes is to ensure that our learners walk away with renewed focus, self-esteem and motivation. Many students begin our training courses and workshops confused about the direction in which they wish to head and end them knowing exactly what their goals are and the steps they need to take to try and achieve them. img5We work hard to make our courses, programmes and workshops fun as well as educational, giving learners new opportunities to interact with people from various different backgrounds. We feel that the fun factor helps our students to digest new knowledge and makes learning a pleasure rather than a chore. Understandably, a great deal of our students – particularly those who have been unemployed on a long-term basis – have found themselves suffering from low self-esteem after being rejected by the job market so regularly. We endeavour to boost our students’ confidence and re-energise them, ensuring that they feel able to walk into their next interview with their heads held high. Our social development skills training programme is designed to help them solve problems and become fully integrated into their communities. It is also tailored towards enabling young people to interact with people from all backgrounds, cultures and age groups.

Northumberland Community Development Company

northumberland community development company


Northumberland Community Development Company are proud to have been awarded funding by The Prince’s Countryside Fund for a two year project. This award will be used to support business growth in the rural communities in the west of Northumberland. We aim to work with people who are considering self-employment as a viable alternative to employment. We are particularly interested in assisting people from the farming community looking to diversify, home working to support young families and helping older people stay in their communities. We want to contribute to vibrant, economically stable communities, enabling people to live, work and socialise in their community. So………. 1.  If you think you may have an idea for a business and would like to talk to someone about it, 2.  Or if you have a new business and would like some mentor support and be part of a network of like-minded people to help it grow, 3.  Or, if you already run your own business and would like to be part of a local business network,  Then please do get in touch Back of Beyond Business Support offers:  1 to 1 mentoring  Business plan advise  Business Builder workshops addressing common learning needs to starting and running a business  BOBBS Network. Quarterly get together for all business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs for mutual support, business to business trade, collective learning and up to date information Interested, but would like to know more? Contact Louise Northwood on 07961895813/ louiseN@ncdc.org.uk Follow our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/backofbeyondbusiness for up to date information of workshops, networking meetings and events.