540 Educators providing Courses

Mr Happiness 2000

mr happiness 2000


WELCOME TO MR HAPPINESS 2000 TEACHING THE POWER OF POSITIVE EMOTION TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE. HELPING YOU GET YOUR HAPPY BACK. EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE HAPPY! BUT UNFORTUNATELY, THE WORLD DOESN'T TELL US HOW TO BE. And as many people are finding out: you can't buy happiness; relationships don't necessarily bring happiness; and in the workplace the concept of happiness can often seem elusive. So much of your life can be spent in a state of unhappiness! To become a consistently happy person, you've got to awaken your consciousness. You need to become aware of the power of the thoughts you think and their connection to creating your emotions and your perception of reality. The information presented in my coaching isn't taught in schools; it isn't on TV; a great many medical professionals don't know about it. And you won't read about it in the negatively focused press. So how do you get happy? And stay happy? My coaching is designed to help you achieve that. The world has been duped into believing that 'positive thinking' is the answer. Yet anyone who tries it still finds themselves feeling bad and feel their life is going nowhere. The solution is positive feeling. Only when you begin to manage your mind and your emotions - so you feel relaxed, smooth, energised and happy in the moment - can you truly begin to move calmly through life with the genuine confidence and motivation to achieve effortless and joyous success. Your individual level of happiness is decided by the amount of positive energy you are allowing to flow through you on a moment-by-moment basis. This is decided by the choice of thoughts you think. The more loving and appreciative the thoughts you chronically think, the better you will feel. It's as simple as that!  CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO BE HAPPY? The benefits of knowing how to be happy - and most importantly how to stay happy - are enormous. They include: * Greater enjoyment of life on a moment-by-moment basis * Improved attitude towards the self and the world - guaranteeing greater success in life * Improved relationships and friendships * Increased productivity and motivation - helping you achieve your aims and ambitions * Increased energy levels * Reduced sickness levels * Greater resilience to the stresses and challenges of daily life Find out more about us at http://www.mrhappiness2000.com [http://www.mrhappiness2000.com]

Earth Magic

earth magic

About Candace Caddick: AUTHOR OF: Dawn of the Endless Day: Practical Steps for Living with the Earth and Hope for the Future After We Die: Forgotten Truths from Azrael, Archangel of Death Stepping Through the Looking Glass: Life on the Other Side Guidebook to the Future: Practical Advice for a Changing World And I Saw a New Earth: 2012 and Beyond The Downfall of Atlantis: A History of the Tragic Events Leading to Catastrophe Planet Earth Today: How the Earth and Humanity Developed Together and Where We're Going Next My name is Candace Caddick and I am a Reiki Master and clairaudient channel living in Redhill, Surrey. Born in the USA, I have lived in England for most of my adult life. How did I come to write these books? I am a teaching Reiki Master who studied for ten years with my Master before being initiated in the Usui Shiki Ryoho system of Reiki. During the course of the thirty years I’ve been practicing my own Reiki, my ability to channel became clearer and stronger until a few years ago I realised I was able to see the world around me in a way that others did not. My efforts as I worked with my own archangelic guides as a channel was always to unblock and be clear, with no preconceptions of what they may say next; to stand well back and just watch and listen. In 2009 the Archangels wanted to write a channelled book about the Earth to help us to see the reality of the world we live on. Planet Earth Today shows a sentient planet of incredible beauty, and a human soul of light. It is the first book of a set of seven books that the Archangelic Collective and I have written together. These seven books tell everything anyone needs to know about the planet, who we are and why we are here. They include the complete story of humanity from Atlantis to the events of today (2022), and all the books have been written to be relevant many years into the future. I am still being contacted by people who are rereading some of the early books to tell me how it has all been true for them over the past ten years. I have been practicing Reiki daily for thirty years, it is an integral part of my life. Reiki energy has led me to other experiences, and allowed me to find the best part of myself while the other parts have slipped away allowing healing to take place. There is no limit to how far a person can go with

King Richard III Infant and Nursery School

king richard iii infant and nursery school


We hope it helps you to get a flavour of our lovely school and of our hopes and aspirations for all of our children, as well as a sense of the pride we take in our rich and vibrant school community. Please also scroll down the page to see how highly our parents value the work we do as a school. We are an infant and nursery school in Leicester's West End, tucked away in the heart of the city. Our children and families enrich our school with a broad range of languages and cultures, and we place a very strong emphasis on providing a nurturing and inclusive environment which is welcoming to everyone. We offer nursery provision in our Daisy and Sunflower classes, in addition to the 190 places in our Reception, Key Stage 1 and DSP classes. We are absolutely committed to being a fully inclusive school where equality of opportunity is a reality for all and where every child really enjoys their learning. We pay close attention to the different groups within our school to ensure that all - regardless of age, gender, disability, ethnicity or background - are given every opportunity to contribute, learn and achieve to the highest standards. Families work very closely with us to support their children’s learning. We provide adult learning opportunities and support for families during times of need. We believe that values such as kindness, respect, love and honesty are very important and we work hard to ensure the members of our richly diverse and multicultural community live together in harmony. We offer a learning culture of high expectations and quality teaching that encourages a growth mindset and a belief that we can all succeed. We don’t give up - we can do it! If you'd like to read more about our Curriculum Vision, you can find it HERE. We have amazing staff and governors, fantastic children and very supportive parents. Thanks go to everyone for their valued input in making the school such a wonderful place to be. We were very pleased with our most recent Ofsted report (June 2017). The full report can be seen by clicking on the Ofsted link on the navigation bar above. If you would like to visit and see us during the school day, we would be delighted to show you around and answer any questions you may have. In these very different times, we are also exploring different ways to let parents and visitors know more about our school. Please don’t hesitate to contact the school office to make an appointment.




I am a Shaman Alchemist based in Hampshire. I believe that when you listen to your inner guidance and follow your soul's purpose, even though it may be the hardest thing you have to go through at the time, doors do open, opportunities do arise and you are always looked after by the Universe in every way and even beyond that which we know as our 'reality' - as long as you trust in the process... That's the key 'trust' that you are supported by the Universe. I am seeing so many people who have 'fragmented' souls, losing a small part of themselves each time they go through a trauma. Some have unknowingly carried over traumas from past lives and some are not fully here as they are sharing a parallel life simultaneously which if not in balance can drain their energy reservoir... Hmmmm, yeah it's pretty out there! I tap into my past life soul wisdom to bring in alchemical changes - to balance vibrational energies. I know that it is my calling to support others with their spiritual development. I hold shamanic alchemy sessions [https://www.love2meditate.com/privatetreatments.html], workshops [https://www.love2meditate.com/groupsessions.html], courses [https://www.love2meditate.com/courses.html], retreats  [https://www.love2meditate.com/retreats.html]and I have now created an online support system in the form of a magazine - Alchemical Voice [https://www.love2meditate.com/alchemical-voice-magazines.html]. it is a pathway of virtual support for those who don't have anyone else to talk to about their experiences. Digital copies are absolutely free! Furthermore, the Universe has guided me into creating online meditations [https://www.love2meditate.com/meditations.html] which are shamanically infused and include my healing shamanic drumming. These meditations have helped to heal myself as I work on writing them for others. Once completed they are tested by a Kinesiologist to ensure there is powerful transformational vibrations embedded in each one. They are all tested using the Levels of Consciousness (read my blog to know more about LoC [https://www.love2meditate.com/blog/levels-of-consciousness-explained]). Always striving to be the best I can, I will continue my sacred work, expand my knowledge and use the tools I have, to show you how you can help yourself. Be grateful for the past, be grateful for the present and confidently (with power) walk into your future knowing that the Universe has your back. You just need to believe, trust and love yourself. You do need to put in some work too :)

Imperative Training

imperative training



From a tiny enterprise in a spare bedroom to the largest independent first aid training provider in the UK, get to know imperative training... Humble beginnings In the third bedroom of David and Rachael Howarth's first home is where imperative training truly began in 2003. But instead of the 20 full-time staff and 200+ nationwide trainers we have today, there was just one first aid trainer in the company - and this was David! (But you can call him Dave). With a goal to become the number one first aid training company in the UK, Dave and Rachael focused on filling their freelance training diary to first begin establishing imperative training's own customer base. It was this which laid the foundation for Dave to develop the dynamic, fun and unique training style we still proudly deliver to this day. From day one, Dave and Rachael strived to work with blue chip organisations, knowing that these businesses would share the same values and goals as the growing imperative brand. Despite a challenging economic climate, Dave and Rachael were able to build a successful business and in 2005 were thrilled to welcome House of Fraser as their first major client, who still to this day chooses to work with imperative training. Nationwide Trainers, Accreditations and More... Since 2006 imperative training has gone from strength to strength, welcoming a large team of nationwide trainers to teach our courses and hiring a Trainer Manager to ensure the delivery of each session is the same high-quality and engaging experience as when Dave first began the company. Fast-forward to 2011 where we launched our websites, featuring our suite of online health and safety courses including Food Safety, Manual Handling and AED Training as well as being a hub for our exclusive first aid tips and informative blog articles. Since establishing ourselves in the training world, we've welcomed big brand names to our customer base and have continued to build strong business relations with them to this day! So far we've worked with clients such as Starbucks, Sainsbury's, Costco, Kidsunlimited, Selfridges and Radisson Edwardian Blu Hotels and look forward to building relationships with more companies as we continue to expand and grow. In October 2013, the HSE dropped approval for first aid and training companies, leaving us to choose between continuing to provide our training courses with no approval or become an accredited provider. For us, this decision was a no-brainer; of course we wanted to be able to provide accredited courses to our clients! And so we became a Diamond Approved Centre of TQUK, this means all of our training is of the highest quality and we can proudly provide nationally recognised qualifications to our learners. Going Above and Beyond Since first becoming established as a company in 2003, imperative training has gone above and beyond not only in the first-class training is provides, but in its determination to develop, grow and constantly come out on top against any other organisation. As we first began to become known in the training world, we created our very own set of company PILOT values which we strive to embody in every aspect of work we do, these are Passionate, Integrity, Learning, Ownership and Team Work. These values provide a clear insight to how we work as a company; one which cares not only about the high standards that we regularly deliver, but how as a small company we can take on a big business mindset in order to achieve our goals and also the care we take towards the well-being of our own team which has helped build the success of the brand. So what's next for imperative training? Well you'll have to stay tuned for that one. Last year saw us launch our exclusive first aid app as well as develop our new range of exciting E-learning courses which debuted earlier this year. 2016 also allowed us to broaden our range by unveiling a selection of open courses which has helped us provide learners with a variety of learning options, giving everyone the opportunity to reach their goals. No matter what our plans, we aim to deliver each one with the same passion and purpose which first created imperative training, to continue to make the success of Dave and Rachael's dream a reality.

Blue Yoga

blue yoga


The practice of yoga is an age-old discipline that teaches you to listen to your body, calm your mind and embrace the spirit within. Give yourself the gift of time and space to practice yoga with a trained professional in fun, revitalising environments with Blue House Yoga. All of our retreats are individually curated with their own unique vistas and benefits. Every retreat will be accompanied by our qualified and explorative yoga instructor, Daniela de Silva, who will be on hand to guide you through daily meditation sessions designed to stimulate your mind and body. Experience a yoga retreat Europe to truly unwind and rejuvenate yourself. Blue House Yoga specialist instructor, Daniela, is also qualified in CBT. This means she can guide you through many methods to introduce wellness, balance and fun into your life. Our Mykonos Yoga Retreat is the perfect blend of tranquillity and expression with fun and exercise! Blue House Yoga are also innovators in developing specialised corporate yoga programs. Corporate yoga can take place in your workplace for groups of any size. The bonding experience of yoga is like no other. Contact us for more information and to invest in your health and wellbeing today! Our Yoga Retreats Blue House Yoga have made dreams of enjoying a luxurious yoga retreat on an island paradise in Greece or in a snow capped wonderland a reality. A yoga retreat is so much more than just a holiday or an escape, we individually research and curate every aspect of our retreats to ensure that everyone who embarks upon a Blue House Yoga adventure gets the most from their trip. You can lose yourself in the unparalleled beauty of some of the world’s most striking and unspoiled locations, whilst never being too far removed from fun and local culture. Our Mykonos Yoga Retreat is the ultimate blend of beach, culture and excitement and personal development.Our stunning private villas or reclusive cabins will become your refuge throughout your stay. Mykonos Yoga Retreat The newest addition to our schedule is our Mykonos Yoga Retreat. Handpicked to make the most of the September sun, Blue House Yoga’s Mykonos Yoga Retreat is a deluxe delight, compact into a fantastic five days. Train and strengthen your body and mind in the morning and then spend the afternoons freely wandering the iconic destination. Surround yourself with postcard views of sparkling waters as this golden isle in the middle of the Mediterranean is a diverse and exciting place to visit. Our Mykonos yoga retreat emphasises fantastic local culture and encourages you to explore your spirituality, by whatever means necessary! Mykonos Yoga Retreat; September 24 – September 29. Enquire today to book your place on this exclusive yoga retreat Europe.

Dyslexia Care Foundation

dyslexia care foundation

Dyslexia Care Foundation was established by Lola Oluwasuyi who has lived with Dyslexia throughout her life. Despite the difficulties of experiencing this condition firsthand, Lola has been hugely appreciative of the educational support that she has received over the years which has helped her to excel in her education, including successfully achieving her undergraduate degree. She is now studying for her Master’s degree. Lola’s experience demonstrates that with the right support, people with Dyslexia can thrive and reach the same academic heights as anybody else in life. That is why she established Dyslexia Care Foundation with the motto ‘Fair Learning Opportunities’ to provide support and guidance to others. Our work Working throughout the UK we are dedicated to providing a range of services to support people who have experience of Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia. Our main objective is to provide guidance on how to access quality educational opportunities and we offer assistance to people from the age of 7 onwards. Our mission Our mission is to provide services to the Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, Dyscalculia community in the way that empower them and lead to their bright future. We work to innovate, support and implement things in a dynamic way. Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD, Dyscalculia is not a single condition but in reality affects people in many different ways. Our motto is ‘Fair Learning Opportunities’ and we work with adults and children and their families to help them to get the best from educational opportunities and to find ways to succeed whilst managing their condition. We are all unique According to the NHS, dyslexia affects 1/10 people in the UK. What is most interesting about this condition is that it is unique from person to person and everyone will experience it differently. In our experience what can be particularly difficult is for care givers and parents to know the best way to support someone who has Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia. This can also apply to educational establishments and employers as well, so that is where Dyslexia Care Foundation can help. We are here to provide advice, guidance and news on the latest developments, as well as to signpost to resources, education and training which has been proven to help those who experience Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia. Our team Our dedicated team is made up of people who have firsthand experience of living with Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia, either having experienced it themselves or having supported loved ones with this condition. If you or a loved one has been recently diagnosed with Dyslexia, Autism, ADHD or Dyscalculia it can really help to have contact with someone who understands the condition and has had the direct experience of negotiating the support that is on offer.

Functional Patterns

functional patterns


About Functional Patterns The Future of Human Health and Fitness... is Now The conceptual framework of Functional Patterns was first established in 2009 by CEO and Founder Naudi Aguilar. The notion of training in relation to an organism's biological characteristics was borne out of this framework, and after stringent testing and diligent research, the Functional Patterns methodology was created. Drawing from anthropology, kinesiology, biology, sociology, physiology and more — Functional Patterns has taken an integrative approach its practice since inception. With the launch of the Power of Posture in 2013, the online spread of the Functional Patterns system of training saw tremendous growth. Bringing in people from around the world, thousands of individuals sought training to address their imbalances and learn how to move better by exceeding the standard practices of the time. Since then, nearly five hundred people have been certified in the FP training system spanning every continent, with thousands more using our 10 Week Online Course from the comfort of their homes to great benefit. The combined effect this education has had on the fitness industry has been a shift in the physical training landscape towards exercises and program designs that incorporate more unilateral, rotational, and contralateral movements. The mission of Functional Patterns has been to level the playing field, so to speak, between the small proportion of highly-skilled movers and the majority of what's been referred to as "Average Jane's/Joe's". We have taken on the arduous task of codifying the human blueprint of biomechanical movement to bridge this divide — reformulating the human body's affective movement capabilities to access kinesthetic intelligence beyond the supposed "innate" inclinations of an individual's movement capacities. In laymen's terms, we've made it so any human can enjoy the benefits of FP regardless of skill level or knowledge. This push for accessibility is a hallmark of our training system, breaking down complicated subject matter for the everyday person to utilize and improve upon in their daily lives. We bring symmetry and muscular balance to people enabling them to move better, look better, and feel less pain on a general basis. Through the economization of movement, Functional Patterns is making our mission a reality, evidenced by the numerous results that FP practitioners have developed in themselves and their clients across the globe. And this is just the beginning... With the accumulating case studies of clients and practitioners, the academic research being conducted into FP, and the everyday people who employ our practice daily, Functional Patterns is becoming the new industry standard of human health and fitness. Ultimately, the future we want is one of health, regeneration, and sustainability. The power to bring about this future is with all of us.

The Wedding Arrangers

the wedding arrangers

The Wedding Arrangers is composed of local wedding event planners based in the London boroughs of Shoreditch, East London, and Hackney. We specialise in dry hire venues and bring unique weddings to life at an affordable price. We work with a range of clients to make your day truly special to you, and help you to manage your event and make the most of your budget. Chris profile 2.jpg Chris Adnitt: Head Planner Chris is a passionate, experienced wedding event planner and has been running hospitality and events businesses all of his working life. From club nights and music events through the 90s and early 00s, he then stepped into the restaurant and catering business for a decade. He produced his first dry hire wedding 15 years ago and has been hooked ever since! He’s a keen music fan, a wine enthusiast, and a dedicated foodie. He contributes a regular London restaurant column called Root & Bone, and is currently working his way through a Wine & Spirit education at WSET. Alex Harris: Bar Logistics & Cocktails (Behind This Wall) Behind This Wall are The Wedding Arrangers’ partner for event bars. Birthed from a passion for classic cocktails and natural ingredients, Behind This Wall provide bespoke solutions tailored to any event. Originally a ‘pop-up’ out of F. Cooke’s Pie & Mash shop in the heart of London’s east end, Behind This Wall has grown into award-winning premises in Mare Street. They now proudly offer a fully adaptable service to cater for made-to-measure celebrations. Alex has a diploma in cocktail making, has designed menus for Soho House, and crafted drinks at the Rocket Group in Mayfair, all before establishing his own company in 2008. Alex believes in the simple elegance of classic recipes and methods, tweaking them slightly to your tastes. All of his custom ingredients are produced in house to exclude artificial additives, colours and flavours, high fructose, corn-syrup, and unnecessary sugar. 6D8C9297-844C-4C39-9E84-DA7DA41DC7F8.jpeg Megan_Alex_0936.jpg Sarah Jay: Head Bartender Sarah is our head bar tender. If you’re a regular at Glastonbury Festival’s Beat Hotel, Red Rooster Festival, or Junction 2, you may well have had the pleasure of being served by Sarah before! Her winning smile and sassy ways ensure that she’s a hit with all of our clients, so your guests will experience a fun filled, premium service on your wedding day. Our team is always expanding, and we’ll be introducing some new faces for you to meet coming soon! No matter what your dream wedding requires, we have a team of exceptional, experienced event planners to help make your vision become a reality. To enquire with us about our wedding event planner services, please contact us today!

Fx Academy

fx academy


HOW DO I START LEARNING FOREX? The most effective approach to learning Forex trading is via free courses that cover introductory topics, pouring a deep foundation and then building on them with more advanced lessons. The content should be interactive, easy to understand, and followed by a quiz to ensure beginners have understood the lessons. IS IT HARD TO LEARN FOREX TRADING? It depends on the individual, and beginners should approach Forex trading with the same mindset as choosing a high-skilled profession, like an engineer, a software developer, a lawyer, or a doctor. Those passionate about finance, numbers, and the economy should have no problems learning how to trade. Developing a profitable long-term strategy requires more time, patience, and trial-and-error. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO LEARN FOREX? The time it takes to learn Forex depends on beginners, their time commitment, and capabilities, but it often takes months to cover the basics, plus a few more months to learn about technical analysis. Beginners must also study trading psychology, as it makes or breaks any trader, but it is unfortunately a frequently ignored topic. HOW DO I START TRADING FOREX BY MYSELF? Before opening a trading account with an online broker, beginners should invest adequate time in their Forex education. The easy accessibility of financial markets causes most beginners to underestimate education, while the reality is that successful Forex trading requires an equal or more substantial commitment than most high-skilled professions. IS FX ACADEMY GOOD FOR BEGINNERS? FX Academy is a high-quality educational academy featuring interactive courses, excellent and easy-to-understand written content, short videos, and quizzes at the end of each lesson. Everything is free of charge, allowing everyone equal access to one of the most comprehensive educational resources for Forex traders, which expand continuously. ARE ONLINE FOREX TRADING CLASSES WORTH IT? Free online Forex trading classes can offer tremendous value to beginners. Paid-for alternatives, often created by failed Forex traders, charge a fee for free content, and beginners should avoid them, irrelevant of how well-marketed paid classes are. WHERE SHOULD I START LEARNING FOREX TRADING? There are many ways to get started with a high-quality Forex education. A comprehensive Forex academy offering free lessons, like FX Academy, provides an excellent start to beginners who are excited about Forex trading and seek well-explained content, interactive courses, videos, and quizzes to conclude each lesson. HOW DO BEGINNERS LEARN FOREX TRADING? Beginners can spend hours searching online for educational Forex content they think they must study, which can provide an experience of its own but may result in missing important topics. A more efficient method is using free educational courses like the ones provided by FX Academy, with experts curating content relevant to beginners and advanced traders.