557 Educators providing Courses

Wioletta Diamondhear

wioletta diamondhear


I am Wioletta Diamondheart , my yogic name is “Jai Dev Karam Kaur”. I am enthusiastic, dynamic, uplifting and inspiring Kundalini Yoga & Meditation level 1 & 2 teacher, Kundalini Yoga for Conscious Pregnancy and Shakti Dance Instruktor, Member of KYTA, IKYTA, SDTA and Holistic Therapist. My journey is long and rocky with an amazing views and experiences that I share from my heart with those that are wanting to love their lives fully. “She is passionate about helping the others achieve mental, physical, spiritual balance and to live in The Light, in The Truth, In Sat Nam. Wioletta is dynamic and passionate about life and its transformations. Her energy and enthusiasm for the teachings of Kundalini Yoga as thought by – Yogi Bhajan is deeply motivating and encouraging.” She teaches from the heart and from her own experience. She directs her classes to inspire the students, to enable each participant to catch the glimpse of their own true self and find The Master within. About Wioletta looks to bring the essence of everyday life into her classes, sharing Kundalini Yoga kriyas and meditations that are relevant to the changes we face in the world, so we are able to withstand the pressure of times, live in joy and find peace within. Her passion for life, people and commitment to serve others creates a high vibrational sacred space for healing and transformation to occur in a safe space. ” I am also Holistic & Ayurvedic Therapist, Enthusiastic Traveller & Life Coach. My Mission is to Bring out The Master Within each student, participant, client. I Runs Woman Circles & Ceremonies in Red Tents, as I believe in creative power and love of The Goddess, of The Mother, of the Creation. I Offer help and support during Fasting and Detoxing.

The Social Development Agency

the social development agency


Social development processes aim to bring about economic and social improvement in the lives of people through capacity building. Often this involves institution-building and social change. The International Consortium for Social Development (ICSD) is an organization of practitioners, scholars and students in the human services. It was started in the 1970’s by a group of social work educators to respond to pressing human concerns from an international, interdisciplinary perspective. The organization seeks to develop conceptual frameworks and effective intervention strategies geared to influencing local, national and international systems. It is committed to creating peaceful solutions to the problems of survival at the local, national and global levels. ICSD members use a social development approach to: Develop capacity of individuals and communities Promote world peace and social justice Improve access to adequate health care and education Overcome discrimination against women and minorities Create sustainable income and economic structures ICSD serves as a clearinghouse for information on international social development. The Consortium fosters collaboration among personnel of organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, UNESCO, and UNICEF as well as among professional associations in the human services and institutions of higher learning. ICSD is a well-established and widely recognized international catalyst for sharing ideas among many nations and across many cultures. The ICSD Technical Assistance Roster links members’ special expertise in international social development to agencies, governments and organizations upon request. Areas of expertise include: Community and economic development Organization and program building Education and training in problem-solving processes Monitoring of social development projects ICSD provides mutual consultation and cooperative action on social development. Typical areas include: Curriculum development Faculty recruitment and training International liaison among colleagues with similar research or practice interests Conferences for educators, practitioners, officials, and others Research and demonstration projects Increasing decision making capacity of local residents including women

Love Is in You

love is in you

Often we credit the feeling of being “in love” to another person: someone who supposedly ignites that flame. I have come to understand that the feeling of being in love is actually our natural state of being, and that it is possible to access this state whatever circumstances might prevail in our lives… It is out of this experience that the desire to share what I have learnt was born. For many years from my late twenties, I struggled to make sense of my life. I was well-educated, had good friends, a loving family, a fulfilling love life and success at work – all the things I was supposed to want; the things that should make me happy. At times I was happy. And yet somehow it was never enough; on some level I felt I was never enough. Something was missing, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. Then in summer 1999, lying on a beach in Cape Cod, I experienced a kind of epiphany while reading the book Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch. I didn’t grow up with much religion. The God I was told about at school left me with the image of a man holding a book of rules, and if you didn’t follow them there’d be no happily-ever-after for you! And if you were reading from the ‘wrong’ book, you were also in trouble… Not surprisingly, I decided to stay well clear of anything ‘religious’. Even now, I don’t quite know what drew me to a book like this one. But in it, Walsch doesn’t talk about the God I was taught about at school.Instead he speaks of a very personal experience with a benevolent force that manifests itself as pure, unconditional love – and that exists within each of us. He describes this force as the foundation of our being and believes we are in direct contact with it whenever we are in touch with our most altruistic loving qualities. Everything we do, he says, comes from a place of either fear or love, and whichever we choose reflects back our own life experiences. Within these pages I discovered a truth that resonated so deeply that I had an experience of direct knowing. I knew that I was more than I had perceived myself to be. You might call it soul, higher consciousness, Buddha-nature, life force, chi, awareness, love… even the entire universe. No words can fully express the depth of this personal revelation. I felt, for the first time ever, in a state of deep peace, and utterly comfortable in my own skin. I knew this feeling as love – unconditional and total. A blissful moment of surrender. And then… life carried on, as it does. Happy times, sad times, and everything in-between. But that experience in Cape Cod had changed me forever. I realised in that moment of revelation that everything I needed in order to be happy was already there within me. During the years that followed I launched myself into a journey of self-inquiry, both physically and spiritually. I’ve studied many teachings – with many teachers – from various disciplines. But those that I continue to use within my life daily are the transformative techniques of kundalini yoga, A Course In Miracles and thus the work of Marianne Williamson, Gangaji and Eckhart Tolle, as well as the principles of Kabbalah and Tantra. And, what I have come to believe is that for every one of us, within the core of our being there is a still, quiet centre that is totally at peace with whatever is happening in every single moment of our lives. And in every single moment we have a choice: to discover the truth, or run from it.




Ongoing - Mixed Media Mosaic Courses, PlayShops, Spring and Summer Schools. Welcome!  Come and have fun exploring the joy and wonder of our innate creative gifts through the process of making mixed media mosaics together.  My intention is to support and encourage you in exploring your true creative potentiality through the wonderful process of making mosaics 'Peace by Piece' Sharing the deeply restorative process of gently reawakening creativity through brokenness.   I look forward to welcoming you. Thank you for your interest. Emma's Background Feeling deep appreciation for my early life, growing up in a super abundant garden, bursting with wondrous flowers and bountiful blossoms. Learning from a young age how to meet with nature in her fullness of spirit. Family life was coloured with complexity, tragedy and challenge.  I found great solace within the wholeness of garden space, which heightened my awareness of our deeply interconnected, cyclical nature. Our bohemian home was full of floral interiors, antiques, un-conventional ornaments and myriad curiosities.  Many of which continue to inspire and adorn my mosaic art today. In my early twenties I began exploring the process of making sculptural ceramics for many years at a local art school.  During that time I was invited to join a weekend course making mosaics.   I loved the idea of working in instant colour and form. I meandered with mosaic process and fell in love! I later became artist in residence at a local historical house and spiritual centre, which offered courses, retreats and B&B.  People visited from all over the country and around the world, which enabled me to meet and explore with many colourful seekers.  My studio was the ground floor of a small 17th Century listed cottage in the grounds of the center. The cottage looked out onto a wonderful walled garden, which I helped to care for, harvesting inspiration for my art.  Inspiration I appreciate the beauty and generosity of our natural world.  Offering an authentic, curative ground of endless wonderment and creativity.  My garden is a great source of delight and inspiration.  Teeming with every colour and tone, heartening aromas and kindred vibrations.  I’m passionate about vintage china.  I love how it offers endless possibility of pattern, hue, myriad tender tones and expressive textures.  Inspiring a deep sense of memory and creative potentiality within.  The fragments have a fine body and reliable quality, which allows for clean, strong cuts. I find this material very pleasing to create with. The whole process of making mosaics is a miraculous quest of gathering together diverse materials, from house clearances to charity & curiosity shops, enabling an endless enchanted flow of abundant potentiality and great fun!  I’m always in deepest appreciation for unique donated gifts of broken antiques, vintage wonders, figurines, vases and re-claimed stained glass.  Technique My studio is abounding with many colour-coded palettes, brimming with vintage china treasures, enabling me to be in spontaneous mosaic flow with ease of application. I spend quiet time, musing with mosaic movement.  Creating space for day dreaming, wondering and glimpsing potentiality. I appreciate my precious tools.  Various hand cutters and nippers of many shapes and sizes.  Remarkable, reliable, dear old friends. As I begin making mosaics I often just sit and start loosely nipping and cutting.  Feeling into and aligning myself with little sparks of inspiration.  Gently shaping each piece, miracles begin transpiring through mosaic metamorphosis. I use various cement-based adhesives and PVA glues for fixing the fragments to the different surfaces.   I often use natural pigments to colour the final grout application, which creates depth and helps to unify the whole piece. Goal My intention is to encourage harmony to emerge from diverse and discarded materials. Sharing the deeply restorative process of gently reawakening creativity through brokenness.  ‘Peace by Piece’ facilitating harmony & beauty.   Sharing the joy and wonder of our innate creativity through making memorable mosaics - 'Peace by Piece' Ongoing mixed media mosaic courses, playshops , Spring and Summer schools. Thank you for your interest. In kindness and blessing, Emma



West Mids

CSCT – the UK’s Premier Supplier of Counselling Training Materials CSCT has been dedicated to the provision of the highest quality training for counsellors and those wishing to develop their people skills for over 40 years. A Unique Provider Counselling training is one of the fastest growing areas of vocational and part-time study in the UK. Our courses attract not just those interested in becoming a counsellor. Individuals from many other walks of life study with us for their own personal reasons. Many simply have a strong personal interest in acquiring some counselling skills; others undertake our courses to enhance their inter-personal skills and their general potential at work. CSCT provides a range of courses specifically to cover every level of interest. Full details of all the courses are contained in the ‘Courses’ section. CSCT courses are available throughout the UK via a comprehensive network of FE Colleges and private providers. Why CSCT? CSCT has a proven track record of creating, administering and supporting counselling training courses. Our highly experienced team of academic experts produce fully comprehensive tutor and trainee materials written to a given awarding body’s specifications. We are committed to providing high quality training programmes that reflect current thinking and research in the field and meet the changing needs of the counselling profession. Our materials give tutors and trainees the confidence and peace of mind that awarding body requirements can be fulfilled through timed sessions, individual and group exercises, topics for further discussion, points for reflection and discussion, and tutor evaluation questions. We also have available a range of non-RQF CSCT courses (including CSCT Introduction to Counselling) that are available with a CSCT certification. Funding for non-RQF courses is at the discretion of local Learning and Skills Councils. Please contact, info@counsellingtraining.com for further details. With more than two decades working with the Further Education sector and small/medium enterprises in the UK, Eire, the Netherlands and Gibraltar – and having trained over 50,000 students in that time – we understand fully the demands and needs of counselling training.

Francesca Lo Verso Counselling and Psychotherapy

francesca lo verso counselling and psychotherapy

My name is Francesca. The following bio may offer some more background on why I work the way I do. I grew up in Italy, but I spent half of my life outside my country of origin. This brought me face to face with the challenges of finding a sense of belonging and home elsewhere. This makes me particularly attuned to cross-cultural dynamics, multi-lingual living and the struggles of understanding who we are in this new reality. My early studies (a degree in International Relationships and Peace Studies) helped me understand human distress from the perspective of power dynamics and systemic oppression, hence why my framework of reference is systemic. A decade later, when I retrained as a counsellor, I combined my earlier studies and previous work experience in the third sector (ranging from supporting victims of human trafficking and refugees to the homeless) to find voluntary and subsequently paid work within a counselling service for people who use substances and are involved with the criminal justice system. Through my time at this counselling service, I understood trauma from a systemic point of view and learned to convey safety and support clients to find it in their life and within themselves. I am now a senior counsellor for a local charity for alcohol use. Since 2017, I’ve volunteered as a counsellor for the therapeutic community Time and Space, supporting people who hear voices, dissociate, and self-harm. My experience here has taught me how to look beyond the labels, centre the person in the work we do together and trust, no matter what, that the person knows best what works for them in their healing journey. Alongside this, over the years, I have nurtured a deep connection with nature, which kinship brought me a sense of connection, dignity and respect that I now extend to the other-than-human beings and world, too (hence why I have embraced a vegan lifestyle).

Progressive College - SNA, Healthcare, Childcare and Montessori Courses Ireland

progressive college - sna, healthcare, childcare and montessori courses ireland

Progressive College is known for one thing above all else – its outstanding tradition of excellence in providing education and training of the highest quality. This tradition goes back nearly 35 years to March 1986 when the college was founded by a team of young Teaching Sisters formerly of Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital at Crumlin in Dublin, Ireland’s premier children’s hospital. As Progressive College grew, the original team members were joined by more former Teaching Sisters and together the expanded group pioneered the development of new courses in childcare, special needs education, and healthcare. These courses were permeated by the ‘Crumlin Culture’ of focussing totally on the needs and well-being of the child, and over succeeding decades Progressive’s child-related courses have been widely imitated by other institutions throughout the country. The College has continued to expand and offer an ever-growing range of new courses while always ensuring that the tradition of quality begun in its early years is not just maintained but continually enhanced. Today Progressive College is part of the City Education Group and is a leading provider of QQI validated major award programmes in Childcare, Montessori, Healthcare, Special Needs Assistant training and Business. These awards are aligned on the nationally and internationally recognised Irish National Framework of Qualifications and so provide ideal foundations on which to build a successful career. In addition, we also deliver online, quality, affordable college diploma courses in special areas of study. [To ensure your peace of mind, all our courses are fully bonded.] A range of learning methodologies are available designed to suit various learning styles including full-time, part-time, blended learning and fully online. Whatever the learning style, our aim is to deliver quality courses in an enjoyable and supportive adult environment. Our tutors are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience with learners and will be delighted to assist you in selecting and completing the programme of your choice.

Procare Team

procare team


We are regulated by the Care Quality Commission and we aim to exceed the essential standards which are the standard set by the Care Quality Commission. We specialise in personal care delivery for adults in the age ranges from 18 to 65+, ensuring they are always treated with respect and their dignity is protected at all times. Among our most sought of services includes; Home care and Help Domiciliary care Palliative and end of life care Dementia care Respite care Personal Elderly care Companionship Why you should choose us Staffing Solutions, Recruitment and training are among the key reasons for our progress within the care industry. We provide staff to various settings including NHS, Health and Social Care Agencies and Nursing/Residential Care Homes, individual homes. Our teams have vast industry knowledge of the Health and Social Care sector offering you expertise, quality services and excellent cost saving benefits. Our Aim Procare Team is centred on quality, efficiency and service delivery; so you can be rest assured that you get the best service at a good value. Our aim is to provide a personalised care paln for all of our clients by providing a person-centred care and promote health, wellbeing and independence of individuals. We are here to listen to you and to work through to provide you and your family members the peace and the comfort of being cared for, this will always make us strive for better achievements. Our Values Our Values guide our daily operations, decisions, and interactions with clients, employees, and other stakeholders. We place a high priority on establishing long-lasting relationships between clients and their caregivers, which we accomplish through the quality of our recruitment process, the training we provide to staff, and the high levels of staff retention we achieve. This leaves our clients and ourselves with the following: Integrity Excellence Commitment Accountability Respect Tolerance

ITC Learning & Development

itc learning & development

Hampstead Hill School is an independent Nursery and Pre-Preparatory School based in St Stephen’s, a magnificent Grade I listed former church, and the adjacent School Hall in the heart of Hampstead, London. (www.ststephenstrust.co.uk) Hampstead Hill is a non-selective school catering for children aged 2 to 7+ years. There are five Year Groups at Hampstead Hill and each Year Group consists of four classes. The Lower School, based in St Stephen’s Hall and the Garden classrooms, is made up of Early Years (age 2–3), Pre-Reception (age 3–4) and Reception (age 4–5) and the Upper School, based in St Stephen’s, is made up of Year 1 (age 5-6) and Year 2 (age 6-7). Hampstead Hill provides the peace of mind and security that comes with traditional teaching and values. Alongside a wide and varied syllabus we offer a balanced, nurturing and happy environment that gives children a stimulating and exciting introduction to early education and encourages them to learn and grow. In the Upper School our goal is to prepare children for the academic challenges of the 7+ entrance examinations to a wide range of future schools. At the start of the Summer Term the Year 2 pupils, who have finished entrance examinations, move into Post Exam classes and the Year 1 pupils move into their Year 2 classes, giving the children due to sit 7+ examinations three full terms with the Year 2 Class Teachers. With so many parents running extremely busy lives, it is important that a School recognises the pressures of today’s working arrangements. Hampstead Hill offers flexible hours for younger children, with facilities available for up to ten hours a day, 51 weeks a year. For parents who need it from the end of Reception Year onwards (5 years and over) we run a varied, exciting Holiday Scheme during all half-term and holiday periods.