540 Educators providing Courses

Loughborough Farm

loughborough farm


The Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG) is a volunteer-led social action charity that works to improve the environment of Loughborough Junction and the lives of the people who live and work here. It is our mission to make Loughborough Junction a great place to live and work. It was formed in 2008 following the murder of a young man, Andrew Pratt, in Southwell Road. Local residents in the road and surrounding streets came together to do something positive for their neighbourhood which they felt had been neglected for too long. LJAG works to achieve its mission through its projects which focus on community events, skill-sharing, greening, children’s activities and place-making. LJAG works to build a strong civic society in Loughborough Junction and has a record of involving volunteers across our diverse neighbourhood. LJAG’s fundraising activities have brought over £600,000 into Loughborough Junction and we have been instrumental in attracting over £3 million of public investment into the area. Over 13 years LJAG has delivered art projects which have improved a pedestrian alleyway under a railway bridge; run two street photography projects; launched an augmented reality app linked to the history of World War One; run community events including four street parties; health events; a community festival; run cycle maintenance classes; craft workshops; a mapping project; installed street planters and run community planting days. We have worked with Lambeth council on the production of the Loughborough Junction Plan and on public realm improvements and we facilitate monthly meetings of the Loughborough Junction Neighbourhood Forum. LJAG runs successful projects: Loughborough Farm, The Platform Cafe, Grove Adventure Playground, Craft Workshops and an informal social prescribing project, Wish You Were Here. Loughborough Farm is a successful community food growing project, where volunteers come together on Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday to grow vegetables and to socialise. The Loughborough Farm also has a successful outreach programme on two council estates and each summer delivers tomato plants and herbs to residents of the Loughborough Estate to grow on their balconies. The Farm is also responsible for the orchard in Wyck Gardens.

Lotus Flower Life Coaching & Yoga

lotus flower life coaching & yoga

When Life Offers Us Hardship We Can Look To The Lotus Flower For Inspiration. A Flower That Symbolises Hope, Prosperity And Self Growth. However, Despite The Dark & Dirty Water In Which It Grows, It Surfaces As A Beautiful And Radiant Flower. Hard Times Are Not Always Meant To Harm Us. In Fact They Often Test Our Hidden Strengths In Order For Us To Grow And Expand. To Come Through As A Happier Individual With Better Life Choices. Eight Years Ago, I Was Diagnosed With A Benign Brain Tumour Which Following Removal, Left Me With An Enormous Sense Of Gratitude, Albeit Chronic Fatigue And Total Deafness In My Right Ear. I Call This Period My ‘Re-Boot’, For Although Life Was Good, I Was In All Honesty Trying Too Hard. So My ‘Re-Boot’ Was A Journey Of Re-Evaluation Where, I ‘Slowed Down’ & Realigned My Energy, Giving It To What Matters Most. My Wellbeing & Sense Of Inner Truth Strengthened & Everyone Gained The Best Of Me. It Lead To A Career Change, An Ongoing Commitment To A Nourishing Diet & Lifestyle & By Circumstance, Led Me To Kundalini Yoga, A Devoted & Transformative Practice That Continues To Enhance My Wellbeing & Inner Peace. Wild and free like the wind FAQ Lifestyle Coaching Is A Confidential, Collaborative & Transformative Journey Between Myself & The Client. To Support Them In Raising Their Awareness So That They Can Understand With Clarity, The Reality Of Their Situation. The Process, Through Careful Questioning And Strong Listening Skills, Allows The Client The Opportunity To Discuss & Unveil What Really Matters Now. To Break It Down, To Re-Visit Their Skills, Strengths & Resources, And To Find The First Steps Towards What They Want To Do, Or How They Want To Be & To Find The Contentment That They Seek. A Self-Empowering And Focused Journey To Support Growth, Personal Awareness And On-Going Achievement That Will Create Positive Change Quicker, Than If A Person Was To Working Alone. We All Have A Unique Reason To Be Here. To Be The Best Of Ourselves Without Undue Pressure, But With Presence And Grace.

VIPA Tactical Training

vipa tactical training

V.I.P.A is not a static system as is Karate, Kung Fu or Judo for example. By static I mean something that has not changed over a period of time, something that has not kept up with modern threats and combat found in today's modern world. If the Instructor is not teaching a street application then they are teaching a 'Do' a 'Way' to reach inner harmony, a way to overcome yourself and become a better person, a form of meditation. This in itself is a noble endeavour and for those looking for that path then these martial arts a fantastic path to tread. As a combat system V.I.P.A is also a 'Way' but it is a way for warriors not martial artists, it is also not the only 'Way' it is only one path with ideas, philosophies, treaties, strategies, tactics and techniques gained over 40 years of combatives study. Having said that, it is a highly effective method of combat. V.I.P.A embraces change, evolvement and open mindedness. From its conception in 1988 V.I.P.A has evolved and continues to evolve as threats and evironments change. From the streets of Northern Ireland to training for possible combat against Russian Spetsnaz Special Forces to the 1991 Gulf War and beyond, V.I.P.A has adapted to its environment and continues to do so with civilian, police and close protection applications. V.I.P.A is in reality a sphere of influence and at its centre are the Core Concepts, the vital skills that are required of any means of combat. There is nothing new in the skills of the Core Concepts, many people practice them as part of a whole system of combat or as part of their own cross training program. The Core Concepts are only a means to an end. The means are the strategies, tactics and techniques themselves. The end, well that has many forms, is it to win in your next street encounter, not to get into any encounters at all, to protect your family, safely detain a suspect or win and live on the battlefield and in harmony after the battle is over. The only real end result is what you as an individual are training for.

Makers Quarter

makers quarter



Makers Quarter was formed in response to a number of issues facing the independent makers of Manchester. High commercial rents, impractical spaces, and isolation are major problems experienced by many. We felt passionately about finding a solution for this and believe that a shared workshop space is the solution. Manchester was at the heart of the Industrial Revolution and sadly over the years industry has been swapped for office space and city center flats. There needs to be a balance to help small independent businesses thrive and we think the Makers Quarter is a great start! Makers quarter will not only be providing space but a creative community and exciting lessons to the public. Having access to a shared workshop, studio spaces and craft tables in the heart of the city will encourage all types of makers to come together. Having tested the water in a small workshop in collaboration with 3space the positive response has encouraged us to open a larger space. We have searched endlessly to find a suitable location for our members and Makers Quarter in now finally a reality! Our 7500sq ft workshop in central Manchester has great transport connections. Cornbrook tram stop is just a 6 minute walk away and a foot/cycle path along the canal cuts through Castlefield locks and takes you straight into town in less than 15 minutes. Makers Quarter is shared between our members and divided up into larger studio spaces, pods, craft tables and a separate wood workshop for all to access. Creating this community allows us to provide a hassle free, creative space at affordable rates. By offering flexible space on both a permanent and pop up basis we aim to support makers of all levels. Anyone can join, whether they are a professional maker, need a workbench for a weekend hobby, or would like to learn new skills. We will be offering classes in all sorts of interesting crafts such as ceramics, woodwork, Upholstery, furniture making, leather work and many more....check on our members page for upcoming classes or to book a slot in the workshop.

The Movement Revolution by Cheshire Pilates

the movement revolution by cheshire pilates

Hi, I am so happy you can join me. I am looking forward to getting to know you and helping you on your journey to a healthier life. Together we can make a difference to the quality of your life through fun classes, the support of a like-minded community of people who ‘have your back’, along with challenges to encourage and keep you motivated. My name is Suzanne Rogers, and despite being a middle-aged woman (how did that happen?!), I am still deeply passionate about living and enjoying life to the full. For those who don’t yet know me, I love keeping active; if I am not dancing, or teaching Pilates, you will find me upside down in the gym. Upside down you may wonder. Well apart from the obvious anti-gravity effects I am hoping this will have on my face, my latest challenge is improving my handstand. You see, I am a great believer in embracing our inner child; it is still there deep within each of us, and we should allow that version of us a little more time to be free, to play, to wonder, and to try new things without allowing the perceived boundaries of our age to limit us. My suggestion to everyone would be to play more, laugh more, move more, and live your life the way you would like to, not to limit yourself based purely on your age. Discover that childlike version of yourself, believe that you are never too old to try new things, to learn new skills, and stick out your tongue to anyone who tries to tell you otherwise!! Movement is the elixir of life, and I am passionate about sharing my joy of movement with you. Our bodies are designed to be moved, and if we are sedentary, they will ultimately let us down. Just like a car that is unused and un-cared for, it will become rusty, and prone to breaking down. Sadly, we are often more willing to care for the things that we own like our homes, or our cars whereas in reality, our bodies are our lifelong homes and our means of transport: they deserve to be cared for, nourished, and loved so that we can enjoy freedom of movement throughout our lives. Use it or lose it!

The Institute of Art and Ideas

the institute of art and ideas


There is little that we can be certain about, but we can be confident that a time will come when our current beliefs and assumptions are seen as mistaken, our heroes - like the imperial adventurers of the past - are regarded as villains, and our morality is viewed as bigoted prejudice. So the IAI seeks to challenge the notion that our present accepted wisdom is the truth. It aims to uncover the flaws and limitations in our current thinking in search of alternative and better ways to hold the world. The IAI was founded in 2008 with the aim of rescuing philosophy from technical debates about the meaning of words and returning it to big ideas and putting them at the centre of culture. Not in aid of a more refined cultural life, but as an urgent call to rethink where we are. That rethinking is urgent and necessary because the world of ideas is in crisis. The traditional modernist notion that we are gradually uncovering the one true account of reality has been undermined by a growing awareness that ideas are limited by culture, history and language. Yet in a relative world the paradoxes of postmodern culture has left us lost and confused. We do not know what to believe, nor do we know how to find the answers. The IAI was founded to help address this intellectual crisis. Our research and editorial teams have worked around the clock to face up to this challenge and unearth fresh ways of thinking that might guide us in an uncertain world. When, with the founding of the IAI, we declared that philosophy and big ideas should be at the heart of our culture, we did not do so out of reverence for ideas or an attachment to the academy and intellectual life. We did so because it is these core thoughts and ideas that determine the character of our world and our lives. It is our vision that philosophy and big ideas are not a pleasant reflective addition to our everyday lives but an essential determinant of who and where we are and of what is possible. At the IAI we are committed to finding new and better ways to make sense of the world so that we can navigate a brighter future in an increasingly dangerous world.

Forest Schooling Uk

forest schooling uk


BushKraft Forest School CIC (Community Interest Company) is a NON profit organisation working with people of all ages and abilities. We also work with and in partnership with other organisations including schools, social care and charities. A CIC is usually formed from people with a passion to want to try and alleviate problems that have identified in there local area or area of expertise. BushKraft is no different and wants to tackle the social issues, build confidence in everyone and improve peoples opportunities and situations. One of our skills is keeping families together and promoting well being, positive communication, positiveness and bonding as a unit rather than individuals. Most companies are formed to make money for the directors and share holders. A CIC is formed to help the community around its existence. When you pay a Community Interest Company you are helping others by us putting our profits back into the community. A CIC has to do this like a charity and is regulated with rules from the government and HMRC. Traditional forest school is not by far a new concept. Outdoor leaning and its benefits have been around since 19th century. One of many outdoor educators was Baden Powel who in 1907 formed the scouting organisation which has grown massively into what it is today. Traditional forest school is child led. This does not mean we just let them run wild and boss us around, but we do not set a specific curriculum. We facilitate their learning at a speed and style that suits the individual. Our high ratio's of adult to child allows children to learn and explore the woodland and nature around them. Our mission is to get children outside into nature enjoying themselves, playing with other children. Over the years technology is so advanced, (games consoles get "virtual" reality and mobile phones are really mini computers.) Children are spending less time outdoors especially in the winter months. Although we are not against technology we strongly believe in a child's right to play, explore, take risks, and be part of the natural world around them. Forest school is based more on the process of learning than it is on the content. This means instead of planning each session to the nearest minute, children can go off as things take their interest. More often than not as Forest leaders our planned sessions end up completely unplanned as the children explore nature.

Pro Life Fitness Centre

pro life fitness centre


We first opened our doors in June 1990 in a small 3,000 ft industrial unit in Espedair Street in Paisley. The fitness industry was very much in its infancy back in those days with no other stand-alone gyms or sports clubs in the Paisley area. Pro life was very much ahead of its time and one of a kind. Alex Whelan (7 times Scottish Body Building Champion) and family friend Brian Corkindale formed a partnership to create a state-of-the-art fitness centre in the heart of Paisley. Cybex fitness equipment and Startrac cardio machines were imported from America and over £10k was invested in fitness testing equipment. The dream very quickly became a reality and Pro-Life was born. The facility in Espedair Street quickly took off and was a major success. Alex saw the potential for expansion and in Feb 1993, Pro-Life embarked on a new chapter moving to a purpose built 12,000 sq ft unit and grew from 500 to 1200 members on its opening day. The same year Brian left the business to focus on the licensed trade leaving Alex as sole owner with the ambition to grow the business to new heights. Over the years, many further expansions and improvements have taken place to develop the centre to what we see now – an amazing 30,000 sq ft health & fitness centre with a separate stand alone five-a-side football complex incorporating 5 parks, function room, sports bar and cafe. In 2014 Pro Life entered an new exciting chapter when Alex made the decision to licence the main gym to Renfrewshire Sports Charity. The business is now run by a Board of Trustees as a registered charity. All profits made from trading go to our 2 charities – The Accord and St Vincent’s Hospices as well as supporting young up and coming talented sportspeople in the Renfrewshire Area. In November 2019 Pro Life entered the National Fitness Awards for the first time and won both categories we entered – Best Gym In Scotland and UK Strength Gym of the Year – in what was a night we will never forget. A fitting tribute to all our amazing members who have supported the gym for the last 30 years in Paisley and to Alex and all the staff that have made it what it is over the last 30 years.

Way2BetterBusiness Coaching

way2betterbusiness coaching

I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw ~ Proverbs 24:32 My extensive professional experience in the various aspects of business has set me on a mission to help business leaders turn their vision into reality – one step at a time. Throughout the years, I have had successes, learnt from costly mistakes, made wise decisions, learnt from not so wise ones, all of which have contributed to who I am today and prepared me for my mission. So basically, I'm not perfect. However, I'm grateful for every experience because there was always a lesson to learn. I remember years ago my dad once said to me, "Whether your experience is a good or bad one, there is always a lesson. Your job is to learn from it and move on". I've never forgotten that since. As a result, I am a much stronger person today and in a much better position to serve my clients and of course, you. Although my role as a coach is to help you to help yourself by giving you the ownership of change, I can guarantee you that I will not sit there and watch you make the same mistakes I've made in the past. Some of my experience are in the following fields: Business Coaching Entrepreneurship Chair of Committee of a passionate Community Group Board member of Charitable Organisations Steering Committee of a Funding Organisation School Governance Business Management Business Finance Project Management Public Speaking Operations Customer Service Over 10 years Banking and Finance Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights ~ Proverbs 18:15 I take self-development seriously and I’m on an on-going quest to be the best business coach to my clients that I can possibly be. Therefore I try to keep up-to-date with training in areas which I know will help me to better serve you. Here are some of my qualifications: Certified in Business Coaching and Mentoring Certified in Life Coaching Governing Business Activities Business and Leadership Business Analysis Business Organisation and Environment Business Finance 1st class degree in International Business and Level 3 in Teaching Adults in Life Long Learning Sector My coaching training has been with the UK Personal Development Academy (UKPDA), The Coaching Academy as well as Renaissance Training Academy.